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Descriptive statistics spreadsheet in Excel including graphs
2 pages (500 words) , Download 7 , Statistics Project
average crime Descriptive statistics QNT/561 Definitions Central Tendency: Mean = average value of data in a set Mode = The value that appears most in a data set.... 6See the descriptive statistics in Appendix B, scatter plot is in Appendix C, and histogram in Appendix D.... 2See the descriptive statistics in Appendix B, scatter plot is in Appendix C, and histogram in Appendix F.... Descriptive statistics Interpretation Interpretation Number of employees Ten organizations were used for the study and the data was normally distributed....
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Heroism in Literature
3 pages (817 words) , Download 4 , Book Report/Review
This book review "Heroism in literature" discusses actions of Voldemort that present evil in the magic kingdom of Hogwarts.... The modern literature and films present heroism in various setting including psychological platform as presented in Mrs.... First, the creation of anarchy by Voldemort led to the need to develop a hero to depict heroism (Rowling)....
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Statistics Project, Finance and Accounting
10 pages (2709 words) , Download 2 , Statistics Project
"statistics Project, Finance and Accounting" paper argues that the robust optimization of the portfolio is an equitably new optimization approach; hence, it has not been put into massive utilization.... statistics Project, Finance and Accounting Portfolio Management Monthly Return of Assets In this project, the prices of the stocks provide the weights of the portfolios for all the stocks provided....
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Statistics in Examples
8 pages (2109 words) , Download 0 , Statistics Project
The paper "statistics in Examples" analyzes that apply for positions at Company A and Company B.... Thirty-five percent of the students who enroll in a statistics course go to the statistics laboratory on a regular basis.... The probability of getting an offer from Company A is 0....
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Vietnam Literature Comparison
6 pages (1611 words) , Download 1 , Book Report/Review
du/sixties/HTML_docs/Texts/reviews/Scripture_VN_Wars_Young.... The book review "Vietnam literature Comparison" compares two books that are compared and contrasted in this paper look at Vietnam, as a nation and as an army of men who went to war to save their homeland....
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Critique of the Validity of Crime Statistics
6 pages (1854 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "Critique of the Validity of Crime Statistics" is a worthy example of a literature review on social science.... The paper "Critique of the Validity of Crime Statistics" is a worthy example of a literature review on social science.... Official statistics especially those covering the contemporary issues are accessible for students or researchers who are in search of relatively a large amount of resources and at the same time they are known to provide interesting issues collected in a systematic way....
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The Outbreak of Eurozone Sovereign Debt Crisis
15 pages (4141 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
CHAPTER 2: literature REVIEW Since the outbreak of Euro zone sovereign debt crisis, many scholars write papers about cause, influence and related economic theory of the crisis and sovereign debt crisis in history.... The paper "The Outbreak of Eurozone Sovereign Debt Crisis" tells that The general characteristics of a sovereign debt crisis either are debt-servicing difficulties in a country by defaults....
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General statistic
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Statistics Project
The following report contains study results performed on 100 students of a university, who had been chosen randomly from different areas of the university and were enquired about their ages.... The data was collected has been presented in tabulated form in fig i and fig.... ... ... ... There are two basic types of data quantitative and qualitative....
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Capital Budgeting Statistics Project
18 pages (5263 words) , Download 10 , Statistics Project
This project "Capital Budgeting statistics Project" discusses a significant managerial decision that influences the risk and return of the investors.... Market statistics and technical analysis: The role of volume.... The company will have to plan its capital structure at the time of promotion itself and also subsequently....
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A History of American Literature
6 pages (1587 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
The paper "A History of American literature" discusses that the reader gets totally indulged in the book and considers himself as a part of the era/time he's studying on.... There is a soft transition of time starting from the early colonial period to the modern literature of American society.... Another important aspect of American literature in the 19th century was the addition of humor.... Humor gave a completely new look to American literature....
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Literature Adaptations
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
It was the last year f the 20th century when Erica Sheen turned a momentous eye to the institutional aspect in film adaptations, with an explanation to genuflection before an originary printed text as the result f academic film programs' previously official indenture to literature departments. ... Be it presented as literature, oral storytelling, or cinematography these sources have one theme in common: they tell a cautionary tale f the warnings f entering adolescence....
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A Review of Literature on How to Manage International Joint Venture Successfully
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
A Review of literature on How to Manage International Joint Venture Successfully [Name of Student] [Date] A Review of literature on How to Manage International Joint Venture Successfully Introduction Historically, the contract of partnership and business collaboration called Joint Venture, which binds two or more persons or companies momentarily with a specific purpose, has a long history in the world of international business....
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The Role of Art Education in Curatorial Practice: Literature Review
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
he Role of Art Education in Curatorial Practice: literature Review The term ‘curator' means ‘overseer'.... Furthermore, there should be regular publication of literature for the various stakeholders including specialists and the general public.... The term ‘curator' means ‘overseer'....
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Australian Literature
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Tile] Australian literature Introduction The Australian alter the traditionalview of Australian people, representing tabooed areas of experience.... n the Australian literature concepts are presented quite clearly, in this kind of literature the aboriginal or post-colonial writers tend to strongly portray the tabooed areas of experience.... udrooroo (2002) is famous for his novel Wild Cat Falling which was published in year 1965 and reviewed as 'a remarkable piece of literature expressing the dilemmas and conflicts of the young Aborigine in modern Australian society with memorable insight and stylishness, This novel has succeed in portraying the taboos present in the Australian society....
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Domestic Violence in Bahrain
36 pages (9000 words) , Download 4 , Literature review
The report 'Domestic Violence in Bahrain' evaluates domestic violence, which is a concern of many countries all over the world.... It could be perpetrated against all gender, race or ethnicity, but most often, it is being committed by males against their female partners.... ... ... ... The author states that the Information Center for Women and Children has reported that one-third of the Bahraini women are subjected to some form of domestic violence, however, this is often kept as a secret among family members....
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Analysing Literature
5 pages (1436 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "Analysing literature" is a good example of a Finance & Accounting literature review.... The paper "Analysing literature" is a good example of a Finance & Accounting literature review.... Hope, a contemporary to Judith Wright, discusses the works of the Australian writers, their inspirations, styles and the effect that these writers had on the Australian literature.... (1989) Australian literature: A Historical Introduction....
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Article Review
1 pages (250 words) , Download 10 , Book Report/Review
The literature review done was relevant to the topic on.... Article Review Article Review The theory and literature review portrayed in the article was systematically presented.... The literature review done was relevant to the topic on hand.... The methodology used was briefly but precisely discussed....
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Bureau of Labor Statistics Analysis Report
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
Designing jobs in terms quality circles, job rotation motivates employees to improve performance and it enhances Eric C Reyes Micro online Report #3 Bureau of Labor statistics Analysis Report In the article, “Is Job Enrichment Really Enriching?... These statistics support the motivation proposition....
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Analyzing Crime Statistics on Aggravated Assault
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Statistics Project
This essay deals with analyzing crime statistics on aggravated assault gathered in recent decade and it's a most troubling part, i.... This essay deals with analyzing crime statistics on aggravated assault gathered in recent decade and its most troubling part, i.... statistics from the same press release shows 5....
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A Systematic Review of Related Literature in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Intervention
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 6 , Book Report/Review
Protocol for a randomised controlled trial of risk screening and early intervention comparing child and family-focused cognitive-behavioural therapy for PTSD in children following accidental injury .... ... ... This article, originally published at BMC Psychiatry by Kenardy, Cobham, Nixon, McDermott, and March (2010) plus the integration of corrections posted by the same authors (2011), talks about the presently in-progress research on the efficacy of child and family-focused cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) in treating posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in children following accidental injury....
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Book reviews
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Being a part of the era, which accounts for highest rate of crime statistics in the history, everyone is aware of the prediction that crime rate will further progress in the coming years.... Fears of dangerous situations and an ability or inability of help-self are two interlinked....
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Literature & Analysis
9 pages (2612 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "literature & Analysis" is a perfect example of a literature review.... The paper "literature & Analysis" is a perfect example of a literature review.... literature AND ANALYSIS ... he author has used a methodological approach to support the theoretical literature provided at the beginning....
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2 pages (500 words) , Download 5 , Statistics Project
In 2001 the stock market took some big swings up and down.... One thousand investors were asked how often they tracked their investments.... The table below shows their responses.... What is the probability that an investor tracks the portfolio monthly? ... ... .... In a battleground state,.... ... ...
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American Literature
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Though she passed away at the young age of 39, she had left behind a rich legacy of remarkable literature.... Presenting excerpts from Oates's novels would not only show her versatility, but would convey the way literature has an important and imposing influence on the modern writer....
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Analysis of the Data Included in BIMS Case by Computing Descriptive Statistics in the Form of Tables
6 pages (1615 words) , Download 1 , Statistics Project
"Analysis of the Data Included in BIMS Case by Computing Descriptive statistics in the Form of Tables" paper states that BMIS should take precautions against employee departure because when people leave the company, they take their value with them and in most cases, their destination is the rivals.... Analyze the data included in BIMS case study Part by computing descriptive statistics in the form of tables, charts, measures of central tendency, and variability....
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Reading reviews
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Running head: READING reviews Reading reviews [Author's Name] [Class] 04 July 2011 Reading reviews Networking and accountability create a popular dilemma.... Running head: READING reviews Reading reviews 04 July Reading reviews Networking and accountability create a popular dilemma....
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Top Ten Film Literature
5 pages (1439 words) , Download 0 , Movie Review
From the paper "Top Ten Film literature" it is clear that the movie manages to create a universe out of a number of kid's bedrooms, a stretch of suburban highway and a gas station.... Top Ten Film literature s affiliation Top Ten Film literature Analysis of The Incredible The film is a fantastic story that is properly scripted with high quality animation....
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French Female Literature
8 pages (2114 words) , Download 0 , Movie Review
The film received much positive review from its general audience and some negative reviews from the American critics.... This paper ''French Female literature '' tells about the Lover is an adaptation of director Jean-Jacques on the Marguerite Dura's' minimalist novel of 1984.... French female literature The Lover is an adaptation of director Jean-Jacques on the Marguerite Dura's' minimalist novel of 1984....
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Article Review: Criminology
6 pages (1738 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
eview of this chapter involves an article from the Australian Bureau of statistics published in 2011 entitled ‘The Australian and New Zealand standard offence classification (ANZSOC)'.... It also provides crime and justice statistics in the country.... Cost benefit analysis of the use of prisons can involve factors like how costly prisons are compared to community corrections, rate of recidivism, and methods of managing crime such as deterrence, incapacitation and rehabilitation (Australian bureau of statistics, 2011). ...
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Evaluative Review Assignment
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Assessments and reviews evidently show to the public that their school administration are authentically concerned about school security, answerable, and have paramount interests of the staff members, students, and community at heart in running their buildings.... Incident data are also valuable in appraising the expenses related to discipline tribulations and distributing resources suitably (National Centre for Education statistics).... According to National Centre for Education statistics, schools with high rates of suspension will have high levels of disorder....
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Postmodernism in American literature
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Postmodernism is most celebrated movements in American literature and the novels of this category clearly reflect the cultural, intellectual, and artistic state of affairs and disillusionment that existed in the post World War II.... In literature, it has its origins in the rejection of traditional mimetic fiction in favor of a heightened sense of artifice, a delight in games and verbal pyrotechnics, a suspicion of absolute truth and resulting inclination to stress the fictionality of fiction....
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Literature review about a journal article
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
Industrial Marketing Management Table of Contents Introduction 3 Summary 4 Critique 4 Conclusion 5 Reference 6 Introduction Around two decades back, the idea of the fact the fact that there can be a link of sustainable nature between the environment as well as the business was proposed (Barbier, 1987)....
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Questionnaire and 1500 litertature review on the given mandate
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
literature review Siegel, 2008, notes the reliability of self-reports in the provision of data on criminal activities in an area.... Crime reduction/prevention by police on Lynfield Estate Name: Student number: Unit title (Measuring Crime) Unit code (SC5001) Seminar Tutor: SC5001: Measuring and Interpreting Crime Autumn Assessment Details Introduction Security provision constitutes a key role of national as well as local governments....
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The role of literature
1 pages (250 words) , Download 7 , Book Report/Review
The best way to communicate to the outside world about your culture is through literature.... The best way to communicate to the outside world about your culture is through literature.... That is why Chimamanda says that, “…I did not know that people like me could exist in literature.... ?? When she read literature of similar people she realized that she could also exist in literature....
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American Literature
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
She argues that the American literature Question (a) The thesis of Wink van wrinkle is about the history of Europe on the natural scenery and their social cultural way of life.... The writer believes that Europe is richer in history as compared to other parts of the world.... In his own submission, he says that it is upon the indigenous....
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Renaissance Literature Analysis
7 pages (2063 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
This book review "Renaissance literature Analysis" discusses Shakespeare that takes an unusual road in his portrayal of King Harry as 'a great [warrior] king, a 'pattern of prince hood and a 'mirror of magnificence''(Hall 18).... "Renaissance literature I".... literature in English: Anthologie des Litteratures du Monde Anglophone....
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Business Statistics for Managers Project Template
10 pages (1873 words) , Download 1 , Statistics Project
The paper "Business statistics for Managers Project Template" presents probability calculations on data for being either a graduate or undergraduate depending on the binomial distribution, cumulative GPA dependence on high school scores regarding independent and dependent variables.... Business statistics for Managers Task Contingency table 25 years and below above 25years total undergraduate 48 11 59 graduate 17 ...
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Marketing Review
6 pages (1851 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The main focus of the paper "Marketing Review" is on critical literature review and on examining how celebrity endorsement affects consumer behaviour, the increase in marketing, Consumer Behaviour and Celebrity Endorsement, on different new techniques.... Ar Critical literature Review How Celebrity Endorsement affects Consumer Behavior 3/25 Critical literature Review Introduction With theincrease in marketing these days it has been noted that different new techniques have arrived which further help in boosting the arenas of marketing....
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Interpretation of Statistical Tables
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Statistics Project
The study investigated the dimensions around which student-generated metaphors regarding language teachers are focused, using quantitative analysis and a questionnaire prepared with the help of students enrolled in a Russian Language course at the Universiti Malaysia Sabah.... A.... ... ... Data were statistically treated using factor analysis....
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Wit and Comedy in Literature
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
The very endeavour of approaching a work of literature by correlating it with the conventions of the genre it affiliates to, enhances the basic understanding pertaining to that work, be it the poetry, drama or fiction.... The very endeavour of approaching a work of literature by correlating it with the conventions of the genre it affiliates to, enhances the basic understanding pertaining to that work, be it the poetry, drama or fiction.... This also enables the reader to approach a work of literature with a comparative mindset, thereby allowing one to recognize and comprehend the multiple connections that a work exudes with regard to other such works....
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Management Book Report/Review
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
The introduction chapter of this paper instigates with detailed explanations and critically reviews the quotes and definitions of the word globalisation.... To do this, a critical appraisal of literature by Michel de Motaigne (Hollier, 1995), Becker (1994), Toffler (2000), is done....
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Modern Chinese Literature
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
It is the main theme in such works of a postmodern Chinese literature.... Chinese literature explores urban lifestyle after high technologies affected it.... 10 May Modern Chinese literature: The story “Fin de Siècle Splendor” displays fragmentary nature of contemporary experience.... Postmodern urban literature in China explores the kinds of themes which reflect distortion and decline of the human life in the society characterized by a mechanical lifestyle and high technology....
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Analysis of Literature about Leadership Development
10 pages (2517 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
"Analysis of literature about Leadership Development" literature review identifies the factors that contribute to a lack of good interaction between leaders and their teams as perceived by 200 employees in 20 different organizations in the United States.... Leadership Development Introduction: This literature Review undertakes an examination of available literature to support a quantitative study on the topic of: “Leadership Development: Skills and techniques used for better communications....
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CAPM Test for FTSE 100 Stocks
10 pages (2143 words) , Download 0 , Statistics Project
The paper 'CAPM Test for FTSE 100 Stocks' is an informative example of a finance & accounting statistics project.... From this viewpoint, stocks are considered as a commodity or assets; it can be purchased and sold.... The stock purchasers are called investors.... The goal of investors is to make money from stock trading....
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3 pages (750 words) , Download 4 , Book Report/Review
The research will seek guidance primarily from the literature review, but guidance for the inferences will be gained from the data.... Importance of the idea Owing to the importance of their role in trading and risk management, financial derivatives like future prices and options have become factors of immense value for the financial institutions particularly over the last thirty years....
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Critical Review: Early Years Emotional Development
11 pages (3127 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
The review admits that almost no other literature exists that deals exclusively with the subject.... he purpose of the review studying clinical literature on the subject is to build a firm base for establishing the legitimacy of critically acclaiming Sorin's excellent article.... Another novel method that may be a part of using creative endeavors to alleviate fears is bibliotheraphy (Nicholson and Pearson, 2003) where the child is supplied with literature (story-books, pictures, etc) that acquaints the child with feared objects and situations....
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Symbolism in Literature
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Edgar Allen Poe often wrote about the premature burials and intentional live entombments.... While there were very real concerns during his time period about these sorts of events happening, these events can also be seen as being symbolic of being trapped in one's own mind.... ... ... ... For various reasons not generally included in the actual stories, the narrators and other characters generally suffered from some degree of insanity....
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Article review
2 pages (500 words) , Download 7 , Book Report/Review
(2008) which discusses the findings of a case control study conducted in order to elucidate the impact of breastfeeding in infancy on the development of type II Diabetes Mellitus later in life, using the CASP critique guidelines (CASP,2011) and discusses the results of this study in light of the current guidelines and literature (Davis, et al.... (2008) which discusses the findings of a case control study conducted in order to elucidate the impact of breastfeeding in infancy on the development of type II Diabetes Mellitus later in life, using the CASP critique guidelines (CASP,2011) and discusses the results of this study in light of the current guidelines and literature (Davis, et al....
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Analyzing the Data Set using Inferential Statistics
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 4 , Statistics Project
The formula for z-test proportions is: , where (sample proportion), n = sample size, p = population proportion, q = 1 – p. ... ... uestions 5 and 6 aim to test estimates for.... ... ... Thus, we will be using t test in testing our hypotheses (Note, however, that t-test is ideally for a sample size of less than 30....
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Law, Literature and Media
16 pages (3987 words) , Download 1 , Movie Review
This movie review "Law, literature and Media" discusses the films Rashomon, a classic Japanese film about the relative nature of truth and Twelve Angry Men, a drama about a jury and about how truth is viewed through each of their eyes.... These truth theories are on display in much of our legal cinema and literature, as these works accurately portray the biases that make absolute truth impossible to discern.... These truth theories are on display in much of our legal cinema and literature, as these works accurately portray the biases that make absolute truth impossible to discern....
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