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Effective Sports Coaching Skills - Coursework Example

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The author of the following paper highlights that coaches are leaders on and off the court or field. They are expected to inspire and motivate athletes to reach their full potential. There are so many qualities that make a good coach. Coaching is a profession…
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Effective Sports Coaching Skills
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Introduction Coaches are leaders on and off the court or field. They are expected to inspire and motivate athletes to reach their full potential. There are so many qualities that make a good coach. Coaching is a profession and should be looked at as such rather than a hobby or interest. Not all coaches get the opportunity to coach for pay but effective coaches regardless of income must display the correct qualities to be effective. A coach just can’t be one dimensional. To be effective and efficient, one must be technically and tactically proficient, a motivator, disciplinarian, patient, passionate, loyal, committed, have good interpersonal skills. Plus, they must know more than just the physical aspects of the game. The psychology of sports is crucial for a coach to know. Lastly, it is important that coaches can operate off the court or field from administration, operations, budget, marketing, business and rules. This paper is a critical exploration of all the above. Qualities of an Effective Coach Knowledge Coaching involves transfer of knowledge from the coach to the team. This can not be achieved if the coach does not posses a substantial understanding of the sport that he is coaching. He needs to be adequately equipped with the elementary skills in order to be effective while training beginners, as well as highly developed expertise which facilitates strategizing on the most appropriate means for coaching. They should be knowledgeable on the existing rules and regulation for sports (Sokowe 2008). These are essential in developing good planning skills for effective training. Education Education is important since it is the major source of knowledge. It is necessary for the coach to have undergone a considerable amount of formal training which is significant in boosting personal talents in sports. Talent alone can not create effectiveness in coaching. Even those who have been perfect players before require a certain level of formal training in order to be successful trainers. For example it is important to have some training in body physiology in order to understand the reactions of the body towards particular stimulus. Information search is significant in acquiring new information regarding new technology in sports and other useful techniques that can improve coaching. These can be learnt through media and published materials amongst the many avenues where knowledge can be acquired (Smoll F. & Smith R. 2006). Motivation Players need encouragement in order for them to perform effectively. Motivation through maintaining enthusiasm in the game, and inspiring the players is an important tool for coaching. In such a case, the coach becomes a mentor to the players. It helps in building confidence amongst them raising their spirits for winning the game. Athletes usually succeed mainly through motivation and high spirit generated by the coach. A perfect motivator helps the players in setting goals and encourages them to reach these goals. Interpersonal Interpersonal skills are essential in determining the success of coaching. The ability to establish a positive relationship with the players earns the coach respect and adherence to his guidelines by players. Since human beings at one time may be faced with situations that generate anger and frustration, the ability of the coach to stay calm in such circumstances can create effectiveness in coaching. The use of abusive language or emotional reactions towards the players is discouraging even if they make mistakes (Forster and Pope, 2007). It is important that the coach demonstrates willingness to assist the players to perfect the exercises rather than getting angry when they fail in the procedures. Many coaches have succeeded in their training through communicating with the players on an individual level. In such a case, the coach is able to demonstrate the required attention towards the players’ emotions and weaknesses. Communication and Effective Listening In order to understand the strengths and weaknesses of players, it is important for the coach to listen carefully to the players’ point of view in regard to the exercises being undertaken. In such a manner, he is capable of helping the players to capitalize on their strengths and find ways of providing a solution to their weaknesses. In order to communicate effectively, it is important for the coach to define goals precisely, letting every one in the team to understand them and develop ways of receiving and reacting to the feedback, as well as using it to develop in coaching skills (Westerbeek 2006). Commitment, Passion and Discipline Commitment and passion in coaching is essential. The time that a coach sacrifices for training is significant in the outcome of the process. A coach who does not have passion for the game will mostly lack time to sacrifice for coaching. This eventually creates a feeling of neglect and insufficiency in training. Committed coaches usually spend considerable periods of time for researching and acquiring new information to improve the training skills. Such a coach leads the team by example, sticking to the rules and regulations of the game in the same way as the players would be expected to observe. Discipline is of utmost importance in any activity that involves a group of people. Maintenance of discipline in the team begins with the coach who becomes the role model for the group (Forster and Pope, 2007). The ability to administer disciplinary action is important in order to maintain harmonious relations amongst the players and the coach. Sports Psychology and Physiology Performance in athletics can be affected by stress emanating from competitions. It affects them physically and emotionally lowering their vitality and enthusiasm. Such stress mainly originates from highly competitive contest whereby the athletes fear the uncertainty of the outcome creating worry and reduced morale and concentration on the current events. Coaches equipped with knowledge in sports psychology are capable of assisting stressed and anxiety filled athletes to cope with the problems and remain focused in their activities. They are able to restore enthusiasm and confidence in the athlete. Strategy Coaches use strategies that are significant in improvement of performance. These strategies are useful in assisting the players to deal with stress and anxiety. The major strategies employed by coaches to improve the effectiveness of coaching (Westerbeek 2006). They include; Concentration whereby the players are encouraged to keep focused on their activities. An effective coach understands that lack of concentration in the athletes. The coach assists the players to cope with unexpected consequences resulting from external or internal stimuli such as exhaustion, worry, pessimism, unfavorable weather e. t. c. This is done through helping them to develop personal goals in order to perfect every session. Commitment ensures that all the team players are dedicated to the training. The coach helps the team members to achieve the numerous goals that have been set. It ensures that athletes sacrifice enough time for the training. Management of the various aspects of life is facilitated by commitment. This is because coaching needs to be balanced with other aspects of life such as studies, family obligations and other aspects of social life. The coach assists the team to maintain progress and participate in personal development in order to enhance commitment. Encouragement of teamwork and prevention of injury through effective coaching as well as generation of enthusiasm in the training are also possible and significant means of enhancing commitment. Control is significant in ensuring that each player maintains emotional stability and self control in training. An effective coach is capable of identifying situations whereby there is a particular emotion that is affecting an athlete’s performance. He also is capable of establishing the cause of such emotions and the possible solutions. Having these facts is necessary in assisting the athlete to take control of personal emotion. Anger and a feeling of anxiety are the major causes of poor performance and indifference in competitions. Confidence is important in creation of the will power and optimism to participate in the competition. Mainly, the athlete understands his/her capability, and this understanding is what is used to achieve personal goals. The coach serves a significant purpose in building the desired confidence for the athlete to feel capable of achieving personal goals. The athlete maintains optimism even in situations when there is a possibility of losing a race. Confidence and self esteem are significant in ensuring that the athlete perseveres even under difficult circumstances. Psychology Skills Training Training in physical skills is effective when combined with mental skills improvement in the players. These are necessary in ensuring that self esteem and confidence are maintained. They are the major determinants of the success of the 4 Cs. Coaches who are equipped with these skills are therefore more effective in their coaching activities. Mentally strong athletes are capable of coping with the normal pressures that cause stress and anxiety in competitions. Training in these skills is essential since it allows the players to understand what the psychological skills are and their influence on their performance. With this knowledge, it is easy for them to develop strategies for solving psychological problems that may affect performance. In order to perfect these skills, they practice what they have learnt continuously until they master them. These skills are effective in solving psychological problems such as indifference, stress and anxiety (Sokowe 2008). Anxiety is usually a negative consequence of stress on an athlete. He/she might be a competent player, who may become aroused by a particular issue that generates negative emotions. The person feels uneasy and worried and a rising temptation not to participate. Anxiety may take different forms. It may occur randomly depending on the situation at a particular time. It may also take the form of amplified fear from a particular situation that the athlete takes to be threatening. The level of anxiety is usually different amongst different athletes depending on their interpretation of circumstances facing them. Stress is caused by lack of the capacity in the individual to cope with external stimulus such as difficult circumstances or failure. Psychological knowledge is necessary in order to help the athlete to cope with such situations. Stress and Anxiety Management Effective coaching requires possession of effective stress management skills in order to assist the players to control their emotions and respond in an optimistic manner to the external stimulus. Since sports involve competing with opponents either as a team or as a group, there is usually a likelihood of stress that may arise from defeat, disqualification or failure to participate due to physical problems (Magdalinski 2008). A competitor may be accused by colleagues in a team of failing to perform according to expectations. On the other hand, a person may feel worried after losing in a competition. It is usually frustrating and may discourage the player from participating in future, mainly due to the fear of repeating the same mistake especially if it involves a number of people. Performing in circumstances that involve high pressure necessitate the capability of the athletes to cope with stress. It is important for the coaches to be aware of the various methods of stress management that exist. These can help them in assisting the athletes to manage emotions effectively. Physical relaxation is one of the methods that coaches encourage the players to adopt in time of stress and anxiety. It entails a continuous contraction and relaxation of muscles, which is an intentional move by the athlete. On the other hand, controlled deep breathing has been found by many coaches to have a significant effect on the brain and the rate of heart beats. This is important in ensuring that the players do not suffer stress related ailments. Relaxation has been proofed to decrease anxiety considerably. It helps in solving problems of concentration which are caused by anger (Forster and Pope, 2007). Coaches use techniques of imagery which involves creation of mental pictures to assist the athletes in relaxation of the mind. This provides the athletes to make a comparison between them and the scenarios. The mind relaxes after visualizing internally, creating enthusiasm in an approaching event. In such a case, the mind rehearses in wait for future performances. Neuromuscular, building of confidence and cognitive reasoning are known techniques of enhancement of mental rehearsal. The players get a chance to make prior reflections on what they are likely to experience in the upcoming competition (Magdalinski 2008). This helps the athlete to be prepared to cope with any situation that may arise in course of the competition. Concentration and focus is enhanced by setting up goals. This helps in creating direction in order for them to be prepared for any future circumstances that may happen unexpectedly. With such preparations, chances of being overwhelmed by anxiety and stress are minimal. It also enables them to develop the most appropriate training structures that enhance realization of goals. Goal setting is important since it generates positive emotions after the goals have been realized. More over, they are necessary in the evaluation of progress. Effective coaches assist the players to develop challenging goals, which enhance the efforts of the players in their realization. However, they ensure that the goals are achievable especially if they are set a few steps ahead of the level that had been reached previously. An intermediate goal in the process of realization of the major goal enhances the performance of the athletes. In most cases, trainees fail to make goals that are achievable and measurable. Since the coach is experienced and knowledgeable, he assists the players to develop realizable goals (McNamee 2000). More over the set goals are developed in consideration of the coach since without his/her presence, they can never be realized.   Motivation is a significant aspect of training. It psychologically facilitates performance through encouraging the players to work hard. It mobilizes the inner being, generating significant optimism in the players. Coaches use it to encourage the players who lack self esteem in their practice. It helps to develop the desire to participate in sports, and emerge winners. Even after defeat in competitive sports, the players still maintain their morale and the will to try next time. Low morale is known to kill ambitions and therefore effective coaches try to maintain optimism in order to maintain the willingness to participate (Smoll & Smith 2006). Motivated players usually have a great potential for improvement. This is because they view failure in a particular competition as a challenge. They are therefore encouraged to do more practice in order to perfect their skills and emerge winners in future. In the upcoming competitions, such players tend to participate in the game with vigor and optimism. Motivation is known to assist athletes to perfect their skills in preparation for future endeavors (Magdalinski 2008). Physical Training Programs Sports training programs are basically about physical training. The athletes are usually involved in regular workouts and at other times they settle in training camps where they acquire intense training. This is usually aimed at developing the necessary adaptations in the athletes so that they can overcome the biological hindrances to performance. The human physiology is easily made to adapt to certain activities through continuous training in particular tasks. The coach helps the athlete to follow a planned schedule that is aimed at making him stronger and able to adapt to rigorous exercises (American Academy of Pediatrics 1990). Such adaptations are necessary in order to enhance performance. On the other hand, the training is also essential in order to ensure that the athlete is able to minimize injuries in course of the competition. An effective coach is capable of organizing the training in to 3 fundamental workings (Torkildsen 2005). These include; Muscular fitness whereby the athlete’s body is adapts to muscular endurance. With such adaptation, the muscles are able to contract repeatedly over a period of time without injuries. Joint flexibility whereby the athlete’s joints are trained to move freely without causing pain or injury. Aerobic fitness in which the athlete is trained to undertake vigorous exercises within a short period of time. The three components of training influence the body to adapt to external forces, which correspond to the real physical exercise involved in competitions. After such training, the coach organizes for regular tests that indicate whether the athlete has been able to adapt to the exercises. These test exercises are usually similar to the real competition, such as sprint races, as well as slow long distance races to test endurance. Regular physical exercises include push-ups, sit-ups, pull-ups and shuttle runs. These are significant in strengthening the body in preparation for more rigorous training. Sports Administration, practices, theories and skills Mission, rules, policies In order for sports to be effective, there are rules and regulations that are set at various levels. They begin from the team level, whereby the players and the coach agree on particular conduct in regard to interpersonal relationships amongst the members. Rules are also set at the national and international levels whereby bodies are established in order to govern the national and international competitions (Sokowe 2008). These ensure the presence of a harmonious functioning of teams that participate in sporting competitions. For example athletics is governed by IAAF, the IOC oversees the Olympics, while FIFA manages soccer. There are other bodies that preside over other sports such as arm wrestling which is governed by World Armsport Federation. Effective coaches usually understand the rules and regulations of these bodies in order to help teams develop their own rules that correspond to those of the governing bodies (Torkildsen 2005). They exist in order to fulfill the mission of sports of providing equal opportunities for all and enhancing fair participation. Practice Plans Effective coaching requires coaches to make the appropriate plan on the manner in which the exercises have to be conducted. Skills and techniques are chosen depending on the level of training for the athletes. The plan is made before moving to the field, with a properly organized sequence of activities. It is usually important for the coach to understand the most appropriate time that each activity should take, and the manner in which the players change from one activity the next in the training session. Prior knowledge of the activities to be undertaken in regard to the available time is important. It helps coaches in developing an effective practice plan (Docherty, et al 1987). Theories There are several theories that are involved in sports training (Torkildsen 2005). These include; Functionalist theory which seeks to state the usefulness of sports for the players and the society as a whole. Conflict theory which is about the economic and political perspectives of sports. It seeks to explain the relationship between the socio-economic aspect of sport and power, whereby sport has been commercialized to a great extent, rather than being just a social or recreation activity. Interactionist theory is about how people get involved in sport, or how they tend to specialize in particular sports and leave others. It also tries to explain how people retire from active sports. Critical theory provides an explanation of the role of sports in developing a change in cultural and social relations. Figurational theory involves understanding the relationship between sport and how it has evolved from history and its internationalization. Conclusion Effective coaching is developed through adherence to the ethical principles of sports. It determines the performance of players, either as individuals or as a team. Talents and skills are significant in determining the effectiveness of a coach. Coaches may not possess all the talents and skills needed, but there are some qualities that are basic, and which at least every coach should possess. These are usually meaningful in assessing the efficiency of the various coaching programs and creating enthusiasm in sports. Bibliography American Academy of Pediatrics (1990). Strength training, weight and power lifting, and body building by children and adolescents. Journal on Pediatrics (86)7, 801–803. Docherty, D., Wenger, H.A., Collis, M.L., Quinney, H.A (1987). The Effects of Variable Speed Forster J. and Pope N. (2007). The Political Economy of Global Sporting Organizations, Routledge. Magdalinski T. (2008). Sport, Technology and the Body: The nature of performance, Routledge McNamee M. (2008) Sports, Virtues and Vices: Morality Plays, Routledge. Resistance Training on Strength Development in Pre-pubertal Boys. Journal of Human Movement Studies (13)2, 377–382. Smoll F. & Smith R. (2006). Children and youth in Sport: Journal on Early Childhood Development, (3)5, 101-109. Sokowe M. (2008). High Rates of Injury for Female High School Athletes: Journal on Physical and Sports Science, (7)2, 78-91. Torkildsen G. (2005) Leisure and Recreation Management, London: E & F N Spon. Westerbeek H. (2006). Managing Sport Facilities and Major Events, Champaign. Read More
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