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The Health-Related Professions
3 pages (974 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "The Health-Related Professions" tells that Health professions education, in the case of nursing, has over time abandoned process-based curricula adopted competency-based curricula.... The process-based curriculum is criticized owing to the fact that education and work remain disconnected....
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Invertebrate Zoology, Research Box
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
884473- research Paper Name Module Institution Summary of Findings Animals have the ability to distinguish between self and non-self.... For this research, the coelomic fluid was collected from the adult sea cucumber, which is an echinoderm.... Table of Contents Summary of Findings 2 Abstract 4 INTRODUCTION 5 BASIS OF HYPOTHESIS 5 research 5 METHODOLOGY 5 DATA COLLECTION 6 ORGANISMS COLLECTION 6 DESIGN 7 FUNDING 7 SIGNIFICANCE & CONCLUSION 8 REFERENCES 9 Abstract This paper formulates a hypothesis on how further research regarding the above experiment....
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Rhetorical Analysis Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Based on the publisher, technical language and details, the paper was targeting the scientific community in the United States, where research on the subject had been extensively carried out in retrospect, and globally.... The writer attempts to explain the diminishing capacity for the brain's expansion by drawing from previous research by scientists as well as comparing the structure of the human brain with that of other animals.... Logic has been used extensively in this paper as it is has been written with heavy reference to empirical evidences, both from the writer's perspective and ex post facto research by others....
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Opinion paper about the professional nurses role in the business of health care
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Awareness of these financial aspects will also enable plan more effectively for the future of the healthcare professional nurses role in the business of health care Affiliation: Why should nurses have a clear understanding of the financial aspects of healthcare?... Health care is undergoing reformations be it in the technology they are using to handle the diseases, preventive care and chronic management of diseases....
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Custom research paper about global warming in Kuwait
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
There any research and initiatives have to start from Kuwait (Macionis, 2002). ... The hypothesis that this research would address are: ‘Global warming causes can be controlled to a great extent by GLOBAL WARMING IN KUWAIT Global Warming in Kuwait June 06, 2009 I.... There any research and initiatives have to start from Kuwait (Macionis, 2002).... Other research have covered general issues of global warming when this research would focus on Kuwait related issues....
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Media Reaction Paper: Diversity and Multiculturalism
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
They get to be invited by celebrities to flaunt their creative skills and even to join professional groups and bands.... The objective of this essay “Media Reaction Paper: Diversity and Multiculturalism” is to proffer diversity in media using the Internet as its contemporary form with a selected material duly summarized....
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The Effects of Technology on the Accounting Profession
4 pages (1000 words) , Essay
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It is a method of identifying, recording and communicating monetary dealings of a business.... The development of accounting goes back to the olden times in France, Italy and the rest.... ... ... However the processing of financial information has essentially remained the same for hundreds of years (Top accounting degrees, 2009)....
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Social Influence Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Social Influence Paper Date Abstract The essay aims to proffer issues pertaining to analyzing one of the specifically stated events, of which the chosen historical event is Jonestown; and to identify the sociopsychological environmental influences for the chosen historical event.... ... ... ... The discourse would focus on the attitudes in response to a seemingly passive environment, to include the effects of mere exposure, implicit attitudes, evaluative conditioning, and direct experience....
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Reflection paper
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This is in terms of the practices and the procedures that are used to ensure that patients get the best care.... The documentary by Hott and Garey (1988) explores how.... ... ... Generally speaking, it has had a positive impact on the entire health care sector.... However, it is worth pointing out that this cannot replace the role of the nurses and the care they give to Nursing Reflection Paper al Affiliation Nursing Reflection Paper: Use of Technology in Giving Care Just like other professionsand sectors, the health care field has greatly evolved over the last few years....
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Ethics Awareness Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Ethics Awareness Name Instructor Institution Subject Code Ethics Awareness Inventory Analysis Introduction Ethics Inventory Analysis is an instrument that is used to investigate and discover if a professional is aware of how he will act when faced in a professional dilemma.... In this paper, I will apply the results of this Inventory Test to my personal and professional development and thus explain how my experience in Education has contributed to the development on how I think ethically....
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JAZZ DANCE RESEARCH PAPER Compare/Contrast Bob Fosse & Gene Kelly
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Robert Louise Fosse was born the youngest of six siblings on 23rd June 1927 in Chicago Illinois.... Being the youngest sibling he gained.... ... ... His parents soon recognized his talents and sent him to college as a child prodigy.... In a few years he started to dance professionally in sleazy burlesque and vaudeville shows whose sexual undertones were to be imprinted in his later The musical go the attention of Abbott and Robbins two of Broadways acknowledged masters who engaged him in the production of “The Pajama Game....
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Applied Research Project Capstone: Research Project
25 pages (6250 words) , Download 5 , Research Paper
Respectively, data required for this particular research has been obtained from secondary sources comprising journals, online From the analysis of the secondary sources, it has also been recognized that the population of illegal immigrants has increased immensely, which have both positive as well as negative influences on the society....
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12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It is aimed at developing a holistic, correct representation of knowledge and research-based theory In order to come up with an appropriate literature review, it is important to understand the kind of research one is doing.... It will also be one that lays the groundwork for future research of greater depth.... In other words, a simple literature review will provide insight into areas that will each be reviewable in greater depth in future research....
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Cause paper: teen depression
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
There is a great deal more research being done on the young side of this presented scale than on the old side.... he main question addressed in this research involves finding out why teens get depressed, as well as looking at what answers to this question can tell us about successful prevention....
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Dr. Wakefields Research & Role Played by Media
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Same is the case with source of funding and research conclusions.... Wakefield's research & Role played by Media" is considered to have reduced rates of vaccination received worldwide tremendously and resulting in the emergence of epidemics in different parts of the world.... The controversy involves a presentation of false facts and manipulated medical research by Dr.... Wakefield's research & Role played by Media ID MMR Controversy has been d as one of the most damaging frauds in the history of medical sciences in the last century....
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Work and Professional Development
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
There has been much debate about initiatives that seek to promote equality of opportunity irrespective of gender, race and other social categories.... The debate has centred around the effectiveness of the.... ... ... Equality initiatives have been present in academic institutions for some time now....
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UN Millennium Development Goals Research Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Goal One: Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger This is the first of the 8 millennium development goals.... The goal had three targets.... Target 1A was to halve the number of persons whose income is below a dollar a day between the year 1990 and the year 2015.... ... ... ... UN Millennium Development Goals in Kenya ...
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Biology Research Paper on Brain Tumors
3 pages (750 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
(Add (Add (Add Class Information) (Add Date) Brain Tumors Brain tumors Medical dictionaries define brain tumor as ‘an intracranial solid neoplasm' or ‘a tumor within the central spinal canal'.... Simply, brain tumor refers to transformation or abnormal growth of brain cells; this condition may be cancerous or non-cancerous....
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Research paper on the death penalty
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Constitution.... This amendment is often invoked when discussing the legal merits of the death penalty.... The use of the death penalty is considered by some to be the most.... ... ... The government should not be vested with the power to put any of its citizens to death. ... ... y definition, capital punishment is not unusual, legally speaking, unless one considers and acknowledges the racial bias that exists Whether or not it is cruel is not definable by law....
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History Research paper- Primary source analysis comprasion
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
In Boston during the night of March 5 the year 1770, the British soldiers were attacked by the American colonists who in turn led to the firing on the crowd by the soldiers.... This led to the killing of a number of colonists by the soldiers.... The even became to be referred as the.... ... ... The massacre was eventually used as a reference point for the rallying by colonists against the British troop's activities and the Townshend Act they were deployed to enforce throughout the colonies....
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Themes Across Literature and Film Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Borderline Personality Disorder is a very serious mental medical condition that is characterized by unstable relationship behavior as well as unstable moods.... The most conspicuous and distinctive characteristic of borderline personality Disorder is the irregular feel of identity.... ... ... This unsteadiness demonstrates itself in conflicting and unstable relationships, the incompetence to make good ethical choices, misperception concerning the sexual identity, and also a very tenacious sense that a person's life absences direction or meaning....
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The Evolution of Teacher Evaluation in the United States
9 pages (2501 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
According to Ribas (2005), this belongs to one of the several papers that make a step toward the precise numeric measurement of certain teacher competence in order to comprehensively assess teachers (p.... A particular district attempt to advance toward effective measurement of teacher competence is located in the Montgomery County Maryland professional Growth System Handbook 2002-2003 (Ribas, 2005, 368).... n the other hand, South Central Texas School District implemented the teacher evalution program called the professional Development System for Teacher Appraisal (PDSTA) (Hacking, 2006, 37)....
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Research Methods in Health Science
8 pages (2299 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay "research Methods in Health Science" is about complex factors contributing to a particular phenomenon and numerous factors have to be identified, and transformed into some measurable form before they can be evaluated to gain insight into the particular aspect being researched.... Although considered unscientific by skeptics, as it lacks the experimental and observational approach followed in quantitative research which beliefs in the evidence generated by repeatable experiments yielding consistent data in biomedical sciences, it has gained belief in scientific circles during the last few decades....
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Arizona Board of Behavioral Health Examiners
5 pages (1502 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
Professional research Project ... lanned research ... To understand the board better, I will carry out a research that will provide insight and exposure on the board for me.... Arizona Board of Behavioral Health Examiners is fully professional, credible, diligent and accountable.... s an up and coming Psychologist and counselor, professional mannerisms, charisma and decorum that behavioral health practitioners carry themselves with is of sheer importance to me and as such, I feel obliged to follow the professional bodies that license and set the code of ethics for my to be professional clout....
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Reflection of the paper
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Your claim is that Wasserstrom has not explained the effects of globalization in a logical manner.... You are addressing the problem that the author has been biased when he discussed globalization, and that he only discussed the negative points while suggesting the reader that.... ... ... You claim that the author needed to discuss both the sides of the picture, while silently convincing the reader to believe his opinion, and not bluntly pulling the reader in one direction....
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Psychoanalysis as a Relevant Factor for Understanding Contemporary Culture - Proposal Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
It is important for my research because it enable me to understand the context in which Mr Freud was developing his papers.... After analyzing the contents of this journal, the author concluded that it is useful for his research on psychoanalysis, and contemporary culture.... fter analyzing the contents of this journal, I concluded that it is useful for my research on psychoanalysis, and contemporary culture.... his website is important for my research....
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International Marketing paper
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
research shows that standardisation is just another of the many strategies to enter the international marketplace effectively.... Standardisation and differentiation are two very different marketing concepts.... Different organisations use different strategies to gain completive advantage....
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The Profession of Massage Therapist and Foundations of Massage
10 pages (2670 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
professional PRACTICE: ASSESSMENT 2 INTRODUCTION The profession of massage therapist entails a lot of hard work that begins from the preparation of the work area where massage sessions are to take place to preparing the clients for the actual massage sessions to winding up the sessions.... He must be professional, perceptive, prepared, organised, knowledgeable, accurate and fair.... professional massage therapist must acknowledge the importance of knowing the scope of the practice, the ethics involved and the law that can be made applicable to it....
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Individual Analysis Paper
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
As a competent professional, I wish to face more challenging job roles that would be adequate in utilizing my personal skills as well as the knowledge gained through experiences in my work.... To improve my disciplining skills, I require practicing them regularly in my professional and in my personal life as well....
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Reflective Practice - Experience Learning From a Given Situation
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 6 , Essay
Asking critical questions on the quality of writing materials allows the ability of students having reflective practice to choose quality materials for use in writing including books, papers, presentations, seminar content, and case studies.... A post graduate student has to undertake scholarly research and promote the professional's knowledge development through research.... These skills result in the development of a whole person and are very important for postgraduate skills owing to the need for independent scholarly research, use of quality materials in research, and need to add to knowledge in a certain professional field....
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Teacher Leadership and Educational Reforms
8 pages (2381 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
The Emirates Occasional papers , pp.... On the other hand, finding and training lefthanders in educating others is also very important because, research considers these individuals with abnormal power of creativity and persuasion, which make them ideal to become effective leaders.... Importantly, Arab culture is apparently conducive for research because of, abundance of objective and logical thinking (Smith, 2012).... In the light of this argument, it is suggested to introduce research activities during early years of schooling in order to foster evidence based thinking in youngsters....
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Mechanism Description: Paper Stapler
2 pages (500 words) , Download 29 , Essay
The arm protects the interior mechanisms from dust and damage, and the base provides a flat, non-slip surface whether the stapler is used on a desk or an unsteady pile of papers.... This paper stapler combines extensive research with thousands of hours of Paper Stapler: Mechanism There are hundreds of different types of staplers available, but for straightforward jobs there is no reason to invest unnecessary money to get a satisfactory tool.... This paper stapler combines extensive research with thousands of hours of tests to ensure the comfort and convenience of the user....
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Significance of Online Communication
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The use of online communication in the teaching and research on language is based on two distinct periods; the mid-1980s when computer-mediated communication was introduced in education and the mid-1990s when the World Wide Web was introduced.... The use of online communication in the teaching and research on language is based on two distinct periods; the mid-1980s when computer-mediated communication was introduced in education and the mid-1990s when the World Wide Web was introduced....
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Professional Values for the BSN Student
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Essay
I also try to ensure that patients' need is always at the priority over professional Values for the BSN _______________________________________ Using this format, prepare a 30 - 50 word response in each box that describes your understanding of the values for the BSN nursing student.... I personally believe that the nursing professional helps to understand human relations at the critical juncture of human vulnerability....
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Nursing Roles and Professional Attributes in Palliative Care
8 pages (2582 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Analysis of Available Literature on Palliative Care in Oncology 'Oncology Nurses' Perceptions of Nursing Roles and Professional Attributes in Palliative Care' Few research studies have explored the perspectives of nursing roles in palliative care (Pavlish & Ceronsky, 2009).... Most research is focused on gaining insights about end of life care.... ‘Oncology nurses' perceptions of obstacles and supportive behaviors at the end of life' This particular research study focused on two questions; what is the magnitude of obstacles to providing end of life care to cancer patients as perceived by oncology nurses, and secondly, what are the supporting behaviors in providing end of life care to cancer patients as perceived by oncology nurses?...
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Market Research in a Recession
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The paper 'Market research in a Recession' seeks to evaluate the consumption patterns of developing countries.... Chief marketing officers are concerned about managing the market research costs in light of decreasing revenues.... The spending on market research has fallen for consecutive 4 quarters.... Market research in today's world is indispensable and hence CMOs need to figure out ways to minimize the impact of reduced spending....
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Keyword Research for JEMSS
1 pages (295 words) , Download 2 , Essay
From the paper "Keyword research for JEMSS" it is clear that there are portals bearing keywords for students who wish to join, information about the institution, partners, and blog.... The paper is keyword research for the JEMSS website.... The paper has an analysis of the keywords and a paragraph that rounds up the findings of the research.... This stage has three well-placed words; research, Development, and Delivery.... Anyone will know that it offers research, development, and teaching delivery too....
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Discussion Paper - APEX Event Specficiations Guide
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
I would introduce the guide still as a student to event professionals through a research about its effectiveness in particular sectors in the United States and possibly Canada.... I think the content in the APEX Event Specifications Guide website is made up of only basics about a virtual classroom for a sector's recognized practices exchange program....
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40 pages (10000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The Ethics Committee of the International Federation of Accountants has also highlighted the notion of independence as an ethical subject in its principles The objective of the present research is to define the UK auditor's independence in the regulation of audit, the scope of competences and responsibilities of various professionals, and to evaluate who and what can be the best practice in auditor independence.... Independence has been examined as “an intensely felt professional philosophy”....
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Market Research Activity Planning
14 pages (3939 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
The paper 'Market research Activity Planning' is a convincing example of a marketing term paper.... The paper 'Market research Activity Planning' is a convincing example of a marketing term paper.... Market research activity planning43.... 2011)Market research activity planningAs this will be the first compact SUV the company will be introducing, a thorough market research needs to be conducted.... For the purpose of doing the market research, secondary data published in various industry sources (such as auto journals etc) will be used....
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Ethics for the Safety and Health Professional
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay "Ethics for the Safety and Health professional" focuses on the ethics case when Frank violated the rules and regulations set by the federal government requiring industries to report the threshold shifts.... Frank's decision to bury tests was definitely unethical.... ... ...
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Economics: Telecommunications Industry Research
7 pages (2060 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
A study of US citizens shows that people get their news from TV or radio rather than by news papers.... rg/papers/w11627 ... "Economics: Telecommunications Industry research" paper analyzes the telecommunication industry which deals with the electronic system along with its activities and services for the purpose of transmitting messages through telephones, cables, radio, and Television.... Water and air pollution, housing development on green belt area, congestion, anti social behaviour- all are negative externalities and human resource development, research and development in the industry, building roads are positive externalities. ...
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Research Design Challenges
1 pages (478 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In the paper 'research Design Challenges' the author focuses on utilizing cooperative learning as a research design.... In regard to the aforementioned facts, conscientious implementation of the research design is hereby warranted in order to meet those challenges....
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The True Meaning of Beauty Expository Essay
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper 'The True Meaning of Beauty Expository Essay' is a thought-provoking piece that explores the true depth and complexity of beauty.... It delves into the concept of what it truly means to be beautiful, both in terms of physical features and personality traits.... ... ... ... The essay examines how our society views beauty, why certain people are considered attractive, and how this affects our perception of beauty....
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PICO Question and research to answer the question
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 5 , Research Paper
The mental health professional that the child's parents consulted with recommended Ritalin for the child.... Possible patient in this case is a 6-year old male child who was diagnosed with hyperactive disorder.... The patient has a limited attention span, easily gets bored, has trouble....
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Issues Concerning Economic Inequalities in America
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
The main aim of the following essay "Issues Concerning Economic Inequalities in America" is to critique several pieces of research regarding the economic problems in the US.... A special attention is paid to Julian Edney's work "Greed: A Treatise in Two essays".... Greed: A Treatise in Two essays....
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Appropriate Marketing Research Methodology for the Organization
6 pages (1558 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The essay "Appropriate Marketing research Methodology for the Organization" focuses on the critical analysis of selecting appropriate marketing research methodology for the organization's top-selling product to formulate the marketing strategy of the product.... This involves doing market research on customers, analyzing their needs, and then making strategic decisions about product design, pricing, promotion and distribution.... Marketing is not an old concept but the various ways in which it is done have evolved over a time period with the help of extreme research....
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Western Civilization Class Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
As a result of the fact that technology has allowed for a rapid increase in the means of production and the utilization of human resources, the conditions, standards, and level of.... ... ... ion that individuals exhibited within society were all drastically changed; at least as compared to the way in which human beings had lived in previous centuries....
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Basketball Market Research
5 pages (1465 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "Basketball Market research" reason to focus on the Chinese market is that China does not have a long history of basketball.... Chairman of the Board, Andrew's Basketball Association Marcus Walt, Sales Manager, ABA March 26, Basketball Market research ... The research offers data of both the markets separately; it offers information on the various trends in the market and identifies the customers' purchasing power among other important factors to consider prior to making the decision. ...
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Social Science Research Issue of Identity
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Social Science research – Issue of Identity Introduction This paper attempts to study the concept of “Identity” from the perspective of social science.... Though the topic of research could be the same, yet, it is of paramount relevance that the questions and also the pattern in which they are asked need to be modified, in accordance with identities of the respondents.... Non-conformity with this vital requirement, in all likelihood, would lead to the research in question ending up with inaccurate findings....
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