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Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children Csec - Literature review Example

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This literature review "Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children Csec" presents a modern-day phenomenon as it was from the tradition although with increase evolution to match up with the changing times. This is because sexual exploitation against children dates back to the days of the slave trade…
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Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children Csec
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COMMERCIAL SEXUAL EXPLOITATION OF CHILDREN CSEC The issue of CSEC (Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children) has been increasingly seen, in the recent past, as a global issue especially to children welfare. This implies that although in the past the menace was viewed as an international crisis, every state now perceives the issue as a national issue. Among other methods of exploiting children sexually are trafficking children for commercial sex, tourism of child sex as well as child pornography. Facts show that thousands of children in America face the ordeal of being sexually exploited as they are coerced into sex or hire, thorough beating or even raped. The resultant effects to children who face the exploitation are increased rates of school dropouts, suicides, alcohol as well as other drug abuse among others. According to a report on CSEC in California in 2013, the state has a growing crisis on sexual exploitation on the minors. Seven years are the mean life expectancy rates after a child undergoes through such exploitation with majority succumbing to HIV/Aids of cases of homicide. Literature review California State has been a hot spot in rising cases of sexual exploitation to children in the recent past. There are however many factors that inhibit ease of identification of victims of such social vices hence rendering the efforts to curb it fruitless. For instance, majority of children victims from the sexual exploitation practices fail to recognize themselves as victims with the perpetrators adopting much care for concealing such crimes. Besides, majority of populations within the state are ignorant of the crisis and many areas lack effective screening tools. According to the report by Walker (2013), California harbors some of the US’s high intensity areas on child prostitution. The report therefore recommends various tools to be used in controlling the crisis among them being establishment of safe, secure or specialized homes for children at risk as well as those exploited sexually. Effective screening tools would be useful in assisting the professionals who deal with the cases of exploitation who also need specialized treatment for effectiveness in offering their services towards the menace. Moreover, there is need to increase public awareness as well as system information sharing in order to have coordinated and collaboration in efforts towards addressing the issue within the country. The children who are involved in the practice suffer a form of human trafficking where coercion, force or even fraud are involved in making one participate in the acts while under 18 years of age. California as a state has in the recent decades, intensified efforts to curb the crisis, which has been in the rise with more legislations being crafted and passed towards addressing the issue. However, according to reports on investigative analysis on the outcome of such efforts by the state to contain the situation, it is clear that the legal framework is very poor to contain the crisis as reports show an increase/deteriorating phenomena as against improvements. In a national focus, human trafficking and exploitation of women as well as children for sexual activities within US is rampant with concerted efforts being made by individual states to addressing the ever-increasing challenge posed by CSEC. A study conducted by Brown in 2011 indicate that groups that perpetuate the CSEC practices are very well organized as criminal syndicates and this challenges the efforts mobilized to stop the crime. The US recognizes sexual exploitation as both moral and legal crime and as such, efforts are increasingly made towards stopping the vice at both national levels as well as at state governments’ level. There lacks general/uniform approach to controlling sex trafficking across the globe and this explains the various ideological paradigms that governmental as well as nongovernmental organizations adopt towards addressing the issue at a global level. Individual group activists also take a leading role in championing towards total eradication of the crisis within the US despite the many challenges that they face in the modern day. From the report, Brown evaluates various models that are used in explaining the issue of human trafficking especially for sexual exploitation. The ‘natural resource model’ explains how some cultural affiliations and groups would perceive children and or women as natural resources hence would easily trade them for gains. ‘Trade and development model’ focuses a well organized trade chain through which great profits are reaped after delivery to the clients. Other models are violent entrepreneurship as well as the traditional model of slave trade as are al used in advancing human trafficking for sexual exploitation. However, a rational model in such trafficking applies within nations where the government legalizes and takes active role in regulating prostitution (Brown, 2011). The CASE (California against sexual exploitation) act presents an example to the laws formulated toward eradication of sexual abuse and human trafficking within the state. It is an initiative that resulted from concerted efforts by a humanitarian foundation (California against slavery) whose main purpose is lobbying for comprehensiveness in legal frameworks meant to safeguard women and children against the vices of sexual exploitation as well as human trafficking within California. This foundation is just representation of the many other such foundations whose motives are to ensure that California as a state rise to the occasion of ensuring that all citizens are accorded the rights of living free from such social vices as slavery for sex and or human trafficking (Jakobsson & Kotsadam, 2013). According to the research findings from US justice department, an approximation of over 300000 children risk sexual exploitation between the ages 10 and 14 years. It is however the responsibility of all to protect the rights of such vulnerable groups in the society likes the children who face such types of exploitation. The effect of technological advancement and use of internet complicates the issue the more as the online platforms have brought about a new niche, which has been exploited for such vices in the society. In fact, many of perpetrators of law find better means of propagating the vice through anonymity and this complicates more efforts towards controlling the menace (Malibu, 2012). It is also worth noting that every child has a chance of falling prey to such schemes hence the need for the state to develop effective tools to address the challenge. Stiffer penalties and fines towards criminals who perpetuate the vice in California need be instituted in order to address the rising concerns on the vice. In an empirical study, Estes in 2001 sought to understand CSEC with a special attention to literature. According to the literature reviewed, CSEC has been fueled by such factors as need for survival where children would be used in survival sex to provide for subsistence needs and social influence where the society embraces prostitutions especially as involves the minors (Anon, 2013). Moreover, past experience in sexual abuse by the children victims, large numbers of ‘un attached males’ like military personnel as well as due to poverty. Besides, the vice is propagated by parental influence through having multiple sexual partners at close range with the kids besides formally recruiting the children for sexual work. Physical as well as emotional long-term sufferings characterize the lives of victims of exploitation majority of who are shown by literature to have relatively low life expectancy rates. Localities within urban centers, coastal regions as well as regions frequently visited by tourists forms the main grounds that the vice is propagated. California is such a tourist hub hence perceived to have high cases of sexual exploitation of children especially through sex tourism (Estes, 2001). Discussion: social work and ethics on Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children Social workers have the responsibility of ensuring social justice is promoted as relates to general society as well as between the people with whom they co-work. It is under such confines of responsibility that issues of anti-social behaviors like sexual exploitation are considered. The discipline of sexual exploitation of persons and especially children has received a higher attention among the social workers with the perception of it being unethical dominating. Constitutional frameworks governing many of the modern day countries are sensitive on the issues presented through the issues of sexual exploitation. For instance, tourism is an ethical practice and countries derive great riches and economic development through tourism. However, the emerging trends in tourism where aspects of sex tourism are taking shape in the modern day are raising much of social debates because much of the practices lack social and ethical approval. Commercial sex and sex tourism is socially undesirable as ethic show it to ‘commoditize’ women and children for gains. Sex tourism as defined by Rao (1999) shows an encounter where a partner meets another one who is more animated in the encounter. The ‘animation’ in this context illustrates a high standard of violation to human rights where the children’s rights to be protected and to be at liberty while making decisions is compromised. It is also against human rights to traffic human beings and impose them onto forced sexual activity, as is the case with sexual trafficking and exploitation. A number of countries have strict observance of ethics and morals hence have adopted strict legal frameworks as dictated by the societal values. In other instances, some countries have deep roots on religion, social believes, and as such, some practices are highly prohibited on grounds of religion. Finally, there is the issue of social reintegration and overcoming trauma of being exploited physically. Social workers should be adequately involved in championing the rights of such victims of trafficking and sexual harassment to children. The cost of meeting medical and rehabilitation expenses for the children undergoing through the ‘healing processes after undergoing through such molestation. Gender roles in management of effects of CSEC must be taken into perspective as the issue of sexual exploitation and traffic (Goździa, nd) affects both genders in children. Theoretical discussion Theoretical frameworks have been in explaining phenomena and the issue of sexual trafficking and exploitation has been explained through various theoretical grounds. For instance, the ‘social politics’ theorem can be used in studying the association of social, political, legal as well as economic weaknesses that thrive in countries within which sex trafficking and children exploitation thrives. The origin of the theorem was in explaining how modern societies are shaped by the interplay of social economic as well as social political forces. According to Williams (2006), CSEC is an example to modern day type of slavery as is propagated by modern day social stratification. State nationals as well as international persons are layered according to some predefined characteristics and this often results to inequalities in distribution of wealth and or resources. In the instances, that nations fail to exercise responsible sovereignty divisions occur along social political or economic lines and this explains how the social injustices thrive. It also explains how thriving of social vices along the class stratification of persons result to the subsequent sufferings of vulnerable groups like children and women. Through such stratifications, countries are differentiated into weak or failing states or good states through the emphasis on the necessity of security (physical to all), legal political institutions, effective economic management as well as improved social welfare. Through the social politics theory, social stratification in support for social exploitation through children trafficking and sexual molestation is detrimental to the welfare of all humans as morality and ethics would require. Human rights are also relevant in assessing the application of the theory in that through the stratifications, the minorities and the vulnerable groups like the children and women face prejudice and are thus denied of their rights in the society. For instance, the development of sex tourism in California has support by the policy makers who directly benefit through exploitation of such vulnerable groups in the society as the children. Another approach that would be applied in understanding the issue is through the ‘social capital’ theories where the influences of close circles of friends, family relations and work mates would explain how individuals are lured into CSEC (Anon, 2013; Guillen, Coromina & Saris 2011). Moreover, through such theories, one would understand the intricate that are at play in restricting individuals in those groups to leave at will. According to the theories, social networks create a resource that is exploited through preferential treatments and cooperation of individuals towards a particular course (Raymond, 2004). The groups who perpetrate such vices within the society mostly adopt the ideology and without an equal measure of concerted cooperation by forces, working to counter the vices, then the perpetrators will always have an advantage over the counter forces (Pearse, 2010). Selfishness or self-centeredness is perceived as the mina feature in social capital theories as relations are created and fostered in order to have higher returns as against the returns reaped by the rival group (opponents). The values that guide and explain the adoption of the theory are together with the need to belong, validation of own actions against a group context as well as taking cover under a social structure while doing anything. However, it is worth noting that social capital theories should be understood from then the perspectives of ‘negative’ and or ‘positive’ social capital. In negative social capital, the theory explains the formulation and operations of such criminal groups as are seen to perpetuate such vices as children trafficking and sexual exploitation (Little, 1996). On the other hand, the positive aspect in the theory explains how concerted efforts would be adopted towards curbing such social vices through cooperation and collaborations. The forces are also at play in politics where the positive outcome in social integrations would lead to favorable governance while the negative aspect would lead to compromised governance structures. Another discipline that effectively addresses the issue of CSEC is in advocacy and humanitarian organizations, which take the lead in supporting the violated children through medication, counseling and positive living. Adoption of positivity in social capital over such efforts provides a desirable attribute in understanding the social capita theories. Advocacy issue Humanitarian organizations most of which are non-governmental establish rehab centers where victims of such social injustices would have a haven for recovery through medication and counseling. In many instances, such organizations become the homes to such kids and especially those that feel betrayed from their homes or by close relations. However, while responding to emergency cases as is mostly the case with the increase in occurrence of such vices, creation of emergency shelters may not serve, as the most appropriate prompt action as funding is often a challenge. Besides, creation of shelters for victims would have more detrimental effects as this would serve to seclude the victims the more as against re-accommodating them in the social systems as it should be. However, this position does not refute the importance of provision of shelter to the victims of sexual exploitation and human trafficking but acknowledges offering the immediate requirement, as such victims would require. Already established and functioning organizations would be most instrumental in facilitating the humanitarian aid that is required by such victims. Conclusion CSEC is a modern day phenomenon as it was from the tradition although with increase evolution to match up with the changing times. This is because sexual exploitation against children dates back to the days of slave trade although new (hidden) methods of perpetuating the vice have been designed hence presenting a new characteristic to the vice. Children are most vulnerable to trafficking for sexual exploitation across the globe with some areas being highly vulnerable due to adoption of new forms of tourism like the sex tourism. California has been in attention of this paper due to the increased cases of children sexual exploitation in the 21st century despite the concerted efforts by the federal government and the state governance to institute and enforce prohibitive legal frameworks. However, the analysis in this paper shows that managing the social vice require coordinated efforts by the society and the government as is shown by the social political theorem and social capital theories. Research studies should be focused on the ‘hidden’ practices that help perpetuate the vice in the society in order to provide efficient information that would be relied upon in instituting management efforts for the vice. Education curricula should also emphasize on the need to have collaboration and cooperation while addressing the issue of child sex and trafficking. This paper recommend that individual countries and states adopt common and appropriate legal frameworks at an international focus in order to address the issue of CSEC. Modern information systems and internet would be better tools to track the operations of the groups perpetuating CSEC not only in California but also within other regions of the world. Children should be assured of freedom of association, speech and choice, which are violated through forced sex, trafficking, psychological torture as well as physical abuse (Benedet, 2003). References Anonymous (2013).The commercial sexual exploitation of children. Contemporary Sociology, 42(1), 131-132. Anonymous, (2013). Child Trafficking in California: The Problem. Legislation brief. Retrieved from: Brown, G. (2011). Women and children last: the prosecution of sex traffickers as sex offenders and the need for a sex trafficker registry. Boston College Third World Law Journal, 31(1), 1-40. Benedet, J. (2003). Pornography at work: Sexual harassment, sex equality and freedom of expression. (Order No. 3111898, University of Michigan, Law School). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, , 369-369 p. Retrieved from (305235339). Estes R. J., (2001). The sexual exploitation of children: A Working Guide to the Empirical Literature. Retrieved from: Gozdziak, E. M. (2012). Children trafficked to the United States: Myths and realities. Global Dialogue (Online), 14(2), 51-61. Guillen, L., Coromina, L., & Saris, W. E. (2011). Measurement of social participation and its place in social capital theory. Social Indicators Research, 100(2), 331-350. Jakobsson, N., & Kotsadam, A. (2013). The law and economics of international sex slavery: Prostitution laws and trafficking for sexual exploitation. European Journal of Law and Economics, 35(1), 87-107. Little, D. (1996). The elements of social theory / politics, sociology, and social theory: Encounters with classical and contemporary social thought. The American Political Science Review, 90(3), 619. Malibu, C, (2012). Californians Against Sexual Exploitation Act (“CASE Act”) to Strengthen California Laws to Fight Human Trafficking and Sexual Abuse. Retrieved from: Pearse, N. J. (2010). Towards a social capital theory of resistance to change. Journal of Advances in Management Research, 7(2), 163-175. Rao, N. (1999). Sex tourism in south Asia. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 11(2), 96-99. Raymond S. W. (2004). Social capital: A theory of social structure and action. Contemporary Sociology, 33(1), 24-26. Walker K. (2013). Child sex traffickers target california foster children: New Report Calls for State Officials to Act Immediately to Improve Protection. National center for youth law. Retrieved from: Williams, L. M. (2008). Social politics: A theory. The International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 28(7), 285-292. Read More
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