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The paper "Quality Management System in Maintenance Work Shop" is an outstanding example of a management literature review. Quality management refers to the product's ability to meet the customers’ needs. Quality management systems are the formalised practices that are used to define the management responsibilities…
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Quality management refers to the product ability to meet the customers’ needs. Quality management systems are the formalised practices that are used to define the management responsibilities, procedures, processes and resources that are required for the product to meet the requirements, customer satisfaction. The quality management systems are documented and managed through the quality management plans. Quality management system is supposed to be improved at regular basis. There is also need for consistent certification of the QMS (Feigenbaum, 2002). This literature review represents the quality system for the maintenance shop in a petrochemical plant. The review looks at ten general references and determines how they support the research objective. The main area of focus is the maintenance workshop where the main business is fabrication welding and valve testing shop.
Literature review
Selected sources
Operations & Maintenance Best Practices: A Guide to Achieving Operational Efficiency is an article by Sullivan, Pugh, Melendez and Hun (2004). The article is very vital in reviewing the maintenance workshop in a petrochemical plant hence supporting the objectives of research. The paper gives hints on ways in which environmental impacts can be addressed through energy efficiency, water conservation, renewable energy and improved decision making. The report shows that a well-run quality management system is supposed to enhance the safety of the staff, ensure comfort, increase equipment life expectancy and facilitate compliance. Through the nine chapters, the paper guides the reader through all aspects of a maintenance program. The guide is an important resource for the personnel in the maintenance sector of a petrochemical plant. From the report it is clear that to be successful in maintenance, there is need for cooperation, dedication, and participation. The paper shows that the quality management system is on constant move and the technologies that are used are in constant motion. Through the guide, it is easy to understand how the maintenance of the facility is capable at low costs and in an immediate manner. The report has several softwares that can be utilized in the maintenance process for cost cutting. To sum up, the article is a great source of information in petrochemical maintenance.
Engineering maintenance: A Modern Approach by B.S. Dhillon is a vital resource in understanding the maintenance sector in the petrochemical industry. The book starts by indicating the importance of engineering maintenance in the economy. The book is based on engineering maintenance in the 21st century using facts and figures. The book analyses the probability theory and important topics in math that helps a lot in understanding the rest of the book. Preventive maintenance is well looked at in the book through looking at its elements, models, measures and the steps used. Corrective maintenance has different forms which are addressed as well as their mathematical models. Other areas looked at in the book are reliability centred maintenance, inventory control and human error in maintenance. Every year, the industry uses millions for the maintenance process. This makes it vital for the process of maintenance to be carried out in a comprehensive manner. Engineering maintenance is explained as analytical, deliberate and methodological. The analytical nature of the text gives a deep insight into the process of maintenance. Therefore, the book is an important source of information for the maintenance process.
Vulnerability of welded joints and active damage mechanisms in petrochemical plants and processes: reliability through programming of risk based inspection (RBI) – Part II is an article by Canale, De Marco & Pirica (2014) which gives vital information based on the welded joints in a petrochemical industry. This is due to the need for specialised welding process that is required in the petrochemical industry due to pressurized equipment. Welding is highly used in the petrochemical industry for repair, cladding and modification especially during the maintenance process. Statistics have shown that welded joints are the most risky areas relating to faults. This is especially due to active damage mechanisms. The article proposes the risk based inspection method. The main aim of the method is to prioritise the inspection strategy and increase attention to the joints which are critically welded. The article points out the importance of paying more attention to the joints which have a framework for simple mechanical venerability. The article is very vital in analysing the physio-chemical aspects based on corrosion and stress related corrosion. The article will help a lot in understanding the interactions that exists between different active damage mechanisms in petrochemical industry. The article is also important in analysing welded joints and addressing the issues that are associated with these interactions. The main purpose is to optimize the management of risk in the plant and the strategies that can be used in addressing them. In conclusion, the article has an in-depth analysis of the welded and active damage mechanisms in the petrochemical industry and its processes. The article shows how reliability can be improved through programming of the risk based inspection.
Quality Assured Maintenance Management in Petrochemical Industry is an article by Prasanna and Tushar (2011). The article addresses the maintenance management of the equipment and systems in a petrochemical industry. The article claims that petrochemical equipment is used in extreme working conditions making maintenance vital. The article is very important in attaining the research objectives. This is due to fact that most of the maintenance are brought about by the stress in the equipment used on petrochemical industry. The article shows ways in which the equipment used in petrochemical industry can be enhanced to sustain stress and operate for longer periods. The article proposes quality assured maintenance management (QAMM) due to its close link to reliability. The authors propose the use of QAMM for the purpose of ensuring that the equipment used are able to adhere to the usage. The result of better maintenance in the petrochemical industry is reduced operating costs and high reliability. This ensures that the production loss cost is reduced and competitiveness is enhanced. The article is very vital for research as it shows the link between maintenance and firm profitability. It also shows the interaction between man and machine for effective and efficient processes in a petrochemical industry.
Criticality Analysis Using Risk Assessment-Based Maintenance of a Petrochemical Company is a detailed article by Jaderi, Ibrahim, Jaafarzadeh, Abdullah, Yavari, Shamsudin & Nabavi (2014) looking at ways in which maintenance can be improved in the petrochemical industry and access the risk of hazard failures. The article uses the risk based maintenance technique in the petrochemical industries. The research is based on Fajr petrochemical Company which is based on Iran. The research prioritises the assists based on risk output. Through the analysis, the authors identifies that out of 22 failures identified, 11 were critical while the rest were non critical. The research shows that maintenance costs can be reduced and failures prioritized through use of their HSE effects. The authors show that there is need for risk assessment in the petrochemical industry. They note that major failures that occur in the petrochemical industry are related to pumps compressors and the piping network. The maintenance workshop has a responsibility in addressing these failures. Through use of a case study, it becomes easier to understand the importance of maintenance in the petrochemical industry. In conclusion, the article shows that it is possible to reduce the indirect maintenance costs in the petrochemical industry hence increasing profits and enhancing customer satisfaction.
Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) in the Oil and Gas Industry: An Overview of Methods and Techniques by Telford, Mazhar & Howard, (2011) asserts that the projects in the petrochemical industry are capital intensive and hence the need to cater for occurrence of catastrophic failures. The authors’ views are very vital in the maintenance sector of the petrochemical industry. The paper will help a lot in addressing the challenge of failures in petrochemical industry. This will help in meeting the report objectives in minimizing failures in the petrochemical plants. The paper gives insight on the condition based maintenance in the oil and gas industry. The authors prove that CBM plays a very critical role in the oil and gas industry. This is through ensuring that there is smooth and uninterrupted running of oil and gas activities. As the demand for oil and gas rises, petrochemical plants are faced with a challenge of increasing operating costs. Use of protective and proactive maintenance strategies are thus required to ensure that there is an effective and reliable maintenance program. The article supports use of predictive gadgets to reduce failures address the challenges. To sum up, the paper shows that CBM is an effective strategy that can help a lot in reducing accidents and ensuring that production is optimum.
Critical Factors to Quality Management System Implementation: relevant literature review 1992-2012 is a paper by Guan & Liao (2014) which highlights the importance of the quality management system (QMS). The author points out the factors that have an impact on the implementation of the maintenance and presents critical factors to the implementation of QMS. This paper will help a lot in understanding QMS and relating it to the maintenance sector in the petrochemical industry. The paper points out the ISO 9001 as one of the most popular QMS globally. This is analysed by the literature from 1992 to 2012. The authors’ analyses51 papers and are able to identify 10 critical factors. The factors identified are; team training, defined responsibilities, implementation of the schedule, quality based culture, resource allocation, team based training and bureaucracy and awareness among others. This paper is very vital in analysing the aspects of QMS for the maintenance sector of the petrochemical industry. The authors outlines that QMS is based on the standards which seeks for common elements based on continuous improvement and goals alignment. It’s evident that most of the organisations have already come up with their QMS systems that are vital in ensuring high efficiency, competitiveness and enhanced customer satisfaction. In conclusion, the paper gives the most needed theory on quality, management system.
Near-Miss Management Systems in the Chemical Process Industry by Phimister, Oktem, Kleindorfer & Kunreuther (2003) is an important research on the chemical process industries. This paper will play a major role in meeting the research objectives. The main aim is to improve the corporate environmental health and health and safety performance. This is through looking at the accident precursors and coming up with remedies. Through use of effective near miss programs, it becomes easy to increase the involvement of the employees in accident management and avoidance in the petrochemical industry. The maintenance sections in the petrochemical industry have a role in reducing the occurrence of accidents. The article helps a lot in identifying the major management weakness that can lead to risks in an industry. It is important to note that accidents in an industry lead to loss and injury hence it is vital for its management. The paper will help in adding more insights on the management of the petrochemical industry. This is through helping in identifying the precursors of accidents and bringing them to the knowledge of the management. The analysis of near miss is highly applicable in the petrochemical industry due to the risks involved. The maintenance workshop plays a major role in addressing occurrence of risks.
Analysing and Evaluation of Quality Management System in Bandar Imam Petrochemical Company (BIPC) by Soheilpour & Khuzestan (2010) looks holistically at the petrochemical industry in Iran. This is due to its rapid growth and rapid diffusion of the quality management system. The paper will help in attaining the research objectives through providing the required insight into quality management systems. The paper gives key details on the importance of having QMS for the management practices. The paper helps a lot in looking beyond the maintenance section of the petrochemical industry. This gives an overall impact of QMS in the petrochemical industry. The research uses a case study which makes it more realistic and applicable. The paper gives the important areas where QMS should focus on which includes; leadership, commitment by the management and developing the human resource. The research shows that ISO 9001 is the minimum set for QMS in an organisation. Having a QMS helps in standardization of the organisation processes. In conclusion, despite the fact that the paper looks beyond the maintenance sector of the organisation, it provides more insight into the QMS and its importance to the organisation. This is a paper that will help in providing the much needed details on QMS on the petrochemical industry.
Safety and management of the subcontracting of maintenance work in a petrochemical plant by Dounia (2007) is a very crucial research in understanding maintenance of the petrochemical industry. This is due to the complexity nature of maintenance of a petrochemical industry. The research shows the model of subcontracting the maintenance work and reducing the number of accidents. The paper shows that despite the fact that maintenance can be done in the plant workshop, subcontracting is a major norm. The main focus of the paper is the subcontractors and the accidents that happen. The paper gives a framework for subcontracting and how to decrease related accidents. This is through focusing on a zero accident policy. The paper gives the model and the limits associated with it. The paper provides important information in cases where maintenance has been outsourced. This is helpful due to fact that one is able to understand how to reduce accidents incurred by the contractors and how to minimize them. Some of the contractors work from the company maintenance workshop hence the need to ensure they are safe. Quality management system should be able to address the concerns for all workers. This will ensure that there is high quality final product for the consumers.
The sources listed give a great literature review on the quality management system in maintenance work shop in petrochemical plant. The articles give views on QMS and how it can be implemented in a petrochemical plant. This is through how QMS can be used to achieve overall efficiency in a plant. There is information on Vulnerability of welded joints and active damage mechanisms in petrochemical plants and processes. Literature on quality assurance in maintenance of a petrochemical plant is provided in the analysis. There is literature on Risk Assessment-Based Maintenance of a Petrochemical Companies. Petrochemical industries are costly hence the need to ensure catastrophic failures are avoided. This implies that there is a need for the industry to enhance its maintenance workshop. In some cases, it is important to look at case studies such as Iran petrochemical industry in order to gain deep insight on maintenance. Also subcontracting is supposed to be analysed in the maintenance sector due to its rapid expansion over the recent years. To sum up, the chose articles are very suitable for the research question. This is due to fact that they look at all areas of maintenance workshop in a petrochemical industry. There is also insight on the fabrication welding and valve testing shop.
Canale, G., De Marco, M., & Pirica, S. (2014). Vulnerability of welded joints and active damage mechanisms in petrochemical plants and processes: reliability through programming of risk based inspection (RBI)–Part II. Welding International, 28(3), 205-216.
Dhillon, B. S. (2002). Engineering maintenance: a modern approach. CRC Press.
Dounia T., (2007), Safety and management of the subcontracting of maintenance work in a petrochemical plant, Institute for an Industrial Safety Culture, Chemical Engineering Laboratory.
Feigenbaum, A. V. (2002). Total quality management. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Guan, Y., & Liao, H. (2014). Critical Fators to Quality Management System Implementation: relevant literature review 1992-2012. Proceedings of the 2014 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference.
Jaderi, F., Ibrahim, Z. Z., Jaafarzadeh, N., Abdullah, R., Yavari, A. R., Shamsudin, M. N., & Nabavi, S. M. B. (2014). Criticality analysis using risk assessment-based maintenance of a Petrochemical Company. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 23(6), 2033-2037.
Phimister, J. R., Oktem, U., Kleindorfer, P. R., & Kunreuther, H. (2003). Near‐miss incident management in the chemical process industry. Risk Analysis, 23(3), 445-459.
Prasanna N.K.K. & Tushar. N. Desai., (2011). “Quality Assured Maintenance Management In Petrochemical Industry.” Journal of Engineering Research and Studies, 2(3)1-5.
Soheilpour, E., & Khuzestan, I. (2010). Analyzing and Evaluation of Quality Management System in Bandar Imam Petrochemical Company (BIPC). Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Dhaka, Bangladesh, January 9-10, 2010
Sullivan, G.P., Pugh, Melendez and Hun, (2004), Operations & Maintenance Best Practices: A Guide to Achieving Operational Efficiency. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory,
Telford, S., Mazhar, M. I., & Howard, I. (2011, January). Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) in the Oil and Gas Industry: An Overview of Methods and Techniques. In Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
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11 Pages(2750 words)Research Paper
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