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The Real Expense of Illegal Immigration
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The researcher of the essay "The Real Expense of Illegal Immigration" aims to analyze how the massive numbers of illegal aliens pouring across mainly the southern border have and continues to cause substantial economic, social and physical harms to legal citizens.... .... ... ... It is stated that numerous polls indicate that a majority of Americans, including Mexican-Americans, want the government to prevent the tidal wave of illegal aliens cascading over the border....
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Intended Meaning in Words
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Intended Meaning in Words" presents the racial words to name one another but only between them, when they are called that by a person who does not belong to the same group that can cause a problem.... The acceptance of racial words is the only option they have to resist.... ...
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The Abolition of Capital Punishment in New Zealand
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The Abolition of Capital Punishment in New Zealand Introduction A debate rages on the necessity of capital punishment in much of the world.... Many countries have abolished it, while others, including such powerful nations as the United States of America, still use it.... ... ... ... (Fridell, 2004)....
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4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Sublime in aesthetics refers to the level of greatness, whether artistic, spiritual, aesthetics, moral, metaphysical, intellectual or physical (Morley 11).... This term, in most occasions, refers to greatness, far above any possibility of imitation, measurement and calculation.... ... ... ... nd Burke, in his work “A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Ideas of the Sublime and the Beautiful” (Morley 17), writes extensively on the issues of beauty and sublime, which, he argues, are mutually exclusive....
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High Dropout of Students in the University
15 pages (4048 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
The paper "High Dropout of Students in the University" describes that students and parents attitude towards education has changed a lot.... Students are considering High School education as more of a compulsion and a burden from society than a need or necessity.... ... ... ... Society does not look at a single mother with respect....
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Relationship between Commercial Arbitration and National Courts
11 pages (2871 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "Relationship between Commercial Arbitration and National Courts" highlights that coding is a process that involves data being placed in categories for analysis.... The process is facilitated by the use of computer software.... The data is transformed by the software into a comprehensive form....
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Econometric Modeling and the Effectiveness of Hedging Exposure to Forging Exchange Risk
19 pages (5378 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "Econometric Modeling and the Effectiveness of Hedging Exposure to Forging Exchange Risk" is a great example of a research proposal on finance and accounting.... The author of the paper states that there is a great financial risk posed in the world economy as a result of the instability of the currencies involved....
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Government Service Delivery to Citizens in the United Arab Emirates
17 pages (5651 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The paper "Government Service Delivery to Citizens in the United Arab Emirates " is a good example of a Politics research proposal.... The paper "Government Service Delivery to Citizens in the United Arab Emirates " is a good example of a Politics research proposal....
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Management Strategy and Practice
9 pages (2605 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "Management Strategy and Practice" is an outstanding example of a management research proposal.... Ethics may be defined as the moral principle by which right and wrong can be easily distinguished.... It is a Greek word, which means character or manner.... ... ... ... The paper "Management Strategy and Practice" is an outstanding example of a management research proposal....
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Disabled Children In The Looked After System
6 pages (2041 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
This work "Disabled Children In The Looked After System" describes an in-depth view of this situation and pinpoints the relevant factors and identifies the areas of particular difficulties faced by disabled children.... The author outlines the risk of disabled children experiencing what is called the 'reverse ladder of permanency', the main problems, and the variants for solving them....
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Service Sector and Customer Expectation and Experience of Service Quality, Branding and Loyalty
9 pages (2590 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper 'Service Sector and Customer Expectation and Experience of Service Quality, Branding and Loyalty' is a meaty example of the marketing research proposal.... This chapter outlines the arrangement of conditions for data collection and analysis in some way that aims at combining the relevance of the research procedure and its purpose....
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Using Cognitive Learning Approaches in Developing EFL strategies in Secondary Schools
11 pages (3466 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
This paper "Using Cognitive Learning Approaches in Developing EFL strategies in Secondary Schools" seeks to critically investigate the efficacy of using cognitive academic language learning techniques of teaching and learning English in KSA secondary schools.... ... ... ... The problem of the best approach to developing EFL learning strategic listening and comprehension skills in Saudi secondary schools has attracted research attention due to the conflicting reasons that have been provided by various researchers who have endeavored to study this problem (Al-Musallam and Ibrahim 152)....
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The Use Security Cameras Being Used in Public Buildings and Places
8 pages (2559 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The paper "The Use Security Cameras Being Used in Public Buildings and Places" discusses that active CCTV surveillance cameras and automatic face recognition where people's faces are checked against a database of known terrorist are security technologies that can be used to prevent terror attacks....
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Performance Management - The Need for a Focus on Public Value
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
This work "Performance Management - The Need for a Focus on Public Value" describes various aspects of performance management of the policing sector.... The author outlines the primary problematic issue of police performance management is the unclear description of its culture and social outcomes which lead to poor performance and public mistrust....
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Eriksons Theory
9 pages (2486 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The writer of the paper 'Erikson's Theory' states that Erickson took advantage of the limitations of the psychosexual theory and extended it by discussing the human lifespan from infancy to adulthood.... The theory elaborates on the eight stages that individuals pass from birth to adulthood.... ...
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The Performance of an Employee
76 pages (9805 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
In the paper 'The Performance of an Employee' the author tries to answer the questions: What are the means by which an organization assesses the performance of an employee?... What are the indicators of efficient or deficient performance?... The concept of performance management is not a novel idea....
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Software Development Project Easy Retrieval of Data from Hard Disk Drives
7 pages (1955 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This paper ''Software Development Project – Easy Retrieval of Data from Hard Disk Drives'' tells that the proposed project is based on a software program that can easily retrieve any specific data from the hard disk drive of any computer.... This is because the hard disk acts as a form of storage device for the computer....
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Improvement of Graduation Rates of Senior High School
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This research proposal entitled "Improvement of Graduation Rates of Senior High School" explores why senior high school students failed the end of year exam and did not receive a high school diploma and identifies ways to improve the graduation rates.... ... ... ... The community is located in the heart of northeast Kansas' scenic Flint Hills called 'Manhattan'....
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Enforcement of Pharmaceutical Patents in Pakistan
6 pages (1917 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "Enforcement of Pharmaceutical Patents in Pakistan" states that patents promote overpricing and monopoly; however, they are indispensable as, in their absence, no firm would endeavor to develop new products.... Innovation is critically dependent upon patent protection.... .... ... ... A significant amount of controversy is generated in developing countries, with respect to patent enforcement, specifically when the patent relates to a life-saving drug....
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Digital Nature Photography
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The following paper entitled "Digital Nature Photography" is focused on the nature of SLR or Single Lens Reflex which is not new to the world of photography.... As the author puts it, SLR uses the film format, whereas Digital SLR (DSLR) use digital format.... .... ... ... SLRs have been in the market as early as the 1920s, and have been used by professional photographers and the general public alike....
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Are we in recession and what effect will it have on the middle class
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
RECESSION The proposed report will explore the question of whether the recession in the US is really over, and if so, what its effects have been on the middle class.... The role of the impacts of taxes and credit limitations on consumers is also a major factor in the current situation that the US middle class is facing....
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Comparative Analysis of Mathematics Curriculum in Australia and Finland
17 pages (4877 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "Comparative Analysis of Mathematics Curriculum in Australia and Finland" is a great example of a research proposal on education.... Education systems are diverse across the world with variances beginning from the school curriculums to the particular subject syllabuses.... ... ... ... The curriculum also sets a topic for discussion, with the various methods of imparting knowledge to the students being a relevant issue that will show the variance between the two countries....
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Plato and Aristotle
8 pages (2234 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This paper ''Plato and Aristotle'' tells us that Plato (428-347 B.... .... was a pupil of Socrates, the philosopher who was condemned to death, for publicly expounding his ideas, by drinking hemlock ordered by the Greek state of the time.... Socrates did not plead for mercy but drank the hemlock and died....
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Impact of Health Promotion Interventions on Quality of Life of the Elderly in an Australian Community
6 pages (3087 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "Impact of Health Promotion Interventions on Quality of Life of the Elderly in an Australian Community" is a good example of a research proposal on nursing.... The population of elderly people worldwide is growing continuously.... ... ... ... The paper "Impact of Health Promotion Interventions on Quality of Life of the Elderly in an Australian Community" is a good example of a research proposal on nursing....
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Impact of Customer Satisfaction with In-flight Catering to Airline Reputation and Profit
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
This paper describes how customer satisfaction with in-flight catering can affect airline reputation and profit.... It is acknowledged that customer satisfaction with airline service depends on their total travel experience of which on-board service plays a significant role.... ... ... ... The paper states that customer satisfaction is well recognized as one of the factors that affect airline ratings, competitiveness, and profits; unsatisfactory in-flight catering services may affect airline reputation and affect profits....
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Process Safety Management in Saudi Arabia Chemical Companies
14 pages (3481 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "Process Safety Management in Saudi Arabia Chemical Companies' is a great example of a research proposal on management.... In recent years, many governments and organizations both local and international have come to terms with the concern of the number of incidents relating to the chemical industry....
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Small and Medium Enterprises in Green Business Industry
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This study 'Small and Medium Enterprises in Green Business Industry' has been developed for the management personnel of local SMEs in the Southern England region.... The Green business Industry has been considered because it is not possible to analyze the operations of SMEs in every industry.... ...
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Antibiotics for Meringa Oleifera
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Ths paper declares that Moringa oleifera is a medicinal plant, belonging to the genus Moringa, and of the family Moringaceae.... The plant has been significant for its medicinal values whereby almost its entire root, leaves and trunk extracts are used for medicine.... .... ... ... According to the paper, just like many other antibiotics, it can pose serious health issues to an individual with disseminated intravascular coagulation....
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Business Plan for Organic Light Emitting Diodes
10 pages (2688 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This paper "Business Plan for Organic Light-Emitting Diodes" is a business plan for innovation of 'Neoview OLEDs'.... With the growing need for innovative and newer technologically developed products in the market, this report has been made to provide the customers with a new and innovative product....
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Risks in the Elderly Individual
24 pages (6228 words) , Research Proposal
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The paper "Risks in the Elderly Individual" suggests that reducing falls risks in the elderly individual are important public health objective because falls are associated with greater morbidity, mortality and overall reduced functioning among the elderly.... ... ... ... Palumbo et al.... (2015) found that the data-driven and literature-based approaches are better predictors of fall risk than the commonly used fall risk tools....
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*love* Social Enterprise
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Unlike other enterprises, social enterprises offer services under double or triple bottom line strategy.... Using this strategy social enterprises offer.... ... ... Unlike other enterprises, all the profits made by these enterprises are reinvested into offering more services to the society (Noya 12)....
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The Effectiveness of Using Communicative Language Teaching in English as Foreign Language Context
15 pages (4168 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
This research work "The Effectiveness of Using Communicative Language Teaching in English as Foreign Language Context" will be designed to investigate the effectiveness of CLT in teaching senior or rather adult students education in a private and community-based college in China.... ... ... ... Communicative language teaching is an extensively explored and researched topic by a number of researchers in the field of teaching English....
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Business Matrix and Organizational Continuity for WL Gore and Associates
6 pages (1881 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper 'Business Matrix and Organizational Continuity for WL Gore and Associates' is a perfect example of a management research proposal.... In the seminal research work, Banasiewicz (2009) defined risk as 'possible loss or injury' while the scholar traced the origin of the term back to the 13th century....
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Social Learning with Case-Based Decisions
18 pages (4500 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The paper 'Social Learning with Case-Based Decisions' focuses on individual and social learning as forms of phenotypic plasticity.... Both modes of learning are developmental processes that cause organisms to acquire different behaviors in different environments.... ... ... ... The author states that phenotypic plasticity may be adaptive in temporally or spatially varying environments if the use of environmental cues enables organisms to acquire behavior that is adaptive in each local habitat....
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Dynamics in the Management Expectations of the Nurse Managers
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The paper "Dynamics in the Management Expectations of the Nurse Managers" states that when dealing with the part-time nursing assistants, the nurse managers must make the decisions of the personal and technical skills the nursing assistants must have in order to care for particular patients.... ... ...
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Financial Accounting
9 pages (2508 words) , Download 7 , Research Proposal
This paper ''Financial Accounting'' tells us that the framework for the preparation and presentation of financial statements is ultimately used for corporate reporting.... Therefore, the financial statements need to contain useful information, comply with the international accounting standards, and meet the common need of its users....
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The Impact of Rewards Programs on Employee Engagement
11 pages (3631 words) , Download 5 , Research Proposal
The objective of the paper 'The Impact of Rewards Programs on Employee Engagement' is to explore the diverse issues concerning reward management in the workplace and how these programs and employee engagement are related.... There is the need to determine whether total rewards programs are associated with organization performance....
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Inflation Persistence in the UK and Its Impact on Unemployment and Wage Rate
13 pages (3951 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
{Remember that the maximum length of the project is about 30 pages (with some tolerance for projects with a large number of relevant graphs and tables), including the references but excluding appendix} ... ... nflation persistence is an important subject in the macroeconomics policy.... ... ... The paper "Inflation Persistence in the UK and Its Impact on Unemployment and Wage Rate" is a great example of a research proposal on macro and microeconomics....
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Childhood Depression Disorder
9 pages (2667 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The author of the "Childhood Depression Disorder" paper focuses on childhood depression that referred to as pediatric depression is an emotional and social disorder that affects children at various developmental stages with varying symptomatic features.... .... ... ... In the past, this disorder was discounted with various stakeholders holding that it did not exist rather symptoms presented were simply a transitory state in normal development....
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Peter Matthiessen
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
One of the most natural and living legends in the field of writing is Peter Matthiessen, who has been deemed a great novelist and Zen priest of the nineteenth century.... Over fifty years, fiction and nonfiction topics have been written by Matthiessen in his twenty books.... In the.... ... ... (Dowie, pp....
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Educational Psychology
17 pages (4370 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
In the paper 'Educational Psychology' the author analyzes educational psychology, which is different from other branches of psychology for one main reason, that is, it is focused on mainstream psychology but with an added dimension of special education.... ... ... ... The focus of the paper is on learning and teaching, on special educational and exceptional needs....
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Assessing Risks of Fire Destruction in Structures
10 pages (2814 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
Using both descriptive and qualitative methodologies, the research "Assessing Risks of Fire Destruction in Structures" intends to identify likely fire outbreak scenarios, infrastructural risks, vulnerabilities of facilities, and measures that can be taken to prepare for fire incidents.... .... ... ...
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Planning of Primary Health Care
10 pages (2521 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This paper ''Planning of Primary Health Care'' tells us that normally people differ in their perceptions of the various advancements made in the health system nowadays.... Anderson, Shepherd, and Salisbury conducted a qualitative study, to investigate the participation of the public in the process of prognosticating health care....
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Reflective Practice in Nursing
6 pages (1831 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "Reflective Practice in Nursing" is a great example of a research proposal on nursing.... During my clinical placement, I developed a great interest in drug administration using the Intramuscular (IM) technique since this was the method that was widely used.... Due to this interest, I participated in the practice of IM injections....
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Letter to Executive of Local Network
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Letter to executive of local network Name: Institution: Date: Executive Summary The Global Compact is one of the initiatives of the United Nations, which provides ten universally accepted principles for businesses with the commitment of aligning their strategies and operations.... ... ... ... These principles have a strategic policy of merging the environmental field, human rights, labour, and the fight against corruption....
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A Threat Analysis to Enterprise Computer Networks and How to Mitigate Them
5 pages (1401 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "A Threat Analysis to Enterprise Computer Networks and How to Mitigate Them" focuses on Network security that encompasses areas pertaining to risks and threats and how to protect IT infrastructure from different types of malware.... .... ... ... The problem of IT security can be compared to a building that needs fast and effective service to serve its inhabitants....
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Maternal and Newborn Care
4 pages (1360 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
From the paper "Maternal and Newborn Care" it is clear that the rural and peri-urban populations in India suffer due to a lack of adequate information on how to take appropriate care before during and after pregnancy.... This is compounded by the low-income levels experienced by the rural population....
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How Using Technology in Classrooms Can Boost Students' Levels of Autonomy in Schools in Saudi Arabia
13 pages (3819 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
"How Using Technology in Classrooms Can Boost Students' Levels of Autonomy in Schools in Saudi Arabia" paper seeks the opinion of the students and teachers regarding the extent to which they believe the use of technology can boost autonomous learning among students.... ... ... ... Unfortunately, most teachers in Saudi Arabia lack the skills to use tablets in teaching, and this acts as a major impediment in using technology in promoting autonomous learning....
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Providing respite care to carers of people with dementia
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
This study "Providing respite care to carers of people with dementia" aims to discuss the various types of respite care services available at the disposal of the caregivers and its impact, consequences and implications on their health and well-being.... ... ... ... Providing care to people with dementia is an emotionally taxing ordeal for the carers and takes a toll on their physical as well as emotional well-being....
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The Impact of Energy Drinks on the Army
13 pages (6250 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This paper entitled "The Impact of Energy Drinks on the Army" explores the effect of energy drinks so that to establish if the consumption of energy drinks impact the results of the Army Physical Fitness Test and affects readiness among U.... .... Army forces.... .... ... ... The problem is to uncover the effects of current consumption of energy drinks among military members of the US Army....
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