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Impact of Fatherhood and Motherhood on Organizational Careers
11 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
According to a research developed by Johansson (2010), when fathers decide to take paternal leave, the income of mothers is significantly improved, reaching a percentage of even 7% on a monthly basis (Johansson 2010, in Shwalb, Shwalb and Lamb 2012, p.... Handbook of Work-Family Integration: research, Theory, and Best Practices.... 03); many women also consider that the time spent on their family should be significant and that this amount of time should not be reduced because of professional reasons (Karsten 2006, p....
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Ecological Equilibrium in All Spheres of Life
7 pages (2009 words) , Download 0 , Essay
om/papers/sonoma/07.... Ecological Economics and Sustainable Development, Selected essays of Herman Daly. ... The paper "Ecological Equilibrium in All Spheres of Life" tells that making the world an environmentally friendly place is the order of the new millennium....
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Discuss leadership and leadership styles
2 pages (500 words) , Download 7 , Essay
'Running Head: Leadership and Leadership Styles Leadership and Leadership Styles: A Reflective Paper Your Name goes here professional Specialization Name of you professor Leadership and Leadership Styles Leadership had always been a challenging undertaking; it demands a sublime vision and a passion of enabling and enriching people and processes.... 'Running Head: Leadership and Leadership Styles Leadership and Leadership Styles: A Reflective Paper goes here professional SpecializationName of you professor Leadership and Leadership Styles Leadership had always been a challenging undertaking; it demands a sublime vision and a passion of enabling and enriching people and processes....
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Fun with Math at Home
2 pages (565 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Listening to children's questions is the skills that must be part of an effective professional development program.... In the paper 'Fun with Math at Home,' the author analyzes a notorious subject in early childhood classes if the basic rudiments are not properly addressed.... Good news for parents and children!...
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Education in America
2 pages (573 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Education in America" highlights that despite the fact that education in the United States is equivalent to the social classes, all students are taught the basic skills that make them qualified to study courses and fit in the professional sector.... The subjects enable learners to acquire basic skills required in different courses and professional fields....
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Scientific Writing
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Obakata has retracted these two papers from Nature because of allegations of changing data and plagiarism.... On January 30, 2014, Haruko Obakata and several other notable stem cell research co-authors published two studies in the international journal Nature, where they claimed that they have found a low-cost and easy technique of producing induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells.... s Stimulus-Triggered Acquisition of Pluripotency (STAP) research: A Case of False Scientific Writing November 12, 2014On January 30, 2014, Haruko Obakata and several other notable stem cell research co-authors published two studies in the international journal Nature, where they claimed that they have found a low-cost and easy technique of producing induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells....
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Men vs. Womens Shopping Habits
25 pages (6250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This research will begin with the statement that there is not much argument about how much women like to shop.... The research paper will first provide background into the already-established shopping habits of men and women, and then explore whether these differences are equally true in online shopping.... The next section of the research paper will examine whether, and to what extent, gender socialization influences these shopping behaviors....
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Asia In The World Economy
3 pages (750 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
rg/esa/desa/papers/2010/wp92_2010.... The World Bank research Observer, pp.... du/research/researchpdf/wp/2007/Cornell_Dyson_wp0701.... Explain why poverty reduction in India has been much slower than in China The globalization of world is primarily the outcome of innovations and advancements in information & communication technology....
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Biography of Cheikh Anta Diop
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Diop's contribution to knowledge also goes beyond writing and research.... He also participated at different international gatherings where he presented papers on various topics.... ?? The Great Lakes research Journal, 1 (December 2004): 19-37 ... The paper "Biography of Cheikh Anta Diop " discusses that Diop's contribution to knowledge was multidisciplinary covering a wide range of subjects....
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Academic Honesty
3 pages (863 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Academic integrity is fundamental to learning, teaching, and research at the University.... Although it is quite easier for the university administrators to make the students comprehend what constitutes academic dishonesty by referring to plagiarism directly, however, the topic needs to be treated in a positive way, stressing the ways and advantages of properly conducting academic research....
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Information Regarding CPA's Report
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Memo Sub: Requested Information Regarding CPA's Report From, (Name), Controller To, Jane Smith, CEO, XYZ Company 1.... Methods Used to Determine Deferred Taxes Deferred tax can be defined as an accounting concept which indicates a future tax liability or asset arising out of temporary differences between book value of assets and liabilities and their worth for tax purposes....
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Major league baseball
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The MBL, a collaboration that was agreed upon in 1920, governs the American League of professional Baseball Clubs, the National League of professional Baseball Clubs, and the leagues which are members of the National Association of professional Baseball Leagues (SportsKnowHow....
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The Role of Effective Leadership in Promoting Inclusion
5 pages (1294 words) , Download 1 , Essay
he third aspect outlined in the article is professional development.... Notably, there was an evident need to bridge the existing gap by promoting the professional training.... Although the Act recommended professional development for teachers, schools have chosen to take increased measures and allocation of funds to training and empowerment of teachers.... Promoting professional development is a critical aspect of transformative leadership, which is the most effective leadership theory of the 21st century....
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Antimicrobial Properties of Garlic and Herbs
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 5 , Research Paper
The current research 'Antimicrobial Properties of Garlic and Herbs' aims to determine possible antimicrobial properties of garlic and herbs.... he current research aims to determine possible antimicrobial properties of garlic and herbs.... In another research conducted and written by Marsh and Arriola (2009), the authors tested antimicrobial properties of salsa components, particularly “tomato, onion, garlic, cilantro, and jalapeño were tested for antimicrobial properties against a representative fungus, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and the common food spoilage bacteria Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, and Escherichia coli” (Marsh & Arriola: Abstract, 2009, par....
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Information Systems Development Education
5 pages (1653 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Recent federal legislation and initiatives in funding for professional development of teachers also recognize the need to make teachers aware of new methods of teaching using the tools of technology and how best they can make use of it to improve educational outcomes, to prepare students to cope in a world where information systems have become the prevailing medium in carrying out business activities.... The views offered by experts suggest that apart from general professional development of teachers, there is a need to develop technology professional development....
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Is Spontaneous Order a Form of Social Justice
6 pages (1930 words) , Download 0 , Essay
CSSJ Working papers Series, SJ017. ... ESRC Centre of Business research, University of Cambridge, Working Paper No.... The paper "Is Spontaneous Order a Form of Social Justice?... argues Hayek opposes the idea of social justice as incompatible with the evolution of the market....
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Tattooing is an Art Form
8 pages (2213 words) , Download 0 , Essay
research studies that have attempted to interview tattooed people have indicated that decisions for tattooing were because it is a fascinating art.... research studies that have attempted to interview tattooed people have indicated that decisions for tattooing were because it is a fascinating art (Timming 2015).... research surveys on background information of tattoo have realized that tattooists considered their works as an art for museum treasures---an art intended to make humankind in touch with the universe's creative impulse....
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Qatars Sporting Legacy
20 pages (5462 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
Especially in a post 9/11 scenario, the international sporting community and organizations were much apprehensive about security issues and Qatar's ability to make sure a safe and sound World Cup (Emirates Centre for Strategic Studies and research 2008).... Emirates Centre for Strategic Studies and research 2008, Arabian Gulf Security: Internal and External Challenges, Emirates Centre for Strategic Studies & Research, Abu Dhabi.... research Questions The central research question that this study aims to answer is that what are the social, cultural, economic and political factors that lie behind the sporting legacy of Qatar?...
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Understanding Journal Content and Style
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Results on the first experiment showed that visual fatigue was not significant among the printed papers and positive microfiche, although a significant result showed that negative microfiche projected on the metal screen was more fatiguing than any other condition.... As simple as this issue may seem for the study as a whole, however, it could still create a relatively huge margin of error for the research result.... As the preceding sentence state that "Some investigators have not described their displays, stimulus materials, workplace, environment, and procedure in enough detail to permit meaningful comparisons with other research," it suggest that in order to vagueness and ambiguity prevent the readers from asking more questions as well as comparisons with other researches with the same perspective....
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Creating a Manual for Better Service, Safety and Employee Relations
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The appearance was not professional, however. ... Learning about and using this new computer program made the final presentation of the pamphlet have a professional feel that spoke of quality and importance.... This experience has offered many opportunities for professional growth.... If the intern is willing for a challenge that will require them to be organized and to move beyond their current comfort zone, then this professional placement is for you....
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Leadership Styles in Nursing
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 8 , Essay
n order to play such complex roles in a multi-professional setting, nurses must be given ample opportunity to display their learning, abilities and skills appropriately.... Considering the multi-professional nature of nursing practice, this style supports and also reinforces cooperation and coordination between different members and groups.... Nursing and Multi-professional Practice....
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The Treatment of Indigenous Australians
7 pages (1934 words) , Download 0 , Essay
imilarly, the government's engagement strategy provides a benchmark for any professional, organization, or public servant wishing to work with indigenous Australians by guiding on the most reasonable way possible to establish a working relationship with them.... The historical events evaluated in the previous section clearly manifest the potential mistrust that Aboriginal Australians may have against an institution, a government agency, or a professional.... As a professional engineer working with the Aboriginal people of Western Australia, I will be equally confronted by this harsh perceptions of the community based on their mistrust in institutions including the government....
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The Importance of Museums to the Art Market and Vice Versa
8 pages (2149 words) , Download 3 , Essay
According to the findings of the paper "The Importance of Museums to the Art Market and Vice Versa", it can be said that according to Susan Pearce in her book On Collecting, the art market today 'is that marketplace where 'authentic masterpieces' change hands for money.... ... ... ... In the age of globalization and capitalism, the art market resembles the conventional commercial environment where art is a product that is traded in a process that involves several stages and players and is influenced by several market forces....
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Using Human Embryos in Stem Cell
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay discusses that utilizing human embryos in stem cell research involves harvesting the blastocyst, a genuine human embryo that exists four to five days after the fertilization process and just prior to permanent implantation in the female uterus.... It is during this period in gestation that the blastocyst becomes the prime target for the harvesting of pluripotent stem cells that are extracted for research.... Running Head: USING HUMAN EMBRYOS IN STEM CELL research Using Human Embryos in Stem Cell research BY YOU YOUR SCHOOL INFO HERE HERE Using HumanEmbryos in Stem Cell research ...
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Learning Theory as Applied to Teaching and Learning Programmes
11 pages (3159 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Kiggins suggests that teacher training should create this type of learning environment and her research was based on this principle.... Out of her research came four principles or "pillars" that were important to learning: ... earning through professional collaboration; ... dentifying and resolving professional problems; and ...
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Whether Social Protections in Europe Are too Generous
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
The author states that through social protection policies and existing systems in the EU is more developed than outside EU and some may call it generous but if we correlate it with economic development, we find that social protection policies are not enough to cover up requirements of the people....
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Dressing Standards
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
In this research, 'Dressing Standards' the author observes the factors which have contributed towards the eroding of the professional dressing standards in the modern organizations.... The research will be conducted from 300 managers from various international organizations.... heoretical framework Considering the above research questions and hypothesis, following dependent and independent research variables emerge:1.... In this research, the population includes all the international and modern organizations observing a particular dress code....
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Supply and Demand: Illicit Drug Market
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This research paper describes Supply and Demand: Illicit Drug Market.... As this essay is not being written by a professional economist, it is, nevertheless, important that these two fairly direct economic premises are elaborated so that the reader can make logic of their possible relevance to the illegal drugs trade....
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Computer Software Taxation
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Historically, the exclusion from personal, professional and insurance services has been provided in R.... Changing technologies have resulted in a number of difficulties when it comes to deciding when and how to apply sales/use tax.... These difficulties have arisen because traditional sales/use tax frameworks did not anticipate certain types of technological changes, because certain modern-day transactions are more of a hybrid nature than of the straightforward nature commonly anticipated by older sales/use tax legislation, and because federal and state authorities have failed to establish uniform approaches....
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Easy Immune System Health
11 pages (2897 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
As such, the discourse would reveal how the transition activities have contributed towards the honing of personal and professional skills.... The transition activity on diabetes management provided various opportunities for both personal and professional development in terms of self-assessment of skills and increase in learnings on theoretical perspectives of the illness.... he soaring costs of medical intervention, professional fees, medicines, laboratory tests, and other health requirements are neither readily accessible nor available to the public....
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Human Resources Management of Temple University
6 pages (1655 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The focus of this paper "Human Resources Management of Temple University" is on a completely public research university in Pennsylvania.... Part Company Profile/ Temple Temple is a completely public research in Pennsylvania.... The university is the national center of superiority in research and teaching with an effective international presence.... The university is one of the country's largest professional education providers....
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American Nurses Association
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
he ANA urges health care leaders to create innovative strategies using collaborative efforts to create solutions that will be appreciated as being of benefit to both the patients and registered health care nurses (ANA, Key Findings from research Studies on Safe RN Staffing, 2014).... Key Findings from research Studies on Safe RN Staffing.... In the paper “American Nurses Association” the author analyzes one full-service professional organization where close to 3....
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Expectation Gap in the Accounting Education of United Kingdom & Employers Requirements
4 pages (1381 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and research, Volume 26.... Advances in Psychology research, Volume 56.... Since the mid-1980s, there has been a need to create professional accounting bodies that deal with student requirements in the accounting sector.... professional accounting laments the failure to implement universities with technology-based environments.... Since the mid-1980s, there has been a need to create professional accounting bodies that deal with student requirements in the accounting sector....
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Is Reportage Documentary Obsolete
7 pages (2083 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
As more and more documentary makers change their professional course from conventional to contemporary video making, their work has been greatly affected too.... For many Riggs work has little value while others consider it a professional feature documentary which coincidentally has commercial and public value....
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Copyright Legislation Impacts on GIS
6 pages (1769 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Copyright Impacts on GIS users professional Life Copyright Legislation Impacts on GIS Users professional Life Farzeela ... The paper "Copyright Legislation Impacts on GIS" tells us about copyright protection.... In the UK, the current copyright legislation is based upon the Copyright, Designs, and Patent Act 1988, as well as referring back to the 1956 and 1911 Acts in specific circumstances....
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The Use of Emergency Contraception
8 pages (2325 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Emergency contraception is a cost-effective method of preventing pregnancy and this has been estimated through research studies.... Although research clearly states that emergency contraception does not cause abortion, the Catholic believers think otherwise and as stated by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, it prevents the development of an embryo thus resulting in the termination of life or and the death of a potential being....
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Cultural Concerns and Influences, Criminal Justice System
6 pages (1943 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
It can be successfully explained by the research question which arose during a social science study “whether immigrant victims have a more difficult time than other victims in dealing with the police and the courts because of difference in language, expectations, and treatment by official.... ) The research report suggested that many immigrants have a serious problem that is they fail to report crimes....
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Emotional Effects of War on Soldiers
11 pages (3382 words) , Download 4 , Essay
There are also clinicians who opposed Kilner's hypothesis because his research was not based on the correct statistics.... Litz, it is not yet the right time to already have conclusions about the psychological consequences of war because the research about that is still in progress (Weinstein). ... Since this issue is a bit complicated, it will need more research and more time to answer this one. ...
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Stress Reduction through the Articulate Thought Disputations
21 pages (5969 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
The qualitative research approach has been proposed in this research plan, in correspondence to the determined research objectives and research questions.... Based on the proposed study, a few precise objectives, as well as research questions, will be formulated, which are to be accomplished on the basis of analyzed findings to be obtained from the proposed study....
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Concept of Ideology for Understanding Communication
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Why is ideology an important concept for understanding communication To understand how the concept of ideology (and related concepts such as 'interpellation') can help in communication research.... Althusser describes ideology as the imaginary relation of people to the real condition of existence (essays on Ideology, 164).... Althusser describes ideology as the imaginary relation of people to the real condition of existence (essays on Ideology 164)....
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Attachment Theory:Main Principles,Insecure Attachments and Social Implications
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 8 , Essay
his area of inquiry is of paramount concern because research indicates that a person's relationships throughout life will in many ways be affected by that person's initial relationships with the family.... There is additional research which indicates that a person's earliest experiences "become biologically rooted in our brain structure and chemistry from the time of our gestation and most profoundly in the first month of life" (Balbernie, 2003: np.... To the extant that babies become biologically programmed, and the research suggests that to a certain extant they do, it becomes a moral and social imperative to ensure that family relationships contribute positively to early development. ...
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Discovering Harmony in Diversity
13 pages (3686 words) , Download 2 , Essay
dvanced research reveals that European Americans have been found to dominate conflict situations while Asians and Asian Americans tend to either avoid conflict or to oblige the other party.... Cultural Diversity in Organizations: Theory, research, and Practice.... The role of assumptions in intercultural research and consulting: Examining the interplay of culture and conflict at work Paper presented at Pacific region forum on business and management communication, David See-Lam Centre for International Communicatio....
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Improvement in Job Satisfaction
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
he results of the regression analysis conducted as a part of the research on the job satisfaction among the employees of Qatari Petroleum can be tabulated as below on the basis of Herzberg's theory: ... Practical Assessment, research & Evaluation Journal Vol.... n analysis of the motivational factors reveals that the attributes of professional development and career path with their sigma values of .... This means that the company's policies regarding the professional development and career path of its employees are well thought out and have resulted in more satisfaction among the employees....
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Optimizing of the Conditions for the PCR Detection of mTOR, in DNA Derived from Human Cell Lines
17 pages (5430 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
CR was developed by Kary Mullis,(Rainbow,1996) in 1983 and is now common and indispensable technique utilized in biological and medical research labs in a wide array of applications.... The author of the paper titled "Optimizing of the Conditions for the PCR Detection of mTOR, in DNA Derived from Human Cell Lines" shows the optimization PCR requirements that can then be used in ensuring that the QPCR process is as accurate as possible....
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Importance of Understanding Differences by Managers in a Business Setting
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This research paper "Importance of Understanding Differences by Managers in a Business Setting" discusses cultural, ethnic, and gender differences that are hindering the smooth working realms of the organization and there should be adequate measures for achieving success.... research has proven that it would be sound to state that diversity within organizations is a good omen and thus asking the employees to stay away from the cultural, ethnic and gender differences is sane and reasonable....
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Forensic investigator
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
As I reached the unit, I was presented with the criminal record file of James Murray (culprit), aged 19, an information technology student at Hartford High School.... His file showed a number of other accusations along with the crime using computer-generated.... ... ... I also scrutinized the proofs and other documents confiscated, collected, and produced by the investigation bureau....
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The Benefits of Using a Web Portal in High Schools
4 pages (1454 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The benefits of using a web portal in high schools The benefits of using a web portal in high schools research proposal Proposed title for the research proposal ... Online document libraries available in the portal are constantly updated with latest research findings.... ) research questions ... he study will be guided with the following research questions ... How will the student conduct research on multiple sources presented on the web?...
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Managing Diversity in Hotels in Lebanon
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Journal of Hospitality & Tourism research 15.... Managing Diversity in Hotels in Lebanon ... he world is moving towards globalization and cultural diversity is one aspect that has been evident in many businesses and industries across the world.... ... ... ... ... Managing Diversity in Hotels in Lebanon ...
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Post Traumatic Stress Disorder as the Most Common Psychological Injury
6 pages (1177 words) , Download 0 , Essay
PTSD research Paper Introduction In the recent years, the number of service members and veterans requiring medical attention has increased.... From the paper "Post Traumatic Stress Disorder as the Most Common Psychological Injury" it is clear that if PTSDs are left untreated, there are various problems that may arise such as increases in family problems, drug abuse, and suicide amongst others....
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Various Perspectives of Policing Functions
4 pages (1199 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Therefore, police research would be appropriate.... The paper "Various Perspectives of Policing Functions" states that the American Law Enforcement Industry consists of the following components.... At the local level, there are municipal police, country police and country sheriffs....
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