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In case the three parties contradict each other, then living in Rome could become like running on thorns. As explained, each party controls crucial departments which are integral to the development of the economy in Rome. If the consuls do not agree with the decisions of the senate then the country’s security would be in trouble causing the businesses running in the country, to fear for their lives. Similarly, if the senate refuses to pay for the working committee, then the revenue of the country could get a deep hemorrhage resulting in a large number of people losing out on their jobs. On the other hand, If people fail to execute their rights properly by acknowledging committed performances from their compatriots or punishing the guilty properly or even if they contradict the senate with regard to ramifications or penalties, then that could also ruin the lives of people as those carrying out illegal activities may feel even more comfortable knowing that the government is not providing proper penalties.
In my personal opinion, as mentioned above, the rules and regulations, the policies, all could become the best ones available only if the three parties of the government work in unison. If they work in agreement then of all the laws and policies of the government, the ability of the people to decide on punishments and rewards given to their compatriots and to people belonging to higher positions of the government could be the best effective policy. It is similar to auditing an organization for its irregularities and improper management. If the organization is clean with its records then the organization could achieve success in all quarters. If faults are found, the audit would help them to rectify the mistakes and push them toward achieving their goal. So, similar to the above example, if the people look over the actions and activities of both the government and the people in a proper manner such that the achiever and lawbreaker are rightfully attended to, then there is every possibility for the other two parties of the government to execute their actions in a proper manner. Greek polis was contrastingly different from that of Rome. When compared with the Greek polis, the three forms of the ruling were done in kind of a sequential manner and not all at once. For example, Athens was first monarchial and then Oligarchy came into existence. Finally, democracy spread its roots across the country.
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