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Gender and Corporate Governance Gender & Sexual Studies Essay
7 pages (2236 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The paper "Gender and Corporate Governance" is a great example of a gender and sexual studies essay. Governance of every company is aimed at ensuring that the company can comply with the standards and implementation of its processes to achieve its goals. All the requirements that are related to the management of the company including all the staff responsibilities are set down and determined by the company’s board.
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Perceptions, Attitudes, or Concerns of Ethnic Minority Women with Regard to Their Careers Choices Gender & Sexual Studies Coursework
11 pages (3498 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
Ethnic minority women have come to understand their roles within the workplace by the concisely defined positions that they inhabit both at home and work. In the workplace, ethnic minority women may be thrown into an environment in which they are not only unsure of how to play the game, but also feel that they do not belong in a place frequently perceived as reserved for the whites.
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Sexual Harassment in Dillards Gender & Sexual Studies Case Study
7 pages (2276 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper “Sexual Harassment in Dillard’s” is an exciting example of a gender & sexual case study. Sexual harassment refers to discrimination of in sexual nature (Willness et al., 2007). It manifests in different forms and may be accompanied by unsolicited sexual advances, desires for sexual favoritism, and verbal or physical aggravation of a sexual nature.
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Role and Hindrance Which Women Face in Organizations - Consultco Gender & Sexual Studies Case Study
7 pages (2260 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Role and Hindrance Which Women Face in Organizations - Consultco" is a great example of a gender and sexual studies case study. An organization these days is full of diversity. However, diverse populations usually face a lot of barriers. This has to be handled by the human resource department. This paper shall highlight the role and hindrance which women face in organizations.
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Internet Pornography Cannot Be Considered as Leisure Gender & Sexual Studies Coursework
9 pages (2558 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
The paper "Internet Pornography Cannot Be Considered as Leisure" is a good example of gender and sexual studies coursework. The concept of leisure has been a contested issue amongst many scholars who have tried to define, explain the importance, and provide the rationale why it is important for a human.
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Gender Diversity in the Workplace Gender & Sexual Studies Coursework
7 pages (1913 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
The paper "Gender Diversity in the Workplace" is a good example of a gender and sexual studies coursework. One of the major issues that have brought a tremendous impact on organizational research in Australia has been the issue of gender diversity in the workplace. Several organisations have recognized the need for embracing gender diversity in the workplace.
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The Glass Ceiling and Gender Gap Gender & Sexual Studies Coursework
7 pages (2274 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
The paper "The Glass Ceiling and Gender Gap" is a good example of gender and sexual studies coursework. Carol Hymowitz and Timothy Schellhardt gave the phrase universal exposure in an article which appeared in the Wall Street Journal, on March 24, 1986. However, the first recorded usage of the term was in 1979, by two Hewlett-Packard female employees, who initially laid out the perimeters for the contextual framework of the concept.
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Sub-Culture of Homosexuality Gender & Sexual Studies Coursework
9 pages (2636 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
The paper "Sub-Culture of Homosexuality " is a great example of a gender and sexual studies coursework. The purpose of this essay is to investigate and study the sub-culture of homosexuality and give clear descriptions about the past and current life situation of this group. This will be achieved by highlighting all the forms of stereotyping and discrimination that the members of this group face.
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Different Attitudes towards the Women Convicts Gender & Sexual Studies Assignment
6 pages (1789 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper "Different Attitudes towards the Women Convicts" is a great example of an assignment on gender and sexual studies. It has never been easy for any member in a given society to understand or tolerate convicts. This is because of the blanket perception that as convicts they deserve what they get.
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The Definition of the Term Masculinity Gender & Sexual Studies Assignment
7 pages (2392 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper "The Definition of the Term Masculinity" is a wonderful example of an assignment on gender and sexual studies. Masculinity is the possession of qualities or rather characteristics that are considered distinct to men. Masculinity is considered as behaving in ways or in a way that is considered typical for men or having the characteristics that are considered manly.
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The Women in Development Perspective Gender & Sexual Studies Coursework
7 pages (2054 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
The paper "The Women in Development Perspective" is an outstanding example of gender and sexual studies coursework. The progress in women’s access to health care and education is identified in the United Nations’ report World’s Women 2010: Trends and Statistics. Despite this gender inequality is still a great concern in developing countries where women are subjected to natural disasters.
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Women on Company Boards and Their Impact in Financial Performance Gender & Sexual Studies Literature review
6 pages (1569 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
Torchia et al (2011, p. 301) examined the impact of laws that encourage companies to have a certain number of women on the board such as in Norway had a decline in the price of stocks on the day that they made the announcement to bring in more women and that subsequently, Tobin’s Q declined over the next several years.
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Inside Syria: The Back-Story of Their Civil War Gender & Sexual Studies Essay
6 pages (1627 words) , Download 0 , Essay
This made most people take to the street to protest the same. During the same period, Egypt had also experienced the same thing via the power of social media whereby the public and the civil society established democracy and toppled the government. The Syrian government did not want the replica of the same to occur in its country. Therefore, they acted in the protests with a lot of violence.
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The End of Men: And the Rise of Women Gender & Sexual Studies Essay
6 pages (1669 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Cultural diversity is a critical factor in our society ranging from gender, race, class, and social differences exhibited in our community. These cultural factors are supposed to be the instruments of power and positive change among us but with distortion and misconceptions at work, they are the tools used for destruction.
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Historical Feminism Resistance Gender & Sexual Studies Essay
6 pages (1572 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Whereas the historical feminism was more concerned about the general issues that affected women, the modern or contemporary feminism are concerned about the specific issue that concern feminism. Thus, the nature of injustices that concerns women is different in the historical perspective as well as in the modern perspective.
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Heteronormative Binary Explanations of Gender Gender & Sexual Studies Assignment
7 pages (2265 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Thus, the construction of gender as a binary system has its roots in culture and biological studies. Biological researchers on genitalia and chromosomes confirm that one fits in either under normal circumstances. It's cultural and natural to expect an individual to conform to this set standard. People who do not fit in this specification are referred to as abnormal and contrary to nature.
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The Effects of LGBT Issues on American Politics in the 21st Century Gender & Sexual Studies Literature review
21 pages (4573 words) , Literature review
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The villagers, older people, protestants-evangelists, and those who live in the southern highlands and the more southern states Midwestern states are homosexual marriages negatively. Negative attitudes towards same-sex partnerships also positively correlated with the level of religiosity and membership in the Republican Party.
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Racism, Sexism and Prejudice Gender & Sexual Studies Essay
7 pages (1768 words) , Download 0 , Essay
This attitude is not always negative, such as in the idea that all Asian children are intelligent, but it is always limited and discounts any possibility of individuals of that genetic type breaking out of the prescribed role. An Asian child who is not particularly intelligent may be unable to pursue other talents because of this set role that has been ascribed to his race.  
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Status of Women in Society Gender & Sexual Studies Essay
6 pages (1785 words) , Download 0 , Essay
There is no way to truly understand what a woman goes through to get to her own identity. It is clear from the literature that there is something intrinsic in her that makes her move through the ideas and attitudes that she must act and be a certain way to get to a feeling of peace and comfort within herself.
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Television and Stereotypes about Women Gender & Sexual Studies Essay
6 pages (1569 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Television has often been criticized for its stereotyping of women, but it is far from being alone in doing so. The process of identification is more complex. How does a boy come to develops one that is feminine? In part, they do so by identifying with females and males in their families and neighborhoods and in the media.
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The Bond of Holy Matrimony Gender & Sexual Studies Essay
8 pages (2314 words) , Download 0 , Essay
I strongly believe that there is no need to ban or prohibit two people who love each other because of gender issues. By allowing same-sex couples to enter into marriage, there is a stronger possibility that millions of homeless children will be given the opportunity to receive love and care from people who are willing to sacrifice for them.
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The Evolution of Views upon Gay Marriages Gender & Sexual Studies Research Proposal
6 pages (1982 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
If you conduct a little poll and ask several people randomly on the street about their opinion concerning gay rights, most probably they will be tolerant to them when it comes to equality at the workplace, in social servicing, etc.…. But concerning homosexuals getting married – the majority of popularity will oppose this option.
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The Most Successful Students Gender & Sexual Studies Essay
6 pages (1690 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Of course, this tendency cannot be left without attention as many empirical works were produced to consider this question. Many starts from education as today women outperform men not only in taking high positions but getting better grades at colleges and universities.The success of students depends on the pre-entry qualification, gender, age of entry to the university etc.
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Ideological Prison for Women Gender & Sexual Studies Essay
7 pages (2017 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Finally, the stories reveal a common theme of freedom from the shackles of duties and obligations of the social life, which often becomes suffocating for a woman. The death of the husband who is supposedly the nearest person in a woman’s life brings a certain solace owing to the anticipation of renunciation from all fetters of life.
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Love and Basketball by Sanaa Lathan Gender & Sexual Studies Movie Review
6 pages (1671 words) , Download 0 , Movie Review
However, despite all the differences between the two, there are also some similarities that they shared. First of all, we could not deny the great passion they have for basketball as a sport. Monica, though being a girl, did not let her gender and what the status quo dictated hinder her to actually excel in it and do what she loves.
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Feminist Criminology Gender & Sexual Studies Essay
6 pages (1845 words) , Download 0 , Essay
According to Siegel (2009), the rate of underrepresentation of women as criminal offenders used to be high not until the 1970s when it came to the limelight that they too can participate in criminal activities. This is because, in most crimes that occur, respective law enforcers normally targeted males compared to females.
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Female Rivalry in the Workplace and Beyond Gender & Sexual Studies Research Paper
12 pages (3464 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
Even though women have made significant progress in the workplace, leadership opportunities remain limited. An interesting, if not alarming, phenomenon reveals that women aspiring for increased responsibility and recognition at work are acutely aware that they often compete against each other for the small piece of power granted to them.
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Feminism Freedom Movements Critique Gender & Sexual Studies Research Paper
9 pages (2592 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
Although women across the world have always played important roles in different capacities, serve serves only to underline that although the roles played by women everywhere have always been acknowledged as important, most of them have not received the recognition and prominence they deserve; the culture of true equality between the sexes began to take shape.
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Effectiveness of Feminist Activist Campaigns in Combating Rape Myths Gender & Sexual Studies Literature review
8 pages (2257 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
This is achieved by putting blame on the victim for what they experience or even making excuses. Such myths make sexual assault to continue by failing to address rape’s realities (Odem 1998). Odem (1998) maintains that, there are a number of rape myths including that, women who are victims of rape provoke the rapists by their way of dressing, rape is done by strangers, men who rape are sexually starved or mentally ill.
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Bodies, Sexualities, Identities Gender & Sexual Studies Literature review
11 pages (2972 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Limits of intelligibility or the degree of clarity in regards to gender nonconformity and race have depended on how humans perceive sexuality and racism. Racism, or belief that one race is superior over the others and hence the dominant one, and sexism, which is the belief that one sex is inherently superior over the other and hence the dominant one, indeed exists.
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Overcoming Gender Discrimination in Fire Departments Gender & Sexual Studies Research Paper
9 pages (2468 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
Almost all countries boast populations that are comprised of people with varying ethnicities, religions, races, cultures, and other variations. The United States is one of the most diverse countries in the world combining ethnicities and beliefs from different ends of the globe. Despite these circumstances, the American fire department is still homogeneous.
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Gender Representation in Advertising is Changing Gender & Sexual Studies Literature review
8 pages (2314 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Advertisements are a marketing tool that seeks to ensure that consumers are aroused to buy a specific product or service. The gender representations in advertisements however need to be considered because as indicated in this essay, they have the ability to change people’s perceptions towards gender roles. In the past, traditional male ontology depicted men as absolutely masculine and resolute.
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What Is Feminism Gender & Sexual Studies Literature review
6 pages (1642 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
Liberal feminism is based on the belief that a just society is formed as a result of free choices made by educated people and those aware. Liberal feminism focuses mainly on how law could be used to remove barriers that inhibit women access to social activities such as education, employment and political power. Kameri-Mbote (2003) argued that the ignorance of individuals would lead to social problems.
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Sex Orientation Issues Gender & Sexual Studies Literature review
9 pages (2427 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
It is very much possible for heterosexuals to be queer as well. In this case, the broader sense of the term queer is examined. Queerness is used to refer to wide range of sexual binaries such as homosexuals, heterosexuals, and genders such as female and male. In this instance, it is easy to observe that one can be straight and queer at the same time.
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Whether Straight Women Can Be Lesbians and Whether Straight Men Can Be Gay Gender & Sexual Studies Literature review
10 pages (2657 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The societies have also begun to be more moderate in the way they handle the people who have sexual orientations were that were initially considered abnormal. Most countries today consider allowing homosexual marriages liberal. Countries like the US, for instance, are known to have approved same-sex marriages.
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Gender Inequity in Schools Gender & Sexual Studies Essay
10 pages (2900 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Moreover, there is a lack of strong motivation towards understanding the adverse effects of gender inequity in educational systems (Ladson-Billings, 1991). This view is particularly true for nations and societies that have a perceptual bias towards gender equality as well as those who are indifferent about gender biases.
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Arguments For or Against Sex Selection Gender & Sexual Studies Literature review
7 pages (2241 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Giving birth to a healthy baby has been considered a God-given blessing. For reasons they understand best, some parents have a preference for a specific gender. In India, due to the high dowry costs, most parents prefer having boys to girls (King, 2007). As a result, some parents are opting for sex- selection.
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Sex, Violence, and Transgression Gender & Sexual Studies Report
7 pages (2006 words) , Download 0 , Report
Speaking of transgression and sex is somewhat controversial since many individuals across different social-cultural boundaries would criticize what pertains to transgressive sex or transgression and in what context.This is because people from different social-cultural locations perceive and interpret sexual transgression and violence differently.    
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Sex Workers and Their Specific Health Needs Gender & Sexual Studies Literature review
7 pages (1907 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Sex workers have increased as a result of the global crisis. Most sex workers engage in this business as a source of income while others do it for other purposes such as drugs or while under the influence of alcohol. Sex workers can be identified using various characteristics - work background, health status, and use of health and other social services. 
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Gender in Relation to the History and Practice of Photography Gender & Sexual Studies Essay
9 pages (2457 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Different cultures have roles, which are defined for the different genders. In the area of arts, it should be noted that there is a big difference in the practice depending on gender. The history concerning gender has been brought into light by the reviews done by the feminist. Feminism is a term that has been widely described in different ways and by different people.
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Popular Media and Society in Gender Gender & Sexual Studies Report
12 pages (3162 words) , Download 0 , Report
The social dynamism of the current culture reveals an unequal gender prominence. Women exercise their liberty with full force as the revelation of total freedom and liberty (Wood 2011). However, the films are set on fantasy and expectations that are deep in the mind and circles of gender.
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Pedagogue Perceptions And Comprehension Of Miscellaneous Sexual Orientations Gender & Sexual Studies Research Paper
36 pages (10118 words) , Research Paper
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Regular training of teachers to ensure that students disclose their sexual orientation or gender identity they respond in a positive non-judgemental and constructive manner. The teacher should know where and when to refer students for more information or support regarding GBLTI issues, support the development and operation of student clubs.
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Support and Opposition of Gay Marriage Gender & Sexual Studies Research Paper
7 pages (2440 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
In the recent past, the Australian government has not passed its official support or declaration of support the gay marriages neither have they enacted national laws that directly target these kinds of marriages (Jonathan, 2012). However, several states all over the world have continued to legalize marriage based on the same gender.
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Should Internet Pornography Be Considered as Leisure Gender & Sexual Studies Literature review
8 pages (2354 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The use of the Internet not only brought about shifts in the sharing of information but also introduced a new method of engaging in pornography. Even age groups that would previously find it hard to access pornographic material have easy access to it through the Internet. The triple-A concept is responsible for the increased use of Internet pornography.
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Gender, Bodies, and Sexuality Gender & Sexual Studies Literature review
9 pages (2664 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper emphasizes how gays are mentally affected and forever live with low self-esteem. The paper tackles the issue of whether homosexuals should be allowed to bring up children and whether the lack of children in marriage affects the status of that marriage. Finally, the paper brings to the fore the problems of Latinos and South-Asian gays who are facing rejection from their communities.
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Gender and Inequality Gender & Sexual Studies Report
8 pages (2230 words) , Download 1 , Report
Convergence is also noted in the way that Marxist ideology emphasizes wage labor through analysis of a male-dominated social structure. This is the same perception that feminists take. Marxists also applies what is clearly termed as gender inequality between reproductive and productive labor without realizing that it lacks criticism of sexism (Gimenez, 1975).
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Gender Relations in The Wandering Falcon by Jamil Ahmed Gender & Sexual Studies Literature review
9 pages (2317 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
Although ancient traditions are treasures for many communities, they should as well see the positives brought about by the social changes. All genders should be respected, as well as being protected against social discrimination. Governments should be responsive to social problems and be proactive in the same. People should as well try to ensure that they avoid shame to society.
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Feminism in Art in the 1970s Gender & Sexual Studies Report
12 pages (2892 words) , Download 1 , Report
Feminists henceforth tried to assert a new role for women in the industry, so that they would be subjects rather than objects and active speakers rather than passive themes in art. Up to the late 1960s therefore, most female artists felt the need to ‘de-gender’ so as to improve competition with their male counterparts in a field that was completely tilted in favour of men.  
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Mental Rotation Gender & Sexual Studies Research Paper
8 pages (2978 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
The thesis statement is premised on the fact that consistent cognitive sex variations are on the visuospatial domain that adopts Mental Rotation (MR) tasks. The length of the 2nd to 4th finger (denoted as 2D:4D) is a sexually demographic feature that tends to be quicker in women than men and negatively correlate with levels of testosterone.
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The Analysis of Gender in the Family Gender & Sexual Studies Literature review
7 pages (2030 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Accordingly, it follows that space cannot exist as an independent aspect of human activity since it is only conceived through the relations of people and groups within and even outside of it, through both physical and imagined ways (Massey 2013). Apart from being influenced by the people, space itself can create activities and relationships by shaping the understandings and identities of the people occupying it.
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