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The Uniqueness of the Manas Wildlife Sanctuary and its Region
5 pages (1548 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
"The Uniqueness of the Manas Wildlife Sanctuary and its Region" discusses the various aspects and tribulations in which ecology of the Manas Sanctuary faces, and has faced over the years.... Scholarly sources are used as evidence to look at historical facts relating to the influences of human beings....
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Bullying laws
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 5 , Research Paper
Name: Tutor: Course: Date: Bullying Laws Introduction Bullying is a major problem for the children and the young people that experience it, mainly because it breaks their sense of self-esteem, forcing them to lose their confidence, which is likely to cause them to avoid going to school every day (San Antonio and Salzfass 32-38)....
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Current State of the Indian Economy
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This paper provide an modern analysis on the current economic conditions of India.... Rapid economic progress of the country has been remarkable in the past few years.... India is considered one of the most promising emerging economies of the world with remarkably high level of growth.... ... ... ...
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Value and Drawbacks of Activity Based Management
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
VALUE AND DRAWBACKS OF ACTIVITY-BASED MANAGEMENT Name: Institution: Introduction Activity based management refers to a management approach that applies activity based costing designed for decision-making and development of organizational strategies.... Its main aim is to analyze cost of processes for informed decision making into reduced operational cost at maximized customer utility levels....
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Water (sustainable development )
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
During the last twenty years, economic growth has been responsible for lifting more than 600 million people out of the clutches of poverty while also raising the income levels of millions more.... The economic development and growth has often come at the expense of environmental.... ... ... The Earth's natural capital and resources have been used in ways that are wasteful, economically inefficient, and without sufficient reckoning of the true costs of resource depletion....
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Financial crisis of Amazon and Apple
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This essay describes that Apple and Amazon are examples of Multinational Businesses that faced the financial crisis of 2008; diversified measures implemented them and recovered from the reducing profits they were earning.... inancial crisis presents a number of challenges to businesses.... ... ... ...
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Importance of Public Relations in Management Communication
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This paper is an effort to throw light upon the role of public relations in management communication.... The researcher will give a brief introduction to the basic definition and explanation of the concepts of management communication and Public Relations.... ... ... ... The paper elucidates the role of PR in an organization with a descriptive analysis of the methods used and their effects on the business....
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Technology Advancement: ''Digital Natives and Digital Immigrants
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
The paper describes technology advancements that have introduced many changes in the way individuals interact, learn, work, and communicate with each other.... In the olden days, the radio and the television changed how people received information and even altered the way people were governed.... ...
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The Legacy of Ruth Ginsburg
5 pages (1646 words) , Download 6 , Research Paper
The paper "The Legacy of Ruth Ginsburg" discusses that Ginsburg has been instrumental in furthering the cause of women by following her formal theory of equality.... She has obtained equal benefits from the military and Social Security for both men and women alike.... ... ... ... Ginsburg has argued that "the right to abortion might have been more secure had it been grounded in the concept of women's right to equality rather than in the right to privacy"....
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Monopoly in Business
5 pages (1596 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
This research paper "Monopoly in Business" looks at the impacts of monopoly in businesses.... The paper also reflects on the numerous roles of such a business and its negative impacts on the economy.... The concept of monopoly in business has constantly drawn a lot of concerns among investors.... ...
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3 Major Events that Led to the 1963 March on Washington
5 pages (1439 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The paper "3 Major Events that Led to the 1963 March on Washington" highlights that African Americans were able to obtain their rights.... For instance, in the Brown vs.... Board of Education case, the Supreme court agreed that segregating African American public schools was unconstitutional.... ...
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A Financial Crisis Presents a Number of Challenges to Businesses
5 pages (1505 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The paper "A Financial Crisis Presents a Number of Challenges to Businesses" states that Amazon and Apple, and analyses how they recovered from the global financial crisis in 2008.... The marketing strategies they used to increase sales to maximize profit are also discussed.... ... ... ... Amazon, despite all the changes in consumer trends, recorded increased demand for its products as reflected by the financial statement in 2009....
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Episode-based payment recommandation
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Institution Instructor Date Episode-based payment recommendation By saving in all means possible, a government can be in a position to boost her economic performance.... Savings by healthcare sector would be an equal avenue for securing the much needed funds which can be used otherwise for economic development....
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Analysis of American Eagle Outfitters
2 pages (500 words) , Download 5 , Research Paper
The company is headquartered in Pittsburgh, PA.... Established in 1977, AEO was a subsidiary of Retail Ventures Inc.... and it was founded by brothers Mark Silverman and Jerry.... It is the holding company of 77 kids and Aerie.... AEO is a.... ... ... This research paper seeks to analyze American Eagle Outfitters' main core business activities and the auditor of the company....
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Link between economic development and crime and corruption
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The first article by Plummer posted in the New Republic, explores the various links between crime and the economic growth which continues to be a highly debated issue till date.... Economic upheavals in many countries are being viewed by many experts as major triggering factors for.... ... ... However, some experts disagree with this notion as believe that such deviant behavior is not always fueled by downturns or a robust economy....
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Ethical Concerns in Epidemiology
8 pages (2244 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
This work called "Ethical Concerns in Epidemiology" describes an in-depth analysis of the various ethical issues in epidemiology.... The author outlines detailed historic events and examples of epidemiologic ethical concerns.... ... ... ... This can be evidenced by the wide range of research articles and writings on this practice....
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Women's Role in the labor movement
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
A trade union, or a labor union, is defined as a coalition of workers who voluntarily come together to achieve common goals and objectives (Dumont and Hacourt).... Often, the ultimate goal of these organizations is to secure higher pay for workers, better working conditions and promotion.... ... ...
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The Ice Age
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Events that happened during the Ice Age have played a decisive role in making the planet the way it is today.... It has been a common perception for a long time in the history that mass hunting of big.... ... ... Findings of the recent research suggest that there have been other factors in addition to mass hunting of big animals by humans, that have played a role in the extinction of many species of Big animals were already seeing a decline as a result of loss of food and vegetation....
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Various Causes Associated with Stress: by Measuring Various Demographic Factors
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The paper describes the levels of stress brought about by living in a modern society.... The implication is that living in the suburbs does not insulate an individual or family from being affected by stress.... ... ... ... The study investigates levels of stress for over 500 residents living in suburbs of Chicago, by measuring various demographic factors, such as gender, age, age of children, employment, number of hours worked each week, amount of time spent caring for the home, amount of time spent caring for children and number of hours of sleep each night....
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The US/World Economic Collapse. Mainly What caused the crash of 2008
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Client's Name: Course: 9 May 2012 Global recession has been triggered off across the globe by the sub prime crisis in the US, the crisis has not only affected the US economy but it has also affected almost all the countries across the globe.... The crisis has certainly given rise to the possibility of systemic financial crisis, which means that the credit crunch and the liquidity is only going to get worse from here on in....
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Network Security The Past, Present, and Future
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
This research will begin with the definition of a network as a number of computers connected together to share information and resources with each other.... When the concept of sharing and accessing information from another system comes in, then a challenge arises.... ... ... ... According to the findings, it can, therefore, be said that the aim of ceasing any undesired intrusion in one's system is encapsulated by one of the most vital areas of computer sciences- Network Security....
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The Reasons to Avoid Drinking Soda
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This research will begin with the statement that soda companies continue to market their products aggressively in many countries worldwide.... Coca-Cola, for one, developed an extensive distribution infrastructure designed to increase their reach.... ... ... ... Based on the research, one can say that there is very little value in drinking soda....
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FAR FROM HOME: Criminal Justice
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Research shows that the most abandoned areas by the police are the code of ethics and oath the police take of office.... Many police.... ... ... Distrust towards the police force among the citizens continues to grow as the ethics and integrity continues to dwindle. ... ... his paper seeks to find out ways The paper will examine the behavior of some of the New York Police department members during their visit to Washington DC police week and the events surrounding them....
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Impact of the Older Workforce
7 pages (2010 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
From the paper "Impact of the Older Workforce" it is clear that hiring older workers is a great move for any company as well as the economy in general.... There is certainly no shortage of them with the baby boomer generation hitting 65 at an alarming rate.... ... ... ... All companies have come to realize that customer satisfaction is the most important factor when building a reputation or a brand....
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Battle of the Bulge
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The Battle of the Bulge: A Wonder in Military Science Introduction The Battle of the Bulge, also called the Ardennes Offensive, is a highly celebrated event in battle history due to its remarkable importance for scholars, practitioners, and students of contemporary ideology, strategies, and operations.... This widely known battle represents numerous theories and policies of the operational military Science as carried out by Napoleon, like ‘envelopment and placing forces behind the enemy astride his lines of communications'....
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Testing to Improve Educational Improvements
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
ducational standards a characteristically organized by the relevant subject matter, for example, English language arts, arithmetic, Science, social education and health.... However, some a polished in order to mirror original experiences in altering educational priorities, such as Science and technology and health and wellness.... ational Science Education Standards: Observe, Interact, Change, Learn....
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Compare and contrast utopian societies
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
he power of Science was very important to the Enlightenment and to its idea that utopias were possible.... Science was the process people used to explain the world to themselves and it was really coming into its own.... But some people also began to applying strict Science to things like politics or race—concepts that...
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Business Case Assessment-Marketing in Healthcare
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The marketing plan for the cardiac imaging center focuses on the situation analysis that includes the evaluation of the company, its customers, its competitors and its collaborators.... For the assessment of the environment, PEST as well as SWOT analysis tools has been considered.... ... ... Furthermore, conducting a market segmentation analysis, it has been considered that income and health related problems will be termed as the rudiments of the targeted customer group....
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Gun Control Debate
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This essay provides arguments from both sides regarding gun control and concludes as to which side has a convincing and stronger argument.... On the author's view, the opponents of the gun control laws have stronger arguments in comparison to their counterparts .... ... ... But on the other hand, it is necessary that some control is also established on the sales of these guns because minimized gun control laws would give an opportunity to all the individuals to buy a gun i....
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The Causes of Obesity in Infants
8 pages (2423 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
According to the research findings of the paper 'The Causes of Obesity in Infants', it does possess life-long implications and not only affects infants, but children, adolescents and adults, because this research also showed that overweight babies will most likely become overweight adults.... .... ...
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Marketing Activities for Primary Care Facility
9 pages (2573 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The paper "Marketing Activities for Primary Care Facility" discusses a marketing plan for a primary care business to be situated in the suburb of Washington DC that mainly consists of Baby Boomers, generation X, and N-generation.... The paper gives a plan of office requirements for these generations....
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Business Ethical Failure: Nike Labour Policies
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
An author of this research "Business Ethical Failure: Nike Labour Policies" aims to investigate the reasons and factors of the Nike company business ethical failure.... The writer suggests that the fundamental cause of the Nike labor issues was the lack of business ethics in the company.... ... ... ...
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The Concept of Latcham Direct Limited
8 pages (2464 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
The paper 'The Concept of Latcham Direct Limited' focuses on Latcham Direct Limited is a European public limited company operating its business function in the domain of the information technology industry.... Since its establishment in 2009, the organization has expanded its business functions.... ...
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Objective Toward Somali Immigrants In The Healthcare Setting
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
I believe that in as much as it aims to maintain their cultural heritage, the Somali should give up some of their beliefs and move into the modern day by embracing the technology of Science and health.... There has been a constant conflict on the ideologies of culture and those of Science, specifically relating to health....
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Computer Crime
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Computer Science and IT Name University Computer Science and IT Computer crimes include internet fraud, business identity theft, and other criminal practices that result in a security breach.... Hackers effectively use the internet to send malicious spam emails thereby tricking users to give out confidential information such as passwords, credit card PINs and to send on viruses and harmful softwares....
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How We Learn With Both Brains
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Brain Sense: The Science of the Senses and How We Process the World around Us.... International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology.... Name: Course: Date: How we learn with both Brains The brain has two separate sides, also referred to as the brain hemispheres (Alice, 2012)....
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Ackermann's Function
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Burlington: Elsevier Science.... Alpha Science International.... As far as the computability theory is concerned, Ackermann function can be described as one of the earliest and simplest-discovered forms of the general computable function, which is not a primitive recursive....
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Empirical Evidence of the Impact of the Internet on Interpersonal Social Relations
10 pages (2869 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
"Empirical Evidence of the Impact of the Internet on Interpersonal Social Relations" paper focuses on the use of the Internet by a sample of young Americans between the ages of 18 and 21 and will seek to determine how the internet impacts their interpersonal social relations.... ... ... ... The sample population will be a nonrandom purposive sample....
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Population, Sampling Strategy, HIPAA Concerns, Informed Consent Procedures, and Setting
7 pages (1995 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
This resarch paper "Population, Sampling Strategy, HIPAA Concerns, Informed Consent Procedures, and Setting" discusses outlines issues concerning two different studies carried on cancer patients aimed at determining several factors pertaining to their lives.... ... ... ... This research is carried out in a large nonprofit hospice involved in the provision of home care....
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Teaching Students with Disabilities with the Use of Technology
10 pages (3000 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
The paper "Teaching Students with Disabilities with the Use of Technology" focuses on the critical analysis of the significance of integration of technology into the classroom for students with disabilities and its impact on students' learning processes.... ... ... ... A growing number of the student population experiences difficulty in aspects such as oral expression, written expression, basic reading skills, listening comprehension, reading fluency skills, reading comprehension, mathematics calculation, or mathematics problem-solving....
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Hazards or Dangers about Fire
23 pages (6268 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The paper "Hazards or Dangers about Fire" discusses that in residential buildings, the most common cause of the fire is an electrical malfunction, which is around 43 per cent and 37 per cent for electrical arcing as a heat source the leading causes of attic fires.... ... ... ... Some chemical used in industrial cities contains active oxygen content that influences fire depending on the chemical's self-accelerating decomposition temperature (Kia, 1993)....
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Methane Hydraulic Fracturing Procedure
9 pages (2612 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The paper "Methane Hydraulic Fracturing Procedure" states that the enforcement of state regulations needs to be focused more on subsurface releases of contaminants.... Media coverage of any form needs to include issues relating to scientific research studies on hydraulic fracturing.... .... ... ... Hydraulic fracturing technique, used by the gas and oil industry, entails the use of high hydraulic pressures to initiate a fracture....
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The Factor Drivers towards Tablet Devices
10 pages (2638 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
The paper 'The Factor Drivers towards Tablet Devices' is a well-turned variant of the research paper on technology.... The revolution of tablet devices in recent years has dramatically changed the global network and specifically within the social media environments.... .... ... ... The paper 'The Factor Drivers towards Tablet Devices' is a well-turned variant of the research paper on technology....
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Reflection of a Stillbirth: Clinical Scenario Analysis
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The recent developments in the medical Science and the related social responsibility concerns focus to the fact that natural calamities and manmade disasters can contribute to malicious foetus formations, and in such a scenario, philanthropist organisations across the world demands respective governments to hold the responsibility to control the increasing incidents of stillborn and neonatal deaths (Shultz and Draper, 2008, pp....
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Product Concept of BlackBerry
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The paper 'Product Concept of BlackBerry' presents the product which developed in the R&D department after thorough idea generation and the qualifying process is a handheld wireless multi-functioned communication device.... After concept and product testing phase will enter into the test marketing....
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E Commerce and Socio Economic Development
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The author of the current research paper "E-Commerce and Socio-Economic Development" states that there has been frequent development the development in terms of information technology and especially the use of computers for the last two decades.... ... ... ... As the text has it, computers precisely, are now slicker, faster and most significantly, more accessible....
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The Impact of the Electronic Health Records Integrated Systems on Patient Outcomes
37 pages (9250 words) , Download 6 , Research Paper
This study 'The Impact of the Electronic Health Records Integrated Systems on Patient Outcomes' is based on a qualitative and retrospective approach using the recent secondary data.... It's suggested investigating the impact of an integrated health care system would promote improved patient outcomes....
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Is Britain Ready for the Berliner
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
In the paper 'Is Britain Ready for the Berliner' the author discusses the Guardian Media Group (GMG) and its management strategies.... The marketing strategies of GMG's flagship product, namely the Guardian newspaper, will be scrutinized and evaluated.... ... ... ... The author states that the Guardian is one of the oldest newspapers in Britain, which celebrated its hundredth anniversary in 2007....
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Employee Assistance Programs
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
This study aims to highlight Employee Assistance Programs as the core Human Resource Function in the context of Hospitality Management.... In the review of preceding literature, very few researches on Employee Assistance Program have emerged in hospitality management in recent years .... ... ... Indirectly or directly, every research congregates at a point that the behavior of employee is unpredictable and it is necessary to diagnose the negative behavior as it affects both personal and professional life of employees....
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The Interrelationships Between Animals and Humans in the Nature Writing
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
On the other hand, A Sand County Almanac by Aldo Leopold unites first-person writing style with Science-based elucidation of the “biotic pyramid” in the direction of the progress of a land ethic.... This reduces the moral reliability of the story in tackling wider socio-environmental backgrounds such as the bourgeoisie and masculinity custom of rock-climbing and the unexpected responsibility of the environmental Science of the rock features in the story in which individual activities take place....
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