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Sex Insomnia Gender & Sexual Studies Report
4 pages (1295 words) , Download 0 , Report
It is highly relevant that intensive study and research gets done on the matter, in order to come up with solid solutions to eradicate sexsomnia. Initiation of awareness campaigns will help those who suffer from it, to come in the open, and received treatment before it develops in advanced stages (Culebras, 2010).
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Labyrinth Project - the Role of Women in Leadership Gender & Sexual Studies Statistics Project
4 pages (1309 words) , Download 0 , Statistics Project
The White House Project, in their report, Benchmarking Women’s Leadership states that the US is nowhere near where she needs to be when it comes to representation in leadership positions. The report revealed the misrepresentation of women at the helms of the fields reviewed; they held 18 percent of top leadership positions.
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Gender Behaviors in Battle of Algiers and A Widows Voice Gender & Sexual Studies Movie Review
4 pages (1103 words) , Download 0 , Movie Review
In Mother India, Radha Sukhilala’s daughter in spite of all that he had done to her before and in A Widow’s Voice, the narrator asks Allal to allot her an empty house after the war because she had lost all her sons in the war while Allal was hiding in a cave but Allal does not let her occupy one unless she has paid for it.
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Killing Us Softly: Advertising's Image of Women Gender & Sexual Studies Movie Review
4 pages (1271 words) , Download 0 , Movie Review
According to Arthurs, sex and the city reveals post-feminist sensibilities that focus on its discourse and conversation (Thornhorn). Moreover, the definition of postfeminism is widely debated but it is pointed out that postfeminism of a second- wave that is achieved from its societal aims and goals as well as that of women on small screens who act and behave like men.
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Feminist Theory and Its Application in White Collar Crime Gender & Sexual Studies Research Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
Further evidence suggests that when issues such as family roles and offense circumstances are taken into consideration, gender offers an insignificant impact on the court decision. Finally, the other concern over the feminist theory is the fact that the variables that relate to male offending are similar to those of female offenses 
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Human Sexuality: The Difference Between Men and Women Gender & Sexual Studies Research Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
It has also used evidence from previous research to validate some of the reasons why it makes certain conclusions. It is however notable that the article in the popular media has largely majored on the fact that there are marginal differences in management styles between men and women as a universal rule
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IT, Gender and Ethnicity Gender & Sexual Studies Report
4 pages (1024 words) , Download 0 , Report
In the current speedy technologically advancing world, a significant number of societal developments transpire because of several issues in the day-to-day way of life. Because most people all over the globe prefer to listen and read various articles or any information that they stop by. Learning and communicating with individuals at the far end was a great predicament to all members of society.
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Entrepreneurship and Women Gender & Sexual Studies Report
4 pages (1166 words) , Download 0 , Report
It appears that women are getting a more controlling existence in today’s wealth management scenario also. Mompreneurship is quite suitable for women and there are key points to support this: almost one-third of the capital within North America is managed by women and it is showing yearly growth of eight percent. 
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Struggle of Women's Sexuality Gender & Sexual Studies Research Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
When it comes to matters of woman sexuality, this topic is dealt with under different considerations. Women sexuality not only does it vary from state to state but also from one domain to the other. Women sexuality is normally is viewed from various perspectives; socially, physically, politically and culturally (Alexander et al. 4).
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The History of Racial Discrimination in America Gender & Sexual Studies Essay
4 pages (1004 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Asians and Africans in America contribute more than 30% to the tax revenue and still, they are not given what they deserve. It has been observed that the majority of executive and managerial position in both public and private sector is occupied by Whites and Blacks being deprived of their basic rights occupy the majority of prison cells in America.
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How Women Progress in Post World War II Labor Force Was Shaped by Political and Social Struggles Gender & Sexual Studies Essay
4 pages (1223 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The situation of professional women in the labor industry has dramatically changed during the past fifty years. Women have greatly expanded their career aspirations and are no longer confined in the home. Women were traditionally known for their role of nurturing and taking care of their children as well as husbands.
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Recognizing Practical Maneuverings to Restrict Occurrences of Child Molestation Gender & Sexual Studies Research Paper
4 pages (1342 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
Parents, schools, churches, and community groups must work together to develop prevention programs that can incorporate parent training into prevention programs and encourage reporting. The current knowledge about typology can help future researchers in developing an improved understanding of the etiology of child molestation.
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The Art of Seduction Gender & Sexual Studies Essay
4 pages (1016 words) , Download 0 , Essay
John Donne wrote both Apparition and The Flea where many similarities and dissimilarities exist. The common themes between the two are death, bed, sleep, love, and element of seduction blatant in The Flea, hidden in the Apparition. The Flea could be described as the lover’s desire to become a flea to derive enhanced access into the female body.
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The Issue of Sanctioning Gay Marriages Gender & Sexual Studies Essay
4 pages (1095 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The moral issues regarding raising children are also contrived. Many assume that homosexual couples are unable to raise children properly but fail to see that there are many among the heterosexual couples who are unfit to be parents. Moreover, the unnecessary fear about the negative impact of homosexual parents arises from baseless prejudices.
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Human Rights and Its Connection with Gay Marriages Gender & Sexual Studies Essay
4 pages (1248 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Prior to receiving fair treatment and equal rights, women in general also fought for their equal rights and justice with men. (Human Rights Watch, 2008)  Based on the survey results, it is not really impossible for the time to come whereby more individuals would become more open-minded with the issue of gay marriages.
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Feminism from Different Perspectives Gender & Sexual Studies Essay
4 pages (1183 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Many women, even in upper-class families, were not taught to read. As many women could not read, they were unable to learn from many of the great thinkers throughout history, so in this way, men had an advantage over women, but many men thought that women’s intelligence was a matter of a natural thing, not a matter of education.
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Same-Sex Marriage in the USA Gender & Sexual Studies Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The author states that the social perspectives, religious convictions, economic arguments, health-related problems, and various related issues etc enhance the scope of the discussions regarding same-sex marriage. The religious arguments, which relate to the questions about children and family, arguments with reference to divorce rates and reproduction.
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History of Feminist Movement Gender & Sexual Studies Essay
4 pages (1030 words) , Download 0 , Essay
While there are many other interesting developments, the decline of feminism is the most interesting. This is because several internal and external causes can be used as the reasons why the movement declined. Their comparative importance and the impact these internal and external causes had on the speed and the nature of the decline.
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The Cult of True Womanhood by Barbara Welter Gender & Sexual Studies Essay
4 pages (1025 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Welter’s argument is also very convincing, again for the same reasons that she is able to not only mention and describe what a true woman is, but she is also able to point out and describe why women should be that way. She is able to make women feel important despite the fact that, in truth, they are required to do less than men, physically.
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The Risks of Contracting HIV Gender & Sexual Studies Essay
4 pages (1317 words) , Download 0 , Essay
There seem to be prospects in the future of gay men's sexuality if the constitution is going to allow gay unions. More people may end up joining the gay population when it will be supported by constitutions. This is because isolation of the gay population may come to an end hence promoting confidence and self-esteem among gay men.
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Nine Parts of Desire by Geraldine Brooks Gender & Sexual Studies Essay
4 pages (1156 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The book “Nine Parts of Desire” by Geraldine Brooks depicts the lives of these women living in Islamic countries. Geraldine Brooks, a reporter, had lived in various Islamic countries and witnessed the lifestyles of women in those countries. Being a woman, she was able to interact with these women and know about their feelings and thoughts.
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The Way We Never Were Gender & Sexual Studies Essay
4 pages (998 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The book digs out certain sensitive areas such as gender divisions, feminism, alcohol and drug abuse, teenage childbearing, sexual practices, the black family, and inequality of labor. Coontz feels that these ancient misconceptions do not in any way influence our present life.
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Music from a Feminist Approach Gender & Sexual Studies Essay
4 pages (1318 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The author states that for centuries, music has been referred to as a male-oriented and male-subjugated art. Feminist music seeks to rectify the discrimination and partitions between our individual background, our collective characteristics as male or female, and our professional cultural uniqueness.
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Gender Stratification Related to Economy Gender & Sexual Studies Essay
4 pages (1191 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The social identity provides man with a distinct attribute and facilitates the establishment of social status that physically represents him. The construction of social identities facilitates better understanding and access to networking with organizations and groups in order to avail of the emerging opportunities for one’s personal and professional growth.  
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Gay Marriage Gender & Sexual Studies Essay
4 pages (1157 words) , Download 0 , Essay
A gay marriage advocate is portrayed critically in the article, with attention drawn to their faults.  This is not an experimental study with validity and reliability proofs, with a bibliography; it is a newspaper article.  The author tries to be objective, but since they are writing about politics, some of it is subjective.  The author makes negative comments about gay rights and gay marriage advocate Goldstein, and his “strident… overbearing.
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Is Gender a Result of Biology or is it a Social Construct Gender & Sexual Studies Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 0 , Essay
 On face value, this clarification may be simple but carries the issue’s underlying problem. Sometimes, a child born with a vulva may not grow up to assume feminine traits, just as another born with a penis may not grow up to assume masculine traits, as the society will expect. 
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Role of Informal Social Control in Gender Specific Crime and Criminal Activities, Especially Women Gender & Sexual Studies Essay
4 pages (1097 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Hence the informal social control, exerted by various social paradigms, help promote gender specific projected roles. These roles are adapted in the lifestyle of the people through the ages, very often leading to crime and criminal activities to assert their identity or simply to defy the stagnant values that have been imposed on the gender.
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A Gender-Aware Framework for women Entrepreneurship Gender & Sexual Studies Essay
4 pages (1063 words) , Download 0 , Essay
For women entrepreneurs to stay competitive despite their other roles in society, the authors suggested that gender roles need to be reevaluated and the society’s understanding of women entrepreneurs need to “move from the individual to fit in the family by assuming utility maximization of a joint utility function and simple optimality.
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Human Sexuality Gender & Sexual Studies Essay
4 pages (1221 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Since the introduction of the internet, researchers have different alternatives to collecting data, with respective pros and cons.  The internet has definitely directly influenced sexual behavior, in terms of how people meet, communicate, and date, as well as changing research methods and design that center around flexible and fixed methods. 
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Gender Equity and Organizational Effectiveness Gender & Sexual Studies Essay
4 pages (1175 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The most difficult part of these kinds of decisions falls when skills matches are done. In the part, positions were held based on gender so when skills and ability are matched to the job, many changes are made. This is a large part, according to the methodology of the B-L Model of what improves motivation and performance throughout the organization.
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Gender Equality in Elections Gender & Sexual Studies Essay
4 pages (1143 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Gender equality has been an issue that has been a challenge for a long time in the history of the world. Women have come out strongly to fight for their rights whereby, they have managed to get their equal rights from the government. Conversely, there are reasons which have been discussed showing why women should not vote in national elections.
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Rights of the Women in the Middle East Gender & Sexual Studies Essay
4 pages (1228 words) , Download 0 , Essay
To assist in solving the problems that the women in the Middle East region are facing, their requirements should be heard, and appropriate action to counter these problems should be put to use. I would propose that the countries in the first world actively promote the observance of women rights in this region
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Women in Math and Science Gender & Sexual Studies Essay
4 pages (1227 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The modern information society is now technology-based.  For any given society to be advance and progressive, it has to harness its capability in technology.  And technology requires high aptitude in math and science of which our women which comprise half of our population can more than adequately perform.
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Affirmative Action in Society Gender & Sexual Studies Essay
4 pages (1028 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The taking up of these positions by these gifted students from unfortunate backgrounds enhances the development of a strong society that had a racially and ethnically broader leadership within its ranks. Following this perspective, it is evident that affirmative action helps provide a chance for equal opportunities to diverse groups.
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The Right of Citizens Against Discrimination Based on Sexual Orientation Gender & Sexual Studies Essay
4 pages (1141 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The definition of marriage and its intended objectives mark the beginning of the debate on gay marriage. Opponents of the union have raised various religious, socio-cultural, and moral arguments that oppose the union. But from this paper, there exists no logic in these arguments against gay marriage.
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Analytical Critique Paper on African American Children Gender & Sexual Studies Essay
4 pages (1149 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Another assumption is that African American children are more exposed to aggression than other minority groups that live in the same locality. The factors cited as causing exposure of African American children to violence do not explain the reasons as to why the authors depicted African American children as the most vulnerable group.
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The Illusion of Patriarchal Society Gender & Sexual Studies Essay
4 pages (1230 words) , Download 0 , Essay
According to Allan Johnson unraveling our Patriarchal inheritance, society is male-controlled “to the degree that it is male-dominated, male-identified, and male-centered”. That women actually run everything behind the scenes, the actuality of male dominance is plainly seen in the point that positions of authority are normally held by men.
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Different Faiths View the Rights and Education of Women Gender & Sexual Studies Essay
4 pages (1104 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Generally, research study findings that would support the concomitance between women’s empowerment and economic growth have not been philanthropic enough to demonstrate the relationship between women and constructs such as corruption, competence and diligence which are salient features of economic growth.
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Gender, Power & Sexuality Gender & Sexual Studies Essay
4 pages (1154 words) , Download 0 , Essay
An individual born in a society has the unfortunate fate of taking such constructs as a guide towards defining one’s identity. This also means that society forms hierarchies based on the cultural perceptions of privilege as pertains to one’s gender, race, and sexuality. Some schools of thought argue that society may form such constructs unconsciously.
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Jenny Holzer Womens Movement Gender & Sexual Studies Essay
4 pages (1739 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Before 1960, the majority of women artists’ were discriminated against on a gender basis and often denied exhibitions and gallery representation in Museums. Thereafter, with the rise of Feminism, the likes of Holzer got an opportunity to display their works in museums, and hence, she exploited the chance maximally.
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Differences in the Manner in Which Men and Women Use Language Gender & Sexual Studies Essay
4 pages (1084 words) , Download 0 , Essay
While focusing on sex differences in language development, some scholars believe that girls are more advanced in language development. This is because girls learn to talk earlier and more quickly than their male counterparts. More so, their speech is more correct than that of the boys because girls tend to be more advanced in their speech.
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Gender Schema Theory Gender & Sexual Studies Essay
4 pages (1284 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Gender-linked information is principally transmitted via society by the manner of schema or rather information networks that facilitate some information to be quite readily assimilated as compared to others. Thus, Bem claims that individual differences exist in the extent to which individuals hold to such gender schemata. Such differences manifest themselves through the level to which people are sex-types (Cherry, 2015).
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Analysis of The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock by Bruce Hayman Gender & Sexual Studies Article
4 pages (1240 words) , Download 0 , Article
In general, I believe that Hayman has discussed the poem so well that I cannot help but agree with him in every respect. Analyses like this one are very helpful to readers like me who do not have enough experience and knowledge about literary criticism. Thanks to Bruce Hayman for his enlightening article.
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White Women Before and After the Revolutionary War Gender & Sexual Studies Case Study
4 pages (1169 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
She lived before, during, and after the Revolutionary War. As a result, she saw her lifestyle change. Moreover, her overall cultural experience changed over some period of time in her life. Her religion, lack of labor contribution, marriage, and other factors played a role in her overall lifestyle change. The woman comes from a family that was opposed to slavery.
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Gender Issues in Asian Traditions Gender & Sexual Studies Case Study
4 pages (1222 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The authors use such methods as categorization and gendered society issues to explain the notion of “natural men”. In recent years, the gender approach becomes a part of a broader human development approach based on equal opportunities and gender equality principles, therefore, the issues of acceptance of such individuals by society are raised.
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Rape as a Weapon of War Gender & Sexual Studies Article
4 pages (1185 words) , Download 0 , Article
Estimates printed by the UNOCHA show that it is a phenomenon that is still ever present; whether it was the rape of around 50,000 women in Bosnia and Herzegovina, or of 500,000 of women in Rwanda in the early 1990s, or more than 60,000 women being sexually attacked in Sierra Leone, or even the average 40 women that get raped in South Kivu in the Democratic Republic of Congo every day, rape is an ever present war phenomenon.
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Assault Against Women in Australia Gender & Sexual Studies Case Study
4 pages (1308 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper has overviewed various provisions for providing safe homes and services for women in Australia. The main intention of these is to help women and to give them a guarantee that they never need to face such difficulties in the future. The main objectives of these safe homes and services are to provide care.
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Minority-Majority Redistricting Gender & Sexual Studies Article
4 pages (1253 words) , Download 0 , Article
Redistricting, or the process of redrawing electoral boundaries, is done in the US every ten years after a new census of the population is conducted. It first found a basis in the case of Baker v Carr 369 US 186 (1962), where the US Supreme Court laid down the “one person, one vote” doctrine. In the US, the disparity existed between and among electoral districts.
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Women and Discrimination Gender & Sexual Studies Coursework
4 pages (1403 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
Simone de Beauvoir once said that “Man is defined as a human being and a woman as a female - whenever she behaves as a human being she is said to imitate the male" (CEOWMCR, Socialist Group & Čurdová, 2005). God has created all men and women equal but the human race is still far away from achieving its dream of gender equality.
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Colonialism And Gender Relations In The Literature Gender & Sexual Studies Book Report/Review
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 0 , Book Report/Review
Due to Annie's severe conflicts with her mother, she decides to become friends with a red-haired girl who played marbles which were a game her mother always warned her to play. Her mother becomes suspicious and asks her about this, but she lies until her mother tells her own story when she was young.
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