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Virtual Private Network
5 pages (1563 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
The paper "Virtual Private Network" discusses VPN as a form of a wide area network, it's a group of computers connected together in a discrete network over a public network.... It's a method used by individuals or companies to add security and privacy to public and private networks such as Wi-fi....
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Being a Bad Mother - Panicky Realization
5 pages (1482 words) , Download 2 , Essay
From the paper "Being a Bad Mother - Panicky Realization" it is clear that as McPherson recreates a 'bad mother' in the poem, the narrator acts as if the bond between a mother and child can be regained or disunited anytime and that reliance can be limited.... ... ... ... Mothers are as panicked about fulfilling the qualities of a bad mother as of falling short to fulfill the attributes of an ideal mother; in both instances, mothers fear the contempt and criticism of their children and other people....
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Laws Governing Labor and Employment
5 pages (1466 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Laws Governing Labor and Employment" highlights that as per ADA Title III, which covers commercial and public accommodations states that disability should not be a reason to refuse anyone.... Everyone has to fully enjoy all the facilities, goods and services.... ... ... ... Eligible employees may go for a maximum of 12 work weeks of unpaid leave within any year (12 months), for the severe ill health of the employee, spouse, parent, and child or for care and pregnancy of a newborn....
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Diversity in Criminal Justice: A Reflection on Arizona Senate Bill 1070
5 pages (1532 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay "Diversity in Criminal Justice: A Reflection on Arizona Senate Bill 1070" discusses the borders of Arizona, but there is also a need to protect the rights and freedoms of all immigrants residing within the state as well.... ... ... ... The Supreme Court did weigh in and viewed much of the bill to be unconstitutional, largely because it gave too much power to law enforcement to stop and question anyone who they deemed might be in the country illegally....
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Response to the Benefits of D&I
1 pages (1761 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The essay "Response to the Benefits of D&I" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the response to the benefits of D&I.... The post is full of conviction on the benefits of D&I and well it should be, however it does not go deeper than mentioning the generalizations.... ... ... ... The principal message brought across by the post is that diversity and inclusion is a strategic advantages in a global business market....
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The Genesis of the Google Company
5 pages (1476 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
The paper "The Genesis of the Google Company" highlights that camaraderie and bonhomie are palpable.... The company believes in the philosophy that 'It's best to do one thing really, really well.... The company also subscribes to the fact that time is valuable and therefore 'fast is better than slow'....
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The Thought Experiment in the Foundations of Artificial Intelligence
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
"The Thought Experiment in the Foundations of Artificial Intelligence" paper focuses on the Turing's imitation game, also known as the Turing's test which is a well-known experiment designed to determine a machine's ability to display intelligence equivalent to that of a typical human being.... ....
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Comparative Study of Siddhartha (Hesse) and A Hero of Our Time (Lermontov)
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Ramakrishna Surampudi 23 May 2011 Siddhartha versus Pechorin The attempt to draw an analogy between Gautama Buddha Siddhartha and Pechorin is amusing on the face of it for a simple reason: the two characters are so different that a parallel between them is seemingly ridiculous.... ... ... ... The first was a spiritual teacher and the founder of Buddhism who had outgrown all worldly desires that are considered normal....
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Business and Economics Statistic A
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
ECMT1010 BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC STATISTICS A ASSIGNMENT Semester 1, 2011 This assignment is worth 10% of your total mark.... It must be handed in by 4:30pm on Friday, 3 June in the marked drop-off boxes in the Merewether building (Level 2, reception area).... Late assignments will not be accepted and will result in a zero mark....
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The Setting of The Cask of Amontillado by Edger Allen Poe
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Sir Edger Allen Poe is most known for his profound impact in the gothic writing realms.... His narratives typically stretch the reader's level of comfort to reveal real injustice and horrors that plague society, which most would rather ignore.... ... ... ... One of the most vital aspects used in creating these gothic masterpieces is the setting....
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Face of Racial Profiling
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
In the paper 'Face of Racial Profiling' the author analyzes offender profiles, which is described as a series of behavioral and personal characteristics related with specific offenses, to make predictions regarding the type of person that may commit future crimes.... .... ... ... The author states that offender profiles might be used are to identify the type of individual that might have already committed a crime for which they have identified no credible suspect or as yet not located an eye-witness to the event....
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Is Obama's Health Care Reform Ethical
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Running head: OBAMA'S HEALTH CARE REFORM Obama's Health Care Reform: Ethical or Not Student's First name, Middle initial and Last name Name of University Course Name April 11, 2011 The health care system in the United States is made of a mixture of private and public sectors and is the most expensive in the world with $7,290 spent per person on health care cost (Centre for Medicare and Medicaid Services, 2009) According to a study conducted by the World Health Organization (2000), the U....
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Battle of Fredericksburg
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The Battle of Fredericksburg The Battle of Fredericksburg is one of the most significant and, certainly, interesting conflicts during the Civil War.... This is mainly because of two reasons.... The first is that it is one of the victories earned by the Confederate forces against the Union, which proved important in the battle for public support raging in both of the Union and Confederacy's camps....
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Elisabeth Vigee Lebrun's Humanization of Marie Attionette
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Elisabeth Vigee Le Brun's Humanization of Marie Antoinette Firstname Lastname February 25, 2011 Outline I.... Introduction Thesis: It was art why the painter Elisabeth Vigee Le Brun and the French monarch Marie Antoinette established a close relationship and saw each other not according to their social roles, but women who have equal needs and challenges, in that male-dominant society they have to endure; especially for Elisabeth's part, she humanized Marie Antoinette through the portraits she made for her and the genuine friendship she had established with her....
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Why are UFOs still a mystery
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Unidentified Flying Objects, UFOs have always been shrouded in mystery.... In spite of the numerous sightings of flying saucers and alien beings reported worldwide, the existence of UFOs has never been confirmed.... .... ... ... Why are UFOs Still a Mystery?... Unidentified Flying Objects, UFOs have always been shrouded in mystery....
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Character Analysis of Iago in Shakespeare's Othello
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
“Multiple Iago”, book written by Pia Witzel; depicts Iago as a two faced person.... Iago owns an important part in the play, and creates his image as a virtuous soul.... .... ... ... Shakespeare's ‘Iago' is one of most sophisticated and mysterious villain.... At the initiation of the play Iago's temperament seems to be completely evil....
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Review of the film The Immortal Beloved
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In the film Immortal Beloved, the conclusion was that the “Immortal Beloved” was his brother's wife, Johanna.... In fact, in the film, Ludwig was actually the father of Karl, who was known to the world as his nephew.... Throughout the movie, Schindler, who was his secretary, attempted to find the identity of the Immortal Beloved, and two women that he interrogated about this was the Countess Giuletta Guicciardi and the Countess Maria Erdody....
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Why universal health care can not work at a federal level, but can work at a state level
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Federalism leads to increasingly decentralized and inherently local government, which can efficiently manage healthcare cooperatively out of natural care and compassion, as opposed to the national implementation that is doomed to failure due to the size of the bureaucracy and apathy of official policy....
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Are All Animals Created Equal
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This paper "Are All Animals Created Equal?... examines the philosophical problem of equality in relation to animals.... The writer claims that humans and animals must coexist as it is ultimately the best thing that most of us can have since harmony exists.... ... ... ... On the level of moral philosophy, debating about equality of animals still remains contestable and questionable....
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The Role of Women and Children in the Book Uncle Tom's Cabin
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
English November 10, 2011 Critical Analysis of the Role of Women and Children in Uncle Tom's Cabin Harriet Beecher Stowe's “Uncle Tom's Cabin”, acclaimed among the most popular novels in the history of American Literature, is an anti-slavery novel depicting the moral degradation of the society and the evils of slavery....
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What does Emptiness Mean in Mahayana Buddhism
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Buddhism is divided in to two great schools, Mahayana and Hirayana.... ahayana Buddhism developed over a number of centuries, as an alternative and distinctive view of what Buddhism and the concern of some or perhaps all Buddhists should ultimately be.... .... ... ... What does “emptiness” mean in Mahayana Buddhism?...
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Can U.K. be Described as a Homogeneous Society
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Can the UK be described as a homogeneous society?... The issue of cultural identities, and its effect.... The United Kingdom, as its very name suggests, was initially conceived not as one homogeneous social group, but a strategic alliance of several such groups who perceived that they had more to gain by joining forces in union, than in remaining as separate....
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Close Reading of a Poem To Autum by John Keats
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Professor Name World Literature 2 October 2011 Close Reading of a Poem: To Autumn by John Keats It is necessary to stress that To Autumn by John Keats is frequently called the easiest ode written by this poet.... However, this point of view does not lessen its significance.... ... ... ... The ode under consideration makes the readers pay attention to the things that take place around them and evaluate the gifts given by autumn to all people....
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Wealth of nations by Adam Smith
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
Written by Adam Smith in 1776,readers of today find the book “Wealth of Nations” almost impenetrable since the language used is flowery and the terminologies are outmoding yet wander into digressions.... n spite of that, this book is one of the world's most important books because it did for economics what Newton and Darwin did for physic and biology....
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Human Resources Strategies
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Unethical behavior of job applicants has detrimental effect on the performance of the organization.... Misrepresenting background and skills is a common unethical behavior with most job applicants.... This occurs when a job recruiter demands for particular skills and the job applicant in chooses to deliberately misrepresent his or her skills to get the job....
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Swash Zone Modeling
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Swash motion on the beach face provides the principal mechanism for sediment exchange between the subaqueous and subaerial zones of the beach, and hence shoreline change.... A complete description of beach morphodynamics must include a model of the sediment transport through and/or along the swash zone....
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Contract Law As the basis of Business Law
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
From this research it is clear that AG Guest in Chitty on Contracts, provides a workable definition of what a contract is, he says; a contract is a promise or a set of promises which the law will enforce.... This essay discusses the law of contract, that is the basis of business law....
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The Craft of Storytelling through Memory
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This paper "The Craft of Storytelling through Memory" focuses on the fact that Stephen King's novella, 'The Body,' is portrayed through an interesting juxtaposition of narrative techniques.... The narrator is an omnipresent voice in this story, while he relates the events of his youth.... .... ... ...
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Philospher Friedrich Nietzsche
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900), has been an inspiration for much of the philosophy which has come after him, including the controversial school of postmodernist theory.... Widely regarded as one of Western Europe's greatest philosophers, Nietzsche produced a body of work within a very short period (he was insane by 1888), and yet in that time managed to write some of the great works of modern philosophy, including Ecce Homo, The Antichrist, Beyond Good and Evil, and the work studied here: Thus Spoke Zarathustra. ...
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Michael Focault's The Order of Things
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Michael Focault was a French philosopher, historian, intellectual and a critic.... He is best known for his critical studies of social institutions, most notably the human sciences.... He was born on 15 October 1926 in Poitiers, France as Paul-Michael Foucault to a notable provincial family.... ... ...
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Knowledge of Minds
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The above notion states the condition of an individual's mind perceives things as objects in a unique manner.... This manner enables human mind to visualize and grasp the concepts without even seeing and having knowledge about them.... Although we dearth even the basic knowledge about our minds, but sill we possess all the senses to perceive things and objects through our mind....
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Electronic Communication Technology
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
1 With the aid of a block diagram describe the operation of a super-heterodyne receiver.... Explain the function of each block drawn and discuss the necessity of automatic gain control in AM and automatic frequency control in FM ... ... t is used optionally.... Its only purpose is to amplify the received signal to such a level that can be used by the television or radio circuitry....
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Unrealistic Optimism: Good or Bad
5 pages (1323 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The goal of the present essay "Unrealistic Optimism: Good or Bad?... is to discuss whether or not unrealistic optimism is good for individuals when it comes to health-related concerns.... Specifically, the essay will compare the arguments stated by Shelley E.... Taylor and Neil D.... Weinstein.... ...
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The Evolution of a Firm
6 pages (1737 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This discussion talks that the evolution of a firm appears to have many connections to the process of evolution that takes place in biological species since they too respond to the changes in the environment and climatically generated changes as well as opportunities created by other flora and fauna around them....
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Philosophical Views of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
5 pages (1518 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The author of the essay "Philosophical Views of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz" intends to critically assess Leibniz's conceptions of nature and of substances and the interlinks of these concepts in his philosophical model of the universe.... The essay will focus on the theory of universal harmony.... ...
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Environmental Impact of Products
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The present essay "Environmental Impact of Products" concerns the idea that organizations should take into account environmental considerations when designing their products.... Admittedly, companies may start cutting corners and even start to ignore regulations and environmental protection laws....
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Wounding With Intent and Malicious Infliction of Grievous Bodily Harm or Wounding
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
According to the research findings, a charge of wounding with intent under the Offences Against The Person Act of 1861 s.... This paper tells that the degree of Stan's culpable mental state in attacking Helen will be determinative of the crime he can be charged with.... Wounding with intent and malicious infliction of grievous bodily harm or wounding, differ in terms of their mens rea requirement....
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Physician Assisted Suicide
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
In the paper 'Physician Assisted Suicide' the author examines the motivation of the protagonist Jessie in the film ''Night Mother', who finds the gun with her mother's help and quietly announces that she is going to kill herself.... It is a complex examination of the psyche of Jessie.... ... ... ...
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Peter Pan And Mary Poppins Affirming The Role Of The True Woman
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay highlights a way of reinforcing or questioning the commonly held beliefs of a particular culture.... By comparing more than one work from a comparable time period, one can begin to appreciate the differences in the way people thought during one time period as opposed to another.... .... ...
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Harley Davidsons International Business Strategy
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay demonstrates that the importance of gaining share in the international market of heavy bikes was realized by Harley Davidson in late 1980's.... The company targeted the end user by talking in his native language.... This helped in fast recognition and popularity of the product.... ... ...
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2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Norepinephrine acts at a G-protein-linked receptor on heart muscle to make the heart beat faster by the effect of the G protein on a protein kinase.... Would the following enhance or inhibit this effect of norepinephrine?... Answer each part. ... ... inding of norepinephrine activates.... ... ... However, for the next step to occur, the G protein must hydrolyze GTP to GDP....
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The musical style of Heart is a lonely hunter
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This paper describes that the music plays a crucial role as a literary tool in the development of McCullers' novel “the Heart is a Lonely Hunter” as the musical theme or the theme of ‘music' significantly rings the entire structure of the novel and the character-development in it.... .... ... ...
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Intercultural Communication As A Trading of Cultural Stereotypes
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Forming stereotypes is a natural occurrence amongst people as they try to bring order to their environments by compartmentalizing their experiences.... The paper "Intercultural Communication As A Trading of Cultural Stereotypes" discusses how stereotypes affect the different cultural groups.... ... ...
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Summaries of Each Scene Acts I-V of the Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper contains the summaries of each scene Acts I-V of the "Merchant of Venice" by William Shakespeare.... The author describes how Antonio appears in court with the Duke of Venice, who is clearly in sympathy with Antonio and tries to convince Shylock that he is only trying to frighten Antonio....
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W4:Telecommunication and Distributed Connectivity Technology Systems
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Telecommunications networks use digital or analog signals.... Digital signals contain information which is converted into discrete values.... ... ... that remain constant while being transmitted over a distance while in the case of analog signals, disturbances and noise in the environment will also carry over into the signal; hence digital signals are preferred in telecommunications (Ambardar, 1999:1-2)....
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Harmonisation of International Commercial Law
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
The author of the "Harmonisation of International Commercial Law" paper arrives at a conclusion preferring soft law principles over hard law.... In a global environment of uncertainty where there are constant changes, there is a need for flexibility in the law.... ... ... ... Soft law, being nonbinding, can be easily modified, hard law must go through a long drawn-out process to achieve the same goal....
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An Instrument for Measuring Work-place Motivation
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This essay discusses that in the present day competitive environment, people are viewed as an organization's most valuable resource.... Human resource strategies within an organization are difficult to imitate because of path dependency, they are based on organizational policies.... ... ... ... This report compares and contrasts the application of two such instruments: Maslow's needs hierarchy, which assesses general motivation on four important dimensions and the Job Diagnostic Survey, which measures employee satisfaction in specific relation to their job design....
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State Alcohol Control Policies
5 pages (1496 words) , Download 0 , Essay
This essay "State Alcohol Control Policies" discusses disorders related to excessive alcohol consumption among college students.... The consequence of binge drinking is acute impairment.... The policies for Alcohol consumption to control excessive use differ state wise.... ... ... ... The state-specific laws and policies play an important role in predicting the incidences of alcohol consumption and alcohol-related problems among adults and underage youth....
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Image you chosse to analzy
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Name Instructor Class 22 October 2012 Children's Slow Death from Too Much Video Games People recently notice the spread of shops selling electronic games with different shapes, sizes, and uses.... The main reasons for the widespread use of video games are the direct marketing of products to children (Schlosser 519 par....
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A Controversial Issue The Death with Dignity Act
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Act is indeed a very topical aspect not only in the medical fraternity but in all facets of contemporary life.... It is an issue that continues to elicit a lot of debate and controversy with several opinions emerging on both sides of the debate.... ... ... Introduction The Death with Dignity Act is indeed a very topical aspect not only in the medical fraternity but in all facets of contemporary life....
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