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The System of School of Business and Economics Qatar University - Case Study Example

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"The System of School of Business and Economics Qatar University" paper states that giving students an option to interact with lecturers in a social network platform not only gives them a superb learning experience but also a chance to be close with one another. …
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The System of School of Business and Economics Qatar University
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Running head: System design Paper Business Case/Issue A myriad of educators across the globe are championing for high interactive learning experience powered by current technology in various institutions across the globe. They hold that technological enabled interactive platform not only give students an opportunity to raise questions but also helps in building their personality. The constant upsurge in technological advancements can be used to enhance learning experience amongst students. Learning institutions that have capitalized in the growing technology to create an interactive learning experience amongst students have seen the development of all rounded mature students. Doing that requires an overhaul of the current underlying pedagogy and the current systems that are currently used in the classrooms. Qatar University has thousands of students coming from different parts of the globe. Some of the students are not able to ask questions during their learning sessions in the classrooms. Building a system that will enable them interacts with others and lecturers will give them a real learning experience. The developed system will increase the pedagogical interaction between lecturers and students and amongst students themselves. The tool will act as academic media network where all the students and lecturers of Qatar University can share knowledge and skills on different subjects and demonstrate their knowledge on specific subjects/issues to other members of the network as a way of sharing knowing. Objectives of the project Some of the project objectives include To provide an interactive platform to both students and lecturers of Qatar university To build an effective social network that enables students to share their ideas and vies on different subjects To improve secure online communication between students and lecturers of Qatar University. Build a strong foundation towards achieving some of the key learning objectives To build a system that increases the pedagogical interaction between the students and lecturers of Qatar University. Project Overview Basic requirements The project will build a well organized system that can store data, ease communication and interaction between students and lecturers. Hardware - Computers/laptops and iPods’ Phones Software’s to helping building the system Server that facilitates communication that must be stored in a secure place Student’s coordinators who will develop and monitor the working of the developed program The last requirement is a mandate from the University senate to build the platform. N/B: The project will be anchored on PRINCE2 principles and the university senate will act as the body to issue the corporate mandate to carry out the project. System Overview The system is intended to provide all tools which are required for the interaction of students and lectures of school of business and economics Qatar University. The system is built on a secure platform whereby only the users can have an opportunity to view the discussions and interactions. However, the university senate members also have the access to view the discussions that are going on and also air there views. There presence is to ensure that the entire discussions that are being undertaken are within the university rules and regulations. The users of the system will mainly be students and lecturers of CBE. All of them will be provided with login credentials that enable them to access the system and participate on various discussions. Users are able to choose on different learning options when in the system. They will have an option of entering personal information on their profile page like their name, departments, area of specialization, photo, contact information and short description about themselves that includes their strengths and weaknesses. Some of the information on the profile are however optional and students are not obliged to key them. The system gives the users an option to specify their skills and area of expertise that they are willing to offer to the users. The system has listed various skill areas that they are willing to participate in. Each of the skill topic areas comprises of title, like system analysis, accounting, and application of systems on business analysis amongst others. There is also the option of including a short description on the skills and knowledge that the users can offer on the specified areas. There is also a list of tags that are specified in the section. A tag is delineated as a term or a keyword that is used in the classification of the skill topic within the existing category so as to make the search easier to find when users are doing the search. Example of the key works include, statistics, business, UML, Use case. Within the skill areas, the system gives the users an opportunity to add, view, edit and delete some of the specified topics. Within the third option, users have the opportunity, to define some of the topics in which they require assistance; which should comprise of a title, short description and list of tags. When any of the users add a help topic, the users that are offering the skills for the help topic will be notified. When they login, they will see the notification on the tab. When any user intends to help on a specific topic, they can post answers to the discussion thread. The system also gives the option of many helpers to post their answers or help. After looking at all the answers provided the user who posted the question can look at them and pick on the best answer. The system also gives the users an opportunity to see some of the statics information about their activities in the system. It is a way of self evaluation and performance on the system. The statistics areas include, the skill topics, help topics, given bets answer and gained best answers. Apart from knowing others in the system, it also gives user an opportunity to know whether they are skilled in a particular area and whether other students depend on their answers. Project scope This is a fixed price project. As per PRINCE2, the senior user of the project will be the school of business and economics. The senior supplier will be the specific group students and the executive will be the lecturer. The senior user has committed USD20 000 to see successful implementation of the project. Upon the system completion, the interface will have the following; The hardware (server, computers and laptops) that ensures that all members are connected and able to participate Login section that enables users to key in their details The skill section that enables the students to add their skills Help section that gives students an opportunity to ask questions and offer assistance on some of the areas they have specialized on There is also chat area where the students can privately chart with the person who is able and willing to help The 1resource area where there are different relevant university publications to help students refers on answers. The statistics area where students are able to view and analyze their performance while on the system. (Jaffe, 1997) Approach The team that is in charge of building the system must always provide stage plans and constantly review the existing ones to ensure that everything is going on as planned. The senior user must ensure that there are team plans from, the team managers They should also encourage different periodic meetings to ensure that everything is being followed The senior user should also provide relevant information and materials that will be used during the project implementation. All the project members are required to commit their time to ensure that there is successful implementation of the project. The persons involved and responsibilities Name Title and contacts Roles Team appointed by the university senate Corporate management Gives and provides the project mandate Ensure that the senior users are responsible on project implementation Lecturer in charge Executive Responsible for the development of business case, project initiation document and other review benefits throughout the project Ensure that there is documentation of benefits review plan Students and lectures of SBE Senior User Identifies the benefits that must be achieved by the project upon its completion Always check with the senior supplier on any requirements Head of department in the school of Business and Economics Qatar University Senior supplier Is responsible for suppliers business case Responsible for all the risks that the project is likely to incur Ensure that the system is designed and presented as requested for by the senior user Confirm that all the required products will be delivered within the stipulated time. Students leading the design Project Manger Ensure the preparation of business case on behalf of the executive Ensure that all the stage plans are presented to the project board Update the project team on any expected economic or financial challenges that the project might face Ensure that the project plan is updates at the end of each management stage Ensure that the project board is updated on any exceptions or issues that the project is likely to face during implementation Ensures that the exception report is prepared in time and submitted to the board He/she is the owner or risks that is likely to be incurred Ensure that the lessons learnt are Properly stipulated in the lesson plan prepared during project closing stage. Ensure a full closure of the project, both operationally and financially Project Budget System Project for School of Business and Economics Qatar University SL No. Costs Unit Type No. of Units Unit Cost Value (USD) Comments 1 Direct Personnel Costs           1.1 Project Manager Month 3 1,000 3,000   1.3 Project s support team Month 3 500 1,500   1.4 Programmer Month 2 1,500 3,000   1.5 IT Specialist Month 2 1,000 2,000   1.6 Subtotal       9,500   2 Direct Costs of the Project           2.1 Hardware devices Lump sum     1,000     Servers Lump sum     1,500 2.2 Communications Month 1 100 100 2.4 Software       -   Licensed software Lump sum 1 500 500 2.8 External Evaluation Lump sum     1,000   2.9 Maintenance, software development and equipment purchase Month 10 200 2,000 10 month maintenance, 3 Server room maintenance and renovation   1 500 1,500   3.1 Contingency lump sum     1,900   3.1 Other costs       1,000   3.2 Subtotal       10,500   5 TOTAL       20,000                 Feasibility Study A project usually uses the feasibility study in order to asses the fact that the project being undertaken will give value for money as stipulated in the project initiation document (PID). As the project is being implemented, the project manager must ensure that the feasibility assessment is done and if there is anything that is in exception or an issue, it should be rerecorded in the daily log and reported to the board. Some of the main reasons why feasibility study is important include; It gives the project the required focus It helps in the identification of new opportunities to the project It helps in narrowing down to some of the key activities of the project Its also identifies some of the issues that might result into the failure of the project It also provides some of the core fundamental reasons why the project board should give a go ahead to the project. It enhances the success chances of the project Technical Feasibility The new system will ensure that the students use the current programming skills when developing the system. It will also ensure that both the software and the hardware used are up to date and secure, and can help withstand the data flow and traffic of information. The students who will develop the system must have necessary online security skills to reduce the chances of hackers taking users private data. The security system will be updated on a dial basis to ensure privacy. The senior supplier is expected to present the prototype to the senior user so that they can take decision on whether to accept it or reject. It should be able to meet the current and future needs of the department. (Hofstrand, & Holz-Clause, 2006) Operational feasibility Operational feasibility is usually used in providing required information on some of the key operational problems to be urgently handled. The system that is to be adopted by the school of business and economics will help users exchange information and ideas and therefore giving them the opportunity to have superb learning experience. Students will have an opportunity to ask questions, interact with the lecturers and share some of their challenges. They are given the opportunity to prove their skills through helping other students address some of the questions posed. There will be constant evaluation of the system by the administration to analyze on whether its helping the students and whether the core objectives are being met. Financial and Economic Feasibility The project is estimated to cost USD 20,000. The project board has also stipulated some of the credit requirements to ensure that the project is successful. The budget has been prepared with the contingency line to meet any other needs. The economic changing times is expected to affect the project given inflation and changes in the prices of some of the materials. Risk Feasibility Risks are inevitable and every project is expected to face some risks. The configuration management strategy which is part of the project initiation document has stipulated some of the ways to deal with the expected risks. The project manager expects high information flow and hacking as some of the key risks that they need to deal with. The budget has also set up a contingency line that will help in dealing with the expected risks. The risks as stipulated in the configuration management strategy document ca n be accepted, transferred, dealt with or ignored if the impact is not likely to affect the successful implementation of the project. The option to be adopted depends on the risk and threat it poses. Market Feasibility Having identified the students and lecturers demands and needs, the system designed is expected to give students a real learning experience. It will also develop their personality and ability to raise some key issues and concerns. The system will make it easier for the stud3ents to express their views, share information and interact with others. Through various engagement and discussions, they are also in a position to expand their ideas and knowledge on specific issues. Through required information sharing, the department will ensure that all students within the department are able to access the site via the login details they will be given. (Hofstrand, & Holz-Clause, 2006) Legal feasibility The project is legally feasible and has been given the green light by the corporate body which is the team appointed by the senate. The project has considered all the paper work required by the institution and confirms that everything has been availed. The project team members led by the project manager have consulted with the University’s legal team and the department board who have given the go ahead for the project. Organizational feasibility There is a clear structure on how the project will be implemented. It clearly stipulated various persons who are in-charge of the projects implementation and the stages. After getting the full mandate from the senate led group, the project board stipulates the role of every project team member. Schedule feasibility Costs and time are important factors in the successful implementation of the project. The project should be cost effective and saves the company time when handling some of its internal processes. The senior user has projected an approximated 3 months required time from the initiation stage to its full launch. Methodology Justification AS discussed above, the entire project will follow the PRINCE2 guidelines. The guidelines provide a clear mechanisms and ways through which a project should be managed. Project in a controlled environment ensures that each and every goal and stipulated objectives are achieved. The projects give the manager an option to stipulate the business/project case. The document which is prepared by the project manager stipulates the reason as to why the project is necessary. The corporate body will then give mandate for the project to go ahead. The PRINCE2 approach clearly presents the roles of each and every person and some of the documents which must be presented during the project implementation. The methodology of project implementation was picked by the paper because it provides clear guidelines on how to measure the deliverables. It also gives an opportunity for the project manager to analyze whether the objectives as stipulated have been achieved. PERT The project will be launched on the 1st of August and is expected to be completed by 1st November 2015. PERT Chart which stands for Program Evaluation Review Technique is a project management tool that is used in scheduling, organizing and coordination of various tasks within a project. The PERT for our project as stipulated below No Activity Date 1 Start of the project 1st August 2015 2 Creation of a schedule 1st August 2015 3 Purchase of hardware 11th August 2015 4 Purchase of software 13th August 2015 5 Installation 16th August 2015 6 Conversation 18th August 2015 7 Training 24th August 2015 8 Test code 19th August 2015 9 designing 1st September 2015 10 Test and system 30th September 2015 11 preparation of user manual 1st October 2015 12 Test of the user manual and system 8th October 2015 13 Update meeting 10th October 2015 14 testing the codes 12th October 2015 15 test practice 15th October 2015 16 meeting with the board 19th October 2015 17 Briefing the users 20th October 2015 18 Security test 22nd October 2015 19 training 25th October 2015 20 test code and launching 1st November 2015 Work Breakdown Structure Work breakdown structure is delineated as hierarchical and incremental project decomposition into different phases, work packages and deliverables. It is shows various sub division of different efforts which are required towards achieving a specific objective for instance, project, program and a contract. (Jaffe, 1997) Conclusion It is axiomatic to squabble that the growth of technology has changed learning in a number of institutions across the globe. Giving students an option to interact with lecturers in a social network platform not only gives them a superb learning experience but also a chance to be close with one another. This important project will change learning experience in the system References Hofstrand, D., and Holz-Clause, M., (2006), “Feasibilty Study Outline” Ag Decision Maker. File C5-66. Jaffe, J., (1997), "The Systems Design Phase", in Perry E. Rosove(ed.), Developing Computer-Based Information Systems, J Wiley. Read More
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