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Occupational Aptitude for General Managers in the Ministry of Education in the Sultanate of Oman
8 pages (2711 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
Principles of general management the art and science of getting results across organizational boundaries.... Burlington, Elsevier science.... Occupational science: society, inclusion, participation.... The paper 'Occupational Aptitude for General Managers in the Ministry of Education in the Sultanate of Oman' is a thoughtful variant of a research proposal on management....
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Gender And Politeness In An ESL Language Academic Context
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Asian Social science, 8, 139-148 Ning, H.... Asian Social science, 6, 126-130.... Politeness refers to the practical application of good and acceptable manners in any social setting that will show one's consideration of others.... Hence, its definition encompasses a person being considerable to others by observing societal accepted norms that will show respect and valuing of one's fellow peers irrespective of their respective origin....
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Real Option and Investment in the UK
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
This study answers the research question "what factors most influence to establish whether Investment Strategy and Process is effective, cost-effective, acceptable, and to understand the potential barriers to implementing in view of the Real Option".... .... ... ... A real option is those strategic elements in investment that help to create the flexibility of operation or that have the potentials of generating profitable opportunities in the future for the firm....
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How Social Media Marketing Affects Marketing Communication Mix
9 pages (2798 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper 'How Social Media Marketing Affects Marketing Communication Mix' is a breathtaking example of the marketing research proposal.... This research aims to find out the factors such as; human, time, content factors, advertising, public relations, sales promotion, direct marketing, and personal selling....
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Impact of Social Media on Marketing in Saudi Arabia
6 pages (1831 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
On the other hand, the quantitative data will be analyzed with the help of analyzing tools such as MS-excel and SPSS (Software package for Social science).... This study "Impact of Social Media on Marketing in Saudi Arabia" was conducted to indicate the best social platform and its effectiveness for the business fraternity and general populace of Saudi Arabia....
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Morality and Ideology in Lending and Credit
7 pages (2168 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The paper "Morality and Ideology in Lending and Credit" proposes to examine the differences in the banking systems in terms of lending and credit and the underlying ethics of the financial principles and practices utilized in these systems.... ... ... ... There are differences between the Saudi and U....
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Health Care and Pharmaceutical Industry
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 5 , Research Proposal
Consolidation of health care and pharmaceutical industry can not be confined to a single country or region as the very purpose of consolidation demands.... Mergers and Acquisitions have been the order of the day for reasons of economy and competitive advantage.... ... ... ... In the health care, are the service industry catering to health insurance, hospital services and in the pharmaceuticals sector there are both formulations manufacturing and bulk drugs manufacturing....
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E-Business Strategy of King Abdulaziz University
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Piotrowski, “EduComponents: Experiences in E-Assessment in Computer science Education”, ITiCSE'06, June 26–28, Bologna, Italy, 2006. ... Sichuan, “Moodle—the Fingertip Art for Carrying out Distance Education”, First International Workshop on Education Technology and Computer science, ...
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High Failure and Dropout Rate in Intermediate and College Algebra
6 pages (1879 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The paper "High Failure and Dropout Rate in Intermediate and College Algebra" describes that the BMCC study established that due to the existence of a significant variation in the algebraic proficiency of students, a lecture-based model of tutoring is an inefficient method of teaching mathematical units....
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Emotional labor
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Introduction to Your Area of Interest 125 words Emotional competence is a skill that is used to define and understand an individual's emotions where the ability to have control over these feelings and to use the information that this control provides will guide their actions (Raley, 2004).... ... ...
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Key Factors Influencing Employee Loyalty at Investment Banks
6 pages (1624 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
Be it psychology, history, political science or economics human events are most likely to influence the rules which define the basic theories of a marketing subject.... The paper "Key Factors Influencing Employee Loyalty at Investment Banks" concerns determining the key factors influencing employee loyalty at investment banks in today's world....
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Synthesis and Characterisation of ZnO Nanostructure for Photocatalysis Applications
7 pages (2298 words) , Download 14 , Research Proposal
Synthesis of these nanostructures also varies due to the wide range of revolutionary innovations by the atomic science communities.... California: Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials science & Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer science University of California. ... Archives of Applied science Research Vol.... Norrköping: Department of science and Technology, Linköping University. ...
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Sustainable Infrastructures through Micro-forests Integration
5 pages (1660 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
"Sustainable Infrastructures through Micro-forests Integration" paper determines how micro-forests can be integrated into the architectural design to replace the ecological function of the depleted forests.... ... ... ... The increase in population has seen the proliferation of buildings in the towns thus not issuing space for the trees to be planted....
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Impact of Aids on Children and Families in Africa
9 pages (3055 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This is in line with the ethical requirements for medical research.... Hence, it is necessary that HIV testing and screening data be available for a population because without the availability of this data, it is not possible to know what is going on or how to evaluate the effectiveness of a medical intervention (Masaki, 2004; Brandeau, 2005 and Spring Mill medical School, 2005).... pring Mill medical School....
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Advancing Human Resource Management to Underpin Future Challenges in China
5 pages (1592 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
rdilly, P and Tillé, Y 2002, Sampling Methods: Exercises and Solutions, New York: Springer science+ Business Media Inc. ... New York: Springer science+ Business Media Inc. ... The paper "Advancing Human Resource Management to Underpin Future Challenges in China" discusses that there will be seeking permission and consent before any interview or study is carried out amongst the identified firms and respondents as outlined in the data collection step....
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Environmental Impact of Aviation
12 pages (3215 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
Aircraft noise may increase risk of heart disease, say researchers | science | The Guardian.... om/science/2013/oct/08/aircraft-noise-pollution-heart-disease-stroke ... New York: Nova science Publishers.... oise pollution by the aviation industry turns out to be a major issue as indicated by a medical article on the magazine The Guardian.... medical research conducted by the US and UK professionals on the effect of noise on people around Heathrow airport....
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Improving Way of Learning by Mobile Technologies
6 pages (1673 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "Improving Way of Learning by Mobile Technologies" is a great example of a technology research proposal.... The proposed topic is improving the way of learning by mobile technologies.... ... ... ... The paper "Improving Way of Learning by Mobile Technologies" is a great example of a technology research proposal....
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Democracy and Democratic Consolidation
8 pages (2223 words) , Download 5 , Research Proposal
New York: Nova science Publishers, 2009.... The paper "Democracy and Democratic Consolidation" states that the problem of democracy that affects Kenya and Zimbabwe is not unique to only the two countries.... But this occurs in the entire African context, whereby most countries in the region are struggling at implementing democratic governance....
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Economic Resources and Conflict between Communities
8 pages (2454 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
The proposal "Economic Resources and Conflict between Communities" focuses on the critical, and thorough analysis of the interrelationship between the distribution of economic resources and conflict between communities, regionally, or even at the global level.... ... ... ... World governments embark on developing effective responses to challenges resulting from the competition for natural resources in the fast-changing global economy....
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Technology in Learning and Teaching Environments
8 pages (2382 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The contributions of modern technology to learning and teaching science have been tremendous.... odern technology to reduce barriers of successful science teaching and learning environment ... They have continued to change traditional way of learning bringing a new feel and experience in learning and teaching science.... The question that emerges is whether the technological advancements in the field of academics mean improvement in learning and teaching experiences of science....
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The Issue Faced by Sainsbury's - Performance Appraisals and Motivation
10 pages (2979 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
Success of an organisation depends on the effectiveness and efficiency of human resource management.... It is therefore vital for every organisation to focus on employees,.... ... ... The paper 'The Issue Faced by Sainsbury's - Performance Appraisals and Motivation' is a dramatic example of human resources research proposal....
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Sarbanes-Oxley Law - Effects on Internal Control
9 pages (912 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper 'Sarbanes-Oxley Law - Effects on Internal Control' is a forceful example of a management research proposal.... Internal controls shield a corporation from financial losses that can be caused by a lack of due diligence on the part of its stakeholders, who ought to act as watchdogs over the actions of one the other....
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The Economic Position and Energy of Russia
11 pages (2914 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper 'The Economic Position and Energy of Russia' is a forceful example of a finance and accounting research proposal.... Russia is considered among the developed countries in the world.... Owing to its increased economic growth, industrialization, and economic stability, the country has remained an integral and imperative part of the G8 countries....
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The Effects of Electronic Medicine Administration in Reduction
7 pages (2515 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "The Effects of Electronic Medicine Administration in Reduction" highlights that regarding human resources, the people who conducted the data collection may have been novices in the medical caregiving field and particularly concerning adult caregiving.... tudy Title: What Does the Evidence Indicate are the effects of Electronic Medicine administration in the reduction of medical errors in the Adult Intensive Care Unit in the UK? ... hat Does the Evidence Indicate are the effects of Electronic Medicine administration in the reduction of medical errors in the Adult Intensive Care Unit in the UK? ...
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Managing Human Resources: Small Versus Large Organization
17 pages (4769 words) , Download 5 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Managing Human Resources: Small Versus Large Organization" explores one of these three criteria that determine the size of the company; the number of employees; the volume if not the number of transactions in dollars and the size of a company's assets.... ... ... ... The size of the company determines the type of resources that will be made available to the human resource department....
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The Effects of Swine Flu on Tourism in London
10 pages (2869 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
The paper "The Effects of Swine Flu on Tourism in London" focuses on how the tourism industry of London has been affected and whether there has been any decline in the tourism of London since the Swine Flu pandemic.... The literature review will provide a description of the theoretical framework of the study....
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Unified Modelling Language as a Modelling Technology
8 pages (2588 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
Lecture Notes in Computer science 4053: 176. ... Lecture Notes in Computer science: 262-271. ... The focus of this paper "Unified Modelling Language as a Modelling Technology" is on UML as one of the most popular object-oriented technology.... However, it is quite tricky to learn it as well....
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The Potential of Using Solar Thermal Power Generation for Brunei Darussalam
5 pages (1420 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
n/science-technology/2010/06/29/looking-alternative-energy-options-brunei> Accessed on 3 December 2011 ... n/science-technology/2010/06/29/looking-alternative-energy-options-brunei> Accessed on 3 December 2011... This paper ''The Potential of Using Solar Thermal Power Generation for Brunei Darussalam'' tells that Brunei Darussalam depends almost entirely on fossil fuels to generate its energy for basic consumption....
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Employee Loyalty at Investment Banks
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
Be it psychology, history, political science or economics human events are most likely to influence the rules which define the basic theories of a marketing subject.... The aim of this paper is to comprehensively analyze the determining key factors influencing employee loyalty at investment banks in today's world....
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Water Problems
7 pages (2214 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
?? science, 2008: 319, 573–574. ... “River flows and water wars: Emerging science for environmental decision making.... The paper 'Water Problems' concludes with recommendations that will be proposed to the Arab government about how to improve its water generation, regulate its water supply utilization, and enforce effective water conservation while they are building resilience amid climate challenges....
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Perception of the Ward Nurses about the Night Nurse Practitioners
17 pages (4805 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
This requires them to interact with all other nursing, medical and paramedical professionals.... They may also have to take care of some non-medical duties in connection with proper delivery of health care.... They can also prescribe prescription medicines to the patients and thus implement treatment to them by assessing their condition without having to consult the medical practitioners.... Night nurse practitioner liaisons closely with nursing and medical staff as they change before and after the night shift....
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Developing and Validating Trust Measures for E-Commerce
10 pages (3010 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
And, action research can be defined in many ways, however one of the most commonly used definition is offered by Rapoport, who outlines action research in the following way: Action research is intended to add both to the realistic apprehensions of people in instant problematic circumstances as well as to the objectives of social science through joint collaboration within a equally satisfactory ethical framework.... Additionally, it is clear from the definition, action research is concerned to increase the stock of knowledge of the social science society....
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Factors That Lead to Efficient Export Managing and Marketing Planning
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The aim and objective of this paper "Factors That Lead to Efficient Export Managing and Marketing Planning" is to determine whether the exporting of Macedonian cheese would prove to be beneficial for the firms producing cheese and also for the overall dairy sector.... ... ... This following work is an attempt to research possibilities and find key success factors for expanding export in FYROM's Dairy industry....
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The Emergence of Bullying
10 pages (2699 words) , Download 5 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "The Emergence of Bullying" is based on the following research questions: How often does bullying happen throughout the school years and as one enters the next grade level?... The second one is How often does it happen as one grows older in adulthood?... ... ... ... The study will randomly sample 120 students that belong to different grades and provide with a survey question that they will have to answer....
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Current Issues Facing Higher Education in Saudi Arabia
9 pages (2352 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
Since this paper "Current Issues Facing Higher Education in Saudi Arabia" intends to discover the factors affecting the adoption of LMS among academic staff in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, an explanatory study perspective of design will be adopted.... .... ... ... This thesis will adopt pragmatism as its philosophy....
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The Motivation and Job Satisfaction of Employees
7 pages (2062 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
This paper ''The Motivation and Job Satisfaction of Employees'' tells that motivation can significantly affect the output of any business and concerns at levels of both quantity and quality.... If we view it from another perspective, most organizations rely profoundly on the competence of the production staff....
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Supervisory Leadership Practices as Perceived by Supervisors and Teachers in Saudi Arabia
9 pages (2600 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
umsey, MG 2013, ‘The exclusive science of leadership', in MG Rumsey, The Oxford handbook of leadership, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp.... This paper "Supervisory Leadership Practices as Perceived by Supervisors and Teachers in Saudi Arabia" explores what tеасhеrs and suреrvisоrs in Sаudi Аrаbiа perceive of the role purpose of suреrvisоry lеаdеrshiр рrасtiсеs that are implemented in regard to teaching processes in the country....
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Tourism Destinations in the Digital and Social Media Age
8 pages (2685 words) , Download 5 , Research Proposal
Management science, 49(10), pp.... This research proposal "Tourism Destinations in the Digital and Social Media Age" evaluates the impact of social and digital media on tourism destinations and the role of information in improving the experience of consumers and concentrates on the role of tourism operators in educating consumers....
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How Parental Care Activities at Home Influence Social Skills Development of Children
10 pages (3081 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
From Neurons to Neighborhoods: The science of Early Childhood Development.... The primary goal of this research project "How Parental Care Activities at Home Influence Social Skills Development of Children" is to evaluate parental care activities at home and how they influence the social skills development of children in early childhood education....
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The United Kingdom Derivative Markets
8 pages (2865 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The paper "The United Kingdom Derivative Markets" discusses that research of works from different authors like Davies, Give, Gorham, Thomas, Shah, Kanter, Kaur, Meier, Remolona, Tett, Westrup etc.... will be conducted to understand the basics of the markets better.... ... ... ... Sending out questionnaires to a random sample in the UK will not give correct results keeping in mind the factors like response rate and the number of respondents....
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Medication Adherence in Elders
5 pages (1479 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
These factors leading to additional medical expenditures as a consequence of important specialized and expensive services and materials can be avoided by adhering to a medication regime.... medical adherence has been defined by Osterberg & Blaschke, (2005) as “the extent to which patients take medications as prescribed by their health care providers”.... Literature Review High prevalence and large economic burden of medical non adherence has led to extensive studies and investigations enabling an understanding of the issue and devising adherence strategies....
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Link between Conflicts and the Distribution of Economic Resources for Effective Conflict Resolution
8 pages (2422 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The "Link between Conflicts and the Distribution of Economic Resources for Effective Conflict Resolution" paper contains a research proposal in an attempt to establish the linkage between natural economic resources and conflicts and presents a succinct literature review and research methodology.... ....
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The Training Lab
5 pages (1552 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
rom travel to documentation, cuisine to science, this technology is evident.... From travel to documentation, cuisine to science and health to architecture, this influence of technology is evident.... This paper ''The Training Lab'' tells that this is the age of technology where anyone who wishes to stay on a par with everyone else must embrace the technology's complexity and its penetrating influence through all spheres of life....
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Women Business Suits
10 pages (3031 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
In addition to this, the research enables the marketers to gather vital information with respect to the consumers' needs and their potential expectations about the concerned products.... ... ... The paper "Women Business Suits" is a great example of a gender and sexual studies research proposal.... The aim of market research is to examine and analyse the present competitive environment....
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The Anatomy of Romance: Preliminary Research Plan
5 pages (1464 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The proposal "The Anatomy of Romance: Preliminary Research Plan" focuses on utilizing numerous techniques recognized for useful approaches in a qualitative study attempting to create a metaphorical framework that explains the experiences of the participants.... ... ... ... Several case studies are designed based on interviews and observation with participants that fit into parameters to best construct a foundation for the approach to the topic....
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Securing Data Using IPSec VPN
4 pages (1319 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
International Journal of Computer science and Network Security, 9, 379-386 ... The paper "Securing Data Using IPSec VPN" describes that all relevant databases may not be accessible.... Useful information will be extracted from previous experiments, simulations, and tests.... However, the lack of primary data may hamper original research at least to a limited extent....
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Facial Recognition as the Part of the Biometric System of Identifying
24 pages (6413 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
This paper discusses that Facial recognition is part of the biometric system of identifying and verifying people's identities through modern technology, and inclusive in this biometrics are scans of other various parts of the human body like the fingers and similarly facial thermogram, which is different from facial recognition ....
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Elder Ause and Mistreatment
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
Special attention is paid to competency of social workers and their professional treatment with the elder.... The offered hypothesis is discovered and assessed in accordance with NASW Code.... ... ... The paper includes introduction, literature overview and analysis of research method.... In the literature overview articles and findings of Aurora Salamone, Gambrill, Nikki DiFranks are being examined to shape a proper research method....
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Management Accounting in a German Multinational Company
12 pages (3893 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
ASTERS OF science IN FINANCE ... They include Statistical Package for Social science and Cronbach's Alpha and Pearson Correlations.... (1997), The Art of Continuous Change: Linking Complexity Theory and Time-paced Evolution in Relentlessly Shifting Organisations, Administrative science Quarterly, Vol....
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Physicians' Roles in Learning Childbearing Women to Intake Folate Supplementations in Saudi Arabia
10 pages (3089 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The Role of Folic Acid in the Prevention of Neural Tube Defect, Trends in Food science and Technology, Vol.... f the best few medical databases which are considered as the most reliable in case of medical search, Cochrane Reviews, for example, come at the top.... medical evidence hierarchy of i) Meta-analysis, ii) Systematic Review, iii) Randomized Clinical Trials, iv) Clinical Trials, v) Cohort, vi) Case-control, vii) Case Series, viii) Case Reports, and ix) Expert Opinion was kept in consideration while fixing the protocol (Wright et al, 2007). ...
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