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Web Page Classifier System Logic & Programming Assignment
12 pages (3417 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
With a classification of documents, there is a need to be accurate and keep the integrity of information at par. When coming up with a classifier system, these are the issues that come into play. Most developers of these systems ensure that they come up with a system that will make it easy to manage articles and to easily get around them.
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Crowdsourcing in Application and Its Challenges Logic & Programming Assignment
6 pages (1590 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The information processed from this activity is then used in making decisions. Crowdsourcing does not have a solid definition since it is a wide field with different applications. Many businesses, parties, researchers, scholars, and institutions have different definitions and uses of this business term.
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Software Project Management: Crowdsourcing Logic & Programming Essay
7 pages (2061 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Seamus Condron, in his article why the power of crowdsourcing is driving the future of business, expresses how amazing crowdsourcing can be when they wanted a design of their book cover, ‘one book, one Twitter, #1bit’, they got massive covers and the project manager only selected the top three covers where one was to be adopted.
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Effect of Internet Regulation on Chinese and Industry Logic & Programming Assignment
8 pages (2454 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The differences went a notch higher after the U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton admonished the Chinese government over internet censorship. In his response, Ma Zhaoxu, the Foreign Ministry spokesman for China, proclaimed his disregard for Clinton’s statement stating that it was an attempt by Washington to meddle in China's internal affairs.
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Current Status of Situation Awareness and Motion Detection Logic & Programming Thesis
28 pages (7340 words) , Thesis
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The problem that is attached to the testbed is that the number of real cameras and RFID readers are limited; this is an indication that large scale evaluation will not be successful. The experiment has put in place for camera sensors, four RFID readers, and four motion detection, all are meant for only a single object tracking.
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Foundation for E-health Services and Their Social Benefits in Australia Logic & Programming Essay
10 pages (2679 words) , Download 0 , Essay
One of the contributions is towards the health professionals and patient care within Australia through telehealth and telemedicine. Some obstacles can be addressed to enhance the healthcare system in remote areas. Solutions to overcoming such obstacles will be discussed in the last section of the paper. 
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Identity Theft in the United Kingdom Logic & Programming Essay
9 pages (2539 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Fraudsters impersonate employees of legit organizations and enquire for personal details from an individual. In the past, third parties could only access such information through the carelessness of the individual including not taking the relevant precautions to safeguard their personal information.
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Forensic Analysis of Private Browsing Modes Logic & Programming Assignment
11 pages (3549 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
Evidence that is presented from the investigations of computer forensics must be subjected to practices and guidelines that are designed for the purposes of other digital evidence (Eoghan, 2002). It has been used for many years for very high-profile cases and it has been adopted mainly in the United States of America as well as in many countries in Europe court systems.
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Network Access Control Logic & Programming Assignment
2 pages (586 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
20% of systems that are managed are already at some point compromised, also 20% of corporate systems networks are not being managed entirely which brings to light the vulnerability to productivity loss or critical systems abuse. Network access control is a security solution designed to curb security threats and ensure compliance by putting in place IT security protocols prior to network access. 
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Knowledge and Change Management, Ethics and Professionalism in Information Technology Logic & Programming Assignment
6 pages (1667 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
There are many issues that have been said of information technology in the course of this learning. There are many things that I have learned and I have had my own reflections on these things. This paper will give a reflection on the things that I have learned in the course of my learning concerning the various aspects of information technology.
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Information Security Policies Logic & Programming Assignment
9 pages (2638 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
In addition, information security policies should be placed into the situation by any enterprise that has a computer and communication network. However, these kinds of policies yes are very complicated to plan as well as implement, but sound information security policies are formulated simply to facilitate an operation to care for its data with relative ease.
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Growth of Electronic Connectivity Logic & Programming Assignment
15 pages (4039 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
Over the last two decades, organizations across the globe have witnessed dramatic changes in their business operations. These changes are a result of the evolving technological landscape that has ushered in new ways of performing transactions. This has given birth to the networks and subsequently the Internet hence electronic commerce.
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Network Operating Systems Past and Present Logic & Programming Essay
9 pages (2557 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The Mac OS X Server on the other hand is a type of network operating system that emanated from the UNIX system the difference being that the Mac OS X server operating system, includes a work group of management and administrative program tools that give access to crucial tasks of the network which is not difficult.
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The Difference between Kernel Mode and User Mode Logic & Programming Assignment
6 pages (1519 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
In Kernel mode, the running program code has maximum and free access to the underlying hardware. It can run any central processing unit instruction and refer to any address in memory. Kernel mode is dedicated to low-level, trustworthy operating system functions. In case of any crash in mode, it is vital since they halt the entire computer.
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Continuity and Montage Logic & Programming Essay
8 pages (2129 words) , Download 0 , Essay
In the video, a step-by-step procedure of preparation of Arabian coffee is given starting by identifying the ingredients and ending with how the coffee is served.  The shooting of the video is done in accordance with all video graphic rules resulting in a high quality video that promises to maintain the audience's attention till the end.
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Providing Healthcare Services Using Radio Frequency Identification Technology Logic & Programming Assignment
10 pages (2908 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
When one looks at the changes that have occurred in technology over the past few years, the development of RFID stands out. It is believed by many that the use of RFID will only increase by almost a factor of twenty by the end of 2015. Currently, the technology is used mainly for identification purposes. 
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Optical Character Recognition System Logic & Programming Assignment
6 pages (1846 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
An optical character recognition system is a kind of software that was engineered to convert typewritten or hand-written text documents into machine text that can be formatted. Entering data through optical character recognition is quite fast, more efficient and more accurate. In most cases of conversion of text, the OCR offers a substitute for keyboarding or data entry.
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Management Information Systems: Global Bike Inc Logic & Programming Assignment
9 pages (2847 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The design that was founded about twenty years ago was brought about by the need by the founders to make it easier to use them. The founders had races that they had to undertake and win but the bikes which were there at the moment could not satisfy them. They were not up to the task of race. 
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The Knowledge of the Investigating Officer for the Success of the Investigation Process Logic & Programming Essay
15 pages (4014 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The information is usually used for various reasons, and the use of the information for criminal activity has been on the rise. In a bid to curb this new wave of crime in the digital world, law enforcement agencies, corporate organizations, and other institutions are employing computer forensics in their infrastructure. 
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Change Management Frameworks of Dell Computer Corporation Logic & Programming Case Study
7 pages (1957 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The study identified unique stages of growth with various sets of problems and challenges at each stage. A case analysis of the initial B2B e-business implementation with Dell Computer Corporation and its huge corporate market customers is examined in this study. The study reveals the integration of non-ERP and ERP systems.
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The Key Principles of Cyber Forensics Logic & Programming Essay
17 pages (5434 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Crime scenes present very difficult data visualization problems because in most cases crime scenes have to be examined as fast as possible and returned to their original state. This is known to pose a lot of problems to forensic investigators who require a lot of time to record as much as they would want.
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Forensic Data Analysis Logic & Programming Essay
15 pages (4270 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Forensics toolkit manufacturers are also having a difficult time developing products that can seamlessly interface with every product in the market. It is advantageous for forensic investigators to have several selection tools at their disposal so that they may cover as many gadgets as possible during their investigation process.
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Business to Business System and Its Possible Improvement Logic & Programming Assignment
7 pages (2125 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The capabilities were not limited to the volume of data that was sent alone but also achieving high levels of accuracy. In the beginning, the implementation of the B2B solutions was performed by internal staff, the IT personnel. With the increase in business information systems, these functionalities were outsourced so that external companies would handle it, that is they were outsourced.
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Microsofts Development of Social Computing Products Logic & Programming Essay
8 pages (2137 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Microsoft, which employs about 100,000 people worldwide, has e created an internal podcasting system called “Academy Mobile” to share tacit knowledge via conversation and audio clips. Through this technology, the field sales force can download podcasts to their mobile devices (Christian, 2010). 
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Cloud Computer Forensics Logic & Programming Essay
14 pages (3935 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Computers use a wide range of software such as the Internet, office applications, and customer relationship tools. Any computer software requires repair, upgrading, and updating when necessary (Bayuk, 2010).  Cloud computing deals with these issues by offering various computer applications through the internet instead of them being fixed directly on the client’s computer. 
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Web 2.0 Computer Networking Technology Logic & Programming Assignment
2 pages (992 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
There has been research on the possibility of social networking turning around communication in companies and organizations. With the development and improvements done to Internet infrastructure, social networking is bound to grow. Companies should therefore consider this and ensure that they get the best out o the communication channels that are coming up.
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Cryptographic Protocols: Kerberos and IPSec Logic & Programming Assignment
6 pages (1895 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
Unencrypted passwords sent over the networks are vulnerable to attacks. Worst yet, other server or client applications will rely on the client program to be “honest” about the identity of the user, while other applications will depend on the client to restrict the activities of its users. Some sites will use firewalls to provide network security. 
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How the Advent of Social Networking Is Affecting the Communication Process of the Corporate World Logic & Programming Assignment
12 pages (3273 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Human beings are among the most social living things on earth. Their ability to learn and associate with each other in a harmonious manner has contributed to the success and to the advancement of many sectors of the world economy. With social networking in place, it is now possible for people in an organization to communicate efficiently.
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ERP Recommendations for Emerson Produce Logic & Programming Assignment
7 pages (2009 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Emerson Produce has employed IT-based applications to manage its 25 self-service grocery stores. The company uses computer-based systems to track and process customer orders. Shortly, the company hopes to expand its business operations dramatically, as a result, the existing computer-based systems may not be efficient enough.
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Problems to Overcome to Become Competitive Logic & Programming Assignment
6 pages (1771 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Their prices and stocking were analyzed in depth. Initial analysis showed that Metrobooks Company had more stockings at any given time compared to the three online retailers.  As you go along, you will find a discussion based on the pricing and stocking strategies of all the companies.  A recommendation part that contains some of the issues that should be addressed by the company to compete effectively is also given.
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Game Analysis of Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones Logic & Programming Essay
7 pages (2132 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones is an action-adventure game developed by Ubisoft Montreal and first released in December 2005 in North America on various video game platforms such as Xbox, PlayStation 2, and Microsoft Windows PC (Bueno 2005).  Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones is a continuation and conclusion to the storyline in the two previous games in The Sands of Time trilogy.
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Nuclear Matters Exhibition at the Powerhouse Museum Logic & Programming Assignment
15 pages (3833 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
A human-computer interface is designed in such a manner that it appeals to the user in various ways. Such an interface is supposed to contain various features that appeal to the user in terms of user-friendliness, goals destined for the user experience, design principles applied, heuristics and usability goals.
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IT Employment Market Logic & Programming Assignment
8 pages (2353 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
This paper focuses on samples of advertisements for job opportunities in the Information Technology field. It discusses the main skills that employers look for in individuals of different categories in the IT industry. In order to obtain a deeper understanding, it has given a brief overview of two career paths and what is needed in order for one to qualify for any of the two.
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Difference between Operations and Project Management Logic & Programming Research Paper
10 pages (2695 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
It is really quite essential to state that cost as an operational performance objective is becoming increasingly relevant to the growth of a business. Viability, especially today when times are difficult and costs are going up is a necessity since companies are unable to afford cost overruns in any function.
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Cloud Computing in Telecommunications and Networking Logic & Programming Assignment
11 pages (3037 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
Virtualization, utility, and autonomic computing have been adopted on a wide scale as a product of the evolution of cloud computing (Brian, 98). End users provide the details that do not need expertise in technology infrastructure or control over the same infrastructure from which they get their support.
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Cloud Computing System for Anglia Cloud Logic & Programming Assignment
5 pages (1679 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
Cloud Computing is a concept that describes the provision of IT resources via a network, usually, the Internet. Velte et al have stated that cloud computing allows users to acquire computational resources owned and managed by another entity, which is usually a vendor or a service provider. These resources include applications (software), platforms, and infrastructures, and are provided as a service.
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The Design Procedures, and Successful Implementation Principles for Service Oriented Architecture Logic & Programming Coursework
18 pages (4724 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
Service-oriented architecture is lately being acclaimed as the new trend in most IT industries. This trend has a nature that gives the IT industry the to harvest more from the investments at hand and also to offer new products and also services to faster markets in a way that is making the operational costs go down a great deal.
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Internet Use in Schools and Security Issues Logic & Programming Article
59 pages (16278 words) , Download 1 , Article
This paper shows the reasons why cybercrime is an issue in today’s society and explains the reasons why an increasing amount of criminals are choosing to turn to a virtual life of crime. Vast amounts of research have been carried out into explaining the increase in crimes committed by these criminals as well as providing a brief insight into the mind of a cybercriminal.
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Business Feasibility - Lions Hospital Group Management System Logic & Programming Assignment
13 pages (3494 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The hospital started with the acquisition of two hospitals located in Sydney City. With the acquisition of private hospitals, there will be a disparity of information systems platforms used in the various hospitals. Due to this disparity, there will be a need to have a common system that will reflect the various activities which are used in the various branches.
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Corporate Setup of Strathfield Health Centre Logic & Programming Case Study
10 pages (2988 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The emergence of new technology has revolutionized the whole world. The new technology-based systems have made our lives much easier and simple to manage. The emergence of ICT (information and communication technology) has changed the whole world and made enhanced business and corporate transformations all through the world.
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Privacy in Mobile Social Networks Logic & Programming Essay
7 pages (2046 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The availability of social relations and the preferences found in these networks have allowed the development of applications that we have not seen before. Another addition is the fact that the social network information about the owners of the devices has enabled the location and other information for these users to be made available on the online community which enables others to view the relationships of the owners.
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Requirements for Information Systems Development Logic & Programming Assignment
22 pages (6636 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The paper tells how effective information system development can be. To evaluate the requirements of information systems development in the economic units through the integrated system of accounting and administrative information the effectiveness of the newer ISD approaches, their limitations, and to what extent newer ISD approaches cater to the emergent nature of IS requirements are used.
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Decision Support Systems Logic & Programming Assignment
7 pages (1920 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
With the advent of computer technology, many techniques based on cognitive psychology and artificial intelligence have been tried in the form of computer programs. They are being used either as stand-alone tools or as integrated computing environments for complex decision-making. Such techniques are collectively known as decision support systems (DSSs).
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Information System Development to Educational Demands Logic & Programming Assignment
19 pages (5373 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
A socio-technical framework for ISD, like the Multiview/ Web Information System Development Model, is found to be an effective ISD approach since it incorporates the social situation (pedagogical theories), the technical change agents (developers), and the individuals (instructors/ courseware authors).
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Theories of Rationality Applied to Information Systems Development Logic & Programming Assignment
20 pages (5694 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The author of the paper is of the view that the main objective of the theory of rationality is to come up with a set of rules and principles that could set a standard for humans to reason precisely or rationally. The focus is not on the outcome of rational acts but on making rational choices in a number of assumptions. 
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Management Information System and System Implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning Logic & Programming Term Paper
10 pages (3095 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
There is a drastic change in the market situation for industries with the advent of globalization. Industries are restructuring their business activities by entering into joint ventures with other organizations in their industry. Advanced technologies are helpful to the managers in encountering the major business challenges of the global economy.
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Management in Information System Development Logic & Programming Assignment
10 pages (3117 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
In light of the traditional, technical perspective on ISD with recent emphasis on social and organizational perspectives for improving system quality, it is important to understand the level to which such perspectives are present in developers’ behavior and assumptions. It is not easy for developers who till now have been working based on their own experience and assumptions to suddenly work per a structured process.
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Mobile Phone and Health Problems Logic & Programming Assignment
7 pages (2316 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The Mobile Telecommunications and Research Communications Programme (MTHR) in coordination with IEGMP (Independent Expert Group on Mobile Phones) identified the possible effects of mobile phone signals on humans, particularly children - this research is based on the negative effects of RF signals on the nervous system and other cognitive functions of children.
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Factors of E-Learning Adoption Logic & Programming Assignment
20 pages (5738 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
This is the reality that regardless of the proliferation of technology, many countries are still incredulous and indisposed to accept the e-Learning education strategy. Technology acceptance and factors surrounding e-Learning adoption are still a big issue, particularly in a country where culture and technology are inseparable.
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Network Management Structure Logic & Programming Assignment
6 pages (1669 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Policy Based Network Management (PBNM) is not an ordinary subject or simple stream of information, it requires a good deal of search. This subject remained a focus of professionals’ attention during the last decade. Now PBNM is thought to be a source of managing IP-based networking as well that assures better quality and high integration.
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