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Heroin Use and Overdose in Massachusetts Social science Article
7 pages (2170 words) , Download 1 , Article
Massachusetts’ inhabitants must also be involved in decision making and suggestion airing on other means to arrest the case. They are the ones suffering and therefore they might know best on how to go around this issue. All recommendations must be documented by the select committee for consideration.
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Analysis of The Apple Argument Against Abortion Article by Peter Kreeft Social science Essay
6 pages (2674 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Lots of physical, psychological, social, and emotional dimensions are associated with abortion. However, the author limited his attention only to the moral aspects. The author could have reduced his arguments with respect to morality in order to accommodate at least some references about some of the aspects mentioned above. 
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The History of Gambling Social science Essay
6 pages (1817 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Gambling has been a sport that has amused people for hundreds of years. Religion has a lot to do with the sport of gambling as it gave people a way to predict the future. Gambling plays on the psyche of people by deluding them that they can win. The idea that fate will favor them motivates people to spend more and more. 
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Corruption and Philadelphia Police Department: An Analysis Social science Coursework
7 pages (2054 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
First of all officer training is the most important and basic part of making the police department a corrupt-free unit. All the police officers are human and it is impossible that every officer has a good character, So while screening the police officer one must give special emphasis to select those with good character.
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Alcohol and Drug Abuse in Men Who Sustain IPV Social science Article
6 pages (1535 words) , Download 1 , Article
The article presents numerous examples of tending to answer and explain the highlighted questions. Hines and Douglas (2012, p.31) present research by Simon et al. 2008 asserting that IPV victimization associates with increased rates of alcohol and drug use. The study proves that men are at a high risk of IPV than women. 
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Connection With Ethnicity and Diabet Social science Research Paper
8 pages (2772 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
Men of South Asian descent are at a greater risk. Increased insulin resistance by the body as well as individuals with too much fat surrounding their body centre in their mid-forties stands at higher risks of developing diabetes and related conditions such as obesity and other kidney disorders Thomas, 2002, p. 509).
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Gender Inequality and Education in Eastern Societies Social science Coursework
8 pages (2348 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
The level of gender inequalities in education is also discussed in the study of Evertsson et al. (2009). In the above study the changes in gender inequalities, as related to education, are presented especially in regard to three countries, i.e. ‘Netherlands, Sweden and USA’ (Evertsson et al. 2009, p.210).
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Equality and Diversity in a Company Promotion of a Female Social science Essay
8 pages (2195 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The pitfalls might be clearly analysed and those may be rectified easily in due course. As a result, the problem of discrimination or inequality may not arise within the employees of a similar organization. In addition, in order to enhance the level of motivation, communication skills and talents, job rotation programs might also be used.
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Euthanasia in Canada Social science Essay
8 pages (2112 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The critics of the issue claim that the perpetrators of euthanasia are the same individuals mandated with the task of preserving life, and they have no evidence that such patients may not recover. Besides, the motives of such acts may be questionable. 
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Socialization and Crime in Canada Social science Essay
6 pages (1648 words) , Download 1 , Essay
On the realization that nothing can be done to alter the situation, they at some point end up pleading guilty to ease the burden of more years in jail while in the real sense they should be free. Hanemaayer’s case of 1987 serves as the best example to emphasize this hard truth. He was charged in connection to the assault, knifepoint, of a young girl aged 15 years.
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Overweight and Obesity on Adults and Children Across Various Sectors Social science Literature review
9 pages (2435 words) , Download 4 , Literature review
The areas of discrimination included in school policies have been confined to gender, religion, and economic status. If students and workers in learning institutions appreciate that stigmatization on appearance and related stereotypes are wrong, sanity will prevail in the institutions with the immediate beneficiaries being obese and overweight students.
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Acceptance of Cosmetic Surgery Scale Social science Case Study
7 pages (1926 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Grant (2013) found that the vast majority of patients undergoing plastic surgery are middle-class patients who use their own disposable income. Individual-level of income might remain as a factor affecting the likelihood of plastic surgery, which he predicted individual with higher income and a more positive attitude toward plastic surgery.
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The Problem of Child Development in the UK Social science Essay
6 pages (1670 words) , Download 1 , Essay
It is important to note that one of the causes Ofsted has built up this program is to make an effort and help fight not only early day's obesity but the sicknesses linked with it: These contain Type 2 Diabetes, mental conditions such as ADHD (Attention Deficit Disorder), and also cardiovascular illnesses for example Asthma.
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Quantitative and Qualitative Social Researches Social science Research Proposal
11 pages (3139 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
Alzheimer’s disease became a prominent health illness in many developed nations. It has been one of the main causes of a weakening lifestyle and misunderstanding. Unfortunately, many believe that the disease is an inevitable repercussion of aging thus many people ignore the signs and symptoms of the disease.
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Causes and Consequences of Underage Drinking Social science Coursework
7 pages (2031 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
Not only does underage drinking have a human cost in death, lives ruined and productivity, but there is also a monetary cost. There is a large amount of funding required for alcohol-related health problems and other behavioral and mental disorders. Underage children who start using alcohol at an early age become alcoholics, causing serious health care problems for them.
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Vegetarian Diet and Meat Eating Social science Essay
6 pages (2000 words) , Download 1 , Essay
It is true that the immune system can be influenced by many factors from healthy lifestyles to heritage issues.  It is not only a well-balanced diet that ensures good health but also sports, everyday activities and certain routines. One can assume that my wife’s resistance to disease is accounted for in one of these factors, for example, sports.
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Analysis of Social Enterprise Social science Coursework
6 pages (1649 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
It is important to note that a social enterprise is a business undertaking and must be driven by the principles that all other forms of business utilize to perform. All the same, the overall driving force behind the social enterprises is to benefit the members and offer opportunities for the community to grow.
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Ageism in Health Care Social science Coursework
18 pages (2929 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
According to a CDC report in 2003, only one in ten of the people above 65 years of age go through proper screening and preventive measures (AAR, 2003). This is an enormous deficit in the wake of 80 percent of all heart attacks and 60 percent of all cancers occurring in people above 65 years of age (AAR, 2003).
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Working With Older People Social science Essay
8 pages (2409 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The mental health Act of 1983 identifies mental health as a major health issue and proposes a treatment for all people living with the problem. Old people living with HIV are prone to discrimination resulting in mental distress. Social workers working with elderly people are therefore expected to be aware of this policy and its application in society.
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Medical Experiments on Incompetent Individuals in a Society Social science Essay
8 pages (2032 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Instances, where the underprivileged sections of the society are offered money and other enticements in exchange for being a part of medical experiments, is a practice that is on the rise in many developing countries. Such tendencies are to be checked and people must be encouraged to be a part of experiments of medical research for the universal good of mankind.
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Challenges of Parenting In The Twenty-First Century Social science Coursework
13 pages (3527 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
 In the basic sense, we may look upon parenting as the provision of a safe and livable environment along with the basic needs for the growth and development of children. Should we base our concept on just these basic aspects of parenting, then we cannot claim to have progressed any further than our pre-historic ancestors, as far as parenting is concerned.
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Black in the Midst of White Mainstream Culture Social science Case Study
7 pages (2290 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The author states that there remain to be traces of that struggle, as many black children are not performing at par with their peers. However, it is an extra challenge for African-American adolescent students due to the developmental task of “integrating their individual personal identity with their racial identity.
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Role of Geography and Literature in Understanding Individuals and Societies Social science Essay
6 pages (1581 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Geography and literature are like every other subject in the IB course. The focus is on the concepts rather than the facts and the diversity of concepts makes them a good tool of knowledge. Geography is not merely a study of spatial features but how the earth has evolved and it is evident throughout history that land is what shapes the traditions and people. 
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Sure Start Programs Social science Coursework
7 pages (2078 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
As political administrators change in the U.K, very hard questions will be asked about the future of the sure start programs and its successor children centers. The easy answer to this question would be acceptances of the evaluation results and withdraw funding but one Judy Hutchins work will at least make policymakers stop and think.  
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Impact of Aids on Children and Families in Africa Social science Research Proposal
9 pages (3055 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Studies by international organizations including the World Bank have determined that successful HIV / AIDS prevention and treatment programs on the national level, which are being funded by international efforts, require government commitment at the highest level with a partnership between the public and the private sector.
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Race in the Workplace: African American Victims of Their Own Success Social science Research Paper
53 pages (9861 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
Results indicated that line position experience, company seniority, mentor assistance, organization size, and the rate of job vacancies were the best predictors of management promotions. Implications of these findings for the economic prosperity of the black community are discussed.
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The Concept of Race in Brazil Social science Case Study
11 pages (3177 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The author of the paper states that the given questions are going to become even more topical in the future when technological progress will unite various cultures of the world tighter. It should be stated that racial categories are variable and mostly depend on the meanings inserted by contemporaries.
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Families in a Global World Social science Research Proposal
10 pages (2747 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
Globalization has promoted both international growth and global economic disparities. Although globalization has created wealth it has also concentrated much of that wealth in the hands of the few. The global nanny phenomenon is a direct result of the concentration of economic development and wealth in certain sectors of the world.
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Women Studies: Beauty Myth and the Contemporary Woman Social science Term Paper
7 pages (1877 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
While there have been moves by the governments as well as the fashion industry to mitigate the ill effects of the beauty myth as it has encroached on the health of women, there is still much to be expected. It is not only the industry that has the responsibility to educate women and to liberate them from this bondage that is a beauty myth.
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Women and Violence Social science Report
9 pages (2346 words) , Download 1 , Report
Not only is it true that violence against women remains pervasive to date; it has also developed into many forms. For instance, one new form is pornography, and it is now occurring across national, cultural, racial and religious borders (Jahid, 2002). The ultimate challenge now is for the international community to create the social, material and structural conditions wherein women can develop their full potential, free from these social ills.
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Slavery in the 21st Century Social science Report
10 pages (2693 words) , Download 1 , Report
Karl Marx’s famous theory of alienation comes from this aspect of the capitalism. The product in a pre capitalist society was not a commodity; it was a product of creation by the workman. But when the society starts producing surplus, there emerges a class which gets free of its involvement in the process of production.
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Multiculitural Education of Exceptional Children in Urban Schools: A Shared Responsibiity Social science Research Proposal
24 pages (6228 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
Like so many diversities in the world nature, character traits and features of an individual also differ drastically from one another. Though we often find nature of a person is often compared with nature of another person or a group of individual, but in reality every human being is separate from the other. 
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Theories in the Human Sciences and Natural Sciences Social science Essay
9 pages (2383 words) , Download 1 , Essay
I find anthropology which is one of the human sciences very perplexing because of the theories that various scientists have come up within this area of study to explain humanity and its origin. I am equally interested in biology, a natural sciences science that has attracted many convincing theories, some of which have been proofed by scientific evidence to be untrue!
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Poverty and Social Seclusion Social science Coursework
10 pages (2823 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
The world countries opt to build a solidarity that will further promote the designation to combat poverty and social seclusion. However, it is hard if not impossible to eliminate poverty and social exclusion completely in a given society. This is because not all people in a given society can, at any rate, acquire the same status cue.
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Should Homosexuals Be Able to Marry Social science Essay
6 pages (1663 words) , Download 1 , Essay
With the advent of modern times, advancements in the scientific world of technology and machines are not the only changes evident around us. Modernization of cultures and ways of living, relationships, and forms of human behavior has also occurred. Humans have evolved in terms of their lifestyles and their interactions with other humans. 
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Why Do Social Movements Form, and How Do They Organize to Achieve Their Aims Social science Coursework
6 pages (1665 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
The important reason why social movements especially among the group of women could form in Britain is vivid and clear in the presence of liberal values of toleration and responsible government. According to John Locke, these factors must have become the fundamental components of the success of the enlightenment in Europe.
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The UN High Commission on Refugees Social science Research Proposal
6 pages (1674 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
Some of the shortcomings of the research reside in the fact that the law in itself is ridden with gaps and is subject to interpretations by the implementers – thus leading to variegated outcomes. Many of the existing research on refugee law tend to be biased in favor of a particular position, thus presenting an unreliable source of information.
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Domestic Violence as an Indication of a Dysfunctional Relationship Social science Report
9 pages (2351 words) , Download 2 , Report
An abuser will not just attack anyone for no reason. He or she will establish a wrong done to them and then carefully plan what to do and what to use to attack. The use and abuse of drugs and/or alcohol, stress, mental illness, or violent childhood experiences may increase the chances of an individual becoming abusive because this can be used as an excuse.
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Working Together in Managing Child Protection Social science Coursework
10 pages (2954 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
The availability of resources, proper implementation, and monitoring is much required in this specific area. Clarity of responsibilities among the professionals, recognition of their work, and encouragement is required. Professionals should be trained to avoid unnecessary assumptions and encouraged to monitor each child closely. 
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The New American Temporary Workforce Social science Coursework
15 pages (4326 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
There are different opinions on the widely used practice of hiring contingent/contract employees by mid-level and large corporations. Companies are now more than ever using workers that are hired either on a temporary, contingent, or contractual basis. Contingent work is not new nor is efforts by workers to regulate it.
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Link between Poverty and Crime Social science Essay
9 pages (2521 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It can be poverty does have a link to crime rates but it is not the sole reason for crime in society. As mentioned earlier there are various other reasons such as urbanization, racial differences, unemployment, globalization, etc. In addition, crime is also linked to the increasing incidences of drug and alcohol abuse, mental disturbances, emotional stress, and lack of education. Hence though all these conditions may be linked to poverty.
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A Correlation with Playing Violent Video Games like Grand Theft Auto Social science Coursework
10 pages (2974 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
To be useful, such primary data needs to be analyzed. Sphinx software which is a personal computer-based analysis software will be useful to establish a relationship between variables. Data thus collected from different forms of interviews and questionnaires would be analyzed by the use of scales like Likert scales and Semantic Differential scales.
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Working Together for Our Childrens Welfare Social science Coursework
12 pages (3690 words) , Download 3 , Coursework
Loyalty to the home agent may also serve as a barrier to the attainment of harmony in working in a new team. “Professional conflict and boundary issues can arise if people work to the agenda of their home agency rather than that of the multi-agency setting” (Every Child Matters:  Changes for Children).
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Why Don't Feminists Agree on Questions about Prostitution and Human Rights Social science Coursework
13 pages (3711 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
Liberal feminism is the type most identified with the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s. The focal point of their viewpoint is that all people, including men, are entitled to equal rights and considerations.  Liberal feminists believe the oppression of women begins the way both genders are socialized.
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Incarceration of African Americans: A Public Health Crisis Social science Coursework
12 pages (3175 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
African Americans make up only 12% of the total U.S. population but they represent 45% of the total people who are incarcerated in U.S. prisons. Additionally, one in three African American men will serve time in prison during their lifetime. These statistics have devastating effects on the health of African Americans, their families, and communities.  
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Teenagers and Souped up Cars Social science Essay
12 pages (3349 words) , Download 1 , Essay
As cars became more affordable, those with more money could afford cars that were painted in a custom color or had larger seating capacity. This is what led to the development of new shapes and engines, the emergence of specific brands, and the differentiation that happened among them.
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Personal Values Development Plan Social science Essay
6 pages (1538 words) , Download 1 , Essay
We find role models in people and identify ourselves as that. We place ourselves in the character of a movie or a play and find meaning in our own life. These words of the great  Mohandas Gandhi or more commonly known as Mahatma Gandhi, the promoter of human rights and the most influential man in this era has changed my life, has helped me inculcate values, and has made me what I am today. 
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Drug Abuse: Problems in the UK Social science Coursework
13 pages (3815 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
This clearly shows that drug abuse is a significant problem in British society and steps need to be taken to tackle this issue. In general, drugs are categorized as a substance consumed by an individual that revises the course of his thinking, feeling, or behavior. (Pathways to Problems, 2006)
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The Negative and Positive Effects of Alcohol Social science Coursework
7 pages (1971 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
Alcohol also causes psychological, emotional, and physical problems affecting employment and relationships. It is also a leading cause of death including both for the chronic drinker and the innocent victims of alcohol-related accidents. Alcohol can be good or evil depending on the level of personal responsibility exercised by the individual drinker. 
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Are Some Ways Of Knowing More Likely Than Others To Lead To The Truth Social science Essay
7 pages (2161 words) , Download 1 , Essay
While some may hold that knowledge is nothing but the truth, some others have given importance to the various branches of Knowledge and their applications, and quite a few other philosophers have pondered over the epistemology itself, regarding its sources; constituent elements; ways of acquiring knowledge, and so on. 
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