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Trademark Law Issues
8 pages (2079 words) , Download 0 , Article
articles ... Journal of the Academy of Marketing science , 2008: 37 (3), pp.... The paper "Trademark Law Issues" highlights that generally speaking, prohibition is mainly possible where the chosen words induce a particular connotation among some consumers with the potential of linking those words with a particular class of products....
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Perception and learning
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Article
These stimuli cause them to perceive and learn from the environment which in turn affects their behavior. ... ... he article emphasizes the.... ... ... Incidents and events which occurred in the past tend to shape current human behavior.... This is the essence of learning.... Learning typically occurs through classical conditioning, Article Summary: Learning and Perception This article examines learning and perception in human beings as they engage with their environment and are exposed to a variety of stimulus....
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Life and Inventions of Galileo Galilei
5 pages (1681 words) , Download 2 , Article
Galileo is also regarded as one of the founders of various scientific methodologies and his impact in the science world goes beyond the discoveries he made.... Life and Inventions of Galileo Galilei When it comes to science discoveries and innovations, it is more than obvious that the name, Galileo Galilei does not pass by unnoticed.... Galilo is also regarded to as one of the founders of various scientific methodologies and his impact in the science world goes beyond the discoveries he made....
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Wholesaling/Retailing and Direct Marketing
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
Another channel for marketing that is commonly used is the internet.... Direct marketing retailers now prefer using the internet because it has the potential to cut costs for.... ... ... This does not mean, however, that direct marketing retailers have abandoned the use of call centers entirely.... In this article, I look at the benefit of using various channels as opposed to using just one channel....
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Reading disabilities
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Article
The main purpose of the article 'Reading disabilities' is to give an overview of the instructional practices for teaching reading to students with reading disabilities.... It aims to establish specific actions to give them the appropriate and effective reading program.... ... ... ... The key question that the author is addressing is: what are the existing programs that will help students with reading disabilities to overcome their disability....
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Surprise Side Economics by Randall Forsyth
2 pages (621 words) , Download 2 , Article
The paper "Surprise Side Economics by Randall Forsyth" tells that a few hours ago, Forsyth authored an article discussing the unexpected events that usually affect the financial markets and giving an overview of the stability of the dollar's position and possible challenges to that stability.... ...
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Rating Dimensional Data Warehouse by Ralph Kimball
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
The article 'Rating Dimensional Data Warehouse by Ralph Kimball' is a concise piece of scholarship that outlines the key metrics in evaluating a Data Warehouse.... Data Warehouse as a data storage concept and decision-making aid has evolved a lot over the past two decades.... ... ... ... Author Ralph Kimball sets out to do the same, as he proposes a list of 20 criteria for what makes a system 'dimensional'....
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The Saints and the Roughnecks
1 pages (474 words) , Download 1 , Article
This article "The Saints and the Roughnecks" presents Roughnecks and Saints that created a general perspective of the modern-day clicks and gangs.... The two groups had similar behavior and character but different motives behind their existence in gangs.... ... ... ... ... rom the article one can clearly understand the consequences of raising a child in a lonely environment (Kingsley, 24)....
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History of Poverty in Australia
5 pages (1556 words) , Download 0 , Article
rg/articles/2000/nov2000/welf-n17.... rg/articles/2004/apr2004/actu-a05.... rg/articles/2000/nov2000/welf-n17.... rg/articles/2004/apr2004/actu-a05.... The writer of the paper 'History of Poverty in Australia' states that some of the effects of poverty are poor housing, the incidence of illness, stress, lesser education level and poor nutrition....
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Nobody Gets Married Anymore, Mister by Gerry Garibaldi
2 pages (500 words) , Download 7 , Article
This paper presents Nobody Gets Married Anymore, Mister, which was written by Gerry Garibaldi.... In this article, the author highlights the issue of teen pregnancies in Connecticut.... The author starts the article by giving an overview of her time as a teacher in a school.... .... ... ... According to the study, she talks about No Child Left Behind Act, which was introduced by former president Bush....
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The Importance of Providing Clinical Services to Young People
8 pages (2120 words) , Download 1 , Article
The following paper entitled 'The Importance of Providing Clinical Services to Young People' concerns the importance of sexual health in adolescence.... The authors only state the fact that as the adolescent stage begins sexual health becomes of graver concern.... ... ... ... The section on relationships and sexual behavior provides data on the incidence of first sexual intercourse....
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Probability - A Whale of a Tale by Young
4 pages (1130 words) , Download 5 , Article
From the paper "Probability - A Whale of a Tale by Young" it is clear that Elaine Young, the author of the article, using two different case studies showed that it was possible to relate the mathematical theory of probability to third-grade students by using vocabulary and games known to them.... ...
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3 Ways to Get Better Ideas from Your Diverse Team
1 pages (361 words) , Download 2 , Article
The author of this article "3 Ways to Get Better Ideas from Your Diverse Team" casts light on the successful business communication.... As the text has it, the article written by Anne Fisher, and published online in Fortune CNN Money presented relevant issues pertaining to business communication....
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In Praise of the Urban Sandbox by Jeff Ferzoco
5 pages (1287 words) , Download 1 , Article
The article "In Praise of the Urban Sandbox by Jeff Ferzoco" clears up video games that demonstrate many aspects of urban planning - socioeconomic, environmental, sustainability, and resource availability - enhance human creativity and skills in managing the issues tied with their work.... ... ... ...
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About Face: Why is South Korea the Worlds Plastic-Surgery Capital by Patricia Marx
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "About Face: Why is South Korea the World's Plastic-Surgery Capital by Patricia Marx" focuses on the ideology that individuals of South Korea are influenced by the Confucian community encompassing the relatives, friends, and organizations that hire individuals based on their looks apart from qualifications....
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The Introduction of the iPad Has Revolutionized the Technology Market
4 pages (1092 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "The Introduction of the iPad Has Revolutionized the Technology Market" states that the current status of the market, the evolution of new products from its competitors and, the ability of the iPad to hold its front irrespective of the competition has been thoroughly explained.... ... ... ...
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Health Education in Television Entertainment
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "Health Education in Television Entertainment" observes the article written by Martine Bouman, Loes Maas, and Gerjo Kok provides a deep understanding of the positive impacts of media-based learning.... It is a well-known fact that people spend much of their time watching television nowadays....
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Trump's Tax Cuts Have Boosted Bottom Lines, but Not Much Else
1 pages (250 words) , Download 1 , Article
The article "Trump's Tax Cuts Have Boosted Bottom Lines, but Not Much Else" discusses whether tax cuts have helped push for the large investment in America a case which the authors dispute.... Instead of using a tax savings policy to boost net margins, companies seem to be using their savings.... ...
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Management of Human Resources
1 pages (358 words) , Download 1 , Article
This article "Management of Human Resources" discusses HRM managers who are provided with an alternative to measuring the success capabilities of employees apart from educational skills.... Understanding the internal abilities of an employee may be an exceptional tool in the recruitment process.... ...
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Superman as Christ Figure by Kozlovic
1 pages (412 words) , Download 2 , Article
The paper "Superman as Christ Figure by Kozlovic" describes that the Superman subtext is the underlying code of masculine divinity that exists in western societies.... The author reads a divine message in the secular American nationalism of Superman and reproduces a patriarchal religious heritage....
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Oil Falls To Near $76 as US Crude Supplies Grow
1 pages (423 words) , Download 0 , Article
This article is about the fall of oil prices on Wednesday 15 September 2010 in Singapore to almost 76 dollars a barrel following an increase in the United States' crude supplies.... The article indicates that in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange/.... ... ... Reports by the American Petroleum Institute (API) on late Tuesday indicated an increase of crude inventories to 3....
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Analysis of Millennials in the Workplace by Myers
1 pages (355 words) , Download 4 , Article
From the paper "Analysis of Millennials in the Workplace by Myers" it is clear that Millennials expect that they are provided with timely, continuous as well as constructive feedback which their managers and older coworkers might believe is unnecessary and time-consuming.... ... ... ... It is quite essential to state that the two important points that have been made by the author in the journal article are that the Millennials in the workforce are more motivated to work on tasks that are meaningful in nature and are essential for the attainment of organization's aims and objectives....
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Top Five Mango Must-Haves
1 pages (380 words) , Download 2 , Article
The article "Top Five Mango Must-Haves " discusses the main five types of mangos include Langda, Himsagar, Kesar, Alphonso, and Banganapalli.... Rajyasree claims that the Langda variety is tastier than the other varieties and comes from the northern Indian city of Varanasi.... ... ... ... The fruit is always green even when ripe, firm, and has a distinctive taste, and is not overly sweet....
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Refusing Recognition and Enforcement in Kuwait
11 pages (2322 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "Refusing Recognition and Enforcement in Kuwait" discusses that one can not enter into a contract with minors since most minors have no capacity to enter into a contract.... The contract must also be valid and in case of invalidity, the contract is deemed null and void.... ... ... ... Each and every country has specific rules and regulations which government had rules which govern the arbitration contract between the citizens and between the nation and other nations....
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NoSQL and Big Data Management
8 pages (2401 words) , Download 2 , Article
For instance looking for a title in a bunch of million articles in rational models would be hectic and tedious because it would require one to go over each location of rows to find the specific title.... International Journal Of science And Research (IJSR), 5(1), 24-26....
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Educational Levels of Hospital Nurses and Surgical Patient Mortality
5 pages (1419 words) , Download 4 , Article
The paper "Educational Levels of Hospital Nurses and Surgical Patient Mortality" states that implications of the study findings to the nursing research have been stated.... The authors have discussed limitations related to the study.... They have not discussed things related to the implications.... ...
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Eyewitness Memory of a Crime by Yuille & Cutshall
6 pages (1596 words) , Download 2 , Article
The article "Eyewitness Memory of a Crime by Yuille & Cutshall" demonstrates that the use of researcher interviews is more reliable as compared to the police interviews.... Researcher interviews are free from external forces which might affect the witnesses' ability give reliable evidence.... ... ...
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Fiji Water and Bringing the Environment Down to Earth
6 pages (1760 words) , Download 1 , Article
This paper outlines two articles "Fiji Water and Bringing the Environment Down to Earth".... This paper discusses important aspects features and highlights, key ethical and other issues, conflicting causes, and main aspects of analysis.... .... ... ... An Australian researcher, Jeff Angle, had claimed that bottled water is harmful to human health as it contains a high carbon footprint, and its transportation as well as extraction involves a lot of energy loss around the world....
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Western Expansion and American Politics
3 pages (1010 words) , Download 2 , Article
The article "Western Expansion and American Politics" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in Western expansion and American politics.... 1846-1848 were significant years in the making of the American nation.... These two short years marked the outbreak of the Mexican-American War....
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Dwelling in Slums
8 pages (1999 words) , Download 3 , Article
Most of the medical facilities which are available with five star facilities and costly were just a dream for the people living in slums.... If they don't spend the work will be lost on medical grounds.... The medical insurance fee will not be an affordable one for them as they don't want to pay for extra policies which are not useful at present.... Most of the medical and health problems of the old people will be neglected for the fear of expenditure....
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Bill Clinton: The 42nd American President
10 pages (2543 words) , Download 2 , Article
He also made the health care reform a priority, as well as family and maternal health, signing the Family and medical Leave Act.... As the quality of life became better, education and medical services also got better.... One of the most famous bills that have been enacted in the Clinton administration is the Family and medical Leave Act that enables employees to take unpaid leaves whenever a baby in a family is born or if someone is sick.... That's who he thought about when he signed the Family and medical Leave Act, which also reflective of the needs of the greater American people. ...
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The True Nature of the Kung Bushmen - No Acts of Generosity
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
The paper "The True Nature of the Kung Bushmen - No Acts of Generosity" portrays a lesson that caught explorer unaware.... Aiming to surprise the savages with a generous gift he was punished, - the culture of Bushman tribe dictates universal equality in everything and does not allow any dominance....
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Epidemiology Of Breast Cancer In Saudi Arabia
12 pages (2995 words) , Download 0 , Article
In as much, the reports have been grappling with many challenges among them unavailability of medical records in some hospitals.... Another important aspect to mention is that these data as represented in the reports are abstracted from medical reports.... This article "Epidemiology Of Breast Cancer In Saudi Arabia" thus builds on these reports to critically gather all information from the Saudi Cancer Registry with an aim of ascertaining epidemiology of the pandemic in Saudi Arabia....
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SCN Mechanism of Communication
1 pages (323 words) , Download 2 , Article
The article "SCN Mechanism of Communication" focuses on the critical analysis of the use of the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) as a mechanism of communication.... The article involves, an analysis of mammalian suprachiasmatic nuclei transplant.... ... ... ... This suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) transmits signals to the brain, organizing circadian rhythms throughout the body....
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The Significance of Personality within the Domains of a Manager
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
This article discusses the significance of personality within the domains of a manager and how the same play an essential role at instilling a sense of confidence in not only his own demeanor but also the people who look up to him and thus devise ways and means to perform their respective work tasks....
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New Ideas About Marketing and Marketing in Politics
1 pages (284 words) , Download 2 , Article
This paper focuses on marketing in politics.... In order to get one's message out to people, a politician needs to be a master communicator.... They need to know how to talk to people and persuade them that they should vote for the politician.... They need to appear knowledgeable and sincere.... ...
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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Syndrome and Academic Performance
1 pages (303 words) , Download 2 , Article
The main objective of the current article "Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Syndrome and Academic Performance" is to provide a critique of a conducted study that investigates the reasons why ADHD impact on academic performance and what can be done to support ADHD children in the classroom.... ... ...
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Discount Pricing - Prices in a slow economy
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
The article focuses on the bad shape of the economy and how it is affecting companies and the corporate world in a negative manner.... The.... ... ... Even those businesses that are still operational and making profits are cutting down on their air travel budget to save each and every penny in order to remain in business and to make Discount Prices Discount Prices Trapped in the Middle Seat is the of the article created by JAD MOUAWAD, the article is posted in the online section of New York Times....
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The Modern Family by Steven Mintz
6 pages (1593 words) , Download 1 , Article
The paper "The Modern Family by Steven Mintz " discusses that Mintz's article has some weaknesses, which may need some alterations.... For instance, Mintz has failed to provide enough solutions to the problem at hand; he only cites some of the solutions that the Liberals and Conservatives provide....
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Education in the Information Society by Torres
6 pages (1627 words) , Download 0 , Article
In this paper "Education in the Information Society by Torres", the author challenges the deal in the discussion about Information Society and educational systems of various parts of the world and probes an insight of whether or not the term itself does or does not seem to bear meaning within itself....
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Comparing Student Achievement in Online and Face-to-Face Class Formats
4 pages (1093 words) , Download 2 , Article
From the paper "Comparing Student Achievement in Online and Face-to-Face Class Formats" it is clear that this is an article that tries to cover too much ground in too short a space.... A more thorough description of the small studies reported would have been much more useful empirical evidence.... ...
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A Defence of Abortion
5 pages (1298 words) , Download 0 , Article
This paper 'A Defence of Abortion' summarizes and critiques two arguments on abortion.... The two arguments analyzed are Don Marquis's anti-abortion argument in the article 'Why Abortion is Immoral', and Judith Jarvis Thomson's pro-abortion argument in the article, 'A Defence of Abortion'.... ... ...
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Improving Customer Service
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Article
This article "Improving Customer Service" focuses on employees in a company that have the responsibility of ensuring customer satisfaction, which is a crucial key for the success of the enterprise.... This is the argument laid out in the article and it goes a step further to illustrate it.... ... ...
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Guy Debords The Society of the Spectacle
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 2 , Article
rg/articles/SI/en/pub_contents/4 (Accessed 11 April 2011). ... The author of this work will attempt to assess the relevance of Guy Debord's 'The Society of the Spectacle' in understanding the capitalist culture.... Specifically, Debord had pointed out that 'capital accumulated to the point that it becomes the image....
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Diabetes and Sugar
5 pages (1478 words) , Download 0 , Article
ome people do not have symptoms before being diagnosed with diabetes through a routine medical check-up.... egular medical check-ups are necessary in order to detect early signs of complications.... Such tests may include checking for blood glucose, HbA1c, cholesterol, blood pressure, eye checks, urine tests, foot checks, blood tests and other general medical tests. ...
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Andrew Sullivan: Society is Dead, We Have Retreated into the iWorlds
3 pages (750 words) , Download 23 , Article
This article discusses Andrew Sullivan's work about how technology is changing our world and gaining control over people.... By examples and by using figurative language like the use of metaphors the author describes how iPods have completely encompassed our daily life.... ... ... ... The author through this article demonstrates that it is because of this iWorld that we are losing our sense of reality....
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Can We Teach Character: an Aristotelian Answer
3 pages (899 words) , Download 5 , Article
An Aristotelian Answer' was written by Edwin M.... Hartman of Rutgers University.... It was first published in March 2006 in the journal of the Academy of Management Learning & Education in Vol.... 5 of Issue No.... 1 and consists of about.... ... ... His article seeks to answer the question of whether it is possible to teach business school students how to improve their character as opposed to teaching them about ethical principles only....
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College- Is It Worth It By Ronald Shipley
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
The author of the paper will begin with the statement that Ronald Shipley in his article; College- is it worth it?... which was first published in 1998 by the Student Affairs Weekly Magazine, asserts that college has both advantages and disadvantages depending on how one chooses to look at it.... ...
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Layout of an Academic Research Paper
3 pages (847 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "Layout of an Academic Research Paper" states that the layout of an academic research paper is required to be followed generally while writing an academic research paper.... The report also presents a summary and critical review of the layout of an article chosen for this purpose.... ... ...
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International Terror Attack
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
atest News articles.... Latest Intenational news articles.... In the paper 'International Terror Attack' the author analyzes international terror attack, which has taken a new direction owing to the increased rates of technology development and globalization; this has also facilitated the need for new methodologies for combating terrorism....
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