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Applied Sport Psychology Sports & Recreation Case Study
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
80% of a cricketer's success is determined by what takes place in his head. Learning the abilities and beliefs that facilitate an individual is fundamental to accomplishing one’s potential and to performing consistently well. Therefore, Sean will be helped in expanding those skills that will take his game to the next level. 
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The Use of Mental Imagery Is Helpful for Athletes Sports & Recreation Research Paper
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
For the seasoned athlete, the professional must assist in developing an image of successful performance. For a marathon runner, this might include the individual making it past the 21-mile marker maintaining the same pace.  It may involve the baseball pitcher throwing the perfect strike, to beat the opposing team.
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Forecasting Sports Using HSM and SSM Techniques Sports & Recreation Dissertation
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Dissertation
In the present study, the tourism industry is going to be highlighted to outline how Poland as a country stands to benefit in using sports as a vehicle for tourism development. This shall be undertaken in the short-medium term, as well as projections for the foreseeable future. The forecasting shall be done based on a number of statistical projections.
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Impact of Community Sports Promoting of Social Inclusion in Glasgow Sports & Recreation Literature review
35 pages (8750 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
There were periods where general narrowing in involvement in sporting activities was observed. The changes in sporting in Glasgow during the dawn of the Industrial Revolution was attributed to the tempo of urbanization, the proliferation of the factory system and the notable decline in the housing and public health conditions in the area.
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The History of Soccer in Mexico Sports & Recreation Research Paper
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Witzig asserts that one of the oldest ball-fields in America is found at Paso de la Amada in Mexico’s archeological digs. It is approximately three thousand five hundred years old. The sport of soccer is very popular and has a long history in Mexico. Together with Central Americans, Mexicans created the rubber ball.
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Initiatives to Develop Respect towards Referees in the United Kingdom Sports & Recreation Assignment
17 pages (4250 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The BBC reported that there were 330 assaults on match officials in matches played by 14-year-olds as compared to the previous year 2010 and the FA needs to take necessary steps to overcome the problem (Wilson, 2011). Assaults on referees are down by 13 per cent year on year and there are 7.4 per cent more referees than the previous year 2011.
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The Effect of Plyometric Training on Muscle Strength Sports & Recreation Research Paper
19 pages (4750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
According to the text, plyometric training is a widely used technique for enhancing athletic performance. Plyometric exercises are also known to decrease injury risk, especially in female athletes. Reportedly, the motion is the basis of life in humans and the organ directly related to motion is muscle.
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FIFA World Cup in South Africa - First Major Sporting Event Sports & Recreation Case Study
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
The benefits of hosting mega-events especially those of world-class include; improvement of infrastructure base. The writer Leeman (2010) asserts that to host mega-events successfully require appropriate infrastructure. Infrastructure constructed for world cup competitions resulted in prospects of fast growth.  
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Modern Technology and the Efficiency of Football Players Sports & Recreation Research Paper
19 pages (4750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The author states that for all sports, there are some customs and rules to follow. The physical capabilities and skill technologies and techniques of the competitor they are the key factors to win or to be defeated in any game. The term sport is defined as spirited, prepared adroit physical activity, which requires dedication and fair game.
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Sports, Physical Activity, and Mental Health Sports & Recreation Coursework
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
In the review of the literature, the paper focuses on sources that are peer-reviewed and authoritative. Based on reliable and authoritative sources, the role of sports and physical exercise are important in promoting mental health because of the effect of sports and physical exercise on the physiology of the body.
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Influence of Sport Science Disciplines in Basketball Sports & Recreation Essay
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The author states that basketball is a high intensive game that involves a continuous movement of a player both in short or long movements, thus physical fitness is of utmost importance. The game has a series of transitions, which involves movements like short sprints to jogging as well as walking.
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Cross Rope Jump Sports & Recreation Term Paper
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
The author states that cross rope Jump comes with different techniques, some of the techniques involve three people; in this technique, two of the players turn the rope while the third person jumps. However, many techniques require only one player who turns the rope and jumps at the same time.
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Underwater Performance Evaluation Sports & Recreation Term Paper
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
The author states that the two major principles to effective swimming are a reduction in water resistance and increase in propelling force. With these skills, it is very easy for one to learn any swimming technique. However, to acquire these skills, a swimmer has to dedicate quality time and effort.
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Achievements of Sustainability in Olympic Games 2012 Sports & Recreation Research Paper
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The major speculations were made about the achievements that London and UK may achieve over the post-Olympic period. The achievements might have a sustaining effect over the coming decade. According to various Economists, the post-Olympic effects will result in betterment in infrastructure, health facility, tourist attractive spots, etc.
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A Comprehensive Report on Creating a Football Events Committee Sports & Recreation Case Study
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
To date, one successful football event has been held, which resulted in the generation of revenue of £320.89. The sponsors for this event were the Student Union and Aqua Burst. The ACTSA ornaments, as well as their wrist badges, were also obtained for the football event to be sold in order to generate a profit. 
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Analysis of Sport and Community Organization in the 21st century Sports & Recreation Literature review
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
Sports Psychology research has developed and expanded considerably over the last decade or two. Its accelerating volume of research output embraces a wide variety of topics having both academic and practical impact, and relating to other areas of Sports Science and also the broader overall discipline of 'mainstream' psychology.
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Motorsports Industry in Carolina Sports & Recreation Research Paper
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The author states that the Motorsports which is one of the sources of entertainment in the U.S has a 38-year history. The company was started by O. Bruton Smith in his attempt to develop one of the largest racetrack operations in the U.S. Smith started promoting races that were performed small dirt tracks in North Carolina in 1950s.
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Influence of Sport Science Disciplines in Basketball Sports & Recreation Essay
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The author states that sport science disciplines use science and technology to gain knowledge on how to design and improve training programs and exercises for athletes that will enhance their performance attitudes and behaviors. The knowledge they offer can also reduce the risks of injuries and fatalities.
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Recommendations for Hydration And The Role Of Sports Drinks In Performance Sports & Recreation Literature review
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 4 , Literature review
Similar sentiments are also echoed by Manore et al. They assert that increased consumption of foods with high carbohydrates values mostly favors consumption and sodium favors the retention of water in the body of the athletes. Taking appropriate sports drinks competition is highly desired compared with fluid intake after or prior to working out.
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Environmental Analysis of Skiing Industry Sports & Recreation Term Paper
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
The increase in a number of visitors in these resorts has environmental impacts; in essence, an increase in the number of visitors means an increase in a number of cars, grooming, and snowmaking equipment. the amount of fuel burn contributed to environmental pollution, smog, and acid rain that affect the quality of air.
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Indian Gaming Law Sports & Recreation Research Paper
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The term “Indian Gaming” refers to the Gambling that is in a variety of different forms. Indian gaming has long been a necessary part of Indian culture and tradition. The term “Indian Gaming” refers to different games like "stick game", “Horse and foot races”. Those games are still played at tribal gatherings.
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The Role of Women in Sport: the Approaches and Methods in Women Rugby Players Sports & Recreation Literature review
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
Rugby as a sport originates in the public school system of the English upper classes. It is a particularly physical sport, involving physical strength and speed, good hand-eye coordination, close teamwork, and a certain amount of risk-taking since injuries are frequent and often serious enough to warrant hospitalisation.
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Successful Teams Are Based on Successful Leaders Sports & Recreation Research Paper
25 pages (6250 words) , Download 6 , Research Paper
Team building is the art of developing cohesion among the team members by developing trust, communication, and cooperation among the members. This improves the performance of the team and increases its efficiency. A Team Leader binds the team. He inculcates “team spirit” in the members. He controls, directs, coordinates and supervises the team. 
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Doping in International Sports Sports & Recreation Research Paper
19 pages (4750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The word doping has become an important part of the world of sports. It’s hard to understand the complexity that why has it grown so loud in the last couple of decades? Why that is an athlete prefers to go for a shortcut to reach his milestone? Why that is a sportsman doesn’t feel the guilt of using banned substances to improve his performance?
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Review of Coaching Experience Sports & Recreation Research Paper
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The coach should be a leader to the students he is coaching. As such, he should be able to command respect from the students without being strictly authoritative about it. This is done by establishing trust between the coach and the students. A coach will only be able to maximize the outcome of his students if there are respect and trust. 
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Sports as a Source of Entertainment Sports & Recreation Research Paper
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This research will begin with the statement that sport is referred to as an activity associated with physical exertion as well as skill in which a person or a given team competes against another person or teams for entertainment. The influence and the impacts of sports are many and diverse. The diverseness of sports is in relation to many different types of sports in the world.
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The Role of Tourism in Development Sports & Recreation Research Paper
19 pages (4750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
In recent years the industry of tourism is gaining wide popularity around the world. All around the world countries are now realizing the importance of tourism and the benefits it generates for the country while the tourists visit all the places of tourism. A trend in international tourism shows a very positive trend.
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Example of Long-Term Individual Training Program Sports & Recreation Case Study
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
An important aspect of the squats is adding extra strength by changing the hip extensors, which is based on altering the maximal velocity and maintenance with every phase of sprint running (Yetter and Moir, 2008). For Thomas, the heavy front and back squats become important in improving the strength of his overall performance. 
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Sport Injuries Sports & Recreation Term Paper
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 4 , Term Paper
The author explains that sporting injuries refer to injuries that occur during sporting activities. In most cases, these injuries are because of acute trauma-exposed on one body part during the sports participation or overuse of a certain body part. For example, runners’ knee can be in a painful condition due to frequent running.
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A Result of the Commercialization of Sports Hurt the Sentiment of the Game and Sport Lovers Sports & Recreation Research Paper
17 pages (4250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
A considerable number of instructional treaties have been found to have been published in the sixteenth century, which in due course followed into a long tradition of material that concerned the courtly etiquette. It is true that most of these instructional treaties used to address the upper-class people or the ‘gentlemen’ exclusively.
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Media and the Paralympics Sports & Recreation Research Paper
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Disability is as a result of the existence of impairment in the physical body, the sensory system, and the mental condition of an individual. The impairments limit the average participation of the body system. However, the impairment becomes a disability where the social and physical are not sufficient enough to allow the full participation.
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The Intriguing World of Soccer Sports & Recreation Research Paper
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The soccer offers more exercise competitiveness to the players and helps them to remain fit and fine. The youngster and teenagers adore this game for its adventurous nature and simplicity. A player engaging in soccer can experience a greater boost in stamina and physical strength. However, the violence involved in this can be a great disadvantage
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Sports Development System in the United Kingdom: Political and Ideological Characteristics Sports & Recreation Research Paper
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
In the developmentally advanced nation of the United Kingdom, every aspect of contemporary sports is based on the sports development system. It is built on central government policy and local authorities’ application of it. The government of the developing country of Sri Lanka considers the promotion of sports as its major responsibility.
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Polo Game in the United States Sports & Recreation Term Paper
10 pages (2640 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
Polo can be defined as a kind of sport where a man and horse work together to get a ball through a goal while using every move possible to block the opposing side from scoring. It is a game played between two teams and four players on each team (Sutton, 2006). The members of the team are either the defense or the attack.
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NCAA Facing Legal Challenges Over Health and Compensation Policies Sports & Recreation Research Paper
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This research is an attempt to find out whether there is some truth in the current and ex-players blaming of the NCAA for ignoring their health issues while earning billions in revenue through commercialization of sports. Players have taken the legal recourse and initial outcomes are encouraging.
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Football Business - the Balance of Power between Players and Clubs Sports & Recreation Research Paper
17 pages (4250 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
One can see slight variations in the policy adopted by the six football confederations. However, the overall policy adoption is the same. European council believes in the principle that sports should never be mixed with politics. European Council believes that other countries must also adopt this strategy in order to protect sports from politics.
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Sustainability and Environment at the Glasgow Commonwealth Games Sports & Recreation Assignment
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The plans that have been laid out for the 2014 Games will definitely be beneficial to its host. This will boost the tourism for Glasgow and Clyde Gateway most especially. There will be infrastructures that will be built for the games and also housing projects as part of the event’s promotion. This is what the Games will leave the city of Glasgow.
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Popularity of Collegiate Women in Rugby in America Sports & Recreation Research Paper
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
It is evidently clear from the discussion that rugby school is where this version of football was played. Currently, it is played in Rugby League and Rugby Union.  It is often compared to American soccer but it actually evolved in England and from there it gained popularity as a separate sport. Women in America started playing rugby in the era of 1970s.
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Influences of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games on the China Athletic Sport System Sports & Recreation Case Study
48 pages (12000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Italy, Canada, Japan, Turkey, Malaysia, Thailand and even Cuba were competing for the bid, but it was China that rose above the rest of these country’s bids as the winning host for the 2008 Summer Olympic Games. China will host the summer Olympics started in the 112th International Olympic Committee (IOC) session in Moscow.  
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Effects of Social Class on Youth Sports Sports & Recreation Dissertation
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Dissertation
The author states that involvement in sport is not merely facilitated by one’s social class, it in fact ‘determines’ it. Many Americans do not usually discuss social class with respect to youth sports because of the concept of social class conflicts with their egalitarian values. However, class distinctions in youth sports should be considered.
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International and UK Sports Development Sports & Recreation Assignment
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
It is clearly shown that sports in the world are governed by organizations that are funded through donations from well-wishers, governments and non-governmental organizations. These organizations have different reasons for governing sports which ranges from promoting unity among nations, promoting the health status of people like in case of UNICEF
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Professional Development and Practice Sports & Recreation Essay
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
One of the approaches to professional development is coaching. Coaching facilitates a person in improving his professional skills with three major steps: observation, reflection, and action. When I was employed as a coach, I came to appreciate the importance of professional development and the process of continuous improvement. 
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The Relationship between Personality and Sports Participation Sports & Recreation Essay
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
These factors are directly related to specific personality profiles and the level to which humans value the role of social influence in their decision-making regarding sports. Psychology and sports both tend to surmise those specific personality traits can act as predictors as to whether an individual engages in sports for recreational purposes. 
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How Men and Women Exercise Differently and Why Sports & Recreation Term Paper
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
The article concentrates on the differences relating to regional fatty acid storage, mobilization, and oxidation, which contribute to gender-related differences in the distribution of fat in the body, thus the metabolism of fatty acids based on gender has distinct regional differences in the control.
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Sport as a Social Harm Sports & Recreation Dissertation
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Dissertation
The author states that in many cases, mega-events such as Olympics, and the Tour De France are often presented for not just for the games that are played but also for their legacy and memorability. Every city tries to outdo the one before by hosting a more impressive show than the one before.
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Health Coaching: An Imperative Approach to Wellness Sports & Recreation Research Paper
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
According to the research findings, it can, therefore, be said that in order to help people gain stability in terms of their health status, healthcare practitioners are constantly reaching out for significant education from becoming health coaches. Poor health deprives of the kind of life they deserve after working really tirelessly for it.
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Physiological Characteristics of Semi-Professional Male and Female Tennis Players Sports & Recreation Research Paper
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The distance covered by both groups was significantly the same but this reduced with the increase in the level of the competition such as the players in the finals covered lesser distance as compared to the players in either the quarterfinals or the semifinals, and moreover, there was no difference in the energy demand for both groups.
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Developing Personal Sport Performance In Swimming: Front Crawl Style Sports & Recreation Essay
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
I couldn’t always be in water to stay fit. No one will want it this way. Jogging and making sprints increase the fitness levels of a swimmer. One good exercise out of the pool is cycling. I went on a cycling expedition once a week. It made my thigh muscles stronger and helped to achieve proper bends in the bends in the knees
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A Clear Understanding of the Adapted Physical Education Sports & Recreation Research Paper
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This is a sub-topic of physical education. Here children with special needs are taken care off, and it provides individualised programs for these kinds of students. These programs in a lot of cases last for over thirty days. There are a number of different aspects that are included in these programs.
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Calorie Utilization in Football Sports & Recreation Article
17 pages (4250 words) , Download 3 , Article
Football is one of the most favorite sports of all times. Unknown to many of us, there is more than what meets the eye in this game. Football is a scientific sport because it uses both physics and chemistry. Physics is involved in-game strategy, while chemistry is involved in providing energy to football athletes.
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