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How to Choose Body Building Equipment for Exercise at Home Sports & Recreation Essay
1 pages (283 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "How to Choose Body Building Equipment for Exercise at Home" is an outstanding example of an essay on sports and recreation. A sound body is necessary for healthy living. Staying fit is compulsory for rational thinking. Many people join gym in order to seek advice from health trainers and do body building. It is a perfect school for physical education.
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Responsible Sports Program Sports & Recreation Essay
2 pages (556 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "Responsible Sports Program" is a good example of an essay on sports and recreation. This things to do article is a very touching article. However, leaving emotions aside for a bit. In a game, every team aims to win. It is why the teams practice hard and sacrifice their time to practice, so as to win. It is, therefore, disappointing that after all that, to just throw the game like that.
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Yoga as a Physical and Mental Process Sports & Recreation Annotated Bibliography
1 pages (328 words) , Download 0 , Annotated Bibliography
The paper "Yoga as a Physical and Mental Process" is an amazing example of an annotated bibliography on sports and recreation.  Tomporowski, P. D., Davis, C. L., Miller, P. H., & Naglieri, J. A. (2008). Exercise and children’s intelligence, cognition, and academic achievement. The research explains the effects of exercise on the mental and cognitive abilities of an individual. 
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The Ambitious Increase in Missed H.O.R.S.E Shots Sports & Recreation Coursework
1 pages (370 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
The paper "The Ambitious Increase in Missed H.O.R.S.E Shots" is a delightful example of coursework on sports and recreation. The reports from a local public basketball court on Monday indicated an increasing trend of missed shots of two young H.O.R.S.E young players. Earlier sources reported multiple dramatic three-pointers misses from shorter distances.
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The Manchester Derby Sports & Recreation Term Paper
1 pages (454 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
The paper "The Manchester Derby" is a brilliant example of a term paper on sports and recreation. The Manchester derby had been anticipated for weeks and it did not disappoint by all standards. The sensation of the players was worth watching as each side struggled to bag the full three points on offer.
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Determination of Fan Satisfaction Sports & Recreation Article
1 pages (299 words) , Download 0 , Article
            The paper under consideration is named “The Role of The Uncertainty of the Outcome and the Scoring in the Determination of Fan Satisfaction in NFL”. This article was first published in the online Journal of Sports Economics on 15 August 2010. The authors who contributed to the research in the article are Rodney J. Paul, Yoav Wachsman, and Andrew P. Weinbach.
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Major International Sporting Events in Asian Nations: Olympic Effects on Tourism Sports & Recreation Research Paper
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
Private and public sectors invested in manufacturing, construction, and services too (Hwang 19). Jen-Te Hwang noted that the immediate tourism effects are not always visible, but long-term tourism benefits are perceived because of increased global brand equity as a tourist destination and vast infrastructure developments that have long-term uses.
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The Passion for Bodybuilding Sports & Recreation Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 8 , Essay
At the age of 15, I broke my knee and severely hurt my back in an accident that left me immobile and unable to complete basic physical activities. After three months, my thigh and calf muscles were drained, which led my doctor to recommend exercise as a cure to my debilitating weakness. I found myself thrilled with the thought that I could develop my strength.
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Performance Analysis and Improvement in Sports Development and Coaching Sports & Recreation Assignment
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
Declining costs and technological advances have given trainers access to analysis software, digital cameras, and laptops, making the entire process of PA less arduous and simpler. This procedure can be used to measure and identify a variety of ‘performance indicators’ that contain a real manner on the result of any sport in particular.
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Branched Chain Amino Acids and their Effect on Sports Performance Sports & Recreation Article
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Article
A number of natural products are marketed as ergogenic aids, which have found a ready market among sportspersons. Their biggest advantage is that they are legal, apart from being safe and effective. Examples of such acids include branched-chain amino acids, creatine, medium chain triglycerides, pyruvates, and vitamins.
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How Football Rules Should Be Improved Sports & Recreation Assignment
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
Another suggestion that is not obvious and “silly” is about limiting the size of gloves that goalkeepers wear. Today, there are absolutely no rules that dictate the size of attires that goalkeepers need to use. The only rule that is being used is the rule that requires them to wear jerseys with a different color from one of the teammates
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Basketball as the Most Popular Team Sports Sports & Recreation Essay
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This is due to the written rules and regulations that players, coaches and fans have to know, the language and motions used by referees, and the speech patterns of the players, among other things. However, it can be said that each team, through the longevity of the members’ relationship, can also create their own culture via their use of specific language. 
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NCAA Athletic Arms Race Sports & Recreation Assignment
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
There are various ways of addressing the financial implications of the arms race: Reducing the size of the travelling squads, reducing salary expenses to athletics’ employees, reducing the number of scholarships and lower tuition, renting the existing facilities to generate revenue other than building new ones, and better transparency and accountability. 
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Coach Working at Different Levels within the UK Sports & Recreation Essay
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This research begins with the definition of Sports Coaching as “the practice and activity of getting trained by a person to learn the skills that will help to obtain proficiency in a sport”. The person who provides coaching is called as a coach. The term coach can refer to an informal arrangement with a senior member of the community who offers free training, tips, and guidance to others.
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History of Baseball in America Sports & Recreation Assignment
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
Quite a substantial number of people in the major league along with the black press campaigned against the racism being observed in the sport; Branch Ricky being one of them. He was concerned with the need for a structured sports culture in baseball for around 60 years and formed baseball’s farm system in the 1920s.
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Past Sport Experience Sports & Recreation Assignment
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
This essay discusses that sports and its management are aspects that are always debatable throughout the world. Of primary argument is the management of sports organizations. There are those who argue that for one to be a successful manager of a sports organization, they must be conversant with the sport they are working with.
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Sports and Society - Examples of Each Category of Violence in Sport Sports & Recreation Assignment
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
Modern sporting events have greatly toned down most of these extreme types of events, there remain cultures that maintain extremely aggressive sports such as karate, judo, sumo wrestling among others. A lot of money is made in illegal sporting events because there is a high demand in terms of audience for such events.  
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Wooden Bats versus Metal Bats in Baseball Sports & Recreation Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay analyzes that though major league players do not have to worry about this debate as they essentially have to play with a wooden bat, the controversy holds great importance for minor league baseball players or high school players, who love to play with metal bats. Both types of bats have their unique worth.
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Bally Total Fitness Sports & Recreation Case Study
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
This essay discusses that Bally maintained many different barriers in terms of entering new markets since the equipment used for fitness cannot be easily converted into newly-marketable products or services. Under Porter’s Five Forces Model, “asset specificity is the extent to which a firm’s assets can be used to produce a different product”.
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A Power Play for Howard in Many Acts Sports & Recreation Assignment
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
This research will begin with the statement that NBA Star Juwan Howard, 6 ft. 9 inches tall, was in a moment in time, July 11, 1996, popular for his great performance with the Washington Bullet Team. Bill Brubaker and Mark Asher (1996) reported that he had been “averaging 19.8 points, 8.3 rebounds, and 3.6 assists per game” during 2 NBA seasons.
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The National Hot Road Association - NHRA Sports & Recreation Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
NHRA is primarily seeking the safety in these types of motorsports. They are very keen to apply the safety devices in each cars running in the contests. They are allowing the motorcars, which can persuade the security of the driver first, escaping from the car if there is an explosion or other accidents. Drivers should wear the Simpson suits, which are fire resistant. 
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Sport and Recreation Management Sports & Recreation Essay
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The conclusion from this study states that individuals, organizations, and governments appreciate the significance of free time, recreational time, and leisure time in the modern society where leisure relates to any time that an individual spends away from work, entrepreneurship, maintenance activities, family activities, and academic activities.
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The Importance of Warming Up Prior To Playing Golf Sports & Recreation Essay
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This paper discusses the importance of warming up prior to engaging in a game of golf and how the pre-game warm up has an effect on the golfer’s body and the game. It will cover the effects of the warm upon the golfer as well as the effect upon the game itself. The recommended exercises for warm up that are discouraged will be addressed.
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Skate America Store Sports & Recreation Essay
2 pages (765 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This is strictly an online store. The skateboarding store uses Person Marketing as its main strategy of nontraditional marketing on the web. Enhancing its marketing and combining it with a touch of Event Marketing will give the seller a competitive edge in a niche market of hobbyist and gift products for skateboarders and skaters.
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Barcelona FC History Sports & Recreation Essay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Many sporting events, mainly originating from different cultures throughout the world, have been developed and well natured to a point of being used as sources revenue. In this regard, football is acknowledged as the most famous sporting activity present in the world. It is undoubted that football commands a large number of spectators.
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Applied Sports Coaching Science and Performance Sports & Recreation Essay
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This paper concerns the theory that states that the learner’s behavior can be understood with the reference to external factors in the environment (Utley, 2011). In addition, the theory states that the brain’s and body’s capacity learning process influences the training process (Newman, 2008).
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Benefits of Flexibility Development Training Sports & Recreation Research Paper
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 5 , Research Paper
Regular training and staying active helps an athlete reduce the chances of-of losing mobility in body joints . Additionally, flexibility development helps reduce the chances injuries such as hamstring back pain and ankle injuries.
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Discussion Of The Impacts Of Introduction Of Tennis Racket On Coaching Sports & Recreation Essay
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Research does prove that the implementation of man-made equipment has had a drastic impact on some sports. Analyzing the benefits of applying sporting technologies there has been a creation of new products with the objective of improving and enhancing performance in various sports. Application of modern technologies in sports has good results.
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Sport in Society Sports & Recreation Assignment
4 pages (1337 words) , Download 4 , Assignment
The sport demands more than individual excellence. It requires teamwork, the ability to move beyond personal ego, to put the needs of the team before personal gains, and a desire to win (Burdett, 1997). Planning and discipline are very essential during sports training. Decision making in sport organizations become difficult because of the diverse interests of the stakeholders. 
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Salary Discrimination in National Basketball Association Sports & Recreation Essay
11 pages (3070 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This study is being carried out to analyse the actions being taken by the various sporting teams to address the situation; to investigate those factors responsible for salary discrimination between black and white NBA players; to try and analyse the possible effect of salary discrimination on a victim’s performance.
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How Sports Run the World Sports & Recreation Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
According to the report the commercial and social significance of the sports makes it a huge force of economic transformation in the modern world. The social and commercial benefits of the sports make every government around the globe to commit public resources to construct sporting infrastructure including stadiums.
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Modern Sports Prevail Over Gymnastics Sports & Recreation Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
While the various schools of physical exercise, associated with Jahn in Germany, were aimed at developing political and military ideals geared towards creating nationalism, organized competitive sports arose as a social innovation for the urbanized working class.
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Transforming of Olympic Games Sports & Recreation Assignment
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
The word ‘Olympian Class’ was first used in the Wenlock Games to show the overall betterment of the people of the Town and its neighbourhood. Thus, from its inception, the tradition of old Greece was imbibed by the organisers (Coubertin, 1890).
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Impact of Boosters on Collegiate Athletics Sports & Recreation Essay
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
A collegiate athlete is a student for whose enrollment a representative of athletics interests or a member of the athletics staff solicited with the aim of ultimately having the student participate in the college’s athletics program, he may be currently participating in athletics but has completed his or her eligibility.
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Is Boxing just a sport Sports & Recreation Essay
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
From this research, it is clear that professional boxing should, however, not be taken as just a sport, as it is not even close to being a sport. Boxing can be said to be an exhibition that has more common characteristics with professional wrestling than with legitimate sports. Boxing is the most challenging sport of all.
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London Olympics 2012 Sports & Recreation Essay
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It is mentioned that Olympics 2012 would take place in London. This is the third time in history when the city has been given this honor to host the event. The last two times it hosted the event in 1940 and 1948. London won the bid out of four big cities: Paris, Moscow and New York in a close one-on-one with Paris by 4 votes.
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Benefits of Walking Sports & Recreation Essay
1 pages (307 words) , Download 35 , Essay
Although modern means of transport have had quite a number of advantages, it is important that people realize the importance or benefits of walking more specifically with regard to health issues. Researchers and doctors have found out that regular walking helps individuals maintain good body weight.
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Essential Tips for Becoming a Better Swimmer Sports & Recreation Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
During the initial swimming sessions, the person needs to be administered not only for the practice but also for the equipment. The challenge for the uncoached swimmer is that there are many nuances of the freestyle swim stroke to copy and many tips for technique improvement to choose from that finding the most integral aspects can seem daunting.
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Money Ball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game by Michael Lewis Sports & Recreation Book Report/Review
1 pages (263 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
The protagonist of this novel is Billy Beane, the general manager of the team. He is plagued by the problem of leading the team to victory in the Major League but he has very few funding opportunities and the financial resources available. The Oakland Athletics were doomed due to unavailable funding.        
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Sales and Promotion in Sports Sports & Recreation Essay
2 pages (668 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The author states that through marketing, the spectator of the team becomes aware of the products and services offered by their favorite teams. Discount-admission promotion must take into consideration the target population. The discount promotion method provides customers with the required information on the discounted prices on the tickets on offer.
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Working in a Health and Wellness Company Sports & Recreation Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
As the paper outlines, health and wellness issues vary from place to place so, in the author’s company, he mainly specialized in researching about pertinent issues that can be used to improve the health of the people. As a consultant, the author played a significant role in teaching people about the correct diet they should follow so that they can build and maintain healthy bodies.
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Individuals with Disabilities and Physical Activity Sports & Recreation Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Morbidity is a common problem in society. One of its challenges is limiting potentials of people who leaving disability and this transcends from the subjects’ physical to emotional aspects of life. Sports are important activities. Similarly, cardiovascular activities play an integral role in helping these individuals to remain healthy.
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Drug Use in Sports Sports & Recreation Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
‘Doping’ is a term pertaining to the use of illegal athlete performance drugs. Despite the long-term health consequences and an increased risk of untimely death associated with doping (Dhar et al., 2005), there are still a lot of athletes today who are taking drugs to enhance their athletic performances.
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Review of National Sport Effort By Carter Sports & Recreation Research Paper
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The direct health care costs of physical inactivity in England in 2002 amounted to £m 325 whereas the earnings lost due to sickness and premature mortality amounted to £m 785 and £m 780 respectively; thus, the total direct and indirect costs of physical inactivity totals an amount of £m 1890 per annum (Gratton 2004 p. 91).
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My Training Program Sports & Recreation Assignment
7 pages (1833 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
It is because I designed the program gradually with an increasing intensity.  The objectives for each session was conservative such that it can easily be met and surpassed. I am satisfied with the result because I feel terrific.  In fact, I will go beyond the six week program and may even adopt this kind of lifestyle for life because it makes me feel good and healthy.
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Demonstration Speech on Rugby Sports & Recreation Essay
2 pages (735 words) , Download 6 , Essay
The author states that Rugby was developed and played around the latter half of the 18th century at the Rugby School in the United Kingdom. Since then, the rules of rugby have changed many times, and the game has come a long way. Earlier the game was played by any number of players per side sometimes extending to even hundreds of them.
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Evaluation of Football Sports & Recreation Assignment
1 pages (347 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
 Football is a game that has a huge following around the world.  Apart from this, it contributes to the miserable living of participants. The game also causes addiction to the participants, therefore, contributing to their irresponsible living styles (Arkinstall, pp, 1-2). In support of the above statements, the below criteria will be used. 
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Facts about Racism in Football Sports & Recreation Research Proposal
7 pages (1957 words) , Download 5 , Research Proposal
In the 80s, large numbers of black players started coming into English football in and it was rather common to hear team managers and others make the claim that blacks in their team had plenty of skill, but lacked the guts which other players had (Szymanski, 2000). In present times, such comments and clear racist remarks are seldom seen.
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Exercise is Important for Fitness Sports & Recreation Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 5 , Essay
The author of this essay underlines that our bodies need exercise in order to prevent diseases. It is also stated that regular exercise prevents heart diseases, cancer, high blood pressure and obesity. Moreover, the author claims that it improves our look and increases longevity since aging slows down.
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Plyometric Training Program for the Volleyball Players for Pre-season Phase Sports & Recreation Coursework
1 pages (945 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
In general, the players explode up and throw the ball into the air. This is aimed at throwing the ball the maximum height and generating the leg power. The ball is caught on the bounce and procedure repeated (Taylor  & Beashel, 1997). Three sets of single-arm throw; each with ten repetitions is adequate.
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