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The pianist of willesden lane
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
Lisa Jura who is the mother is a young Jewish pianist, had to escape the wrath of Nazi regime in order to accomplish her dream of performing in a concert.... Your Name Instructor Subject Date The play the pianist Willesden lane.... The play by Mona Golabek who performs her mother's experienced in Vienna, in 1938 and London....
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Mumia's speech
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
Explain in detail how the police use Panoptic tactics in performing their job.... Mumias speech centered on the inherent culture of the Goddard College and the need to come out of the institution more prepared to face the challenges of the world.... Mumia challenged the students to rise to the occasion and further tendencies that would bring social change and....
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Jonestown: Largest Murder Suicide
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
Groups of people performing confused acts as if they are not able to think for themselves these people act like automatons, and worship their church leaders (Greenberg & Watts 171).... Name: Instructor: Course: Date: Jonestown-Largest Murder Suicide What was the People's Temple and how did it develop?...
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Psychoneuroendocrinology: the Story of Depression
5 pages (2081 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
MAJOR DEPRESSIVE DISORDER (DEPRESSION literature REVIEW By ……… …….... or the approach of the subject “Major Depressive Disorder: literature review” the sources of information that were used consisted of medical databases on the internet, that are highly reputed for containing original and up-to-date research articles on various fields of modern medicine. ... he keywords used for database search were relevant to the demands of the literature review paper and included “depression and diagnosis”, “depression and assessment”, “depression and treatment”, “depression and outcomes”....
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The Experiences of Oncology Nurses
9 pages (2544 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "The Experiences of Oncology Nurses" is a good example of a literature review on nursing.... The paper "The Experiences of Oncology Nurses" is a good example of a literature review on nursing.... The researchers' literature review indicated that patients do not reap the full benefits of care because of the gap that exist between what is practiced and what research shows (Institute of Medicine, 2001).... The researchers' literature review led to the conclusions that although infrastructures that support EBP have been implemented, there have not been any intervention studies that evaluate the process of the outcomes of these infrastructures that support EBP....
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Non-Invasive Ventilation
24 pages (7822 words) , Download 4 , Literature review
This literature review "Non-Invasive Ventilation" is about the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is among the leading global causes of chronic morbidity.... The airflow limitation is usually both progressive and associated with an abnormal; the inflammatory response of the lungs to noxious particles....
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Impact of Culture on Change
5 pages (27 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
This literature review "Impact of Culture on Change" examines the effect of organizational culture on change initiatives.... The literature review shall identify methods under which change agents build an organizational culture that is change-friendly.... ... ... ...
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Invisible Details in Black Swan by Aronofsky
1 pages (284 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
The movie review "Invisible Details in Black Swan by Aronofsky" states that having viewed the film, it was difficult not to interject with the reviews made by the critics of 'Black Swan' (Aronofsky, 2010).... Both reviews were similar in the sense that they both carried sarcastic tones in the reviews.... These two reviews also made reference to 'The Red Shoes' which was an earlier ballet film.... However, these two reviews had opposite things to say in terms of the quality of the film....
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Depiction of Holocaust in The War Against the Jews by Lucy Dawidowicz
10 pages (2538 words) , Download 1 , Book Report/Review
awidowicz organized the book into three parts, beginning with the rise of the Third Reich and the institutional Nazi machinery essential in performing the extermination of Jews.... All over the first part of the book the author puts together a compelling case that the Nazi crusade of world expansion was equally committed to performing a world conflict against Jews.... That they ended up performing it on a mass scale is also proven as fact according to the author....
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The Prevalence of Obesity in Saudi Adolescents
7 pages (2572 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
im of This Narrative literature Review ... he aim of this narrative literature review is to investigate the prevalence of obesity in the Saudi adolescent population, identify the causal factors and associated risks and develop recommendations on how such life-threatening health issues can be prevented. ... ource: Database; organisational website; grey literature or information produced by government, academics, business, and industry in print or electronic formats not controlled by commercial publishing....
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Advertising of Binge Drinking
10 pages (2800 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The literature points, to evidence showing that where regulations and the law are abundant and are enforced, that young people have more hurdles to cross and therefore are less prone to abusing alcohol.... literature Review III.... Executive SummaryThe academic and scientific literature provide ample statistics, data and arguments to show that binge drinking is a large and intractable problem among young people between the ages of 18 and 24.... The literature notes that young people are especially vulnerable, given that their developmental struggles are amplified by a recourse to binge drinking and alcohol, and given that young people especially in college have been shown to habitually, and consistently through time, engage in binge drinking to the degree that a large proportion of the population become dependents....
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How Schools Kill Creativity
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
School disciplines that focus on arts, music, drama, and fields that venture into creativity have apparently been left behind.... The bottom subjects are disclosed to always be the arts.... The paper 'How Schools Kill Creativity' provides a viewpoint that discoveries often occur as a result of random errors in the process of experimentation, the school should give children the right to slip, while the modern education system deprives them of the initiative and courage of ingenuity....
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Reasons for Business Process Outsourcing
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
The paper 'Reasons for Business Process Outsourcing' is a perfect example of human resources literature review.... efore outsourcing non-critical business functions, most businesses conduct trial periods with the outsourcers companies to ascertain whether these companies are proficient in performing the outsourced business functions.... performing various tasks for different organizations divides the attention of the outsourced companies thus, making them lack the focus of doing certain tasks perfectly as required by the outsourcing company. ...
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Film Review over Strange Beliefs: Sir Edward Evans-Pritchard (Found on Youtube)
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
Film Review Strange Beliefs: Sir Edward Evans-Pritchard Strange Beliefs: Sir Edward Evans-Pritchard is a video documentary.... This documentary is the concluding piece in “Stranger Abroad” series.... The documentary was first released in 1986, which was directed by Andre Singer and Bruce Dakowski....
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Book Review of Scientific Culture and the Making of the Industrial West by Margaret C. Jacob
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Book Review: Scientific Culture and the Making of the Industrial West by Margaret C.... Jacob Margaret C.... Jacob, the author of the book Scientific Culture and the Making of the Industrial West is a professor at University of California, Los Angeles, and visiting faculty at l'Ecole des hautes etudes and the University of Ulster (UCLA History, n....
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The Awakening by Kate Chopin
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
As such, The Awakening reviews the role of freedom in the contemporary society.... The literature also mildly explores the freedom to pursue a career, with Chopin indicating that Edna began her quest for painting again in life.... Chopin shows that, on her deathbed, Adèle Ratignolle also urged Edna to start performing her social duties and obligations....
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Using Cognitive and Other Learning Theories to Understand Swimming
9 pages (2301 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
This literature review "Using Cognitive and Other Learning Theories to Understand Swimming" discusses major flaws of using the cognitive theory of learning or behaviorism as isolation to comprehend learning led to the development of social learning theory.... Direct Instruction is also a method for demonstrating the skill of swimming by performing particular art by the instructor themselves....
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Analysis of From the Ground Up by Luke Cole and Sheila Foster
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
The author analyzes the book "From the Ground U" by Luke Cole and Sheila Foster, an outstanding piece of literature that explores one of the most contemporary and vital issues of today.... They use the weapon of powerful storytelling to convey the facts and details associated with this long-time activism From the Ground Up by Luke Cole and Sheila Foster (Book Review) The book From the Ground Up by Luke Cole and Sheila Foster is an outstanding piece of literature that explores one of the most contemporary and vital issues of today....
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Book review on Winning Jack Welch (with Suzy Welch) Harper Collins 2005
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Book review on Winning Name Institution Date Winning is an extremely significant text written by Suzy and Jack Welch with the sole aim of answering numerous questions regarding management and business.... For the past several years, Welch is said to have been bombarded with a series of questions from distinct business owners, team managers, employees, as well as HR directors alike....
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Cardiac Nursing
16 pages (3092 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Since this is a literature review, ethical clearance is not necessaryA state-of-the-art review of all journal papers on tobacco smoking research that have been published in international journals over the past 30 years.... ualitative literature reviewThe review began with a comprehensive literature search of terms such as: 'nurse', 'smoking' and 'tobacco'.... ach article located during the literature search was entered into a spreadsheet program for ease of searching and stratification....
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Understanding Business and Management Research Methods
8 pages (3200 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "Understanding Business and Management Research Methods" is an outstanding example of a management literature review.... The paper "Understanding Business and Management Research Methods" is an outstanding example of a management literature review.... he literature review section of the study analysed the research techniques, methods and concepts of the research methodology by connecting them with the model of research onion (Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill, 2009)....
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Ethical Issues in Multinational Organizations
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
This literature is based on ethical issues in organizations and will broadly look at ethical issues and the different stakeholders associated with these issues in different capacities.... This literature is based on ethical issues in organizations and will broadly look at ethical issues and the different stakeholders associated with these issues in the different capacities....
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Impact Of Social Media On Samsung
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
Impact of Social Media on Samsung Table of Contents Table of Contents 2 Introduction 3 Samsung: A Brief Synopsys 3 Research Question 3 literature Review 4 ... ow to investigate this question, substantial amount of literature needs to consult.... Consequently, the next section will review the literature in the same field of study....
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Young peoples attitudes experience of following a healthy diet
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
If yes, what are the possible reasons or explanations for such preference or attitude according to existing literature?... This literature review tries to visit the different views of young people on healthy diet. ... To confirm whether the reasons still hold today, a study will be made by asking a sample of....
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Knowledge of Asthma among Parents of Asthmatic Children
6 pages (1714 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
literature Critique: ... he introduction although clearly relates the objective of the current study but still the background of the literature review presented was limited one and the importance and the subjected significance of the issue is not that much illustrated as required.... bjective of the present literature review: ...
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Narrative, Genre, and Script in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by Rowling
8 pages (2330 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Speculative fiction encompasses all forms of fantastical fiction in literature and arts.... Childrens literature and Learner Empowerment: Children and Teenagers in English Language Education.... Dumbledore, Hogwarts headmaster, addresses the school about the Triwizard competition and the introduction of a new Defence against the Dark arts teacher, Mr....
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Western Lyric Poetry
8 pages (2273 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
ohn II of Castile was a great patron of literature and not a few scholars have cited him as the person who sponsored the rebirth of Castilian lyric poetry.... It was explained above that he encouraged poetry and literature and was himself an educated man.... They were deeply committed to poetry and literature and were renowned among their contemporaries.... The period in literature is no longer characterized by gods and heroes of gargantuan proportions....
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Contemporary Working Mode in Adelaide and Impact of Network Society on Management Styles in Australia
9 pages (2655 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
The Corrosion of Character (Magill Book reviews), [online] available from (18 Nov.... These are performing roles by intellectuals, technicians or administrators who work in alignment with the state through supervising or influencing its programs.... The paper "Contemporary Working Mode in Adelaide and Impact of Network Society on Management Styles in Australia" observes that informal economies typically exist in developing or underdeveloped economies....
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The Great Gatsby by Scott Fitzgerald - the Use of a Single Literary Device
9 pages (2480 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
This could be interpreted as Fitzgeralds own prophetic conclusion to his own life when his partner in the wild and good life, Zelda, dies and he is left with little but bad reviews and jobs writing movie scripts until his death.... om, reviews, Aug.... Irony, symbol, flashback, and foreshadowing are four commonly used devices; others have been utilized by inventive authors of modern literature.... Letters on literature and Politics: 1912-1972....
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The Art of Loving Spiritualizing Love or Subjective Explanation
11 pages (2793 words) , Download 4 , Book Report/Review
he present essay reviews the book ‘The Art of Loving' that shares the life experience of the individual in a unique perspective.... This book review "The Art of Loving –Spiritualizing Love or Subjective Explanation" highlights that the loving anything in the life can make an individual to attain higher virtues and ambitions of individual....
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Cultural Diversity and Organizational Culture
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
The study utilizes various explanations and other literature reviews and processes in order to find solutions and answers to the questions.... An author of this literature review seeks to concern the issue of cultural diversity in organizational management.... Hence, the paper uses a critical and systematic approach to conduct a literature review on studies in cross-cultural management.... Finally, Singh and Selvarajan (2013) conducted a literature review in relation to the spillover of community expectations into the work environment....
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Application of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health in Physiotherapy
24 pages (7223 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
Despite the fact that this classification is newer, it has been shown to have uses in pediatric physiotherapy which will be discussed in the following literature review.... he purpose of this literature review is to explore the usage of the ICF in physiotherapy; with a focus on real-world applications and the effect that usage has on children and adults.... A review of the current literature on the topic (with a focus on physiotherapy) will give an overview of the history, usage, and implications of the ICF on the field and will illustrate how the ICF is implemented in current practice....
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Childhood Obesity in the USA
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
In the paper 'Childhood Obesity in the USA' the author provides a literature review, which is aimed at elucidating current research on childhood obesity and evaluating specific dimensions of this phenomenon.... Childhood Obesity: literature Review Childhood Obesity: literature Review Introduction Childhood obesity is a serious health concern in developed countries.... This literature review is aimed at elucidating current research on childhood obesity and evaluating specific dimensions of this phenomenon....
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Critique of Research Article
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 4 , Book Report/Review
) Introduction: A good overview of the literature was given, along with what the study sought to clarify about how fear of falling adversely affected the lives and well-being of many elderly people and the "activities of daily living (ADL), functional disability, and health related quality of life" (Suzuki et al, 2002).... Though not labeled as a 'problem statement', this did not detract from meaning or understanding, as it was easily inferred from the Introduction, literature review and background of the main researcher....
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American Revolution Plutocracy or Democracy
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Fresia's thesis in the book in question here, for instance, is of great importance, as is the evidence that is provided within this particular piece of literature.... Toward an American Revolution: Exposing the Constitution and Other Illusions is a piece of literature written by Jerry Fresia which holds many relevant and significant issues within its pages.... Fresia's thesis in the book in question here, for instance, is of great importance, as is the evidence that is provided within this particular piece of literature in order to support this thesis of his, and as well being discussed here will be the actual significance of Fresia's book....
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Traditional Thai Shapes, Lines and Curves, Especially in Buddhist Art and Sculpture
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
arts, whatever the type, act as tools to guide and persuade people to think and take action in the righteous way.... This essay discusses to explore traditional Thai shapes, lines, and curves, especially in Buddhist art and sculpture, in order to translate this into pieces of contemporary jewelry which will provoke an ongoing emotional response in the user and ultimately create feelings of calmness and tranquillity....
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Civilian Contract Security in Afghanistan and Iraq
10 pages (2801 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
An author of the following review will attempt to examine the political, economic, legal, and moral implications of the use of contractors, consultants, and mercenaries services in Afghanistan and Iraq.... The writer will analyze the topic in contrast with the US army.... ... ... ... The word 'mercenary' takes on an academic context and perception in meaning in the minds of most people as one associated with individuals who sell or trade their military tactics and expertise for personal financial gain; again not reflective of ideologies of the hiring entity, but a personal and singled-minded gain that compels the mercenary to perform acts of inconceivable violence....
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Healing in Primary Care
12 pages (3463 words) , Download 7 , Literature review
ritical literature review: Healing in primary care Introduction The field of medicine is insufficient without the use of evidence based practices.... Critical evaluation of these articles serves the objectives of this literature review.... Recommendations Recommendations serve the fundamental objective of this critical literature review....
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Construction Management & Economics: Lean Construction
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
However, its current literature suggests that there is more promise than dejection in the coming years in lean construction.... Lean construction literature review The phrase "Lean Construction" was first coined by the International Group for Lean Construction at its inaugural meeting in 1993 (Gleeson et al.... The following four aspectual phases have been suggested in modern literature on the subject as more perceptive in terms of design, performance, delivery and control....
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The Man Who Knew Too Much
2 pages (596 words) , Download 4 , Book Report/Review
The writer argues that where other subjects like literature and law can be discussed with common nonprofessional mathematics, on the other hand, seems to be subjected to only a few that according to the author may be represented as the bliss of sixth sense.... It is true for literature, painting, and even music because every subject has turned in a specialized domain.... literature and music are considered as common entertainment forms but is it a common sight that common people are discussion about G sharp or C minor or Rossini Or for that sub- alter postmodernism Then yes- the degree of penetration varies considerably and mathematics comes last in this perception....
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1900: A Preview of the Twentieth Century
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Since the inception of the modern era, most people in the Indian nation have been engaged in the farming sector; this is because agriculture forms an important part of everyday living as well as a foundation for the manufacturing and commerce sectors of the Indian economy, and.... ... ... India faced a great famine from 1899 to 1900 which created a major setback for the country to grow and develop....
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The United Kingdoms Housing Market
5 pages (1809 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "The United Kingdom's Housing Market" is a perfect example of a literature review on macro and microeconomics.... Macroeconomics and housing: a review of the literature.... Housing prices suddenly increased to a great extent due to insufficient houses built which affected the demands of local people (Agnello and Schuknecht, 2011)....
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Book Review: Cuba: What Everyone Needs to Know by Julia Sweig
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
Julia Sweig paints a vivid picture of Cuba from the time when it was still a Spanish colony through to the twenty first century and the struggles that their country and people have had to undergo in order to reach where they are today.... .... ... ... She uses the format of asking questions throughout the book and coming up with suitable answers to these questions so that a clearer picture of the true history of Cuba, without the bias which it has had to endure from some American writers....
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Book Review - The Bill of Rights: Creation and Reconstruction by Akhil Reed Amar
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Indeed America has been a leading example at the forefront to be read by all countries of the world as far as her democratic administration.... ... ... Democratic developments in America dates back to the early years in the American history and have been the main contributing factors to the rapid development of the United States' social, political, as well as economical welfare....
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Impacts of Marine Litter
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
wenty threatened marine wildlife species, listed under the EPBC Act, are negatively impacted by marine debris, including turtles, sharks, whales, seals, sea lions, dugongs and seabirds, such as the albatross, petrel and pelican (Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the arts, 2009).... The Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the arts.... epartment of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the arts....
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Newspaper Portrayals of Boris Johnson
17 pages (5179 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
EWSPAPER PORTRAYALS OF BORIS JOHNSON IN THE BRITISH NEWSPAPERS Review of literature 1 Media's role in British Society In Britain, the media's role is clearly defined.... This paper ''Newspaper Portrayals of Boris Johnson'' tells us that in Britain, the media's role is defined.... This is indeed an accolade that most researchers have said is the envy of the media elsewhere....
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Prescribing, Transcribing, Dispensing, and Administering of Medications
9 pages (2627 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
Utilizing the research design chosen, the study was founded well on significant literature sources.... The presentation and arrangement of the review of literature that they have done was systematic as the researchers first concentrated on wide-scale knowledge and then narrowed it down to their scope of interest.... There was also, in contrast to its importance, notable absence of theoretical framework that the researches supposedly must have used of in determining “essential concepts and gaps in the literature that will help drive the research design and show the importance of the research” and to outline a more organized process that they should have had been able to follow (Slack & Parent, 2006, p....
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The Role of Parents in Increase of Childhood Obesity in the United Kingdom
26 pages (6137 words) , Download 6 , Literature review
This review "The Role of Parents in Increase of Childhood Obesity in the United Kingdom" analyses to recommend cost-effective remedies to childhood obesity.... The review considers the impact of childhood obesity on the health, social, and economy in the United Kingdom.... ... ... ... The importance of conducting this research revolves around the fact that lifestyle diseases are the leading cause of deaths globally....
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Foreign Direct Investment in Africa
9 pages (2643 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The review "Foreign Direct Investment in Africa" focuses on the critical analysis of the impact of FDI in Africa assessing the relationship between FDI and economic growth and the objective is to review the literature concerning this topic.... FDI in Africa literature Review Introduction: Foreign direct investment (FDI) is one of the fields that are harshly affected by economic globalization.... he aim of this research is to critically evaluate the impact of FDI in Africa assessing the relationship between FDI and economic growth and the objective is to review literature concerning this topic....
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English Romantic Writers by David Perkins
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
Secondly, there is this interesting point about the reading whereby there is a representation of different figures of literature, especially women.... There is no denying the fact that women have played important roles in literature at different times of human existence.... Finally, there is an outstanding feature of the book whereby it explores different forms of literature such as poetry and prose....
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