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Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children Csec
11 pages (3134 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
This literature review "Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children Csec" presents a modern-day phenomenon as it was from the tradition although with increase evolution to match up with the changing times.... n an empirical study, Estes in 2001 sought to understand CSEC with a special attention to literature.... According to the literature reviewed, CSEC has been fueled by such factors as need for survival where children would be used in survival sex to provide for subsistence needs and social influence where the society embraces prostitutions especially as involves the minors (Anon, 2013)....
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Change Management: The Irish Defence Forces Re-Organisation 2012
12 pages (3326 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
These authors suggest creating bi-monthly reviews, especially in a change scenario that will endure for over eight weeks (Sirkin et al.... The paper "Change Management: The Irish Defence Forces Re-Organisation 2012" is an outstanding example of a management literature review.... The paper "Change Management: The Irish Defence Forces Re-Organisation 2012" is an outstanding example of a management literature review.... Theoretical literature on change management strongly indicates such dimensions as establishing shared decision-making, social and professional inter-group consultations, and attempting to inspire motivation through leadership practices....
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Pros and Cons of Directory-Based and Snoopy Protocols
10 pages (3062 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
This article reviews literature on cache coherence with particular attention to cache coherence problem, and the protocols-both hardware and software that have been proposed to solve it.... This paper reviews literature on cache coherence with particular attention to cache coherence problem, and the protocols, both hardware and software that have been proposed to solve it.... Part two reviews literature on cache coherence protocol and describes various protocols....
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The Role of Audit Committees and the Control Environment
12 pages (3017 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
This is realized the out performance reviews, ensuring that the process of information that is accurate and efficient.... The paper "The Role of Audit Committees and the Control Environment" is a perfect example of a literature review on finance and accounting.... The paper "The Role of Audit Committees and the Control Environment" is a perfect example of a literature review on finance and accounting.... Despite the fact, the audit committees play a critical role in managing long term success of the company in performing against its strategy (Dezoort & Salterio, 2001)....
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Chinese Cinema: The Road Home and The Banquet
9 pages (2454 words) , Download 3 , Movie Review
She is trained in traditional Chinese folk dance, renowned for her powerful acting, martial arts grace and for stunning beauty.... So Wu Luan was forced to flee from the palace and sought refuge in a school of arts and decided to lead the life of a scholar.... here is ample evidence for the importance given for traditional Chinese martial arts.... Besides, Ziyi Zang and Daniel Wu are excellent in martial arts.... To an extent, the life of the prince is devoted to martial arts and revenge for his father's murder....
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Divestment: How It Occurs and Consequences from China Market
17 pages (5454 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "Divestment: How It Occurs and Consequences from China Market" is a good example of a literature review on macro and microeconomics.... The scope of international retailing in the markets of developing nations and states has been characterized by the application of a range a models and approaches to ensure that the organizational objectives of the companies which are venturing into such countries are met....
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Failure Factors in Business Organizations
10 pages (2964 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "Failure Factors in Business Organizations" is a wonderful example of a literature review on finance and accounting.... Table of Contents literature Review 2 Introduction 2 Evaluation Methods to Assess the Project Success or Failure 3 Selected Models Used for Evaluation 7 ... he literature much debated over the project management issues, and among these the most important issue is the project success or failure.... The literature has provided a number of critical factors impacting the project success or failure, but all of their studies were different in terms of their objectives and scale....
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Ethics in Public Health
8 pages (2512 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "Ethics in Public Health" suggests that rather than seeing public health promotion by means of behavioral limitations as aggressive to worries concerning the right to use health care as well as the work-related and environmental disease causes, they must be seen as equally supportive.... ...
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Management of Minor Dog Bite Wound
9 pages (2909 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
In this paper, the management of minor dog bite wounds will be elaborated based on a review of literature pertaining to this topic.... In this article, management of minor dog bite wound will be elaborated based on review of literature pertaining to this topic.... A postal survey and review of the literature....
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The Effects of Direct Instruction and Self-Directed Learning on Bilingual Students
9 pages (2813 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
August (2003) reviews several studies that discuss the importance of vocabulary in second language learning.... This literature review "The Effects of Direct Instruction and Self-Directed Learning on Bilingual Students" presents the effects of direct instruction and self-directed learning on bilingual students.... he literature review is from different parts of the world.... These practices include actively valuing the students' home language and culture, providing multicultural and multilingual literature, and being aware of ELLs' different meanings and uses of literacy....
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The Role, Merits and Demerits of Bariatric Surgery
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
This literature review "The Role, Merits and Demerits of Bariatric Surgery " presents recommendations for the treatment of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (DM) in overweight and obese adults keeps surfacing now and then given the increasing incidence of this particular disease over the past few years.... It suggests that in contrast to other treatment modalities which have failed repeatedly, a systematic review of the English literature based on more than 22000 patients revealed that bariatric surgery resulted in complete regression of type 2 diabetes in 77% patients in terms of normal blood glucose levels and discontinuation of diabetic medications (Ferrannini and Mingrone, 2009, p....
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Origin of Old and New Testament Books
5 pages (1550 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
This literature review "Origin of Old and New Testament Books" discusses belief in God that has been part of mankind since the days of creation.... However, it is clear that the books Christians believed appropriately identified their faith comprised of the literature selected for inclusion in the sacred collections of scriptures.... he critical nature of the Neo-Assyrian period involved the preservation of the prophetic oracles as sacred literature....
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Equilibrium and competition in the banking sector
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
opic: Equilibrium and competition in the banking sector literature REVIEW Introduction Equilibrium and competition in the banking sector has been analysed through various general equilibrium banking models along with the role of mediation technology.... literature speaks of limited equilibrium modelling.... literature review discusses the opinions of various authors on the banking products as trade off between competition and financial stability on different risk choices....
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The Presents Cultural, Political and Moral Situation of India
6 pages (1693 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
or instance, a theory describes that India, somehow adopt some western culture perhaps in the field of arts as some of the ancient arts in India don't seem to have similarities but also a conflict rose up as some says that most of the Indian arts today do have ancient touch while some insist the uniqueness of the Indian arts....
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Injuries in Sport: Liability or Consent
10 pages (2743 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "Injuries in Sport: Liability or Consent" is a perfect example of a sports and recreation literature review.... The paper "Injuries in Sport: Liability or Consent" is a perfect example of a sports and recreation literature review.... Sports have become a critical part of society today....
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Maritime Law
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
Topic: Considering the ineffectiveness of the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) on acts of piracy, discuss what additional measures are required to control piracy off the coast of Somalia, and what legal hurdles do such additional measures create with regard to preventing, prosecuting and punishing acts of piracy?...
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Children, Video Games, Violence, and Parental Control
7 pages (1921 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
The literature review mainly relied on survey questions to which 10 middle school children parents responded.... he literature review mainly relied on survey questions to which 10 middle school children parents responded.... The author of the "Children, Video Games, Violence, and Parental Control" paper investigates why parents continue to allow their children to play video games despite recent findings that associate the games with violent behaviors among children....
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Applications of the Equations of Motion
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
The author concludes that the equations of motion can be used to calculate various kinematic variables such as speed, time and the distance traveled.... However, the limitations with these equations of motion are that the acceleration needs to be constant and the line of motion should be straight....
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The Impact of Time Pressure on Pilot Decisions
9 pages (2601 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
This literature review "The Impact of Time Pressure on Pilot Decisions" presents a review of relevant literature as obtained from anecdotal evidence, theoretical experiments, and studies by observation intended to understand how the pilot reacts to time pressure in making judgments in the cockpit.... However scholars are in agreement with regard to what existing literature offers to the industry; faulty pilot decision making is a major factor in the incidence of fatal aviation accidents, empirical data offers valuable insights on how decision making under time pressure ought to be used in the development of program for evaluation and training....
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Book Review - Sisterhood, Interupted - From Radical Women to Girls Gone Wild
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Book Review: Sisterhood, Interrupted.... The book Sisterhood, Interrupted: From Radical Women to Grrls Gone Wild1 is a history of the women's movement updated to include the twenty first century.... As the title suggests, the book covers the emergence of feminist consciousness, as denoted by the concept of sisterhood, and then also a period of some significant backlash in the 1980s and 1990s, as indicated by the word “interrupted”, and finally the contemporary state of feminism which includes the even more radical “Grrls” who embrace a much wider range of straight, lesbian and bisexual identities....
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Comparison of Brideshead Revisited and As You Like It
7 pages (1986 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Book Report/Review, literature Topic: Compare “Brideshead Revisited” and “As You Like it.... The developments that have taken place in English literature for more than three centuries since Shakespeare wrote “As You Like it” are also important when comparing the two literary works and the theme of love....
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Janet Halleys Perspective on Fighting Bodies
8 pages (2487 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
he feminist legal literature and policy about rape shows how we overestimate the incident by taking in view only the post-rape events (Dietz, 2003, p431).... literature after Feminism.... The paper "Janet Halley's Perspective on Fighting Bodies" discusses that Janet Haley's project work shows her limits to create the anti-rape politics that can claim women's rights rather than securing the rights to alienate and own specialized sexuality....
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Trust in Online Retail Relationships in Fashion
23 pages (7208 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
The review "Trust in Online Retail Relationships in Fashion" focuses on the critical analysis of the role of trust in establishing online retail relationships in the fashion industry.... Trust is the single aspect facilitating the achievement of interpersonal relationships between different settings....
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Journal of Ch 9 and 10 in Book, and review 5 court cases
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
Cases Name: Institution: Chapter 9 and 10 of the book criminal procedures and practice appreciates the many tasks that are legally professional and initiate the ideas of processing all cases in the criminal justice systems.... In learning these procedures, it is possible to understand and identify diverse ways in which laws about criminal cases are enforced in relation to the officials of the specific cases....
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Book Review Wherever I Wind Up by R. A. Dickey For Criminal Justice Class
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
In this book, he entails of how his birth brought about the hasty marriage of his parents doomed to failure.... His mother became an alcoholic and his father emotionally unavailable.... This.... ... ... Even normally visible tings would go easily unnoticed in his life by his patents.... To this regard, he got molested on several occasions by his babysitter at the age of 8 and then by a teenage boy at Book Review "Wherever I Wind Up by R....
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Book review of revolution until victory the politics and history of the PLO by Barry Rubin
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Within this scenario, Barry Rubin's works primarily deals with the grass-root level reason behind the influence of religious fundamentalism.... ... ... As the author's primary aim is to unearth the violent aspect of internal politics, less importance is given to the reason behind the same.... In the work named as Revolution until victory?...
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The Connection Between Mental Illness and Crime
33 pages (9046 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
This literature review "The Connection Between Mental Illness and Crime" reviews the existing literature on the connection between violence, crime and mental illness.... Various research literature has been reviewed in this research in order to come up with a suitable stand to justify the existence of a connection between mental conditions and crime....
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Environmental Disease: Bisphenol A
10 pages (4095 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Nature reviews Endocrinology, 6 (7), 363–70. ... The paper "Environmental Disease: Bisphenol A" is an outstanding example of a literature review on environmental studies.... The paper "Environmental Disease: Bisphenol A" is an outstanding example of a literature review on environmental studies.... Bisphenol A (BPA): literature review ... isphenol A (BPA): literature review ... Scientific Opinion on Bisphenol A: evaluation of a study investigating its neurodevelopmental toxicity, review of recent scientific literature on its toxicity and advice on the Danish risk assessment of Bisphenol A....
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Business Ethics Analysis: Abercrombie and Fitch
12 pages (3708 words) , Download 4 , Literature review
literature review – Ethical leadership and stakeholder values Some of those who argue that Abercrombie & Fitch is acting unethically by stating that overweight individuals do not (and cannot) belong in their merchandise argue in favour of social justice theory.... Fleischacker (2011) provides comparative literature addressing business values provided by Adam Smith, who suggested that so long as a business provides value to society and its stakeholders, it is justified in securing, first and foremost, the longevity and profitability of the company....
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Diversity in Organizations: Have We Stopped Caring about It
10 pages (3198 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "Diversity in Organizations: Have We Stopped Caring about It" is an outstanding example of a management literature review.... The paper "Diversity in Organizations: Have We Stopped Caring about It" is an outstanding example of a management literature review.... Diversity in Organizations: Have We Stopped Caring About It Table of Contents Nature of Topics 3 literature Review 4 Talks on Diversity Enhanced in Businesses Internationally 7 ...
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The Classroom Environment and Childrens Choices
21 pages (5328 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
This literature review "The Classroom Environment and Children's Choices" discusses teacher-based factor that has been noted to have a possible influence on book choices for children is the classroom environment created by the teacher (Chall, Jacobs & Baldwin, 2009).... he purpose of this chapter is to critically review the works of literature that are related and relevant to the research problem.... here are four major themes in this review of relevant literature....
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Analysis of Play Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead in Shakespearean Tragedy, Hamlet
6 pages (1550 words) , Download 0 , Book Report/Review
Similar to the variation on the Lord's Prayer, the questioning of canonical literature in this manner is heretical to the literary establishment and is implemented by Stoppard to destabilize the view of ‘literature' as possessing all the answers to humanity's essential questions.... Instead, Stoppard is indicating that in great part literature, like religion, is just as fallible and searching as the normal human being, and humanity should take greater agency in contemplating their existence....
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The Notebook by Nick Cassavetes
17 pages (4355 words) , Download 0 , Movie Review
Movie reviews ... There were several reviews that had been made for this movie.... Print and audio-visuals are two different genres of presentation.... This paper "The Notebook by Nick Cassavetes" aims to compare and scrutinize how these two differ from one another through an analysis of a story presented in both in novel and in a motion picture....
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Quality Management System in Maintenance Work Shop
9 pages (2790 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "Quality Management System in Maintenance Work Shop" is an outstanding example of a management literature review.... The paper "Quality Management System in Maintenance Work Shop" is an outstanding example of a management literature review.... This literature review represents the quality system for the maintenance shop in a petrochemical plant.... ritical Factors to Quality Management System Implementation: relevant literature review 1992-2012 is a paper by Guan & Liao (2014) which highlights the importance of the quality management system (QMS)....
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Traditional Budgeting
9 pages (2505 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
This defeats the purposes of the reviews as it may not be useful by the time the review is completed.... The paper "Traditional Budgeting" is a wonderful example of a literature review on finance and accounting.... The paper "Traditional Budgeting" is a wonderful example of a literature review on finance and accounting.... In some instances, some of the departments may end up performing poorly due to lack of adequate funds as the method is mainly based on the negotiations with the managers (Van der Stede, 2000). ...
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Stress and Its Relationship to Human Health
11 pages (3913 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
Nature reviews Cardiology, 9: 360-370. ... For this reason, the first part of the literature review start by identifying and discussing internal and external stressors followed by analyzing the anatomical and physiological explanation behind the effects of stress on human health.... Eventually, the literature review will focus on discussing the relationship between stress and human health in general terms.... hapter II – literature Review ...
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Carl Hiaasens Florida in Fiction and in Reality
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
A journalist is in a better position to see the squalid reality of life.... However, in most cases he may not be free to vent his feelings.... With all the much ado on the freedom of the press, the journalists are reined and held in check by the policies of the owners of the newspapers; indeed they have their own axe to grind in deciding the priorities of news reporting....
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Organisation Change and Performance of an Organization
20 pages (4 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "Organisation Change and Performance of an Organization" is a good example of a literature review on management.... The paper "Organisation Change and Performance of an Organization" is a good example of a literature review on management.... Organizational change refers to the change in the structure of an organization to cope up with the needs of the situation....
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Electronic Smoking: Concepts, Risks, Benefits & Legal Implications
7 pages (1982 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
This report will provide analyzed literature survey on the subject of electronic cigarette.... It includes a critical and well researched and analyzed literature survey on the subject of electronic cigarette.... It includes a critical and well researched and analyzed literature survey on the subject of electronic cigarette.... his literature survey examines the issues of electronic cigarette....
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The Unique Features of Human Foot
16 pages (5059 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
This article makes an attempt to understand the anatomical and functional aspects of walking by reviewing the available literature. ... This review addresses the unique features of human foot, types of arches, mechanism of walking and human gait; both normal and abnormal; on the basis of available literature. ...
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Luxury Goods Sales in Emerging Markets
24 pages (6000 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
The prime purpose of the report 'Luxury Goods Sales in Emerging Markets' is to present specifics of this commerce through such models and theories as PESTLE, the 7C's, Kotler's Model of the Satisfaction process and TAM and along with examining the Chinese delivery system.... ... .... ... ... Gabrielle Coco Chanel once said that 'luxury is a necessity that begins where necessity ends....
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HR and Line Managers Interaction
5 pages (1533 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
This literature review "HR and Line Managers Interaction" discusses the HR functions that vary from organization to organization depending on the HRM model adopted by the organization and the organization structure.... There were also challenges for line managers in performing their role due to workload, and time pressure. ... The role of HR function and line manager are complementary despite the tensions that exist in performing the roles. ...
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Birth of the American Republic
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
There is a lot of information important enough in the making of world history and the book covers stories of events, discusses biographies of important people, notes important places, the formation of religions, expression of self through arts, music, dances as well as the different languages....
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Community Crime Prevention
7 pages (2136 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
According to the literature review, the measures are aimed at addressing the root cause of crime as well as putting in place preventive measures.... he research relied immensely in literature works.... Different sources of literature were used to obtain materials.... he literature review from different materials answers the questions of strategies and their effectiveness in community crime prevention.... Most of the literature has also identified lack of cooperation by some community members as a factor promoting violent crimes like the domestic violence....
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How to Win Friends and Influence People
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
The book illustrates the primary purpose of the author, which is modification of individuals' behavior in order to win them or influence them into performing other tasks. ... A manager desiring to carry out a tough task should ensure that the information passed on the workers is in such a way that they will not have constraints performing the job....
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Mission and Expansion of Christianity in the First Three Centuries
6 pages (1714 words) , Download 0 , Book Report/Review
Adolf Harnack's book, "Mission and Expansion of Christianity in the First Three centuries," carries out a survey, opening up the life, message, context, literature, and history of the early Christians.... Adolf Harnacks book, “Mission and Expansion of Christianity in the First Three centuries” carries out a survey, opening up the life, message, context, literature, and history of the early Christians....
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HRM Practices, Employee Involvement and Engagement - Wal-Mart
11 pages (3604 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
A central human resource department creates and reviews the company's annual human resource plans (Sabath, et al.... The paper 'HRM Practices, Employee Involvement and Engagement - Wal-Mart " is a great example of a human resources literature review.... his area of study has attracted many researchers who have contributed significant literature on employee involvement and engagement.... From the review of the literature, it is evident that human resource practices often lead to better employee involvement and good performance....
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The Uses of Social Networking Sites and Its Effects on Work Performance and Job Engagement
24 pages (8808 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
The literature review was carried out using research articles to show a comprehensive analysis of the paper.... Six constructs are covered in the literature review; these include work performance, job satisfaction, shared knowledge, work-life balance, organization commitment, Productivity, and work engagement....
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Ethical Human Resource Management
14 pages (4046 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
The paper "Ethical Human Resource Management" is a good example of a literature review on human resources.... ollowing a review of the available literature on the advantages and disadvantages of using social media in making hiring decisions, a conclusion was drawn and recommendations made to organizations concerning if and to what extent social networking sites should be used in the recruitment and selection process.... literature Review ... Therefore, SNSs provide an opportunity for the employer to assess potential candidates' interests and backgrounds which can always be manifested in their pastimes, travel and cultural interests including music, literature and art....
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Research Methods in Information and Communication Technology
5 pages (1452 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
This literature review "Research Methods in Information and Communication Technology" focuses on how the health care sector is increasingly utilizing the power of ICT.... unning Head: Research Methods in ICT Research Methods in ICT Research Methods in ICT literature Review In the 21st century, the health care sector is changing rapidly....
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