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Establishing Collective Commitment
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
This will involve evaluation of contribution by the high-performing collaborative teams; enquiry and reflection on the results of each collaborative team by assessing their expectations, modeling and monitoring the interactions to ensure safe and orderly environment with respect to intergenerational gap, and involvement in life-long interactions and behaviors via the professional help by the evaluators....
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Maus Art Spiegelman - Symbolism, Content, and Graphics
6 pages (1671 words) , Download 0 , Book Report/Review
The paper "Maus Art Spiegelman - Symbolism, Content, and Graphics" analyses the artistic intention showing another side of the culture of the war and what occurred, through creating dark humor used in the graphics, symbolism, and the overall use of the comic strip to show another side to WWII.... ...
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Expressionism and Impressionism as Philosophies of Art
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
The aim of this essay is to analyze what the difference between expressionism and impressionism as philosophies of art.... Before differentiating expressionism from impressionism as philosophies of art, it is important to mention that in art, there is really no cut in stone classification.... .... ...
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Art and Human Perspectives of Visual Culture
9 pages (2576 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
This literature review "Art and Human Perspectives of Visual Culture" discusses art and visual culture that is advancing at a rapid pace thanks to the multimedia sector that is making images to compete with words and sounds to incorporate the modern digital and interactive multimedia culture....
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Goals of Impressionism as Visual Art
6 pages (1524 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
"Goals of Impressionism as Visual Art" paper argues that the shadowy effects are developed with spontaneity to represent both indoors and outdoors.... Impressionist paintings such as The Cradle by Berthe Morisot and Sunset at Ivry by Armand Guillaumin summarily reveal the consistent artistic beauty....
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The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
literature, Arts and Medicine. ... This paper asks what if all of a sudden something happens that will disallow the person to have the ability to do the normal and the ordinary.... It is an invalid's worst nightmare.... This crisis being described happened to a character in a Franz Kafka novella....
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Book report on Greek People
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Name of of Professor Name of Course Date Greek People It has been observed that every field of science, philosophy or art can be traced back to the Greeks as they were masters of everything that crossed their paths.... Though the Ancient Greeks existed centuries before Christ but still they are remembered through one way or another....
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Listening, Speaking, or Indulging in Other Forms of Communication
12 pages (3498 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper 'Listening, Speaking, or Indulging in Other Forms of Communication' is an intriguing example of the literature review on communication.... The paper 'Listening, Speaking, or Indulging in Other Forms of Communication' is an intriguing example of the literature review on communication.... However informative these texts might be, it is difficult to find follow-up literature to support these classifications (Ford, Wolvin and Chung, 2000)....
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Contemporary Education Issues
7 pages (1947 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
The case of children performing well in school does not show any relationship with the level of parental choice impacted.... The paper "Contemporary Education Issues" specifically raises the issues which face physically challenged children and youths.... Parental choice is a possible remedy to the existing issue of indecisiveness by these physically challenged individuals....
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Analysis of The Lonely Planet
6 pages (1947 words) , Download 0 , Book Report/Review
There are other people that contributed to its acquisition but after the purchase by the BBC, they are only allowed to contribute on the book reviews and editing (Finkelstein and Alistair, 2005).... The literature review surrounding this book is not well established, as critics from various scholars seem to outweigh the research efforts in the evaluation of the impacts and influence of this book to the entire society.... The paper is a significant source of literature that can be adapted now by the public as well by the future generations. ...
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Human Resource Management Overview in Health Care
7 pages (1901 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
he literature related to resource-based view (RBV) of companies reviews the level of employees' knowledge, expertise, and capabilities along with their motivation and loyalty to be inseparable with the human capital of companies.... The paper 'Human Resource Management Overview in Health Care ' is an engrossing example of human resources literature review.... In this regard, past literature review can be helpful for healthcare human resource managers to manage their roles efficiently with the ever changing focus. ...
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Diabetes among Indigenous Australians
7 pages (2203 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
u/chronic-conditions/diabetes/reviews/our-review [Accessed 1st September 2014] ... The literature included will be analysed and evidence accrued.... The paper "Diabetes among Indigenous Australians" states that generally, low birth weights are a factor and so extra help may be needed for expectant mothers, and those likely to become so, in order to ensure healthier pregnancies and higher birth weights....
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Quantitative Risk Assessment
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 4 , Literature review
(2001) again along with the risk management techniques discussed in the literature review above, it can be clearly understood that the value at risk measure is suitable only for financial industry or investment companies.... The article highlights the following major risks faced by non- financial companies along with their risk management techniques, which are also discussed in the literature review above ... brief overview of each of these risks along with the help of other literature is as follows ...
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British Women Poetry - Elizabeth Hands
7 pages (2131 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
For them, writing receipts, instructing them of how "To warm a cold breast of veal, like a ragou, / Or to make cowslip wine, that would pass for Champaign ;" (lines 51-52) were the things that a servant girl was supposed to and is capable of performing.... The author of this paper "British Women Poetry - Elizabeth Hands" will make an earnest attempt to present a critical analysis of A Poem, on the Supposition of an advertisement appearing in a morning paper, of the publication of a volume of poems, by a servant maid....
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The last lecture by Randy pausch
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Movie Review
Some of the techniques he uses like humor are natural to him, but some techniques like performing push-ups and constant microphone adjustment are intentional and meant to make the show lively.... Pausch's speech went viral, not because of the subject it addressed but because of the subject it avoided; the subject of cancer, and that he had a few months to live at the time of delivering the speech....
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Islamic Banks and Profitability Empirical Analysis of Indonesia
24 pages (6595 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
The review "Islamic Banks and Profitability Empirical Analysis of Indonesia" critically analyzes the Islamic banks and profitability in the context of Indonesia.... It discusses the underpinning of Indonesia and its economy, bank regulation in Indonesia, the banking industry, and the financial crisis....
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Walled States, Waning Sovereignty by Wendy Brown
7 pages (1797 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Brown also argues that walls act as a symbol of protection, and project the imago of God-like sovereignty as well as performing the work of political legitimization of nations and consolation for the state's subjects (Brown, 2010).... The paper "Walled States, Waning Sovereignty by Wendy Brown " discusses that indexing, resembling, and contributing to the production and reproduction of race in many different ways, a critical task as one of accounting for stolid endurance of the national idea....
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An Experience of Hell for Innocent People
4 pages (1064 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
??In: Section: Arguing In the arts and Humanities.... “A New Kind Of War”In: arts and Humanities, 127-131. ... From the paper "An Experience of Hell for Innocent People" it is clear that the extraordinary tale of ordinary people would unite us more strongly to fail pervert designs of few maniacs or the vested interests of really strong nations over the weaker ones....
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To Build a Strong Brand within the Fashion Industry
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
It is evident from the study that brand plays an extremely important role in the consumer buying behaviour.... Strong brand provides intangible value to the companies that result in the enhanced productivity, profitability and better relationship with the customers.... ... ... ... The intention of this study is a brand as a sign, term, symbol or design or combination of all these used by the marketers to differentiate the goods or services from that of the competitors....
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The Concept of an Optimum Currency Area
4 pages (1388 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
- A literature Review of the of the Concerned 4 May An Optimum Currency Area or an Optimal Currency Region are the terms used to refer to such a geographical zone where the sharing of a single currency by the entire region leads to the maximization of economic efficiency (McNamara 1999).... The objective of this literature review is to understand the criteria essential to the achievement of Optimum Currency Areas in the light of the existing academic sources and theories....
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The Last Samurai
2 pages (784 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
The author states that the film is reflected in Japanese literature and the most eloquent ambassadors of Japanese culture; its films and paintings.... He practiced sword fighting and martial arts and the group swore to protect the 'Emperor'.... In the paper 'The Last Samurai' the author analyzes a movie, which was outstanding for many reasons – not the least being its depiction of Japanese society in the days of the great Samurai tribe and the dignity and quietness....
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Selfish Gene
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
Snow has declared science and arts as two distinct cultures, the advent of scientific gadgets have bridged the two distinct poles, "nonscientists want new and improved technology, but they don't want to learn what makes it possible, only that it does work, is instantaneous, and won't harm them"....
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Adam Smiths Theory of Profit
14 pages (3825 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "Adam Smith's Theory of Profit" is a great example of a literature review on macro and microeconomics.... Contents Introduction 3 literature Review 4 Falling Rate of Profit 8 ... Therefore, from the context of the literature review, it can be said that Adam Smith's theory of profit was initially opposed by David Ricardo.... This analysis corresponds with the context of literature review, which states that Adam Smith's definition of profit is based on surplus value approach....
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Social Media and New Age Marketing for Students in China
17 pages (5115 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
3) Another salient feature of online shopping trends globally is that consumers prefer reading reviews from other buyers before purchasing a product online.... This trend of reading expert and user reviews of products before buying them is more prevalent in Asia Pacific (49%), followed by South America (43%), Middle East (40%), North America (33%) and Europe (32%) (Nielson 2010).... An iResearch survey has shown that more and more users will be tempted to shop online as the payment procedures become simpler and the online platforms provide more and more reviews and rankings for the products (cited in EU SME Center 2012)....
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Reality of Work Cultures in the Modern Economy
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
Magill Book reviews.... An author of the following literature review "Reality of Work Cultures in the Modern Economy" intends to examine how the fundamental changes in the structure of the modern organization have impacted the nature and character of the employment process with a focus on small workers.... agtasos, M R 2011 Quality of Work Life: A Review of literature....
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Choosing Research Methods
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
orelli, A 2005, The performance technologist's toolbox: literature reviews, viewed 15 February 2013, .... The author of this literature review entitled "Choosing Research Methods" casts light on the research methodology.... To create a list of concrete human resource activities within each category, the authors have used literature review method, which is very helpful for a researcher with limited experience for getting “critical examination and comparison to have better understanding” (Panneerselvam 2004, p....
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RFID for Museum and Art Gallery Collections
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
The purpose of the report 'RFID for Museum and Art Gallery Collections' is to provide an idea of using mobile technologies to improve the museum's efficiency through identifying items which are most as well as least popular with the visitors, providing interactive information of the display item....
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Consumer Analysis for Tesco in the UK
10 pages (2987 words) , Download 4 , Book Report/Review
he literature analysis in my report revealed that it is possible to classify different forms of Internal Marketing according to their scope and dominant perspective into the following groups: ... ?? Meanwhile, in the relationship marketing literature, the inter-relationships among perceived value, satisfaction, brand loyalty, and market share figure predominantly (Davis-Sramek 2010, 215-230). ... The measurement items were established based upon an extensive review of the literature and in the case of brand associations, by examining data collected from consumers by means of a qualitative elicitation....
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Fall Prevention Among Elderly Patients
9 pages (2616 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
This literature review "Fall Prevention Among Elderly Patients" emphasizes the aforementioned and suggests strategies for fall-risk assessment and fall prevention.... Review of the literature 2 2 Sherrod and Good (2006) 2 2.... Review of the literature ... Although subjects are not included in the study, this does not detract from its overall value since Cheek, Nikpour and Nowling (2005) undertake a comprehensive review of the literature on elderly patient fall risk-factors for the purpose of identifying the most prominent ones....
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The National Health Service and How it Provides Service to the Public
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
It reviews literature on the quality of service offered by the National Health Service and proposes new ways of service delivery.... This paper will review literature on all the attempts made by the government to ensure that the citizens get quality healthcare and enumerate the reasons why some of them flopped as others succeeded....
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Sequence Steps of Scaffolding Literacy
6 pages (1765 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The scaffolding literacy pedagogy should focus at working with literature texts which are age-appropriate for students at any given age and level.... The paper 'Sequence Steps of Scaffolding Literacy' is focused on Scaffolding literacy (SL), a term used to refer to the methodology designed to assist students in reading and writing literacy texts that seem challenging and to comprehend written language texts....
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An Evaluation of the Personalisation Agenda and the effect on Adults with Learning Disabilities
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
literature Review Personalisation is a concept that is transforming how social work is done in the UK.... This literature review will further provide information about personalisation and how it works or does not work for the adult with learning disabilities.... Lelkes suggests that the role of social workers has not been directly identified by the literature on personalisation....
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Burnout and Physical Health among Social Workers
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
The literature review section has clear description of the main theories and concepts applied during the research.... The authors use implications of the problem to tie it to the research making it easy for the audience to understand without fear of insufficient literature review (Hamsung &Kao, 2011).... Resolutely, the survey also relied on a lot of literature review and self-report data depending on respondents to provide information on individual experiences, truthfully and accurately; therefore, the information unknown to the participants is not included (Hamsung &Kao, 2011)....
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Why is There a Gender Pay Gap Against Women
8 pages (2590 words) , Download 4 , Literature review
The literature in relation to labour economics displays quite an extended amount and degree of attention towards the assessment of the prevailing wage inequity.... ritical literature Review on Why is There a Gender Pay Gap Against Women?... Table of Contents Critical literature Review on Why is There a Gender PayGap Against Women?... 1 Table of Contents 2 Introduction 3 Background Study 3 Comprehending the Reasons behind Gender Wage Gap 3 Conclusion 7 References 9 Introduction The literature in relation to the labour economics has been known to display quite an extended amount and degree of attention towards the assessment of the prevailing wage inequity....
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The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
12 pages (3272 words) , Download 0 , Book Report/Review
The Marxist views bring on board the fact that literature is a mirror that reflects the society's culture, the events in the text reflect the typical life of the Afghan people due to political unrest in their country.... As a newer philosophy in literature as a thought and as a study it is still evolving.... Most works of art are dominated by the male; in historical records and the works of literature so the whole world literature has been masculine biased and the subsequent harmful and inaccurate image of women being brought out....
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Corporate Social Responsibility and Globalization
10 pages (2818 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "Corporate Social Responsibility and Globalization" is an outstanding example of a management literature review.... The paper "Corporate Social Responsibility and Globalization" is an outstanding example of a management literature review.... Global frameworks on corporate social responsibility have significantly gained high popularity in the last decades....
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Grand Theory and Middle-Range Theory in HR Planning
6 pages (2027 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Within the literature, this field of study is commonly known as 'strategic human resource management.... Within the literature, this field of study is commonly known as 'strategic human resource management' (e.... The paper "Grand Theory and Middle-Range Theory in HR Planning" provides a deep insight into how external factors affect human resource planning and makes recommendations as to how multilevel conceptualizations between a grand theory and a middle-range theory can benefit HR planning....
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Robotics: Types of Robots and Benefits
6 pages (1975 words) , Download 4 , Literature review
The robotic hand is part of specialized equipment used to assist surgeons in performing risky operations.... This paper ''Robotics: Types of Robots and Benefits'' discusses that robots can generally be categorized by how involved humans are in the machine's functions.... Thus, robots can be grouped into human operated, semi-autonomous and fully autonomous....
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The Relationship between Iran and Saudi Arabia
41 pages (9946 words) , Literature review
"The Relationship between Iran and Saudi Arabia" paper reviews the literature on the history of relations between the KSA and Iran, including literature on relations between the two states before the Islamic Revolution in Iran, immediately after the revolution, relations in the 1980s.... Review literature on the relationship between the KSA and Iran during the period between the 2003 fall of Saddam and the start of the Arab Spring, including proxy wars that occurred between 2003 and 2011....
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The Process of Protein Purification
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
REVIEW OF RELATED literature I.... Recent advancements in molecular biology have led to purification and characterization of proteins.... This type of study is important, especially when molecular defects, such as lack of enzymes, or overproduction thereof, are associated with diseases that have seemed incurable in the past....
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Merit Pay and Performance
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
The work examines the question based on recent literature.... Based on evidence provided by the literature, there is good support for the view that merit pays can influence employee performance.... Given a possibly considerable support for merit pay, what does recent literature say on merit pay and performance?... 11) pointed out that in the Neal study, “strong suggestive evidence” is found in the literature that indicate that teacher efforts increase with merit pay although there are “exceptions” like the merit pay in England and Portugal where merit pay was extended based on “subjective assessments” and, thus, did not work....
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Christmas as Consumption Fantasyland in the UK, US and Tunisia
10 pages (2778 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "Christmas as Consumption Fantasyland in the UK, US and Tunisia" is a great example of a culture literature review.... A majority of the marketing literature that has made an attempt to examine the argument have examined the characteristics and impacts of consumption during some ritual events like Christmas.... The paper "Christmas as Consumption Fantasyland in the UK, US and Tunisia" is a great example of a culture literature review....
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Collaboration between NGOs and Business in the Green Product Market
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
This research review will take its point in the emerging literature about NGO-business partnerships particularly in delivering programs on environmental issues.... How they work together in a partnership mode is the topic of the review of literature.... The review 'Collaboration between NGOs and Business in the Green Product Market' on the example of Nordic Partnership provides insight into the effectiveness of such associations developed for wealth creation, technological innovation and political emancipation in the developing markets....
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Femininity and consumption
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
The literature stands out in that such a connection is rarely spoken of.... In this case, however, Breward presents a more In the following review, his main arguments are presented as they add up to reveal this connection as well as how they point at the literature as a commendable read.... Maya's Journal of Dress and Fashion is applied in the literature as the journal of reference in that it emerged, and although similar publications existed at the time, was able to outdo its competitors to become a female's favorite lead....
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The Relationships Between Festivals and Tourism
11 pages (3164 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
This literature review "The Relationships Between Festivals and Tourism" focuses on festivals that can provide a major boost for tourism in a country.... n 2009 Kilkenny arts Festival Pulled in 100,000 and produced more than 30,000 cot nights Spraoi Street Festival - Waterford Attracted 100,000 guests Guinness Jazz Festival - Cork Generated €5m approx Fleadh Cheoil na heireann – Cavan Produced €19.... According to Fáilte Ireland, (2009) 2002 -2006 Fáilte Ireland upheld in excess of 400 festivals - venture of €16m and Government speculation (2009) - €551m Incorporates €405m for current using and €146m for capital ventures All out allotment for the arts, Culture and Film area €185m (multiplied -5 years....
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The Issue of Mechanical Ventilated Treatment among the Elderly
8 pages (2327 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "The Issue of Mechanical Ventilated Treatment among the Elderly" is a good example of a literature review on nursing.... The paper "The Issue of Mechanical Ventilated Treatment among the Elderly" is a good example of a literature review on nursing.... This paper used literature that discussed some of challenges arising from mechanical ventilated treatment so as to address the research question.... Data and information from these literature articles is used to provide extensive insight on this treatment technique as well as educate both patients and health workers on the risks associated with it....
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Bullying in the Workplace - Rights, and Responsibilities of the Employer
10 pages (2903 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
In this particular paper, bullying is viewed from an organizational perspective and a concise overview of the existing literature that relates to this issue is undertaken.... The paper first discusses what qualifies to be workplace bullying and indicates the extent of this problem as professional as well as academic literature reveal.... “Workplace Bullying: An Integrative literature Review.... The student was actually performing the task since cubical one to four was allocated to the student and the preceptor....
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Effects of Alcohol Abuse in Youth Leading To Anti-Social Behavior
8 pages (2546 words) , Download 5 , Literature review
Neuroscience and Biobehavioral reviews 24:417–463.... This literature review "Effects of Alcohol Abuse in Youth Leading To Anti-Social Behavior" focuses on is a relation between antisocial behavior and alcohol abuse among the youth.... Most young people perceive alcohol-related antisocial behaviors as being very small matters....
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The Foundations of Aristotle's Theory of Art
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 0 , Book Report/Review
The author states that the understanding of Aristotle's views on art is the toughest of the options.... He tenders his explanation on art with conditions applied.... He articulates his explanations by dissecting plays as tragedy and comedy.... He visualizes something beyond mere entertainment.... ...
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The Art of Making Jidaigeki Movies
9 pages (2341 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
This review gives detailed information about the making of jidaigeki movies.... "The Art of Making Jidaigeki Movies" provides the history, features, the symbolism of these movies and describes how they are connected with Japanese culture and what they are about.... ... ... ... The jidaigeki also known as 'Period films' were Japanese films set up during the Tokugawa or Edo period that ranged between 1603 and 1868 (Kwok & McKnight, 2002, p....
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