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The Effects of Intervertebral Differential Dynamics on Spinal Injuries Family & Consumer Science Dissertation
12 pages (3431 words) , Download 2 , Dissertation
Several studies have been carried out in the area of using non-clinical therapies to cure spinal cord injuries or chronic low back pain in medical and clinical practices. This effort is essential in reducing the number of exposure patients have to clinical operations, and promote natural wellness even in the medical field.     
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Historic Leaders Compared With Leaders of Today Family & Consumer Science Dissertation
84 pages (10917 words) , Download 3 , Dissertation
This paper presents an examination of selected prominent leaders from the past that have presented a profound influence on human history and compares them with prominent leaders of today to understand better leadership and the needs of the future. It is likely that the research project will interest all those with an interest in leadership.
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The Ageing population Family & Consumer Science Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This study believes that there are reasons why some population ages earlier than the others. An insight to these factors can help us understand the underlying reasons for early ageing. A cross cultural comparison of demographic profiles of a developed country, an emerging economy and a developing country will be done to find out if there any differences in ageing population among them.
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Compare and Contrast Various Research Concepts Family & Consumer Science Research Paper
12 pages (3405 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Information and knowledge are the most valuable and powerful intangible assets of a business organization. If a business is gifted to find information with its "research process" and to adopt effective "knowledge management", the business will be able to build sustainable competitive advantages and stay long to survive in its marketing landscape.
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Restoration of the Everglades Family & Consumer Science Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Restoration of the Everglades Everglades It is home to many species such as the black bears, panthers, alligators some of which are on the verge of extinction (Ichthyology, n.d). The flora and fauna surrounding the Everglades with its unique ‘sheet flow of water’, had made the place one of the hottest tourist spots.
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Business Studies - Case Study: British Petroleum (BP) - Shareholder v Stakeholder Views Family & Consumer Science Assignment
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
Business Studies - Case Study: British Petroleum (BP) - Shareholder v Stakeholder Views. The refinery of British Petroleum located in Texas countered a huge holocaust owing to an explosion which happened during 23rd March 2005. The explosion led to the loss of around 15 people while around 180 people succumbed to large amount of injuries.
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Reflective writing - Personal and professional development Family & Consumer Science Essay
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 5 , Essay
Personal and Professional Development. The journey on this course has proved to be challenging and enjoyable. I have had a challenging and enjoyable path in this journey that its ending marks a memorable experience to me. In this paper I have outlined more about this journey of learning new theory and skills.
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A Study of Factors Which Influence Student Career Choice After Graduating from a Master Degree Family & Consumer Science Dissertation
40 pages (10118 words) , Download 2 , Dissertation
In this regard, the study considered a sample size of 40 management graduates in UK universities who were surveyed through the mail. 23 questionnaires were received which were completely answered. The data obtained were further analyzed through the implication of correlation coefficient statistical tool with focus on few attributes which were recognized to be significant in the prior researches.
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Iatrogenic - Possibility of Harm Through the Helping Process Family & Consumer Science Research Paper
12 pages (3474 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Medical history continually reveals that unevaluated treatment, regardless of how sincerely administered, is at times useless and wasteful and in some cases even dangerous or harmful. According to Gordis, the lessons we have learned through the history of medicine are that what is reasonable may be false and what is done earnestly may be useless or worse.
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An Investigation of Career Barriers for Female Television News Anchor in Nigeria Family & Consumer Science Dissertation
24 pages (7599 words) , Download 2 , Dissertation
The societies, where men are domineering, condemn women as weak and a mere ‘bit of fluff’. To them, the place of a woman is within the four boundaries of a house where she is to serve male in various ways: mother, wife, sister, daughter, maid, etc. whatever the role is assigned to her, she is under the dominant male who is her lord and master.
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Homeless Women Bettering Themselves Family & Consumer Science Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
7). As the sun sets in, almost every night about 750,000 people in the United States of America have to undergo the harrowing experience that is simply referred to as being homeless (The Nation’s Health, 2007). Not to mention that a significant portion of these people happen to be women.
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Slavery and the Atlantic Slave Trade Family & Consumer Science Research Paper
7 pages (1888 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
A commercial revolution in Europe promoted the rise of powerful nation-states such as “Portugal, Spain, Britain, France, and Holland”. Simultaneously new concepts emerged about competition, commodity exploitation, and the accumulation of wealth. The importing of African slaves became an essential, acceptable and profitable part of European commerce.  
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The Development of Depressive Symptoms in Young Adults of Divorce Family & Consumer Science Dissertation
5 pages (1680 words) , Download 2 , Dissertation
Several studies have elucidated that individuals belonging to disrupted families often desire more involvement from their fathers than they actually received. Similarly, individuals who perceived that they received inadequate nurturance from their parents were found to have lower self-esteem, troubled relationships, higher dissatisfaction and greater psychological issues throughout their lifespan.
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E-Government Benefits Family & Consumer Science Research Paper
5 pages (1753 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Neither do citizens have to wait in queues nor spend many minutes at the counter as they seek government services. Therefore, citizens can do their work and seek government services after government office hours. This ensures that citizen’s pay and productivity are not adversely reduced and the citizens can save time for other productive activities.
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Strengths and Weaknesses of WPP Family & Consumer Science Research Paper
3 pages (1056 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
WPP has its management office in London and in total it has 2,400 offices situated in 107 nations. It is listed on LSE and in FTSE 100 index. It has also got a second listing on NASDAQ. It works with 354 companies of the Fortune Global 500; 28 companies from Dow Jones 30, 60 companies from the NASDAQ 100, and 33 companies from the Fortune 50.
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The History of Building Construction Changes Family & Consumer Science Research Paper
5 pages (1647 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The current system often must fail catastrophically before a new system is put in place. This can be seen clearly when looking into the history of building safety codes and their relation to fire safety. Many of these disasters could have had a much lower death toll if only fire safety codes and building regulations had been enacted before, instead of after, these fires.
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Literature Review for Research Proposal Family & Consumer Science Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
For this purpose, researcher has picked on specific methodology, which will be part of research in depth, with attention to details such as its development, implementation, and application in a variety of contexts. The chosen methodology for this purpose is Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) (Timucin, 2006), which is a popular and very commonly used form of technological learning in the area of context learning.
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Macroeconomics Family & Consumer Science Assignment
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
[872,914+ 205,063+ 327,682+ 386,648- 418,671] million = ? 1,373,636 million ii. The growth of GDP from 2008 to 2009 is [(1,373,636-1,408,839)/ 1,408,839]*100 = -2.5% (approximately) iii. The UK is running trade deficit in both of the years as exports are lower than imports in 2008 as well as in 2009.
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Head and Neck Cancers Family & Consumer Science Research Paper
8 pages (2466 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The E2F1 transcription factor has been found to have two possible mechanisms to contribute towards the aetiology of head and neck cancers. It has been found that in normal cells, E2F1 is involved in the regulation of the expression of a particular class of cyclins, viz. the G1 cyclins, which include cyclin D1.
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The Maasai Tribe Family & Consumer Science Research Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The Maasai reside within structures called manyattas or fenced homesteads. The manyattas are shared by many individuals such as an extended family. Inside the manyatta are individual houses (huts) which are made of mud. Furniture and Wealth In The White Maasai, Carola lives in a hut with her husband Lemalian.
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Crunch Club Issues Family & Consumer Science Assignment
2 pages (701 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
Their differentiated programming was the key to their branding and they aimed at giving their customers a theatrical experience. Earlier on Crunch’s programs included Hip Hop Aerobics, Cyked, and Co-Ed Action Wrestling. The programming at Crunch was innovative and it was the topic of discussion in various articles for its unique programming approach.
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Impact and Role of Leadership Family & Consumer Science Research Paper
20 pages (5568 words) , Download 5 , Research Paper
Empowerment is a force that influences others to do something. There is a world of difference between doing the right things and doing things right. The difference is one between effectiveness and efficiency. Effectiveness is doing the right things. Efficiency is doing things right. Both are crucial. 
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Classical Era Reflection Paper Family & Consumer Science Research Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Some say management practices go back “thousands of years to the planning, controlling, directing, and building of ancient pyramids” (Wren & Bedeian, 2009, Fax p. 1). This particular analysis is starting with the late 19th and early 20th century management theorists who began their work during the Industrial Revolution.
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Analysis of the Problem of Shortage of Nurses in the World Family & Consumer Science Essay
18 pages (5880 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The dearth of literature regarding the effect of applicant attitudes toward nursing on the successful completion of a nursing degree program compels us to further research. Many factors are known to contribute to attrition, but this particular relationship has not been recently studied in any great detail.
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Higher Education Administration Program at Peabody College of Vanderbilt University Family & Consumer Science Research Paper
10 pages (2661 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Among graduate schools of education, the college is famous for being a national leader. It, embodied in its students and faculty, comprises a vivacious intellectual community that deals with pressing questions and develops knowledge on education, including education administration, policy, and leadership; communities, organizations.
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The Deception of Perestroika Process Family & Consumer Science Research Paper
18 pages (5058 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The movie “Dr Zhivago” had beautiful scenes shot in Russia and its running plot depicts a multi-romance relationship of Dr Zhivago caught in the complicated history of Russia. Russia was perceived to be one of the richest, most powerful countries in the world to be cast side by side with world power countries like the United States, Germany and Britain.
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Lenovo: Building a Global Brand Family & Consumer Science Research Paper
4 pages (1265 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
There are several manufacturers world over in the field of manufacturing and marketing personal computers also known as PCs. Some of the well-known brands are Apple Inc, Hewlett Packard, Acer, Dell, Toshiba, and much more catering to the various segments of the industry. Lenovo is a state-owned company in China. It was founded in 1984 to distribute the equipment made by IBM and other companies.
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Nuclear Power Family & Consumer Science Research Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 5 , Research Paper
Resources for energy have become a subject of concern owing to the belief that fossil fuels would exhaust after a period of time and this has led to the quest for other sources of energy. Nuclear power has served as one such breakthrough and it is now utilized for the production of energy; in particular electricity.
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Depression as One of the Major Psychological Diseases Family & Consumer Science Research Paper
6 pages (1815 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Klein &Wender have mentioned that depressive illness is often triggered by a real event like the death of a loved one. People may develop close relationships with others. Such people could be more emotional and sensitive. When a person dies, his emotionally attached friend or relative may develop a feeling of great loss.
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Safety before and Since OSHA Family & Consumer Science Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The problem was, however, that before OSHA was enacted, workplace safety was horrendous and generally deemed as unnecessary and expensive. In general, the definition of danger in the workplace is defined by the numbers of fatalities and injuries to a specified group of personnel in a company.
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Personal Development and Careers Family & Consumer Science Assignment
10 pages (2825 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
What Learning Is Learning can simply be defined as a process of acquiring knowledge or know-how about a particular subject or discipline. This knowledge when translated into activity becomes part of a person’s experience or skill. That is why Huczynski and Buchanan are correct in stating that learning through experience leads to an enduring change in behavior (2010).
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Is China a Risk to American Economy Family & Consumer Science Research Paper
6 pages (1627 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The international trade tendencies between the United States and China have changed a lot during the past ten years. In the 20th century, the US was the country that was importing goods from China at an alarming rate. China did not have the income capacity to purchase a lot of goods from the US or other destinations. 
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Banning the Use of Mobile Phones in Motor Vehicles in Australia Family & Consumer Science Research Paper
6 pages (1887 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The Transport Workers Union was registered in 1928 to challenge and forward grievance in the sector. The union however campaigns for consideration of concerns in thirteen sectors in the industry, with issues of safety on road transport being the major campaign that the union runs. The campaign seeks to improve safety in the transport sector.
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Will Boots benefit from Treat Street or will it have a negative impact on the perception of their loyalty card Family & Consumer Science Dissertation
23 pages (5750 words) , Download 2 , Dissertation
Will Boots benefit from Treat Street Table of Contents Results 3 Cross Tabulation Analysis 7 Customer Loyalty and Price Discounts 8 Customer Loyalty and Exchange Offers 9 Customer Loyalty and Gifts 10 Customer Loyalty and Enhanced Value Additions 11 Customer Loyalty and Redemptions 12 Customer Loyalty and Other Benefits 13 Findings 14 Conclusion 21 Recommendations 22 Reference 24 Results Loyalty cards in an integral part of loyalty programs aiming to serve the loyal consumers and to develop a new base of loyal consumers.
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John Paul Dejoria and his accomplishments Family & Consumer Science Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Dejoria’s Achievements VII. Work Cited. Summary Jaun Paul Dejoria Born as regular as any other child to go on to become the famous citizen of is John Paul. His early life had been full of miseries with a single parent to live with he struggled to make his end meets.
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Operation Iraqi Freedom Family & Consumer Science Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The truth died several deaths prior to the human deaths that occurred due to the U.S. invasion and occupation of Iraq (March 2003 – August, 2010). The war was undeniably illegal as defined by the United Nations (UN) and International Court of Justice (ICJ), the two most paramount legal bodies in the world.
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Project Mercury Family & Consumer Science Research Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Mercury was man’s first human spacecraft program (Paperlessarchives). Although NASA was the agency responsible for the execution and completion of the objectives outlined by Project Mercury during the life of the project over two million people from major government agencies as well as private aerospace enterprise worked in the successful execution of Project Mercury.
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Transitioning from Living at Home and into Adulthood Family & Consumer Science Research Paper
20 pages (5671 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
To find a better component, there is the need to look at the journals, politics, advocacy and the statutory services available.  However, this creates more limitations because it doesn’t link to well-rounded solutions or the complete understanding of what is required to combat autism, specifically when one is in a transitional stage.
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Present the Current Status of Gene Therapy for Retinal Diseases Family & Consumer Science Research Paper
9 pages (2554 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Thus, gene therapy has emerged as one of the novel treatment strategies for several untreatable diseases. One significant area in which enormous research has been done with regard to gene therapy in retinal disease. This article reviews the current status of gene therapy for special retinal diseases.
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Iran's protests after election (2009:2010 Iranian election protests) Family & Consumer Science Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This caused a wave of civil unrest and rivals. During the next few days after the elections, protests occurred in many major cities in Iran as well as around the world. These protests were given several titles, such as Green Revolution, Green Wave, Sea of Green and even Persian Awakening.
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Differences between Liquidity and Solvency Problems Family & Consumer Science Assignment
9 pages (2554 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
The Asset bubble is observed in a highly developing economy. This is in adversity to the growing economy. Actually, in a growing economy, there is a huge flow of money in the system. With a fall in the real interest rate, the cost of capital also decreases. This drives the firms to obtain more credit at a cheaper premium thus promoting growth.
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Book Opinion of How the Mind Works by Steven Pinker Family & Consumer Science Book Report/Review
10 pages (2619 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Many new age books state how people can use their minds to control their emotions and to live more fully. In this book, Pinker (1997) provides the reader with an understanding of the mind from a scientific point of view. One interesting point at the beginning of the book was that Pinker states that no one really knows how the mind works.
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The External Operating Environment of Business Family & Consumer Science Assignment
15 pages (4541 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
Vodafone is interested in introducing its own branded mobile products in an attempt to break the leading position of Nokia in the mobile phone industry. On the other hand, too much dependency on the suppliers can make it quite hard to compete with other rivals in terms of price-fixing (Vodafone Limited, 2007).
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The Atomic Bombing of Nagasaki Family & Consumer Science Research Paper
6 pages (1719 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The subsequent August 9 bombing of Nagasaki killed some 80,000. The bombing of Nagasaki was both necessary and militarily expedient. Shortly after the Hiroshima bombing President Truman addressed the American people regarding his decision and the implications it and nuclear weapons would have for the future of the country and the world.
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Israel and Philistine Debate Family & Consumer Science Research Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Fact 1 The declaration of the independent state of Palestine could be more moderate in case Israel would conduct a more flexible policy (Benari). Fact 2 The majority of Jewish public claim that the declaration of the Palestinian state would damage interests of Israel (Kasnett).
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Consumerism and Identity Family & Consumer Science Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Economic aspects of a society identify power centers in producers, workers, and consumers, whose interactions define economic systems and the level of cohesion among social classes. In a capitalistic economic system, capitalists own resources and employ workers to utilize the resources for the production of goods and services.
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Carry Out a Close Linguistic Analysis Family & Consumer Science Assignment
6 pages (1574 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The language of the poem is in itself a mark of what makes the work ‘literary’. The literary traditions of the past felt that the ideology of a text is what placed it foremostly as a work of literature (Eagleton, 1983, pg25). The Wasteland does fulfill this 18th-century criterion though it was written much later, allowing it to give room to postmodern thought and language reform.
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Corporate Culture and Ethical values Family & Consumer Science Research Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
The Cape Fox Corporations' woes are not exclusively its own, however: “Revenues of Alaska Native Corporations that are major federal contractors have grown much faster than profits and dividends they have paid to native shareholders” (LaFleur and Grabell, 2010).
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The Personalisation Agenda Family & Consumer Science Dissertation
32 pages (8799 words) , Download 4 , Dissertation
As a policy measure, the personalization agenda was described as “the process by which services are tailored to the needs and preferences of citizens. The overall vision is that the state should empower citizens to shape their own lives and the services they receive,” as contained in the prime minister’s strategy unit report, “Building on Progress: Public Services (2007)”.
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The Development of Successful Leadership within an Organization Family & Consumer Science Assignment
4 pages (1203 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
All leadership acts are goal-directed. Leadership is effective to the extent that the goals of leaders, followers and that of the organization are achieved. Influence attempts may succeed in the sense that attitudinal changes are brought about. However, leadership succeeds only when followers take actions that are congruent with goal attainment.
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