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Personal and Professional Development - Assignment Example

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In the paper "Personal and Professional Development" the author provides his personal and professional care, which relates to his training, education and works placement practice under the supervision of experts as well as professionals. …
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Personal and Professional Development
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 Personal and Professional Development Introduction My personal and professional care relates to my training, education and work placement practice under the supervision of experts as well as professionals. In development of my personal and professional essay, I will use the necessary and relevant documentation such as CVs to showcase my personal culture and values that are key to my job description. The PPD will encompass my ability to effectively work closer with my colleagues as a team as well as working harmoniously with the outside world. My achievement will be shown through the evaluation of my performance within the workplace. In this PPD essay, I will illustrate my personal culture, traditions, food, activities, social interaction celebration and festivals. I am a Christian who like celebrating and attending to such festivals as Christmas. I like helping the minority especially the SEN children such as autistic ones as a value equality of humankind. I am middle-class individual and I am specialized in SEN education and care. In addition I will demonstrate the impacts of such elements in my job description. Also, I will showcase the impacts of principle of care related to Philosophy of care in my practice as a volunteer in All Saints Blackheath especially in caring for the autistic children. I will implement legislation, codes of practice, policies and procedures based on such charter and care standard Act 2000 and Equality Act 2010 and Human Rights Act 1998 based on the nine aspect such as dignity, like, confidentiality, empowerment, independence, privacy, fulfilment and respect to the minority. In addition I will demonstrate the significance of Data Protection Act 1998, Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 in order to pass only the necessary information to the family of the SEN children will be attached me. 1.1 Compare personal values and principles with the principles of support for working in health and social care I am a Christian individual and have grown in a Christian subculture that has enabled to me understand the religion. I eat such foods like green salad, green peas, and snacks. My tradition cares for those in need and is always inspired to give my best to assist such people mainly, SEN, global development delayed as well as autistic children. I always celebrate such festival like Christmas. In addition, I am middle-class individual who is still struggling in life to raise my standards of the living. I am specialized in SEN where I prefer dealings with those children with Special Education Needs. However, at the workplace, there are those with similar personal culture and values as I do with others being different. The people in the care setting shows a higher degree of experience than I do with respect to how to care for the SEN children in terms of hygiene, feeding and teaching them. Some have the same religion as I do with other demonstrating other religion, but we must adhere to the organizational culture based on deferent Code of Practices (Smith & Tillema 2006, p. 34). On the hand, my practice is driven by the principle of care based on Philosophy care such as Care Standards Act 2000, Equality Act 2010, Human Rights Act 1998, Data Protection Act 1998 as well as Health and Safety at Work Act. My greatest concern in my practice is to effectively implement every Act in my practice. I helped the autistic children through phonics to learn besides helping a child by removing the wet trouser to ensure a higher levels of hygiene. Also, I assist the child assigned to me under the supervision of my supervisor to feed after declining to eat green salad and green peas after wearing the apron. In addition, I also helped the children top play their preferred games such as playing with the computer when we did not go to church. With respect to collaboration with my colleagues, I attended the teamwork to draw the lesson/activities plan to be used in teaching the children. 1.2 assess how personal culture and experience influence own role in supporting users of services and others in the health and social care settings The assessment of individual learning is essential in supporting users’ services and others in the health and social care setting. I have realized that each has a different cultural basis and as a professional, I have to learn how to incorporate my personal culture with others (Megginson and Whitaker 2007, p. 59). I realized that the school offers a variety of food that at times I cannot eat for snacks but I have to blend well within the organizational setting to ensure that the students pupils assigned to me eat and do not imitate my preference of food. In addition, I have realized that culture may make others not to do some roles and duties but as a professional I have to evaluate my personal culture and try as much as possible to align them to my job in order to be a helpful resource within the workplace. On the other hand, experience is a principle element in the professional field. When one is an experience, he becomes an initiative and innovative individuals and thus can help improvise in circumstance of need (Pedler, Burgoyne and Boydell 2006, p. 37). The experience I have gained through the work placement as All Saints Blackheath have enabled me readjusts my personal culture to meet the needs of the pupils, as well as the staff. Such an experience has shaped my productivity in my duty as I can understand the different needs of the students like when they are hungry and have problems, I can notice and respond. For instance where the student had refused to get rid of the wet trouser, through the developed experience we had gathered enabled us to talk to him and corner him that if the trouser is removed then the computer will function faster and efficiently. For this reason, I have no doubt that personal culture and experience are the key determinants of a particular employee’s success and productivity in any workplace. I subsequently leaned that despite the different in particular culture, organizational culture stands erected to override individual culture, and thus personal culture becomes an inferior to corporate culture. 1.3 Discuss how new developments and changes to personal values can impact on work in health and social care Increased knowledge and experience in a particular field is principle to an individual employee and organizational success. After my work placement, I have realized right from the induction that skills and experience are two essential elements that shape a worker productivity. Before I could volunteered, I lacked such skills to deal with the SEN students and after I had gathered the new development that subsequently changed my personal values, I able and more than willing to assist those students under my jurisdiction. At the induction day, 21.03.2014, I gained from the new developed through the introduction both my meeting with the Head teacher and Manager. The knowledge gained through training in health and safety, COSHI and manual handling based on lifting and carrying the children at the workplace significantly changed my personal values. For this reason, gained the knowledge to deal with the children with autism spectrum disorder and those with global development delay. In so doing, I got to understand how to take care of such children in terms of accident and seeking first aid as I had been told of the six certified people to act in such cases. I subsequently understood how to teach such children based on the reading, phonetics as well as counting. Through the meeting on 27.03.2014, I got to change my personal values based on ability to assess the risks based on children behavior that were much attached to anger and aggression. I realized that pupils with teething needs requires person-specific risk assessment. From the meeting, gained new development on how to protect SEN from self-harm as well as harming others helped realized the impact of new development and change of values towards social care, as well as work in health. In addition, on the same date I realized the necessary intervention and support strategies when dealing with the SEN children. It was after such a teamwork meeting that I developed the urge to work as a team in the organization to meet the set goals. In conclusion, new development and change of values are the stepping stones towards effective and successful dealing with the SEN children in the school. I realized that such elements greatly enabled me to assess the risk attached to the children and applied the supportive and intervention strategies learnt through team building to assist in health, as well as social care. 2.1 Assess current skills ability and learning style My educational status has improved. I have studied a lot from the training and the discussion held. I have learned how to put into practice such skills I have learned since my job placement. I have gained adequate skills in how to deal with hygiene problems of children in the school besides assisting the autism and global development delay children. I have subsequently learned how to risk assess children and known how to apply person-specific assessment to those children with severe challenges. I have learnt how important documentation is in therapy as well as the registration of results as was taught on based on observing children mood, activities, behavior and diet to help assist parents as well as the organization in dealing with the children. I learned how to feed the children with autism as experienced this on 28.03.2014 when I noticed that the child was unwell. I have learned that the child might be having an appetite but hates such meals with green food such as peas and salad. I have developed adequate mutual working relationships with the workforce team by understanding that through effective teamwork, we can together meet the objectives of the organization and to effectively assist the SEN children. I have developed a lot of confidence in executing my tasks in the organization both in terms health and social care besides gaining learning styles like reading and phonetics. I have learned how to be time-conscious and always attend and undertake my duty with a lot of respect. Through the induction and training, I have attended in the school I have been transformed into a competence and professional individual who understands the need to keep the confidential information in line with the Data Protection Act. The learning styles that I have employed in the development of the said skill ranges from training, writing symbols, in documenting therapies, debates, discussions, simulation, experience from colleagues and personal study on whatever I have learned during the trainings. For instance on 27.03.2014, I attended the training and teamwork debate besides carrying out a simulation practical with one of the autistic child guided by phonics and shape work. Also on the same date, I was taught about the risk assessment for the children and I made to understand how anger and aggression affect the risk assessment for children. In addition, through the induction, dated on 20+21.03.2014, the manager and the Headteacher inducted me and gave me general information about the organization and how to cater for the autistic children as well as those with the global development delay. In addition, I was also taken with individual learning for those children such as reading, phonetics and counting that helped me understand how to teach and care for children. 2.2 A holistic development plan with short medium- and long-term goals My development plan is based on how to communicate with the child, how to feed them, assess their risk, ensure they are hygiene and able to read and write. In order to do this, I have suggested the following development plan; Short Term Within the first five days, I am aiming at a clear understanding of how the organization works based on the effective understanding of the premises. Such objective will be met through personal visiting of the departments and close interaction with my colleagues from each department and via asking them questions where necessary. Within the first 10 days, I intend to have developed confidence in performing the duties attached to me according to the policies and procedures such as personal hygiene, humanistic communication with the users and others based on a range of activities as outlined in the care plans of the service users while working as guided by the description of my job. Besides, within the first 20 days of my placement, I shall have understood how the staff is composed and work. In order to achieve, I will be able to ask the manager and the head teacher on specific jurisdiction of a particular cohort of workers in the organization. Within the first one month, I am focused to have understood the basic care requirement for the SEN children right from, feeding, hygiene, risk assessment, and modes of teaching and learning appropriate for the SEN children. After One and half month, I am at understanding the basic Health Care requirement and regulation attached to such practice. In order to achieve this, I will be study specific guidelines and rules and regulation as well as the necessary Acts. Besides, I am aiming at understanding how to confidentially keep the key information about the children as required by the policies of the organization and social care and health practice. In order to meet such goals, I will be able to attend specific trainings offered as well as personally read widely on the specific Acts attached to confidentially to information such as Data Protection Act. Within one and half month, I intend to have effectively understood how to adequately communicate with the SEN children and develop an effective understanding of how they are taught, socially assist them in the daily activities. In order to achieve this goal, I will first start by asking my fellow colleagues how they manage to communicate to children when they got their placement and implement such outcomes. In addition, I will also undertake personal observation on the activities, behavior and moods of the children in order to design the best way possible to approach that will not contradict the policies of the organization Long Term Within the first two months in the workplace, I am focused to ensure that I have developed adequate skills of assessing the risk of the children and effectively apply person-specific risk assessment concept to the needy SEN children. To achieve, this I will appreciate the significance of mutual and close working relationships with the team in the organization. I will personally study based on the training and induction outcomes besides the specific field experience. I intend to be close to the children attached to me in order to fully observe their moods, behaviors and activities. In addition, within the first two months of my placement, I am focused to have fully aligned my personal culture to that of the organization. In order to achieve this objective, I will study the organizational culture through close monitoring of the operations and relationships of the teams to gauge how a collaborative culture works. Besides, I will try personally to socially interact with the team and the children in order to understand the prevailing culture in the organization. In addition, I am also projecting a change in my personal value within the first two months in order to align my values to that of my job requirement. In order to do this, I will take my induction, training, and any further trainings meant to shape my values serious and implement ever knowledge learnt in my area of duty. After the third month, I aimed to have become a competent worker with abilities to execute my duties professionally besides acquiring necessary skills to write reports and communicate such reports in different effective skills. In order to do this, I will personally focus on my professional and personal developed based on taking whatever learnt and experience as a challenge and try to rectify my mistakes while recognizing criticisms as positive in developing my career. 2.3 Monitor progress against the plan according to the requirements of health and social care practitioner, revising the plan as required In monitoring my development plan, I have noted with a lot of concern that health and social care practitioner is key in ensuring the effective safety of children. The future success of the SEN children is solely embedded in the practitioners’ help. With respect to my short term holistic development plan, I have realized that Health and Social care Practitioners are required to showcase a higher degree of keeping the confidential information as required by the Data Protection Act. In this case, I will emphasize that such plan should have been given the priority and captured within the first 15 days of my placement and not within one month. In addition, I noted that the regulation requires that the organization ensures that health care practitioners showcase a higher degree of confidence in their practice. Accordingly, my plan indicates that I shall have developed confidence within the first ten days. However, the need to be confidence requires adequate knowledge and skills on the job and for this reason I will revise the time frame and makes such element a long term and not a short term plan. In addition, the techniques to be confidence in a particular practice should be a bit comprehensive and elaborative than what was captured in the plan (Ryan 2000, p. 76). I will, therefore, suggest frequent vocational trainings and simulation offered by the organization in order to install the adequate confidence needed to perform my tasks. Finally, social care and health provider needs to a competence professional, I, therefore, thumps the plan as a long term. The only daunting challenge with the plan is the technique to achieve the competency. Accordingly, I recommend that the organization further takes me through frequent trainings and supervision driven by correction in mistakes made so as to ensure I am competent enough to perform my duty. 2.4 Evaluate the effectiveness of the development plan to own development as a health and social care practitioner In the evaluation of the above holistic development plan, I have noted a lot of matching with respect to the Health and Social care practitioners requirement. The revised plan as censored in the monitoring stage further makes the plan effective. Through this plan, I will be confidence, competence, effective communicator as well as a report writer (MTD Training 2012, p. 38). In addition, I shall learnt and understood how the organization operates including being endowed with the necessary skills required to assess the risk attached to SEN children and the emergency procedures taken in case of accidents to autism children. In addition, I shall have understood how to be confidential with the kind of information to convey in line with the Data Protection Act. With such personal and professional development skills and knowledge acquisition, I stand best to act as a health and social care practitioner to maintain a promising lifestyle to the SEN children. 3.1 Explain the nature of different professional relationships in health and social care contexts Care worker- service user Service users value the relationships they have with care workers as this is the critical stepping stones to getting mutual assistance and support based on a relationship of working with rather than on people. Such relationships are driven by warmth, empathy reliability, and respect. Care worker-service user is based good social work that is social, offering practical and emotional support, listening to users as well as delivering as per the user’s expectation. In this case, such a relationship existed between me and the SEN children and helped them meet their requirements by helping be hygienic and feed on best foods such green salad and green peas Care Worker- Family (next of kin) Such relationships are based on the need for the care worker to inform the family about their patients. In this case, I observed the children moods behaviors and activities and documented to help their parents and myself understand the children. In addition, I learned the need to give information as guided by Data Protection Act to the family. The family also gives critical information that helped the school to care for their SEN children. Care worker- senior care worker/Nurse/Lead Nurse The relationship exists the care workers to contact and consult with their seniors as well as seniors consulting with the care workers to ascertain the needs of the care users. In this case, my supervision took me through the requirement needed to assess the risk and feed the children as well as to remove their wet trousers. Care worker- Key worker The Key worker model encompasses a distinct worker working in a guiding role with the families. Such a key worker must coordinate with the care worker in order to pass information about the users to and from the families. In this case, I worked closely with the key worker through documenting the observed mood, behaviors and activities of the children that were conveyed to their families. Care worker- co-worker The relationship helps the care workers in the same levels performing similar duties to work as a team to assist care users. In this case, I was trained to work as a team in the organization in order to achieve the requirements of the SEN, autistic and global development delay children. Care worker- Housekeeping and laundry staff Care worker-Housekeeping and laundry staff relationships exist between care workers and housekeeping and laundry staff based on the need to ensure facilities that such apron are available for the workers. Such relationships help care workers to convey their needs to the organization based on such facilities. Care worker- Doctors Care worker-doctor relationship emanates from the interaction between a caregiver and the doctor. The needs such information about the patient from the caregiver who is always with the care user in order to diagnose the care user. Care-worker- District Nurse/Nurse/lead nurse/Therapists Such relationships help the care workers convey critical concerns of the care users to the district nurses for possible policy making. 3.2 Evaluate personal effectiveness in promoting and supporting the rights of the individual In promoting and supporting the rights of the individual especially those children with the autism, I upheld the Equality of Rights, Human Rights and Philosophy of care based on their nine aspects aspect of such respect, dignity and like to the minority ground. In this case, I gained knowledge of person-specific risk assessment in order to understand the particular needs of autistic children and assisted to learn through phonic, feed them as well remove their wet clothes. 3.3 Ways to resolve issues encountered in professional relationships In order to resolve the issues encountered in professional relationships, there is a need to ensure that one proactively prevent such barriers as abuse, no love or interest in the job, misbehavior and ineffective communication and miscommunication. In addition, incompetence, understanding differences in professional Codes of Practice are key to solving professional disputes (Stephen 2009, p. 76). Issues in professional relationships are solved when all the workers understand the role limits and respecting the levels of relationships as well each workers input in the organization. The organization must ensure that competence workers are employed or trained to hit competency. In addition miscommunication and ineffective communication at workplace should be eliminated through vocational training on effective communication skills. Every profession has specific Code of Practice and thus new staff should be inducted prior to settling down to work on the proactive counteractive measures to such issues. 4.1 Evaluate the effectiveness of personal contributions when working with others in the health and social care practice In this case, the vulnerable lot was SEN children according to the Equality of Rights, Human Rights and Philosophy of care, I recognized the 9 aspects such as dignity, like, confidentiality, empowerment, independence, privacy, fulfilment and respect for the SEN children when I was executing my duty (Sheldon and Eliott 1999, 65). I ensured that their wet trousers were removed and fed when they complained of green peas and salad that was effective. However, when we tried the phonics with one of the autistic child, it did not work well. On 03.04.2014, I attended team meeting and planning individual and group lessons based on the child development plan. I learned the importance, of displaying the plan in the classroom in order, make the child aware of the topic (Raelin 2002, p. 56). I learned the effectiveness of making children play their preferred activities as such children maintain focus and commitment with some allowed to play with the computer. SEN children have chances to share thoughts and feelings and learned that the staff needs to respect their Human Rights Act 1998. 4.2 Explain how the limits of own work role impacts on work with others Every organizational worker has a specific jurisdictional role to play. Workers must work with their levels of relationships and should not overstretch to others unless ask to stand in or during reasonable situation. However, teamwork is essential despite the role limits. Therefore, where teamwork is not well implemented in the organization, work limits may negatively impact the organization as workers may fail to stand in for others who may be unwell or absent making the organization provided to have setbacks. However, where there is effective teamwork role limits may be productive based on the elimination of possibilities of role clashes but workers will be willing to stand in for others should there be a need. 4.3 Analyze own role in minimizing barriers to effective teamwork in health and social care practice I participated in the teamwork lesson planning in order to help the staff realize the need to work as a team for the good of the organization. In addition, I showcased a higher degree of respect to my colleagues and remaining within the limits of my roles consulting where necessary. I learned effective communication and eliminated in possibility of miscommunication in the organization besides explaining to my fellows the significance of effective communication. In addition, I demonstrated effective, behavior without abuse to my colleagues so that I could act as a role model for the team. 4.4 Discuss how to improve personal contributions to the collective effectiveness of a team In order to improve personal contributions to the shared effectiveness of a team, I realized the need to be respectful, effectively communicate, never to abuse colleagues, effectively consult with my coworkers as well as other organizational relationships. In addition, I effectively behaved in undertaking my duty in the organization in order to act as a role model. Also, I demonstrated a higher degree of time punctuality and completed my task within the timeframe. Reference Allen M and Adair J. (2003).The Concise Time Management and Personal Development (Thorogood, 2003) ISBN1854182234. 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