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Effect of Iontophoretic Transdermal System for Postoperative Pain
10 pages (3133 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "Effect of Iontophoretic Transdermal System for Postoperative Pain ' is a great example of a research proposal on nursing.... The morphine Intravenous (IV) Patient-Controlled Analgesia (PCA) system is a standard of care used in many facilities for the management of postoperative pain.... ...
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Digital Technology and Education
6 pages (1693 words) , Download 8 , Research Proposal
This research paper "Digital Technology and Education" will investigate the effects of technology on the interaction between the teacher and the student in terms of their perception of technology.... Tremendous changes have been experienced in education, especially in countries that are economically advanced....
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Information Systems Ethics in the Triad
4 pages (1407 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Information Systems Ethics in the Triad" sheds some light on the ethical issues involved in Information Systems.... Information is meaningful data.... Information is often personalized and needs to be properly dealt with.... ... ... ... Moreover, as the research domain comprises of the subliminal comparison of multiple national characteristics and cultures under restricted domains it would be highly unethical to conclude signs of negative behaviors specific to a nation of the world....
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Immigration Status In Access to Health Care And Insurance Among the Polish Immigrants In the USA
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The proposed study will be conducted to find out if the legal or illegal status of Polish immigrants in America plays a role in their access to Health care, health insurance and related services.... The suggested design for this study is e-survey, i.... .... internet based survey.... .... ... ... The sample will be randomly selected from an electronic list of Polish immigrants in USA....
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The Advantages of Private Sector and Low Carbon Projects
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
In the research paper 'The Advantages of Private Sector and Low Carbon Projects' the author defines the private and public sector, which is an essential stage in understanding current practices and their role they are given in development policies.... ... ... ... The author states that Private Sector constitutes private investors who run profit enterprise and private foundations plus they are long-standing privileged partners of official development policies....
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Business Sustainability Strategies
6 pages (1949 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The purpose of the research is to evaluate the strategies that companies need to develop in order to maintain a long-term sustainable performance.... The study precisely explores the characteristics of the three sample companies, in order to answer the research questions.... ... ... ... ... ... ...
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Effective School Systems Employed within a School Behaviour Management Policy
7 pages (2077 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The paper "Effective School Systems Employed within a School Behaviour Management Policy" highlights that Effective School Systems should be implemented in the educational system of the UK with the aim of ascertaining that positive behaviour is maintained in the classroom and school environment.... ...
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Effects of Leadership on Students Performance
12 pages (3324 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
"Effects of Leadership on Students Performance" paper investigates the impact that leadership has on the school performance of students, finds out the forms of leadership that affect student's performance, and investigates the extent to which leadership can affect a student's performance.... .... ...
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The Major Causes of Turnover of Employees in the Hospitality Industry of Hong Kong
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
The paper presents human resource professional bodies of Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Singapore.... participants were unanimous in their view that Job hopping had become so rampant in these countries that it had become a culture.... The hospitality industry in Hong Kong registered a rebound during the year 2005....
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A Range of Data Collection Methods
6 pages (1592 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper 'A Range of Data Collection Methods' focuses on the techniques and methods used in data collection during qualitative research.... The choice of the research method was eclectic.... This means the choice of the methods used depended on the need to acquire qualitative data.... ... ... ... The qualitative research design was also multi-modal, as interviews and observation were used in data collection....
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Symptoms Related to Autism
9 pages (2480 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
The paper "Symptoms Related to Autism" discusses that research involving the study of Autism has become very common in modern times due to the increase in its prevalence, the limits the disease places on the individuals suffering from it plus their families, and the need for more services.... ... ...
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Weather Forecasting for Weather Derivatives
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This research proposal examines three different approaches in the pricing of weather derivatives through forecasting daily temperature based on historical readings.... The goal is to determine which method leads to the smallest forecasting error.... The forecast is performed only for the one time step ahead....
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Marketing and Promotion
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Marketing and effective promotional strategies plays a very important role in creating a good impact for the prospective consumers.... In today's time, many marketing strategies are focused mainly in attracting the consumer's attention by creating a good impression.... ... ... ... This is the very reason why various forms of media have been used so as to promote extensively the products. ...
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Parents Education, Parenting Skills Group
16 pages (4312 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
The paper "Parents Education, Parenting Skills Group" highlights that the psycho-educational group with the assistance of the individual psychology theory will be effective in providing better counselling services to parents whose children possess poor behaviour.... .... ... ... Psycho-educational groups are a team of individuals who work in a group with the intention of assisting certain category of needy individuals with skill development and prevention measures....
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English Teacher Training in Saudi Arabia
4 pages (1108 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
“Saudi Arabia: the Politics of Education,” International Affairs, Vol.... This research proposal "English Teacher Training in Saudi Arabia" is assessing the on-ground challenges encountered in the process of English teacher training in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and his expectations from the English language teachers in relation to the current services....
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Ibn Khaldun as the Father of Sociology
10 pages (2776 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The paper "Ibn Khaldun as the Father of Sociology" states that earlier generations of social thinkers agreed that Khaldun was the founder of philosophy, and they noted that he described the transformation of Arabian society from a rural society to an urban society.... ... ... ... People ought to reason in terms of what Ibn Khaldun called human civilization....
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Scottish Schools Adolescent Lifestyle and Substance Use
8 pages (2797 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "Scottish Schools Adolescent Lifestyle and Substance Use " discusses that generally, although there is an increased amount of young people engaging in drug and substance abuse in Scotland, the most abused drugs happen to be alcohol and cannabis.... ... ... ... Hay, et al, 2004 argue that there are numerous contributing factors for teenagers to engage in drug and substance abuse....
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The Impact of Debt Relief Order on the Demand of Short-Term Loans
7 pages (2112 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This paper 'The Impact of Debt Relief Order on the Demand of Short-Term Loans' will investigate whether the perceptions on DRO have significant impacts on the revenue of creditors especially those who have potential profit in offering short-term loans with high-interest rates.... ... ... ... The author states that the emancipation of DRO (Debt Relief Order) in the UK would be a potential issue to be learned about especially from the point of view of creditors which have a great role in the market economy....
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Persuasive Synthesis of Rhetorical Theory
4 pages (1110 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "Persuasive Synthesis of Rhetorical Theory" tells that in writing the self-evaluative essay, two sections will be included upon analyzing the accuracy and effective persuasive synthesis of the first and second assignments based on the principles of a rhetorical theory.... ... ... ... Clinton and Obama stated their personal reasoning on how the Americans could benefit more from using funds to prevent global warming rather than spending the money to fund stem cell research....
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Marketing Consumer Product in an Emerging Economy
12 pages (3266 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
olitical factors-: Politics also constitute business features that should be considered when planning to market consumer products in a potential target country with emerging economies (Cai and Yang 135).... This research proposal "Marketing Consumer Product in an Emerging Economy" produces a marketing plan for a consumer product that should be marketed in a growing or emerging economy....
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Is Royal Mail justified in offering and promoting its direct mail services
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
Royal Mail Post Office and Parcel Force Worldwide, under its parent company the Royal Mail Group plc, are responsible in the delivery of letters and parcels throughout the United Kingdom respectively.... (Royal Mail Group, 2008) For many years, Royal Mail has monopolized the local.... ... ... Due to lack of free competition in the market, the service quality of postal mail in UK suffered because of frequent absenteeism and lack of work motivation among its employees due to low working morale, poor pay, and working conditions....
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Synthesized Polymers
5 pages (1784 words) , Download 7 , Research Proposal
This paper ''Synthesized Polymers'' tells us that synthesized polymers are no doubt some of the most used products around the globe today and their use can only increase.... The application of polymers is evidenced in their daily utilization in packaging, electrical appliances, and biomedical devices....
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Effects of Dolls for Young Girls
5 pages (1483 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Effects of Dolls for Young Girls" presents dolls that played a significant influence on the livelihood of children in different generations.... In this regard, diverse cultures have a varying appreciation of dolls and their effect in understanding sexuality and gender roles....
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Interior Design and Decorative Arts of Saudi Cultural Heritage
5 pages (1510 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
This paper ''Interior Design and Decorative Arts of Saudi Cultural Heritage'' tells that Saudi Arabia has a rich history in cultural heritage encompassing both interior design.... The people's creativity is deeply rooted in Saudi's ability to manage and coordinate interior design as well as decorations of rooms....
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Relevance of Music Education in Modern Curriculum
6 pages (1713 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The study "Relevance of Music Education in Modern Curriculum" focuses on young children up to high school students in terms of the incorporation of music education into their curriculum.... The paper relates to the course to establish the benefits and impact of music education on students.... ... ...
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Factors Affecting the Use of Health Services by Americans
5 pages (1526 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "Factors Affecting the Use of Health Services by Americans" describes that the study was to determine the predictive ability of a model of care utilization, which explains the effect different variables have on care utilization among minorities.... ... ... ... The research thus sets out to seek the quality indicators required beyond access so as to guarantee quality in care with a specific focus on Korean American minorities....
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Examining the Education System
22 pages (5998 words) , Research Proposal
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The research study 'Examining the Education System' has been conducted with the objectives of having a better understanding about the perceptions as well as expression of the students with regard to learning and curricular services offered by the University of Wolverhampton.... ... ... ... The results obtained through the study revealed that students have different learning requirements and perception from a university....
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Marriage, Woman Wanting Divorce, and Custody Battles in the Middle East
10 pages (2699 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Marriage, Woman Wanting Divorce, and Custody Battles in the Middle East" discusses women who attained their equality in the Middle East.... The resurgence of the Islamic revolution however threatened this road to freedom.... ... ... ... Islamic fundamentalists have had considerable influence on women's reforms....
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Sentencing and Criminal Justice
3 pages (904 words) , Download 9 , Research Proposal
People are frequently perceived in different manners concerning their financial status or rather financial strength and background.... People.... ... ... The overriding query for this study is centered on an individual's wealth affecting the verdict given by a court in sentencing a person.... Moreover, will a The paper "Sentencing and Criminal Justice" is a delightful example of a research proposal on law....
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Learning from the Cognitive and the Sociocultural Perspective
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
In the paper 'Learning from the Cognitive and the Sociocultural Perspective' the author explains, using specific research examples, how learning has been studied from the cognitive perspective and the sociocultural perspective.... The learning process is a multi-dimensional concept.... ... ... ... The author states that theories on learning, therefore, have been formulated precisely in different perspectives....
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Investigation of a Passenger Cars Dynamic Response due to a Flywheel Based Kinetic Energy Recovery System
5 pages (1916 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The paper "Investigation of a Passenger Car's Dynamic Response due to a Flywheel Based Kinetic Energy Recovery System" explores a system used to perform defined purposes of recovering a moving vehicle's kinetic energy in cases where the car in question will have its breaks applied.... ... ... ... Even though a kinetic energy recovery system is not a new concept, using a flywheel for this purpose remains relatively new as the use of high voltage batteries had largely been used for the storage of recovered energy....
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Absence of Housing Around Texas Wesleyan University
9 pages (2411 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This research paper "Absence of Housing Around Texas Wesleyan University" is about the limited housing that exists around the university that does not offer competitive rates that are in the range and makes the students seek alternative housing in areas that are further from the campus.... ... ... ...
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The Role of News Media in the Political Election in the Caribbean
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
This work "The Role of News Media in the Political Election in the Caribbean" is about the role of mass media in influencing or setting the political agenda in the Caribbean especially during elections.... The author describes the process by which the news media influences and its corresponding effect, if any, to the voters' choice of candidates....
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Political Lines and Different Sectors of the Economy in the UK
6 pages (1 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The author of this research proposal "Political Lines and Different Sectors of the Economy in the UK" describes Politics in the UK.... This paper outlines aspects of political economy, features of economic growth, the role of media in Politics, Politics....
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The Drivers of Organic Food Consumption in Sweden
14 pages (4044 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "The Drivers of Organic Food Consumption in Sweden" is a perfect example of a health sciences and medicine research proposal.... Globally, human beings are increasingly choosing lifestyle trends based on an organic diet.... This seems to be a life strategy for well-being, vitality and for leading a healthy lifestyle....
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City Dog Parks
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Public parks are fundamentally an invention of America.... The first public park ever originated specifically was in New York City by the name of Central Park (Lorzing, p.... 135).... Since then, a history of such parks began to evolve till now, when parks have become more a necessity than just a facility for the public. ...
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Are Long-Distance Relationships Successful
6 pages (1914 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Are Long-Distance Relationships Successful" aims to use a quantitative survey on university students to test whether the success of long-distance relationships is the same as that between students in a geographically similar location.... ... ... ... Long-distance relationships are common, as people often need to live in different places for a period of time, especially in the case of university studies....
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Computer Impacts on Human Life
8 pages (2318 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The paper "Computer Impacts on Human Life" discusses that computers have revolutionized every aspect of human and societal lifestyles.... This has cropped even into the transport industry where locomotives have been devised to be partially under the control of computers and human beings.... ... ... ...
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Challenges of Parenting among Mentally Mothers
10 pages (3309 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
.... ... ... The paper "Challenges of Parenting among Mentally Mothers" is a perfect example of a research proposal on health sciences and medicine.... This research seeks to unearth the challenges that mentally challenged mothers experience in their day-to-day struggles to provide their children with parental care....
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Incorporating Visual Aids into ESL Classroom
9 pages (2777 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
The proposal "Incorporating Visual Aids into ESL Classroom" focuses on the critical analysis of the way visual aids help facilitate effective teaching and learning of diverse text materials, thus creating a clear understanding of diverse subjects in the classroom.... ... ... ... The study on the use of visual aids in the ESL classroom has become an effective and innovative approach for enhancing reading comprehension....
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Embryo Glue: Clinical Effectiveness
7 pages (2475 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The research paper 'Embryo Glue: Clinical Effectiveness' investigates the differences in viscosity levels between the ordinary media used for embryo development and a mixture of the said media and EmbryoGlue.... Also, investigate how the toxicity levels within the two setups change over time.... ...
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Safety Culture in Saudi Arabia
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Safety culture relates to the recognition of individual responsibilities in regard to the establishment of a safe and secure working environment.... Moreover, it deals with the removal of possible.... ... ... This paper gives few recommendations through which safety culture can be easily and effectively taught to the Saudi people with respect to their situation. ...
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Is It Vital that Business Ethics Is Taught as a Compulsory Module in Business Schools
6 pages (1760 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This paper "Is It Vital that Business Ethics Is Taught as a Compulsory Module in Business Schools" presents the answer on the question of whether or not business ethics should be taught to aspiring business professionals as a compulsory degree module before they enter the qualified business world....
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Project Management Techniques Used In the Aviation Industry
10 pages (2720 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper " Project Management Techniques Used In the Aviation Industry " is an outstanding example of a management research proposal.... Over the last few decades, there has been a noticeable growth in the number of sectors that are employing different kinds of traditional and innovative project management methods....
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The Motivational Policies Adopted by the Management of Bank AlFalah and Standard Chartered Bank
14 pages (4697 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The paper "The Motivational Policies Adopted by the Management of Bank AlFalah and Standard Chartered Bank" proposes a research study that aims to perform a comparative analysis to examine the effectiveness and significance of the motivational measures, policies adopted by banks of Pakistan.... ... ...
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Risk Assessment
3 pages (750 words) , Download 5 , Research Proposal
Malathion Risk Assessment Malathion Risk Assessment This report assesses the risk to Genericville regarding the application of Malathion as a preventative and precautionary measure to control the mosquito population; and , therefore, control the spread of West Nile Virus (WNV).... ... ... ... This report will address the following conditions: 1....
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The Gambling Industry in the UK
25 pages (8002 words) , Research Proposal
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The gambling industry is relatively large and diverse where all activities are classified as terrestrial and digital gambling.... ... ... ... The paper 'The Gambling Industry in the UK' is a perfect example of a finance and accounting research proposal.... The UK's gambling industry is a part of its legal leisure industry and attracts more than 8 million consumers domestically....
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The Death Penalty with African American Males Vs Minorities
5 pages (1527 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
This paper "The Death Penalty with African American Males Vs Minorities" focuses on the fact that studies show that discriminations are dominant in the capital sentencing process in many states.... The studies have shown that African American Males are at greater risk of suffering capital punishment....
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Do We Need $ 75,000 a Year to Be Happy
7 pages (1964 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The question of the paper "Do We Need $ 75,000 a Year to Be Happy" is based on an individual's evaluation of life by considering the factors that are significant for personal happiness and well-being.... To answer the question the respondents are supposed to express their thoughts about their life....
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The Effectiveness of Human Resource Management
8 pages (2233 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The paper "The Effectiveness of Human Resource Management" highlights that the growing long term effectiveness of sound HR policies is now showing its fruits in multinationals; hence the HR manager now works as a strategic business partner in the organization (Barrie, 2010).... .... ... ... In general, the literature related to the effectiveness of HR managers is underdeveloped when compared to other management and business functions....
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