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Immigration Status In Access to Health Care And Insurance Among the Polish Immigrants In the USA - Research Proposal Example

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The proposed study will be conducted to find out if the legal or illegal status of Polish immigrants in America plays a role in their access to Health care, health insurance and related services. The suggested design for this study is e-survey, i.e., internet based survey. …
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Immigration Status In Access to Health Care And Insurance Among the Polish Immigrants In the USA
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Immigration status in access to Health care and Insurance among the Polish immigrants in the USA. Submitted by:_____________ Institute:_________________ Date of submission:_________ Abstract The proposed study will be conducted to find out if the legal or illegal status of Polish immigrants in America plays a role in their access to Health care, health insurance and related services. The suggested design for this study is e-survey, i.e., internet based survey. The sample will be randomly selected from an electronic list of Polish immigrants in USA. The survey questionnaire will be self developed, addressing the main queries regarding the status of immigrants and their access to health care and related facilities. The results will be analyzed using descriptive statistics (Mean) and the findings will be presented with aid of graphs and tables. 1. Introduction The suggested study relates to legal and illegal polish immigrants and their access to health care and insurance services in the United States of America. The study attempts to determine the effects of immigration status (Legal v/s illegal) on the access to health care and related services in America. 1.1 Problem Statement To determine whether or not the status (Legal v/s illegal) of Polish immigrants affect their access to health care, insurance and related services in America. 1.2 Theoretical Framework In 1965, amendments were made in the Immigration and nationality act of USA to encourage more immigrants in the country. Some of the illegal immigrants were also granted legal migration and citizenship under the Immigration reform and control act (Pogue, 2010). According to Fairus, cited in Pogue (2010), this encouraged illegal immigration to quite an extent and motivated law breaking through illegal immigration. Zimmerman (2009) argues that ethically, it is wrong to deny health care to the illegal immigrants. According to Zimmerman, health care must be included in basic human rights and it must not be denied under any circumstances to any group of people. 1.3 Literature Review Some available literature on this topic is reviewed below: Ku and Matani conducted a study in 2001 to find out issues faced by immigrants in USA regarding access to health care and insurance. Ambulatory care, Medicaid and job based insurance were studied in this regard. They found out that the recent changes in the immigarnts’ policy have limited the access of illegal immigrants to health care and insurance facilities (Ku & Matani, 2001). The study further found that even if insured, illegal immigrants are discriminated from American citizens when it comes to health care facilities. In another study, Asch and colleagues (1994) investigated whether or not there was a relationship between fear of being caught as illegal immigrant and seeking treatment for tuberculosis. They found out a positive correlation between the two variables. 20% of the sample who delayed their checkups for treatment of tuberculosis were illegal immigrants out of which 6% reported fearing trouble with immigration authority might result occur as a result of seeking treatment (Asch, et al; 1994). The researchers further concluded that any legislation that hinders seeking of treatment among immigrants might contribute to further outspread of Tuberculosis in the USA. In another study, Carrasquillo and colleagues (2000) examined the health insurance coverage among immigrants in USA, and, using the latest population survey at that time, compared the insurance coverage rates of immigrants with respect to their countries of origin. It was found that among the non citizens, 43% comprised of children, while 12% were elderly. It was further concluded that immigrants from Guatemala, Mexico, Haiti, Korea, El Salvador and Vietnam were more likely to be un-insured (Carrasquillo, et al; 2000). The main finding of the study was that the immigrants who were non US citizens are much less likely to receive employer sponsored health insurance or government coverage. A cross national population survey was conducted in 2006 by Lasser and colleagues. They compared the disparities in access to health care on base of race income and immigrant status in Canada and America. The results showed that disparities in access to health care, insurance and medical services on basis of race, income class and immigrant status existed in both the countries, but the rate was found to be higher in USA than in Canada. According to Okie (2007), the US law requires an immigrant to complete five years in the state until a permanent residence proof (green card) is handed to them. After obtaining this lawful permanent residency they are entitled to apply for federal services. Some states however, use their own funds to extent health care to immigrants. These include some areas of: Columbian states, Illinois, New York and Columbia. Other states on comparison such as Virginia, Arizona, Colorado and Georgia have passed certain laws that have added to the restrictions in noncitizens access to health care services. Okie (2007) argues that poor or limited health care provision for immigrants in something the whole state has to pay for eventually. This argument is supported by an example: if the immigrants will not afford screening scans, immunizations and birth control treatments (while the labor costs of illegal immigrant women are covered under the state emergency Medicaid law and prenatal care for the child of the same mother is denied), eventually they will be at high risk of infecting other citizens and added infected or unhealthy individuals into the population. On the contrary, Feere (2009) argues that despite all the legislation to bar illegal immigrants from the tax payer services including health care, there is no proper mechanism to enforce such legislation in the USA. A data base on immigrants has always been avoided by the US government and Feere (2009) further supports this argument by the fact that though the Systematic alien verification for entitlements (SAVE) is functioning effectively in screening the illegal immigrants, yet the government is not using its data to impose a tight check on health care services provision. Therefore, Feere (2009) argues that immigrants are getting access to health care facility irrespective of their legal or illegal immigrant status. Similarly, in an article titled ‘Universal healthcare reform for illegal immigrants’, the writer states that in America’s affordable health choices act 2009, it is clearly stated that there is no provision of health care services for illegal immigrants. But, it is further argued, that an average illegal immigrant can still get access to federal subsidiaries health care and provisions due to some loop holes left open in the mechanism (Things Considered, 2009). The above literature review has doubtlessly identified a controversy I the existing literature on the topic. This calls for new research studies to determine whether or not illegal status of immigrants poses a hindrance in access to health care coverage and insurance. 1.4 Hypothesis It is hypothesized in light of literature review that: ‘Illegal immigration status limits the access to health care and insurance facilities among Polish immigrants in the USA.’ 1.5 Rationale for the Study The purpose of this study is to find out whether or not the legal or illegal Immigration status acts as a barrier to seeking and getting access to health care and insurance facility in the USA. There has been considerable research on the topic and there are theories that support both sides of the case. The literature review has revealed contradictory information on the issue. This study is needed to find out the truth about access to healthcare and insurance available to immigrants in the USA. 1.6 Significance of the Study This study will prove to be very helpful in the field of social services. It will provide an insight into the issues faced by illegal polish immigrants in access to healthcare and will point new directions for further research in the field. 1.7 Role of the Study in counseling This study is personally important to me since it will enhance my research skills; give me more insight into the causes of psychological deprivations among immigrants and will make me more sensitive as a counselor towards the health needs of immigrants. ` 2. Method The method includes the following: 2.1 Participants The participants will consist of a random sample, drawn from a list of available Polish immigrants, who have an e mail ID on the web. Total number of participants will be 25, and these will be randomly selected. 2.2 Material The material needed for this study includes: Computer, internet, Microsoft word processor and software for making representative graphs, Microsoft excel to make elaborative tables showing the results. The study will also require an electronic questionnaire which is easy to fill and not too large a file to be difficult to download and upload and this questionnaire will be bilingual for the ease of Polish immigrants who do not understand or cannot read English. 2.3 Methodology The methodology for this study is e-surveying and the study will be descriptive in terms of nature and statistical analysis. 2.4 Procedure Steps to be followed The steps to be followed in conduction of this study include: Identification of problem statement, review of the available literature, formulation of a hypothesis statement, planning the methodology, drawing the sample, collecting the data, analyzing the data, drawing the results, and presenting the findings in a concise yet comprehensive manner. Measures of Control A common control issue with e surveying according to Anderson & Kanuka (as cited in Goodwin, 2009), is that almost 85% of the respondents delete survey e mails, yielding a very low response rate. As a precaution for this issue, I will use a catchy line to be the subject of my survey email, so that people take out some time to fill my questionnaire. Since this study deals with immigrants, who might not know English, therefore, to ensure reliability of scores obtained, the questionnaire will be provided in their language as well. Similarly, the researcher will have to provide the briefing form and the informed consent forms in Polish language also. Ethical considerations Ethically, as a researcher, I am bound to provide my respondents with a briefing form that has: information about the study and its potential significance (Also potential hazards if any), assurance of confidentiality at all costs and my complete details in case the respondent wants to contact me at a later stage regarding some un foreseen issue raised by the study. Furthermore, I will obtain an electronically signed informed consent from all the respondents which will state that they are participating in the study at their own will and they can withdraw this participation at any point during the study if they so desire. 3. Results The results will be formed and presented on bases of analysis of the obtained data. 3.1 Data Analysis The questionnaires will be first be sorted in terms of those filled by legal immigrants and those by illegal immigrants on basis of the answers obtained by each respondent on the first question. The remaining part of the questionnaires will be analyzed using descriptive statistics, mean scores of the sample on each question. The mean scores of each group (legal and illegal immigrants) will be compared to draw results. Since each question is studying one aspect of health care in immigration (see appendix), therefore it will be easy to analyze the data in terms of mean score of the respondents of each of the questions. 3.2 Representation of Data The results drawn through the data obtained will be represented in a concise manner using multiple tables and graphs so that the reader can understand the findings at a glance. 3.3 Expected Findings In light of literature review, it is expected that the hypothesis will be accepted. Though some papers have also highlighted contrary results, but most theories and studies are in favor of the hypothesis. References Asch, S; Leake, B & Gelberg, L. (1994). Does fear of immigration authorities deter tuberculosis patients from seeking care? West J Med. Vol: 161, 373-376 Carrasquillo, Q; Carrasquillo, A.I & Shea, S. (2000). Health insurance coverage of immigrants living in the United States: Differences by citizenship status and country of origin. American journal of public health. Vol: 90: 6 Feere, J. (2009). Does the Health Care Bill Bar Illegal Aliens from Taxpayer Funds? Not Really. Retrieved from: on August 16th, 2010 Goodwin, C.J. (2010). Research in psychology methods and design 6th edition. Danvers, MA: Wiley & sons, Inc. Ku, L & Matani, S. (2001). Left out- Immigrants’ access to health care and insurance. Hope project, Health affairs. The people to people health foundation, Inc. Vol: 20: 1 Lasser, K; Himmelstien, D & woodhandler, S. (2006). Access to care, health status, and health disparities in the United States and Canada: Results of a Cross-National Population-Based Survey. American journal of public health. Vol: 96: Okie, S. (2007). Perspectibe: Immigrants and health care. New England Journal of Medicine. Vol: 357:6 Pogue, C. (2010). Health care to illegal immigarants- a matter of public policy. Retrieved from:"Healthcare+to+Illegal+Immigrants+ A+Matter+of+Public+Policy"-a01074113437 on August 17th, 2010 Things Considered. (2009). Universal health care reform for illegal immigrants. Retrieved from: on August 16th, 2010 Zimmerman, K. (2009). Should illegal immigrants be entitled to receive benefits? Retrieved from: on August 16th 2010 Appendix Sample questionnaire to be used in the proposed survey: 1. What is your current immigration status? a)     Citizen by Naturalization b)    Legal Resident- Green Card c)     Undocumented Status d)    Other _________________ 2. Do you and members of your household currently have health coverage (insurance)? a)     Yes b)    No c)     Some in the household do, some do not (please explain)________________________________ 3. Do you and members of your household currently have an access to primary medical care such as Medicaid or any other? a)     Yes b)    No c)     Some in the household do, some do not (please explain)________________________________ 4. Do you think your health and access to a medical care has been affected in any way because of your immigrant status? a)     Yes (please explain)_______________________ b)    No (please explain)________________________ c)     Other____________________________________ 5. What type of difficulties do you experience when seeking medical care? a)     No health coverage b)    Language barrier c)     Lack of legal documents d)    Did not know where to seek care ( please specify)__________________________________ 6. If choosing a Doctor are you looking for Polish or American health care provider? a)     Polish health provider b)    American health provider c)     Other_________________ 7. Do you feel that there is any discriminatory behavior on part of medical staff due to your immigration status? a) Yes b) No 8. Do you believe that your immigrant status has posed a difficulty in your seeking of health insurance? a) Yes b) No Scoring: All yes responses other than first question will be scored 1 point, and no will be scored zero. Other responses will not be scored, but will be used to form a part of discussion that deals with the additional finding of the study. The responses on first question will be used to sort the participants as legal or illegal immigrants. Read More
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