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9 pages (2250 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Although there is no empirical research to prove the effect of individual factors on the perceived value but the research conducted in Slovenia has tried to identify the relationship or impact of perceived quality and perceived risk on the perceived value of the product.... (2009) Brand management: research, theory and practice, New York: Routledge Herbert Jack Rotfeld, (2008) Brand image of company names matters in ways that can't be ignored....
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The Human Resources Professional Map
9 pages (2343 words) , Download 13 , Essay
This essay ''The Human Resources professional Map" focuses that the HR professional Map has been shown below which depicts the various bands representing the core professional areas and behavior that needs to be understood to become an effective HR professional as shown in the appendix.... There are 10 professional areas spread across the four bands in the HR professional map that mention the specific knowledge requirements and the actionable in the role of the HR professional....
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Professional Writing/ AT7T AND VERIZON
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Admission/Application Essay
From the leaders to any employee in the company, unified communications and collaboration as well mobility capabilities have been applied.... The company uses video and web.... ... ... The digital communication is deemed as a fun way of communication.... The costs of this however are huge.... Formal communication is highly sensitized on where the leaders are in Scope of the project- communication style Comparison Verizon Company engages in the advanced technology in its communication through the organization....
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Professional document (letter or memo)
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Instructor Date Memorandum To: Mr.... Fred Smith, CEO, Missouri Computation From: Mr.... Bertram Johnson Date: October 13, 2012 Subject: Analyzing the issues involved with implementing the pay-for-performance idea Situation There has been a concern around the organization on the type of the reward system that is being used for the sales force....
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Kanbula National Park
9 pages (2576 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Moreover, these departments do not have complete research data regarding ecological and environmental studies that should have been performed for Kanbula Forest.... The paper "Kanbula National Park" aims to provide an exposition about the characteristics of the Kanbula National Park; determine the impact of the Lijiaxia Hydro Power Plant on the ecological process within Kanbula National Park and; propose several ways of wildlife and forest management....
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Television in the Modern Media System
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Therefore, it is highly critical to organize and outline the viewpoint, especially in argumentative essays (Writing Position papers). ... ?“Position papers”.... Writing Position papers.... ften, you have used research statistics and figures to support your claim.... You have mentioned research findings of the American population, which is reasonable since your audience is American; however, there feels a slight insufficiency of supporting statistics in your writing....
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The use of Clozapine in the treatment of schizophrenia
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 4 , Essay
This research will begin with the definition of evidence-based practice.... The medical practitioner can examine research data, clinical guidelines and other information tools in a bid to give the right diagnosis and thus quality treatment followed by reflection on the outcome which aid in improvements in the future.... Evidence-based Practice rightfully involves the best and most current research evidence with educational or clinical expertise and the relevant perspectives of stakeholders in order to ensure that the best possible decision is made for patients....
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Research Article Appraisal
1 pages (250 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The key search terms used were nursing, article, quantitative, and research.... he rationale for the search research article appraisal research article appraisal What key search terms did you use for the literature search?... For instance, I type the words “Nursing research article on the impacts of oral health”.... I used nursing research databases such as PubMed which contains many nursing scholarly journals....
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Documentation Portfolio, Process Portfolio and the Show Case Portfolio
6 pages (1637 words) , Download 6 , Essay
rg/fie97/papers/1427.... STUDENT SELF-EVALUATION: WHAT research SAYS ... There are specific tools that aid in the assessment process and they include a competency matrix, a scoring guide and student reflective essays (Aurbach, 2006).... The reflective essays reveal the weaknesses and strengths of the students during the learning processes.... These essays also put into consideration the different learning styles of the student....
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Clinical Research Organization Business
5 pages (1255 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Clinical research Organization Business" discusses that the company is seeking to raise $2 million.... Potential customers are Clinical research Organizations, which cooperate with and provide services to pharmaceutical companies.... The coming years will witness increased participation of CROs in clinical research activities, and further expansion of pharmaceutical market will create new opportunities for entry.... Quintiles, Icon, and Covance are the three largest Clinical research Organizations in the world and currently account for one-third of the world's market....
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Impact of Technology on Society Paper
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The basic purpose of this research is to determine the impact of the Internet on society.... Professor Name ID # Date The Impact of Internet on Society: A true innovation for the businesses Table of Contents Table of Contents 2 1.... bstract 3 2.... ntroduction 3 3.... n introduction of Internet 4 3....
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Current event paper
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
A close analysis of the above mentioned article shows that a new multidisciplinary research project involving Teagasc, UCC, UCD and ICBF has underscored to breed for improved product quality in dairy, beef and sheep in Ireland.... As such BreedQuality has been awarded a project to ensure that they use state-of-the-art technology to carry out research that is meant to ensure that quality beef and dairy products are offered in the market.... research ought to be conducted in order to establish the needs and interests of the customers so as to be in a position to offer quality goods....
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Internet Resource Guide: Civil Engineering
13 pages (3414 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Internet Resource Guide: Civil Engineering" discusses that Freshmen and students in sophomore years can use specific information found on the site for other activities and research.... Freshmen and students in sophomore years can use specific information found on the site for other activities and research.... Through this site, students will access comprehensive civil engineering papers.... The papers are diverse, cover all the areas in the discipline and stretch back to as far as eighteen hundred and thirty-six....
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Week 4 response papers
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
However, the concept has used as a way of attaining a Week 4 Response papers Response to post Businessmen men agree with Carroll's (1999) ment because they are highly aware of the negative impacts that their activities pose on the environment and which are not covered by their profit-and-loss statements....
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Personal experience at a community healthcare facility
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 5 , Essay
Cecilia with respect to ethical issues of informed consent, confidentiality, professional conduct, and empathy as well as respect and dignity for patients (see Appendix 1).... Cecilia as a student and assigned to Ward X (fictitious for purposes of confidentiality), I thought I knew everything ranging from protocol adherence to professional conduct.... Being an adult patient and person of age, it was a matter of professional prudence and moral ethics to always treat the patient with respect and dignity as recommended by Gibbs (1988) and NMC (2008, p....
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Paper on Microbiological Issue
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
There was another research conducted on soy and oyster sauces available in Australia and the results were truly shocking.... The research assessed the risks involved in those items made available to the Australian consumers.... High levels of chemicals were again found in the research conducted by the authorities.... In another research conducted by the authorities in the year 2002, it was found that there were harmful chemicals in prawn and honey; it was later found that the food researched was not permitted to be sold in the outlets in Australia....
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Research in Motion Globalization
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Q#1 research in Motion or RIM is one of the leading smartphone providers in the world offering state of the art Blackberry smartphone capable of allowing users to check their emails, browse internet besides completing some of the official tasks such as reading spreadsheets on the go.... Q research in Motion or RIM is one of the leading smartphone providers in the world offering of the art Blackberry smartphone capable of allowing users to check their emails, browse internet besides completing some of the official tasks such as reading spreadsheets on the go....
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Nokia Marketing Research Project
2 pages (642 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
The paper "Nokia Marketing research Project" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in Nokia's marketing research project.... In this research study, the primary method of data collection is a multiple-choice qualitative questionnaire.... he research will use a sampling size of approximately 50 respondents since a sampling size under this number may not give enough data to support the study's analysis.... he research project seeks to find out the satisfaction levels of cell phone users with the Nokia phone and data has been collected from 50 respondents via questionnaires, after which there is interpretation of necessary information....
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Valuing Reflection in My Journey to Excellence
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Doing this exercise of critical analysis of current research perspectives on reflective practice has exposed me to great minds whom I might as well consider as mentors.... “The Need for Recovery of Philosophy”, Creative Intelligence: essays in the ... essays in Experimental Logic.... It can positively affect professional growth and development by leading to greater self-awareness, to the development of new knowledge about professional practice, and to a broader understanding of the problems that confront practitioners (Osterman 1990)....
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Museum Object Paper. Queen Hatshepsut
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 5 , Essay
Against this backdrop, museums are important centers for learning and conducting research study on man's past, culture and religion based on the materials stored.... A museum is a good place for storage of artifacts or historical materials which are used for studies and reference of historical objects and scientific analysis of material remains....
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13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It is extremely important in understanding the mental state of an individual.... Psychology has a significant role in determining the mental function of an individual along with developing.... ... ... It also attempts to identify the physiological and biological factors and processes that influence individual behaviours and cognitive functions....
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Professionalism in Aviation
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Aviation is a general term that entails the art or practical aspect of designing, developing, producing, operating and using aircraft that is, often, heavier than air (Ahlers, 2012).... Professionalism, on the other hand, is the basis around which all organizations revolve.... In the.... ... ... viation industry, professionalism is not a concept reserved for certain stakeholders, but applies to every person working around aircrafts, and that includes pilots, gate agents, service crew, fuel handlers and ramp workers....
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The Preliminary Design of the Research
6 pages (1740 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "The Preliminary Design of the research" suggests the research of criminal justice is based on different approaches, which aim is to generalize the methods of its study for the development of one's research skills.... Thus, the research methods are used to systemize the work of the researcher and make it easier.... research paper 5 s The research of criminal justice is based on different approaches, which aim is to generalize the methods of its study for the development of one's research skills....
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Critical Response Paper 1
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Name: Instructor: Course: Date: The Battle of Algiers and Frantz Fanon: Black Skin, White Mask Frank Fanon's theory of the justification of violence in the anti-colonial struggle was part of the third cinema since its time of foundation in the 1960s.... This essay explores the formations and characteristics of Fanon's film and a third cinema....
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Research Article Summary Presentation
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
research Article Summary Presentation The evidence of collective unconscious within different societies in the world is overwhelming.... Many theorists including Freud have done a lot of research on collective unconscious.... More importantly, much research work has gone into determining the mechanisms in which traditions are passed implicitly from one generation to another.... The research article has definitely echoed what Freud and other philosophers have argued about transition of collective memory....
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Legal and Ethical Issues under Consideration
6 pages (1501 words) , Download 0 , Essay
While the doctrine of fair use provides that individuals may use, to a limited extent, copyrighted materials without express permission for the provider, the doctrine does not include plagiarism, as Lacey did but rather limits such use to commentaries, criticisms, parodies, research and news reports, and search engines as Netanel (2011, p.... First, Doolittle acted unethically in using the property of the company for personal use, in clear contravention of company policy and of professional ethics....
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Research paper on the death of ivan illyich by tolstoy
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
First published in 1886, The Death of Ivan Ilyich is a novella more than a short story but despite its length, it is one of the most famous works produced by Leo Tolstoy after his masterpiece War and Peace (1869) and Anna Karenina (1877) (Wikipedia, 2006).... As is obvious from the.... ... ... other works of Tolstoy, he was fascinated with life as well as death but in this particular novella, he explores the idea of death in far greater detail as compared to any of his other writings (Danaher, 2003)....
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Mergers and Acquisitions in the Banking Industry Research Paper
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Citigroup is a major financial service provider group based in the New York City.... The company was formed after the merger between The Citicorp and Travelers Group in April 1998.... The company is the primary dealer when it comes to US treasury based securities and has been operating on the DOW since 1997. ...
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Research paper on the secret society of the skulls
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
For those who make the choice to pursue higher education, the allure to attend such ivy league institutions as Yale, is very enticing for numerous incoming students.... While the attraction stems from the prestigious educational system which the institutions are known for, a far.... ... ... A society that, while having a rich tradition unto its own, is one that is enveloped in a level of secrecy....
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Research paper (How to Prepare a News Broadcast)
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
One has to take care of several important factors while preparing a news broadcast that include but are not limited to adequately formal planning, organization of data, flow of presentation.... ... ... Preparation of a news broadcast fundamentally involves the following steps: ... ... eciding what to broadcast from the jargon of news that surfaces daily is the most preliminary and critical factor in gaining appreciation of the audience....
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Compare and contrast research paper about the apocalypse
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
It is amazing the kind of religious and scientific opinion the issue has drawn.... Whether the real answers to the issue are to be fund from religious views, or whether.... ... ... The common denominator in the two accounts is that they both attempt to analyze apocalypse as a time when there shall be total disorder and a break from the forces that define rules of the As such, varying literature have endeavored to explain about the concept of the apocalypse as they can best imagine....
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Building a supportive program for new teachers in Italy
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Running Head: BUILDING A SUPPORTIVE PROGRAM FOR NEW TEACHERS IN ITALY Building a supportive program for new teachers in Italy: A suggested plan for communicating and disseminating research findings ... suggested plan for communicating and disseminating research findings ... research suggested that effective induction practices had been found to reduce the incidence of new teachers leaving the profession during these early years. ... he research suggested that the support teacher is a critical element in any induction....
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Principles of Biomedical Ethics
5 pages (1584 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The paper will focus on safe effective discharge planning in writing a reflective account and consider professional, legal and ethical issues, evidence-based care, multidisciplinary team working, decision making / prioritization, care planning, effective communication skills, and implications for future practice.... Description This is a reflection on my role as a health professional in charge of ensuring safe and effective discharge of patients from the hospital to their homes....
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Audience Analysis Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Audience Analysis: Effective Communication Admittedly, in-person meetings play an important role in any organization's life-time, especially when it deals with discussing such important issues as quarterly sales information.... It goes without saying that when presenting quarterly sales information during such a meeting it is essential to take into account the peculiarities of the audience....
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Genetic Research Methods
1 pages (385 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This paper under the title "Genetic research Methods" focuses on the fact that human behaviour is determined by interactions between the environment and the brain.... Carlson looked at three genetic methods of research.... They are twin studies which are the oldest research method in behavioural genetics; targeted mutations....
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Career Aspirations and Development Directions
9 pages (2485 words) , Download 0 , Essay
As a strategy to secure a job, I prefer to conduct intensive research about different companies.... To develop new solutions for traditional ways of solving issues, a human resource professional should have creativity skill.... Human resource professional should as well consider lifestyle.... he other path is to become a specialised HR professional (Bhuyah, 2002).... areer focus: I love interacting with people on a professional level....
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Eliminating Uncertainty in Commercial Property Valuation
12 pages (3503 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Sensibly, information in this context would be better through the development of technical information papers (TIP) that guides valuation professionals.... et/papers/french_valuation_uncertainty.... et/proceedings/proceedings1998/papers/neKi8Bii.... ehavioral research into real estate valuation process also identify the interaction of the complex task environment (including market data such as sales information, pending sales rates and relevant market information) with the human processing system (both short-term and long-term memory) as a leading factor to increased uncertainties caused by information processing that differs among individuals (Diaz and Hansz 2002, pp....
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Methods of research that warrant the use of qualitative research methods in Criminal Justice
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This is achieved through the application of different types of research and research methods to gather information which can be used to provide further insights into this field of study.... This is achieved through the application of different types of research and research methods to gather information which can be used to provide further insights into this field of study.... There are two dominant research methods applied in the study of criminal justice/security management which are quantitative and qualitative methods....
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Medical Research Results
3 pages (842 words) , Download 3 , Essay
From the paper "Medical research Results" it is clear that the results were reported in a summary format both at the beginning of the study and in the results section, as well as in tables.... None of the tables appeared to cause any bias in perception.... ... ... ... The results concluded that mothers with diabetes had an increased risk of having children with birth defects....
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Law-Making Powers of Parliament
10 pages (2706 words) , Download 2 , Essay
During this period, the proposals may seek comments from the public as they take shape and they are usually called Green papers.... Later on, the proposals are contained in government White papers.... However, there is “no requirement for White of Green papers to be introduced before a Bill is introduced into Parliament,” (UK Parliament, 2011, P 3).... Other ways applied in order for the public to hear their voices were use of media, advocate and lobby groups that prepare position papers in support of or in amendment to any proposed bills....
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Difference between Criminology and Criminal Justice
8 pages (2225 words) , Download 0 , Essay
I always considered criminology and criminal justice as field that is changing every now and then and therefore there is need for research to be conducted to establish the current trends and status of crime in the society.... As such, during my study in the university, I expect to acquire specialist knowledge and skills that would assist me in research in future.... The research carried out by the Australian institute of criminology addresses matters arising from the justice and crime and formulates policies to be implemented by the Australian government and other agencies (Graycar, 2007)....
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Research in psychology-week3
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
ASSIGNMENT 1 research Methods Week 3 Write a brief summary of each of the articles along with a description of the approach taken by each author.... This quantitative research analyses the issue at hand using an appropriate research framework because the situation requires the division of clearly defined variables.... Using aspects of an exploratory research and observation the researcher addresses abstract concerns about the problems of law and order by highlighting certain characteristics of a specific residential environment and the effect of crime in terms of social anxieties it faces....
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Research in Psychology
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Admission/Application Essay
The author describes the research being done in Numbers 13:17-29 which is cultural and agricultural.... The agricultural research was done in order to find the land of milk and honey.... Thus the research being done in Numbers 13:17-29 was cultural and agricultural.... This research was done in order to find the land of milk and honey, which God had promised the Israelites.... Agricultural research was to see if they were in the right region....
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Four Arguments Research topics
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Which would be the most appropriate strategies for managing the above problem and how the consent of the public for this initiative could be Four Arguments research topics research Topic Social networking sites have become an indispensable part of modern life.... Still, their use has been also related to a series of risks, including the exposure of private life to an unknown audience....
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Statistical Tools in Research
1 pages (437 words) , Download 3 , Essay
From the paper "Statistical Tools in research" it is clear that the research conducted by Donelan et al.... Statistical tools are used in research to provide evidence-based results that will be able to support the hypothesis formulated for the research.... dditional statistical tools may be used if the research was conducted using two different sampling methods, on the same population, to be able to compare which provides less margin of error....
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The Coping Behavior of People
3 pages (834 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It is quantitative research for validating the social cognitive theory of self-efficacy.... It is the most significant feature of the current research as it can be applied generally.... The article 'Job demands and coping behavior The moderating role of professional self-efficacy' by Salanova, Grau, and Martinez is pertinent as it addresses the workplace stress that negatively influences performance.... The study was conducted under the pre-defined hypothesis that professional self-efficacy is intrinsically linked to coping behavior and job demand....
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Status of the Legal Profession in Computer Law
12 pages (3081 words) , Download 2 , Essay
he entity we have chosen to adopt and register is in the form of a professional association, registered as an S corporation under the laws of Florida.... The structure of the professional association is that the three of us shall be shareholders, discharging the legal work.... Partner's contribution shall be treated as part of the equity of the professional association.... In addition, by the third year, the firm shall engage the services of a professional manager for the association to remove administrative and management roles from the partners who shall be deal exclusively with the legal matters. ...
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Stem cell research
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Name: University: Course: Tutor: Date: Stem Cell research Introduction Stem cells are classified as unspecialized cells that develop into specialized cells.... Balance of the Article This article has been written to discuss the issues around stem cell research as well as cloning....
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Joan Wallach Scott, Gender and the Politics of History
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The essays can also be read as intellectual autobiography, a personal report in which Scott brings into light various attractions and threats along with the issues of post-structuralist theory (Gender and the Politics of History 1990).... It appears less of a report and more of a book about a historian's introspection of what the field of writing history results to, what its object is, and what exactly she feels being a professional historian (Gender and the Politics of History 1990)....
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Qualitative research and questionnaire design
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Evidently, not much research has been successful in determining why emotional branding results to customer satisfaction.... Because of the competition dominating in the business arena, companies must not only tell their consumers what they need; instead, they must focus on the different reasons why the latter needs to obtain this (Desgrippes, Hellman and Gobe 2007; Norman 2005) This research generally focuses on emotional branding in the case of one of the most successful brands in the whole world: Starbucks....
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