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Policy, Planning, and Development for Tourism Tourism Article
10 pages (2789 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "Policy, Planning, and Development for Tourism" is a wonderful example of an article on tourism. Singapore is an island country that is situated within the Asia continent. Singapore is re-known globally for its successful tourism industry. Following the fact that it is favorably located as a large trading port and it also serves as the shortest route between India and China.
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Tourism Research: Peru Tourism Case Study
11 pages (3070 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
One of the widely known heritage resources in Peru is the Machu Picchu site. Machu Picchu is one of the sites of the ancient Inca Empire found in Peru. It is located in the Andes of Peru. Machu Picchu was classified as one of the UNESCO World Heritage site. It is widely referred to as the Lost City of the Incas.
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Events Tourism in Hamilton Tourism Case Study
10 pages (2957 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The increased construction activities on the other hand provide relatively short-term and low-skilled employment opportunities to the locals. The discontinuous demand for such labour has often resulted in rising of unplanned settlement coming up close to the resort areas which leads to the destruction of the environment in the areas.
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E-Tourism for Seattle Tourism Case Study
8 pages (2495 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "E-Tourism for Seattle" is a good example of a case study on tourism.  Visit Seattle is a nonprofit private marketing organization that is based in Washington and has served as Seattle or king’s county's official destination marketing organization for over fifty years.
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Cross-cultural Design:Garden Tourism Tourism Case Study
6 pages (1036 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
  These areas were chosen because both are  rich in nature. These areas are of great interest to me and with my new understanding from this investigation I hope to approach gardens of my local region and increase my work opportunities.
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The Hospitality Industry Structure Tourism Assignment
8 pages (2281 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Hospitality is the process of offering social services to clients. It includes services such as catering and accommodation services not forgetting conferencing and banqueting. The customers expect to get the best quality services that can meet their needs. In order to satisfy the customers’ needs, the hospitality industry needs to improve its services.
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The United Arab Emirates Project Analysis Tourism Case Study
6 pages (1542 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "The United Arab Emirates Project Analysis" is a good example of a case study on tourism. The United Arab Emirates is a little Arab nation located in the Arabian Peninsula within the Middle East section. The country is a very fast-growing economy and is highly dependent on oil reserves and natural gas for export revenues.
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Ecotourism Exam Tourism Assignment
8 pages (2225 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The criteria for determining certifiable socio-cultural credentials is extremely sensitive and may result in more harm than good if not researched rigorously. The argument present is the equity presented by certification of ecotourism in that there might be unfairness in the process since only the big and well-established organizations.
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Understanding Travel And Tourism Tourism Assignment
16 pages (4067 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
When the agricultural revolution occurred, the river valley civilizations were able to grow surplus and trade it to become wealthy. The wealth gained helped them to finance their travel. Those who become wealthy than others were able to travel and known as the leisure class. This included the priests and warriors.
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Dark Tourism and Thana-Events Tourism Case Study
10 pages (2967 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Different examples are provided with the most notable being the 9/11 attack on the United States in which the living have a level of value and essence accorded to those that died. Thana tourism also referred to as dark tourism is central to ensuring that the concerns of the dead remain relevant to the living and creates room for the living to connect with the dead.
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Tourism in Asia Tourism Case Study
9 pages (2612 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The more exotic and mysterious a place is, the more likely it is that tourist visitors flock to these areas to experience the difference in culture, outlook, and lifestyle from that of their own. As people gain access to better finances, governments have become more than happy to accommodate tourists within their political domains.
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Coral Seas Tour Company Tourism Case Study
7 pages (3162 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
This report has been able to analyze and show what benefits the system would deliver to the organization. The report was also used to show how users were involved in the design of the system through prototyping. This was carried out to ensure the system would be easy to learn by the users and also the user would accept it.
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Darling Harbour Tourism Assignment
12 pages (3049 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Darling Harbour offers accommodation services that meet all the needs of the visitors. The services range from spacious self-contained apartments to luxury hotel suites, most with fantastic views of the water and city skyline.  Darling Harbour is home to the Chinese Garden of Friendship - a haven of peace and tranquillity in the heart of Sydney.
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What is Meant by Creating an Enjoyable Experience for the Guest/ Customer in a Hospitality Setting Tourism Assignment
8 pages (2251 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The hospitality industry is a fast-changing setting that changes as per changing tastes and preferences. Innovations play a major role in the growth of any industry in which the hospitality industry is no exception to the same. With globalization and technological advancement, it is important to bring new innovations to the hospitality industry.
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Hallmark Events and Mega Events Tourism Case Study
7 pages (1959 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
the industry has adopted a social approach in its marketing strategies through the use of both the mega and Hallmark events. The application of these events in the tourism industry has caused increased marketing competition. However, a majority confuses the two events due to their overall implications on increased tourism activities.
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Conservation in Galapagos Island Tourism Case Study
8 pages (2251 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Nature and adventure travel are some of the fastest-growing sectors in tourism. This involves cruise ships, travelers, and trekking, exploring remote places among other activities that have direct contact with the environment. Tourism has a direct impact on the environment and its growth presents a challenge in balancing it with conservation.
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South Australian Tourism Plan Tourism Case Study
9 pages (2310 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The South Australian Tourism Commission’s tourism plan aims at reaching the maximum potential of the industry that is believed to be over 8 billion dollars annually. There is a need to draw a clear plan that will be the road map to delivering this potential. The South Australian Tourism Commission has developed plans that aimed at moving the industry forward.
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The Standard Voyage Tourism Case Study
8 pages (2167 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Non-compliance of the parties’ obligation would lead to compensation in form of deadweight since the breach of contract by a party to a contract would create some inconveniences to the other party and as a result, the remedy to breach of contract is compensation for loss suffered at the time of contract.
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The Defining Characteristics of Hallmark and Mega-Events Tourism Case Study
8 pages (2268 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
There has been a number of milestones that can be attributed to the increase in technology and the advancement of transport and communication networks. The government regulations aimed at retaining and promoting culture have been the cornerstone of ensuring that the events industry performs exemplarily.
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The Distinction That Exists between the Mega-Events and Hallmark Events Tourism Case Study
8 pages (2156 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
This is ensured by different events that draw audiences and visitors across the globe. Two of such sport tourism events are mega-events and hallmark events that form the core of this paper. These two events have been strategically used by most governments in achieving different purposes, promotion of the image of destinations being one of them.
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Culture, Heritage and Tourism in Southeast Asia by King and Does Tourism Change Our Lives by Tse Tourism Article
8 pages (2092 words) , Download 0 , Article
Variations also exist in the methodology of both articles. Tse's (2010) article; “Does Tourism Change Our Lives?” takes up an empirical study approach whereby the author uses focus groups in order to examine the benefits of tourism to individuals. The findings attained from the responses of the focus groups are then analyzed to come up with conclusive benefits.
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Investigation of Current and Emerging Issues in Hospitality and Tourism Tourism Assignment
13 pages (3595 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper "Investigation of Current and Emerging Issues in Hospitality and Tourism" is a perfect example of a tourism assignment. In the last decade, we have witnessed arguably one of the most challenging periods for global business. Lapses in management judgment have occurred across a broad spectrum of industries. Numerous examples exist of such lapses that have led to business failures.
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Analysis of European Tourism Industry Tourism Case Study
10 pages (2696 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Analysis of European Tourism Industry" is a great example of a tourism case study.   This paper delves analyzing the market plan for European Tour Operators.  This marketing plan is developed to assist the industry in ascertaining proper methods and techniques for improving their output.
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How Tourism Is an Influential Global Economic Sector Tourism Assignment
8 pages (2225 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper "How Tourism Is an Influential Global Economic Sector" is a good example of a tourism assignment. Chambok, Cambodia is a place generally known due to its high poverty level. The communities living in this area, therefore, live in deep poverty with the average household expenditure in a month being estimated to be $ 95.
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The Significance of Beach Resorts in Australia Tourism Industry Tourism Case Study
6 pages (1674 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "The Significance of Beach Resorts in Australia Tourism Industry”  is an exciting example of a case study on tourism. Beach resorts have formed an integral part of the Australian tourism industry. In fact, the beach resorts are best known for sustainable tourism in Australia. There is no doubt that the tourism industry in Australia is a huge contributor to the country's economy.
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Ship Operation Management - Voyage Planning Tourism Assignment
8 pages (2403 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper "Ship Operation Management - Voyage Planning" is a wonderful example of an assignment on tourism. Voyage planning is a mechanism to design a comprehensive mechanism of a vessel’s voyage from its start to finish as in a profitable and perfect manner with such an arrangement to ensure the sustainability of the organization.
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Route Planning for Bulk Carrier MV Lotus Dawn Tourism Assignment
7 pages (2019 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper "Route Planning for Bulk Carrier MV Lotus Dawn" is a wonderful example of an assignment on tourism. This paper will examine the routing options for a voyage of the bulk carrier MV Lotus Dawn from Manila, the Philippines to New York, and make a recommendation as to which of the three alternative routes will be the most practical in terms of trip time and costs.
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Rio de Janeiro Carnival - Tourism Report Tourism Case Study
13 pages (3408 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Rio de Janeiro Carnival - Tourism Report" is a great example of a tourism case study. Tourism is one of the income-generating activities in the most established, tourism destination across the globe. Visitor consumption is among the most comprehensive cumulative illustrating economic relevance on what tourism products can contribute to the location economic and social elements.
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Workplace Health and Safety, B2B Marketing, Communication, and Interpersonal Skills in the Tourism Tourism Assignment
13 pages (3570 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper “Workplace Health and Safety, B2B Marketing, Communication, and Interpersonal Skills in the Tourism” is a meaty variant of the assignment on tourism. From a personal point of view, the management styles that improve my productivity in terms of work include advocating for objectivity. I believe in fostering harmony among staff in any organizational establishment.
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Hallmark Event Tourism Assignment
8 pages (2030 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper "Hallmark Event" is a perfect example of a tourism assignment. In the past, tourism was exceedingly challenging for Roswell since the New Mexico cities of Santa Fe and Taos had built significant tourist trades focussing on their museums, historic architecture, pueblos, artist collections, as well as outdoor activities.
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Ultimate Travel Services Tourism Assignment
6 pages (1606 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper "Ultimate Travel Services" is an amazing example of a Tourism assignment. Ultimate travel services limited mainly specialize in the provision of adventure and business travel and related services to travelers.  As such, the company is a specialist in the provision of travel services from where the majority of its revenue is generated.
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Economic for Managers: Australian Tourism Industry Tourism Assignment
9 pages (2565 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper "Economic for Managers: Australian Tourism Industry" is an outstanding example of a tourism assignment. The article indicates that the Australian economy has undergone economic growth. The growth is attributed to improved household consumption, exports of goods and services, dwelling investment as well as non-dwelling new building construction.
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How Did the UFO Festival Affect Tourism to Roswell Tourism Assignment
8 pages (2097 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper "How Did the UFO Festival Affect Tourism to Roswell?" is an engrossing example of an assignment on tourism. The UFO Festival is a festival that is held yearly to commemorate the UFO incident that occurred in 1947 when claims of aliens landing in New Mexico were made. It was claimed that an extra-terrestrial ship from space had landed in a ranch.
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The Major Causes of Environmental Effects on Tourism and Related Tourism Policies in Australia Tourism Assignment
7 pages (2146 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper "The Major Causes of Environmental Effects on Tourism and Related Tourism Policies in Australia" is a perfect example of a tourism assignment. Tourism is Australia's most critical industry which has enormously affected Australia's built and physical environments. Tourism is driven by human being craving for adventurous experience and longing to find spots that are magnificent.
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Cuba Tourism Revenue Jumps 15 percent in First-Half of 2016 Tourism Case Study
7 pages (2244 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'Cuba Tourism Revenue Jumps 15 percent in First-Half of 2016" is a good example of a tourism case study. Cuba’s tourism industry registered 15% revenue growth during the first half of the year 2016 in comparison with the same period in 2015. The number of international tourists from the U.S. grew by 80%.
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Historical Analysis of Tourism in London Tourism Case Study
10 pages (2559 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
London is the capital of the U.K. It is one of the most incredible urban communities in the world - its history lasts almost two centuries - and among the most diverse. The U.K.'s largest city is by far the country's financial, transport, and social hub. Its stories, images, sounds, and smells are unique and central to England's social, political, academic, artistic, and budgetary history.
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Sustainable Tourism Development: A Case Study of Shenzhen, China Tourism Case Study
12 pages (2993 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
In essence, overlooking the need to improve the living standards of the local communities in Shenzhen can lead to a number of social ills, which can, in turn, impact negatively on the tourist sector. As such, a focus on socio-economic development by the key stakeholders in Shenzhen’s tourism sector is a necessity for its long term sustainability 
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Environmental Analysis - Gold Coast City Tourism Case Study
10 pages (2936 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The paper "Environmental Analysis - Gold Coast City" is a perfect example of a tourism case study. The Gold Coast City, Australia’s premier tourist destination, continues to top as one leading tourist getaways in the world. The recent economic recession did not spare Australia and its booming tourist trade. Most affected was the currency, the Australian dollar (AUD) which soared leaving most businesses at the mercy of government bailouts.
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Tourism Industry in Canada Tourism Case Study
12 pages (116 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Tourism Industry in Canada " is an outstanding example of a tourism case study. The tourism industry of Canada has an impact on the various other industries within the boundaries of Canada including the hospitality sector, airlines, and travel agencies among others. This makes the industry of tourism a mixture of various other industries not only in Canada but also around the world.
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New York - Development of Niche Tourism Products Tourism Case Study
15 pages (154 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'New York - Development of Niche Tourism Products" is a great example of a tourism case study. Undeniably, every New Yorker and American at large reckon that tourism has an enormous contribution to the economy of New York State. While many events, tourist attractions, and culture bring international visitors to New York, it is worth noting that music is an essential niche that needs maximum exploitation.
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Perspectives on Cultural Tourism Tourism Assignment
6 pages (10 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The tourism industry is considered to be the most booming sector across the globe. The study will mainly emphasize whether tourism protects local culture and traditional communities or not. There are various arguments that have been raised in the context of highlighting the pros and cons of tourism and its impact on traditional communities.
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International and Domestic Tourism: Perspectives and Implications Tourism Annotated Bibliography
16 pages (4190 words) , Download 0 , Annotated Bibliography
The paper "International and Domestic Tourism: Perspectives and Implications" is a great example of an annotated bibliography on tourism. The tourism industry in New Zealand is one of the biggest revenue earning industries that not only generates domestic spending but also brings in valuable foreign exchange which is invaluable both to the economy in general and in the promotion of tourism.
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Indigenous Cultural Tourism Tourism Article
6 pages (1813 words) , Download 0 , Article
. The scenic beauty and its varied attractions never fail to attract both Domestic and International tourists from every corner of the world. Domestic tourism forms a significant portion of Australia’s tourism industry and according to (Australian Bureau of Statistics 2010 - 2011) is “responsible for 73% of the total direct tourism GDP”.
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Food Tourism in the Academic Literature Tourism Article
8 pages (2371 words) , Download 0 , Article
Enjoying food from different countries and cultures has been a part of their regular travel. Historians, scholars, traders, warriors, and poets used to admire the foods of various cultures for their aromas, flavors, nutrition, and presentations and used to discuss with their friends and families when they come back from far-off travel. 
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Difference Between Hallmark Events and Mega-Events Tourism Article
8 pages (2190 words) , Download 0 , Article
In the labor market, tourism creates many job opportunities directly and indirectly through the supply of the required goods and services for tourists. Also, tourism promotes business as well as an infrastructural investment through the development of small and medium enterprises and the expansion of infrastructure.
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Special Interest in Marine Tourism Tourism Annotated Bibliography
6 pages (1878 words) , Download 0 , Annotated Bibliography
The paper "Special Interest in Marine Tourism" is a wonderful example of an annotated bibliography on tourism. This book examines and explains Marine Tourism and tourism coastal in their environments. Mark Roams presents an overview of marine tourism, how it has developed and grown in the recent past. Orams describes the characteristics of the stakeholders of this form of special interest tourism.
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How Will Technology Shape the Future Development of Tourism Tourism Annotated Bibliography
10 pages (2541 words) , Download 0 , Annotated Bibliography
The paper "How Will Technology Shape the Future Development of Tourism?" is a worthy example of an annotated bibliography on tourism. The author of the paper states that the development of technological processes in the market increases the possibility of increased market success in the market through increased regulations. 
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The Impacts of Tourism Tourism Essay
6 pages (1722 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The factors that induce the impact of touristic activities on a zone include the variety of tourist potential, the existence of general infrastructure, and the presence of tourist structures of alimentation, accommodation, and pleasure. Due to the great role of tourism as a global employer and customer, it is important to plan and manage touristic activities to maximize their positive impact.
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Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary Tourism Case Study
7 pages (1947 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Deliberate and long term provision of food through artificial means can also disturb the ecological balance by making behavioural changes in wildlife and redistribute populations of fauna across the sanctuary. It is therefore recommended that natural sources of food should be conserved within the region and practices to sustain those sources should be adopted.
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Size and Structure of the Tourism Industry in the UK Tourism Assignment
5 pages (1666 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The government recognizes the economic importance of tourism and its contribution as a job generator. The tourism industry comprises of numerous small and big businesses providing accommodation, food, transport and other services. The government, employers and education providers have to work together to ensure people are drawn to this industry.
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