However, driven the notion of different cultural background and dynamism we discuss the different definitions of authenticity concept. Authenticity according to Sharpley (1994) should not be given any tangible quality which can be associated with a particular event/ product and should not provide a basis of judging tourism. Nevertheless, as Rushdie (1991) pointed out, authenticity is a combination of the “old-fashion” language, style/s, forms, sources, and symbols that work homogenously under indivisible traditions.
Here, without these elements working together without external pressures and in one simple tradition, then the concept of authenticity comes in. This definition concurs with Theobald (2006) definition for authenticity; which reads “authenticity means genuine, real thing, unadulterated. It is clear that all these definitions of authenticity have different concepts of approaching and addressing the issue of cultural or heritage tourism. However, we can combine the concepts relayed in these definitions and come up with our own definition of authenticity.
Hence, authenticity can be defined as the experience which addresses the culture of others like the host society and the host people. In that sense, tourism is one of the concepts of authenticating human experiences of different cultures. As McCannell (1976) writes “tourism is the search for the authentic in human experience.” In addition, he claims that the failure of not seeing everything as ought to be seen is not a matter of being a bad or good tourist since the main desire for every tourist is to explore and have inner interaction with the society and culture of the host society to a certain degree.
As defined earlier, authenticity includes the element of extent/degree. The question is, to what degree do a tourist need to interact and explore the culture of the host society for the experience to be termed authentic. Despite these definitions and concepts of authenticity, authors have devised three perspective of describing authenticity. The three cluster around theoretical basis of postmodernism, constructivism, and objectivism. Moreover, Wang (1999) has another approach called the existential authenticity.
In existential authenticity, places, objects, and cultures that are toured are not termed as authentic. Cohen (2007) contends that due to deferent existing definitions of authenticity, the idea of simple tangible material quality of authenticity is no longer practical. Therefore, he introduced six other possible definitions of authenticity. One; authenticity as the custom practice with longer application; two, authenticity in respect to unadulterated products; authenticity of the validity of the relationship that exist between the two parties; authenticity of the creativity i.e. music and dance, and others.
These definitions also are not satisfactory in the sense that they are terming authenticity in the light of external measurement with the aspect of interaction. Pearce (2007) concludes the definition by stating that authenticity is the connection of employers and customers of the word “authenticity” by relating it to other terms in tourism by applying innovative ideas so as to give authenticity a tourism breakdown. Impacts of presenting a tourist product as Authentic The post-modernism perspective of authenticity has reconciled itself with the idea of staged authenticity.
The approach expands the knowledge boundaries of the authenticity by creating what is called a hyper reality in the minds of cultural travellers (Wang 1999, pp 357). By staging authenticity a culture is able to create new cultural assets which later become to be regarded as authentic. The Disney theme park is one of the examples where presentation of an asset as authentic has led to the birth of a new tourist attraction (Wang 1999, pp 356). The park is so popular that majority of people who grow up in America dream of one day visiting it.
However, staged authenticity has a number of implications on the host, cultural heritage management, the tourism industry and tourist the main players associated with cultural tourism.
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