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Impact of Fast Food Advertising on Childhood Obesity
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
The globalization of the world in the 1990s because of technological developments followed by expansion of mass Media has resulted in a social shift or changes in cultural trends across the USA.... The Effects of Fast Food Advertising on Childhood Obesity Chapter Introduction The globalization of world in 1990s because of technological developments followed by expansion of mass Media has resulted in a social shift or changes in cultural trends across USA.... For instance, the international fast food chains have also created demand through aggressive informative, persuasive and reminder advertising besides derived demand, for which credit goes to advertising agencies and Media resources....
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How Does Versace Online Store Influences Loyal Customer Behaviour in the UK
13 pages (3225 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The fashion marketing is becoming significant in the UK and across the globe due to increasing use of the internet and social Media to search for information.... Fashion has special cultural attachment in the UK which is expressed through annual London Fashion Week shows and showed to the entire global through various Media platform.... It is estimated that about 35million people watch the London Fashion Week show across the UK using various Media (Rath, Petrizzi & Gill, 2012)....
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Expanding Electronic Commerce into the Persian Gulf
3 pages (858 words) , Download 11 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Expanding Electronic Commerce into the Persian Gulf" is looking into which specific information security options can best be assimilated by professionals in the Persian Gulf region.... The most common kind of information security resource used today is the firewall.... ... ...
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2 pages (500 words) , Download 8 , Research Proposal
The idea of embracing different cultures is good to help people live in harmony.... Understanding different cultures help people to accept and appreciate each.... ... ... Different cultures come with different races and this is important in the fight against racism which has been in the fore front in advocating for unity among different societies across the Lecturer October 3, Research Proposal Multiculturalism Introduction Multiculturalism or cultural pluralism is the situation where individuals with different cultures live in the same area....
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Analysis of the Determinants of Electricity Demand in Libya
11 pages (3283 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The paper "Analysis of the Determinants of Electricity Demand in Libya" examines the factors affecting the demand for electricity in Libya during the period (1980-2010) focusing on the use of ordinary least square techniques in constructing the empirical model of the demand function for electricity....
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Generalized Anxiety Disorder
1 pages (250 words) , Download 9 , Research Proposal
Generalized Anxiety Disorder is a type of anxiety disorder whose main characteristics include persistent worry that is often irrational and cannot be controlled (Portman 2009, 42).... In order for this kind of disorder to be properly diagnosed, the patient must have suffered from.... ... ... 56)....
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Nature of State Sovereignty
2 pages (560 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The paper "Nature of State Sovereignty" goes ahead to examine some scholars' views that the concept of sovereignty emerged during Roman times while some maintain that it was only a recent invention and has emerged along with the idea of the modern state.... ... ... ... Unarguably, there are serious contentions on this subject but the unifying thought is that this concept has been the basis for communities to vest power on a group of individuals to legitimately govern and demand loyalty from their subjects and maintain social order....
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Multi Sector Collaborative Project
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This project proposal is aimed to give an introduction into the areas that are to be covered in the project.... The project that has to be done is based on Methamphetamines in Spokane.... The project is aimed to find out the effects of this particular drug in the population of Spokane.... ... ... ...
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Literature Review on Islam: Is It Misunderstood and Why
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Furthermore, dominating the powerful Western Media today is paranoia towards Islam and anything related to it, just as anti-Communism and anti-Nazi campaigns dominated the Western Media in the last century (Agha, 2000, p.... The question of the influence of the Media with regards to this issue can easily spark a hated debate among people.... It is said that public opinion is shaped by such powerful determinants and providers of information such as the mass Media (Abrahamian, 2003, p....
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World Exposition
7 pages (1944 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
This work called "World Exposition" describes factors that determine the success of the World's fairs.... The author outlines the ideal attractive theme for an expo, benefits of world expos, reasons that lead to the challenge of poor turnout of visitors or tourists.... ... ... ... The duration of the world expo usually lasts between the ranges of 2 weeks to 3months....
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Effects of Low Oil Price in Gulf Countries
14 pages (3645 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The purpose of this research is to determine the effects of reduction of the prices of oil on policy making and Media in the region of gulf.... ims of the study The aims of this research include:To identify the effects of reduction of the prices of oil on policy making and Media in the region of gulf.... Also the use of country reports, current and historical Media stories as well as the experts concerned in the sector of energy were very helpful in the completion of this research....
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Student Rating in Higher Education
14 pages (4272 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Student Rating in Higher Education" focuses on a comparison between student ratings and faculty self-ratings at school.... It is a descriptive cross-sectional study to investigate the effectiveness of both student rating and faculty self-rating.... .... ... ... The research will survey 15 lecturers drawn from the University's Faculty of Education and 80 students pursuing a bachelor of education degree....
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Implementation of Effective Paradigm to Support Child Labor in Developing Countries
14 pages (248 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Implementation of Effective Paradigm to Support Child Labor in Developing Countries" investigates the implementation of an effective paradigm to support child labor in developing countries.... The study will be conducted in Pakistan and Sudan.... ... ... ... The focus of the research will be on the benefits of child labor in these countries....
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High speed stereo imaging techniques for flame studies
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
Many inventions have been made that are applicable in many fields.... The medical field has benefited a lot due to the invention of efficient diagnostic methods.... These methods require modification.... ... ... This research proposal explores the properties and behavior of some inventions used for high speed imaging diagnostic purpose....
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Negotiating in Asia
13 pages (3591 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The author of the "Negotiating in Asia" paper explores the negotiation process in Asian cultures and the types of price negotiation existing in the region.... The research report will be used as an information source for people who intend to visit and stay in Asia.... ... ... ... In the process of price negotiation, there are two major components; the buyer and the seller....
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Chinese Economic Reforms
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The dissertation will first examine Chinese economic reform and compile a body of literature offering objective analysis of key elements of the reform process, with a bias towards monetary policies, exchange rates, and inflation.... This investigates the economic reforms and monetary policies.... ...
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Factors Leading to the Development of Diabetes Cases amongst the Lebanese Community in Sydney
15 pages (4272 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The proposal "Factors Leading to the Development of Diabetes Cases amongst the Lebanese Community in Sydney" determines the role of social and cultural beliefs on the people's lifestyles and the increasing number of diabetes cases amongst the Lebanese community.... ... .... ... ... The paper "safety management guidelines among oil companies" indicates the oil companies should allocate a given percentage of their revenue towards the safety management program....
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Cardiac Biomedicine: Cardiac Hypertrophy and Failure Draft
1 pages (580 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The paper contains the research proposal of the study titled "Cardiac Biomedicine: Cardiac Hypertrophy and Failure" the aim of which is to clarify the molecular mechanism of failing heart in cases of cardiac failure due to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.... ... ... ... When the cardiomyopathies are classified on an etiologic basis, two fundamental forms are recognized: (1) a primary type, consisting of heart muscle disease of unknown cause; and (2) a secondary type, consisting of myocardial disease of known cause or associated with a disease involving other organ systems....
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Success of the iPod
6 pages (1726 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Success of the iPod" is aimed at discussing the need to study the success of the iPod and its relevance to the performance of Apple during the current decade and in the future.... It also aims at ascertaining whether there is any further scope for expansion in the market.... ....
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Development of an Approach for the Investigation of Fire in Facilities
6 pages (1624 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The paper "Development of an Approach for the Investigation of Fire in Facilities" provides a comprehensive understanding of fire investigation techniques.... It reviews techniques used in the investigation of fires in facilities and recommends good practices for the investigation of fire in facilities....
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Thermoplastic Copolyester Nancomposites for Biomedical Applications
6 pages (2050 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
This research paper "Thermoplastic Copolyester Nanocomposites for Biomedical Applications" shows that Thermoplastic copolyester nanocomposites are a relatively new class of materials that leverage the benefits of engineered plastics and the properties of elastomers.... ... ... ... Nanocomposites are polymers containing particles in the matrix that possess at least one dimension of the dispersed particles in the nanometer range (<100 nm), and these materials have been demonstrated to have unique, versatile, and superior mechanical properties as well as commercially viable cost ranges compared to original polymer/filler composites....
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Are Entrepreneurial Characteristics Necessary for Manager to be a Good Leader
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This research 'Are Entrepreneurial Characteristics Necessary for Manager to be a Good Leader?... provides a deep insight into the essence of leadership, various leadership styles and how they effect in an organizational context.... The author suggests that all successful entrepreneurs are good leaders....
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Effect of Literacy on the Boys of Rural Communities of Age 8 12
7 pages (2002 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
'Effect of Literacy on the Boys of Rural Communities of Age 8 – 12" paper overviews the effect of literacy on the rural communities.... After the situation analysis, we will put a research proposal for the NGO to establish strategies to increase the literacy rate of the rural economies.... ....
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Security and Climate Change Challenges for Hilton Hotels in Kenya
10 pages (2826 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
"Security and Climate Change Challenges for Hilton Hotels in Kenya" paper finds out how the areas of problems identified impact on the activities of the hotel.... It also finds out how the actions of relevant stakeholders in the issues affecting the hotel industry may act to avert the problem.... ...
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Website for Marketing Firm
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Mcyclopedia of New Media 2005.... Internet Marketing has become popular because Internet access is becoming more widely available and used.... Well over one-third of consumers who have Internet access at home report to using the Internet to make purchases (What is Internet marketing 2004)....
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Operational Oceanography
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The writer of this paper states that the underlying aim of the project is to expedite Operational Oceanography in the world.... User-requirements surveys will highlight the need for enhanced accuracy, reliability.... ... ... ... Participants will include a number of major modeling centers.... The selected focus of quantifying sediment fluxes in the North Sea (Gerritsen et al....
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Attitudes Towards The Consumption of Fashion Brands
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
This research proposal talks about the conspicuous consumption, consumer buying behavior and the attitudes towards the consumption of conspicuous fashion brands by middle-class generation Y members of emerging economies by the example of Nigerian youth.... ... ... ... The attitude of the middle-class youths of Generation Y of Nigeria is changing significantly....
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Impact of Emotional Advertising and Branding on Consumer Purchase Decision Process
8 pages (2570 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
With the arrival of new digital Media and technology, advertising has taken a new turn with promotional campaigns also utilizing the cyberspace with web-based banners, pictures, pages, hashtags, and so on.... Blogs, social Media websites, and other review sites offer a great way of disseminating information and informing customers online about different brands.... In a way, communication and information dissemination has been greatly enhanced by the presence of such social Media outlets in the cyberspace....
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How a Major Japanese Die Manufacturer Can Exploit Its Existing Technology
8 pages (2633 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The paper "How a Major Japanese Die Manufacturer Can Exploit Its Existing Technology" highlights that the review of related literature of the research article is a focused summary of what has already been published regarding the question or problem for which there is a gap in knowledge.... .... ... ...
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Foreign Labor and Recruitment in United Arab Emirates
9 pages (2332 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
"Foreign Labor and Recruitment in United Arab Emirates" paper provides an analysis of the upcoming trends in the areas of recruitment of foreign labor in UAE.... Industries in UAE adopt a competitive recruitment process to select the most suitable foreign laborers than any other foreign country.... ....
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Alcoholism Is a Monster That Should Be Fought at All Cost
1 pages (410 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Unlike in the past decade when alcoholism was widely criticized by the Media, focus on illegal drugs such as cocaine, has rendered alcoholism insignificant.... It is not only the Media to blame for the radical directional change; the government has contributed to this course overwhelmingly by failing to enact stiffer laws to control alcohol consumption.... y failing to launch massive anti-alcoholism campaigns, the government and the Media have failed many families and individuals....
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Role of Time Management in Construction Projects
5 pages (1871 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
This paper "Role of Time Management in Construction Projects" focuses on the fact that Igroup (2011) revealed that the value of real estate projects under construction in Saudi Arabia is estimated to be about $586 billion.... The magnitude of the cost of construction projects in Saudi Arabia is huge....
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Hotel School and Service Knowledge Gain
8 pages (2194 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The paper "Hotel School and Service Knowledge Gain" highlights that generally speaking, training is the systematic modification of behaviour through learning which occurred as a result of educational, instruction, development and planned experience.... ... ... Triangulation is an important tool in the research process, which verifies the research triangle and ensures the validity of the topic under investigation....
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The Threat of Terrorism for the Global Society
8 pages (2255 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The paper "The Threat of Terrorism for the Global Society" aims to study fight against terrorism or hegemony of superpowers, involves Media reports, along with the opinion of the population of Iraq on the role of terrorist organizations in maintaining tensions in the country.... Though it is next to impossible to reach out to the citizens of these nations, still we'll try to analyse their views available in the public domain on the print and electronic Media....
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Information Technology in Healthcare
5 pages (1649 words) , Download 6 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Information Technology in Healthcare" discusses technologies that are especially useful.... By storing data on EHIS, it will be possible to forecast future usage and to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the current applications used within the Home Health Agency.... ...
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The Causes of Childhood Obesity in Saudis and Extent of Parents` Awareness of the Lifestyle
14 pages (4580 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
"The Causes of Childhood Obesity in Saudis and Extent of Parents' Awareness of the Lifestyle" aims to know to identify the reasons behind the increase in the prevalence of childhood obesity in Saudi Arabia and to assess parents' awareness of the impact of lifestyle changes on childhood obesity.... ...
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The Use of Videotapes and Cameras in the Courtroom and the Jury Deliberation Room
7 pages (2002 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
One debatable issue is the use of videotapes and cameras in the courtroom and the jury deliberation room whether it should be accepted, and if ever, what ethical guidelines should be observed by the “players” – the judges, jurors, prosecutor, defense, the Media, and the public in general.... ideotapes or cameras, as used in this research, refer to television cameras that are utilized by the Media in covering case trials. ... In some cases, they are not allowed to see Media coverage of the case that could sway their opinion....
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The Impact of Effective Teaching on Pupil's Writing Achievement
7 pages (2770 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "The Impact of Effective Teaching on Pupil's Writing Achievement" presents a teacher who is making huge strides, albeit slow ones, towards ensuring that the pupil can both read and write with ease.... Students of both Key stage 1 and 2 need continued guidance and direction....
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The Concept of Graffiti
8 pages (2447 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
Each Media article on graffiti was classified and ranked for interestingness within one or more of the following 3 categories: 1) violence/fear; 2) dirty looking/dirty; 3) Crime; 4) vandalism; and 5) politics .... In general, the Media articles were ranked.... here were twenty Media articles in total.... The methodology looked at how frequently each genre occurs in each Media article.... uch of the general policy, political and Media debate surrounding graffiti activities understand the phenomenon almost solely in terms of damaging vandalism that has a negative effect on quality of life and crime issues (Wilson and Kelling, 2006)....
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Evocative Object
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Many if, not few times, many people find themselves in a state of panic, usually perceived by a threat, which causes entities to pull away from it and hide.... In most cases, this fear is caused by something we cannot see, but it is made real in our minds such that people try.... ... ... This research intends to break down exactly what fear is, how it manipulates our minds, and how it can be used positively in life. ...
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EMG muscle activity in various rehabilitation exercises
2 pages (500 words) , Download 5 , Research Proposal
The exercises under focus are leg press, squats, leg extensions comprising of different variables such as two foot placement on leg.... ... ... Lehman (2004) explains that pains on the knees are the most common injuries that a body suffers from its joints.... In explaining his point, Rubin (2000) and Singh (2012) uses the type of a Introduction: This document is a research proposal regarding a research on muscle activities in different rehab exercises on patients suffering from knee pains....
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The Impact of Sports on Politics and Cultural Representation
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
Proposal: The Impact of Sports on Politics and Cultural Representation Name Institution Introduction Sport is one of the forms of a game often played by adults and children, in which players take up to acquire physical skills.... The popularity of a sport has continued to grow for various reasons....
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Student Satisfaction in Distance Learning
8 pages (2385 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The aim of this proposal is to investigate which elements have the largest impact on student satisfaction in the specific environment of Dublin Economic School.... The main objective of the research is to identify and describe the major contributors and predictors of student satisfaction.... ... ...
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Opening of Caf Coffee Day in Kerala
7 pages (2128 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
The author of the paper "Opening of Café Coffee Day in Kerala" will begin with the statement that coffee is a commodities market to watch out for going into 2014.... According to one commodity, expert coffee bean prices should reach historically bottom and it will revive investor interest....
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Quality of Service in Service Oriented Architecture Applications
7 pages (2292 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This paper ''Quality of Service in Service Oriented Architecture Applications'' gives an account of mathematical models for Quality of Service (QoS) for Service Oriented Architectures (SoAs) in terms of reliability and performance.... .... ... ... Currently there are multiple ways of defining both reliability and performance for QoS in SoAs....
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Weather Positive Motivation Is More Effective in Helping Team Building Than the Negative Motivation
9 pages (2522 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "Weather Positive Motivation Is More Effective in Helping Team Building Than the Negative Motivation" is an outstanding example of a management research proposal.... The dissertation E emphasises the concept of balance scored card.... ... ... ... The paper "Weather Positive Motivation Is More Effective in Helping Team Building Than the Negative Motivation" is an outstanding example of a management research proposal....
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How Parental Care Activities at Home Influence Social Skills Development of Children
10 pages (3081 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
Retrieved October 19, 2012, from http://Media.... The primary goal of this research project "How Parental Care Activities at Home Influence Social Skills Development of Children" is to evaluate parental care activities at home and how they influence the social skills development of children in early childhood education....
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Knowledge Management and Its Benefit to Business
7 pages (1916 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "Knowledge Management and Its Benefit to Business" is an outstanding example of a management research proposal.... The purpose of the research is to find out what knowledge management is and how it can benefit the business.... ... ... ... The paper "Knowledge Management and Its Benefit to Business" is an outstanding example of a management research proposal....
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An Evaluation of the American Parole and Probation System
9 pages (2678 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
From the paper "An Evaluation of the American Parole and Probation System" it is clear that it is likely that there would be cases where data might not exist.... In such situations, to ensure validity, there will be an effort to provide compensating information that will promote consistency.... ... ...
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Older People and Fear of Crime
8 pages (2311 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
This could be from any Media.... Also, studying this will help bring out aspects where the Media and authorities can in their own way help the section of society and help building a safer and more elderly friendly society.... ) What is the role of the Media in the overall scene? ... The role of the Media on this has also been taken into account for this study....
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