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Same-Sex Marriage and the Assimilations Dilemma - Essay Example

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This essay "Same-Sex Marriage and the Assimilations Dilemma" presents ritually or socially accepted union between two people who have decided to make a relationship in public. Culturally marriage involves loving, caring, helping, and encouraging each other until death does them apart…
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However, whomever they marry in most cases is influenced by parental choice, culture and individual desire. In the world today, there has been a trend towards ensuring equality between the spouses and lawfully recognizing interracial, interfaith, and same-sex marriage.             Same-sex marriage is a type of marriage that is yet to be accepted over the world since culturally and traditional marriage was meant for opposite-sex couples. Same-sex marriage has therefore become a political issue and people are debating over whether to legalize it or.

  In the late 20th century, there have been many social changes in Western Countries. Among the changes was people showing interests and preferences in same-sex marriage couples demanding to enjoy equal civil rights as those given to the opposite-sex couples. However, in western countries, same-sex marriage has increasingly become common. In the US the Ontario’s high court ruled that same-sex couples should have the right to marry which was on June 10, 2003. On the same day, Ontario’s high court ruled that seven same-sex spouses were given the right to marry and were constitutionally protected.

This made both homosexual couples have equal rights and enjoy benefits just as heterosexuals (Bernstein,2018). The US supreme court also legalized same-sex marriage as constitutional on June 26, 2015 thus bringing marriage equality to all 50 states.             The issue of same-sex marriage is still under debate whereby some countries have legalized it while others are still reluctant. Some religious leaders strongly argue that the main purpose of marriage is procreation and not adult gratification.

Thus a lot needs to be done in order for this to become a reality.  

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