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Driving Mom-and-Pop Shops out of Business
1 pages (379 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The proposal "Driving Mom-and-Pop Shops out of Business" focuses on the critical analysis of the problem that large corporations, such as Wal-Mart and Home Depot, have been criticized for driving mom-and-pop shops out of business.... Is this a valid criticism?... ... ... ... Merriman et al.... state that Walmart and other huge stores can kick small businesses out of operations in locations where they start their business (Merriman, 2012)....
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Does Exercise Lead to Bone Fractures in Adults with Diabetes Name of the Principal Investigator
10 pages (3145 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
"Does Exercise Lead to Bone Fractures in Adults with Diabetes Name of the Principal Investigator" paper highlights the importance of physical exercise for adults with diabetes to avert the severe risk of bone fracture.... The research focuses on undertaking a case series study as a research approach....
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A topic of interest in business or management
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The research would delve into potential impact of the recent economic and financial difficulties that besieged various countries worldwide.... The focus would be on the recent recession.... ... ... at impacted the United States economy and one would like to find out how these economic factors affected the rate new businesses are established or current businesses opted to close or declare bankruptcy. ...
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Inclusion in Kindergarten Level in the UAE
15 pages (4205 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Inclusion in Kindergarten Level in the UAE" focuses on most studies on inclusion in the UAE that have concentrated on primary schools and higher-educational institutions.... This study aims to add to the inclusion literature by focusing on the kindergarten level.... ... ... ...
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Ambitions for Biotechnology and Life Sciences Companies Located in Denmark
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
From the paper "Ambitions for Biotechnology and Life Sciences Companies Located in Denmark" it is clear that biotechnology will remain a strongly growing sector, with an expectation for delivering answers to many of the most pressing of human concerns.... ... ... ... It is evident that the research project described in this research proposal will present useful insights into internationalisation ambitions and strategy for biotechnology companies located in Denmark, in addition to adding to an understanding about biotechnology business and the Danish biotechnology industry....
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The Impact of Private Education in Saudi Arabia on Expatriate Teachers
11 pages (3506 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This research proposal describes the impact of private education in Saudi Arabia on expatriate teachers.... This paper outlines proposed methodology and different tecniques, literature review , difficulties, that teachers can face, Ethical considerations and pretest or pilot study.... .... ... ... Under this plan, the number of foreign workers in Saudi Arabia was to be reduced gradually over the five year term to create vacancies for the indigenous Arab This was done by placing curbs on recruiting expatriates in the private sector organizations including the educational institutes....
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Vermont Teddy Bear
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Running Head: Vermont Teddy Bear Vermont Teddy Bear [Name of the writer] [Name of the Institution] Vermont Teddy Bear Introduction Since centuries, people have been putting efforts to develop themselves by different means where business remained one of the most common forms of human development.... ...
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Comparative Social Policy
6 pages (1554 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
This work "Comparative Social Policy" describes social policy and its deal with equity issues in society.... The author compares and contrasts social policy in the United States and in Britain.... From this work, it is clear about various policies around health care, education policy, issues pertaining to marriage, adoption, and divorce, and social security....
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Acknowledgements for the Research Work
1 pages (408 words) , Download 5 , Research Proposal
The author of this research proposal entitled "Acknowledgements for the Research Work" casts light on the author's acknowledgments.... It is stated: this dissertation is the culmination of what has become my life-transforming sojourn into graduate studies.... ... ... ... While this dissertation deservedly carries my name and attribution, it would not have been possible without the tireless labor and enduring patience of countless people who have sustained me with their wisdom and faith, without which this dissertation would not have been possible....
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Introduction of an iPod
5 pages (1380 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Introduction of an iPod" aimed at studying a specific case of market research and intend to adopt an organized effort in collecting information about related markets and customers.... .... ... ... The proposed research proposal will conduct elaborate research on the consumer markets across the world with a special emphasis on the markets in the United States, United Kingdom, Germany and Japan....
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Examining At-Risk Youth Population
10 pages (2802 words) , Download 6 , Research Proposal
The proposal "Examining At-Risk Youth Population" focuses on the critical analysis and examination of at-risk youth to determine the reasons why so many young people are dropping out of school before graduation.... Various programs targeting at-risk youth will be studied.... ... ... ... The question of how and in what ways these at-risk programs are meeting the intended purpose of raising the graduation rate of at-risk high school students within the target area will form the basis for this study....
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Time Schedule: Timeline
6 pages (1910 words) , Download 8 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Time Schedule: Timeline" focuses on the estimated time which will be based on the academic calendar needed to be followed by the school.... Given an estimated timeframe of 4 months, below is how the whole research is proposed to be scheduled.... ... ... ... It can be seen that the proposal writing is expected to be completed in the next 3 weeks....
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Factors that Impact the Implementation of Service Excellence at the United Arabs
6 pages (1521 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "Factors that Impact the Implementation of Service Excellence at the United Arabs" is a good example of a research proposal on management.... The background of the study succinctly provides relevant and detailed information for the study.... ... ... ... The paper "Factors that Impact the Implementation of Service Excellence at the United Arabs" is a good example of a research proposal on management....
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The Runaway and Homeless Youth and Trafficking Prevention Act
14 pages (3937 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
"The Runaway and Homeless Youth and Trafficking Prevention Act" paper focuses on this act which is a step in the right direction, as far as the promotion of the health of the homeless is concerned.... The bill must go through all stages of law-making successfully to become a law in the US.... ... ...
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Performance of UKs Retail Sector during the Global Financial Crisis
7 pages (2042 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
"Performance of UK's Retail Sector during the Global Financial Crisis" paper identifies and explores the UK's retail sector and its performance during the financial crisis, while also keeping in view, the government's efforts to sustain the accomplishments of this sector.... ... ... ... Financial Slump and Joblessness: The decrease in consumer confidence is a product of the financial meltdown, the lack of skilled human resources as well as the condition of the poor housing market....
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What Problems Can Cause Pregnancy on College Students
4 pages (1327 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
This research "What Problems Can Cause Pregnancy on College Students?... seeks to establish from data gathered the problems leading to the factor of pregnancy in college students.... It evaluates the intensity of the problems in relation to the stresses the college students.... ... ... ... It is true that students do face a lot of stress and stress factors while in college....
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Data Analysis Methods and Tools
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
To evaluate the performance of employees, organizations use performance appraisal tools in order to determine, whether or not the organization is operating effectively to achieve its goals and objectives.... Human resource departments of organizations are majorly responsible for.... ... ... rying out performance appraisal functions, by making use of different strategies like performance review meetings, employees' interview and supervisors' comments etc (Sudarsan, 2009). ...
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How to Improve and Reactivate the Latest Data Mining Technology in UAE Municipality
7 pages (2903 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper 'How to Improve and Reactivate the Latest Data Mining Technology in UAE Municipality' is a forceful example of the management research proposal.... Data mining is a key area to be considered by any organization dealing with important data that may help it to prosper in its operations.... ...
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Childhood Obesity/Parental Education/Implications and Limitations
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The assumption is that this number will represent over 20% of a possible number of people within the population.... The population of the study has been proposed to be made up of students observed to be obese in.... ... ... The implication of the proportion of the sample size to the population is that the views and results to be collected among the respondents will become the larger representation of views and results from the entire population (Davis-Floyd, School: Topic: Implications And Limitations Lecturer: Implications and Limitations Implications and assumptions on the proposed sample A proposed sample size of 20 mothers has been suggested for the study....
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Eating Disorders - a Widespread Problem in the World
2 pages (693 words) , Download 8 , Research Proposal
The paper "Eating Disorders - a Widespread Problem in the World" states people live in a fast-paced world, where most individuals hardly get enough time to adhere to healthy eating practices or physical exercises.... This has resulted in obesity and to counter this problem many people avoid food....
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Estimation of the Gulf Currency Union
5 pages (1687 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The proposal "Estimation of the Gulf Currency Union" focuses on the critical analysis of the effects of the Gulf Currency Union (GCU) on Saudi Arabia.... A brief discussion of the research goal and objectives is included.... Gulf Currency Union is a popular topic of professional discussion.... ... ...
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Handy Hydraulics Industries in the USA
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This report 'Handy Hydraulics Industries in the USA' is aimed to conduct the data analysis for the company.... This would be done in pursuance of the newly hired business data analyst.... This analysis would contain the basic and advanced statistical practices including evaluation of different statistics....
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Real Option and Investment in the UK
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
This study answers the research question "what factors most influence to establish whether Investment Strategy and Process is effective, cost-effective, acceptable, and to understand the potential barriers to implementing in view of the Real Option".... .... ... ... A real option is those strategic elements in investment that help to create the flexibility of operation or that have the potentials of generating profitable opportunities in the future for the firm....
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Morality and Ideology in Lending and Credit
7 pages (2168 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The paper "Morality and Ideology in Lending and Credit" proposes to examine the differences in the banking systems in terms of lending and credit and the underlying ethics of the financial principles and practices utilized in these systems.... ... ... ... There are differences between the Saudi and U....
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Health Care and Pharmaceutical Industry
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 5 , Research Proposal
Consolidation of health care and pharmaceutical industry can not be confined to a single country or region as the very purpose of consolidation demands.... Mergers and Acquisitions have been the order of the day for reasons of economy and competitive advantage.... ... ... ... In the health care, are the service industry catering to health insurance, hospital services and in the pharmaceuticals sector there are both formulations manufacturing and bulk drugs manufacturing....
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High Failure and Dropout Rate in Intermediate and College Algebra
6 pages (1879 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The paper "High Failure and Dropout Rate in Intermediate and College Algebra" describes that the BMCC study established that due to the existence of a significant variation in the algebraic proficiency of students, a lecture-based model of tutoring is an inefficient method of teaching mathematical units....
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Emotional labor
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Introduction to Your Area of Interest 125 words Emotional competence is a skill that is used to define and understand an individual's emotions where the ability to have control over these feelings and to use the information that this control provides will guide their actions (Raley, 2004).... ... ...
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Indigenous Knowledge Systems
9 pages (2153 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The proposal "Indigenous Knowledge Systems" proves the union of cosmology, cognition, consciousness, and Indigenous Knowledge Systems affect the use of this understanding in the global and locally focused context, to thrive during ever-accelerating cosmic changes.... ... ... ... As humans reach the end of the 5,125-year Mayan Calendar on December 21, 2012, the world is in rapid transformation....
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Legislative Provisions to Safeguard Children
40 pages (10000 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
This proposal 'Legislative Provisions to Safeguard Children' will examine the recent innovations and specifically in the context of the recent changes that have been introduced in the South Norfolk area, which has a rich diversity of minority groups, posing problems of poverty and social exclusion....
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Economic Resources and Conflict between Communities
8 pages (2454 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
The proposal "Economic Resources and Conflict between Communities" focuses on the critical, and thorough analysis of the interrelationship between the distribution of economic resources and conflict between communities, regionally, or even at the global level.... ... ... ... World governments embark on developing effective responses to challenges resulting from the competition for natural resources in the fast-changing global economy....
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The Issue Faced by Sainsbury's - Performance Appraisals and Motivation
10 pages (2979 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
Success of an organisation depends on the effectiveness and efficiency of human resource management.... It is therefore vital for every organisation to focus on employees,.... ... ... The paper 'The Issue Faced by Sainsbury's - Performance Appraisals and Motivation' is a dramatic example of human resources research proposal....
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Sarbanes-Oxley Law - Effects on Internal Control
9 pages (912 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper 'Sarbanes-Oxley Law - Effects on Internal Control' is a forceful example of a management research proposal.... Internal controls shield a corporation from financial losses that can be caused by a lack of due diligence on the part of its stakeholders, who ought to act as watchdogs over the actions of one the other....
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The Economic Position and Energy of Russia
11 pages (2914 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper 'The Economic Position and Energy of Russia' is a forceful example of a finance and accounting research proposal.... Russia is considered among the developed countries in the world.... Owing to its increased economic growth, industrialization, and economic stability, the country has remained an integral and imperative part of the G8 countries....
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4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
Cancer is a genetic phenomenon that onsets as a result of trigger in the signal transduction of normal cell cycle, causing alteration in the cellular pathways for.... ... ... Cancer cells are not confined to one location and they turn invasive, spread to the nearby tissues initially and gradually their seedlings are carried to different parts/ organs of the body via lymph or blood causing invasion of This stage is called metastasis....
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Managing Human Resources: Small Versus Large Organization
17 pages (4769 words) , Download 5 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Managing Human Resources: Small Versus Large Organization" explores one of these three criteria that determine the size of the company; the number of employees; the volume if not the number of transactions in dollars and the size of a company's assets.... ... ... ... The size of the company determines the type of resources that will be made available to the human resource department....
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Demystification of Social Media as a Learning Avenue and Source of Education
7 pages (1941 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The paper "Demystification of Social Media as a Learning Avenue and Source of Education" proposes the plan is to guide the student to realize the effects of social Media.... A 6th grade class in California Community School will analyze the impact of Facebook as a social Media and as an educative forum.... As a tutor, I would walk around to get their feel of the subject, answering their questions in the groups around the classroom 8:50-8:55- Question and answer sessions as I give the students quick questions on LEARNING MODEL al Affiliation Diagrammatic representation of the lesson plan TOPIC: EFFECTS OF SOCIAL Media IN THE LIFE OF ASTUDENT ...
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Dameware Mini Remote Control Software
7 pages (2003 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This research paper "Dameware Mini Remote Control Software" will analyze the use of this software and how this software will help reduce expenses for most operations.... It is efficient when used to remote control servers so that they can be managed from remote locations.... .... ... ... Automation is required even with far stations so that technicians can be saved the trouble of having to travel to sites to undertake required operations....
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The Emergence of Bullying
10 pages (2699 words) , Download 5 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "The Emergence of Bullying" is based on the following research questions: How often does bullying happen throughout the school years and as one enters the next grade level?... The second one is How often does it happen as one grows older in adulthood?... ... ... ... The study will randomly sample 120 students that belong to different grades and provide with a survey question that they will have to answer....
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Intimate Partner Violence
12 pages (3651 words) , Download 5 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Intimate Partner Violence" explores a form of violence that occurs between intimate people in a relationship.... IPV may affect people of all ages, gender, and ethnicity, but it is notably predominant among women in relationships.... ... ... ... Health sectors are cognizant of the dangers of IPV and they indeed note that it is a major threat to women and children's health....
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Current Issues Facing Higher Education in Saudi Arabia
9 pages (2352 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
Since this paper "Current Issues Facing Higher Education in Saudi Arabia" intends to discover the factors affecting the adoption of LMS among academic staff in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, an explanatory study perspective of design will be adopted.... .... ... ... This thesis will adopt pragmatism as its philosophy....
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Improving City Roads Quality
9 pages (2597 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The research proposal aims at exploring ways of improving city roads quality to cab accidents and in the same way ease congestion.... The proposal discusses the statement of ethical issues associated with research and how these issues would be addressed.... ... ... ... Accordingly, other causative aspects have also been organized and created results dependable with earlier studies....
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Research Skills Analysis for International Supply Management
8 pages (2543 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The proposal "Research Skills Analysis for International Supply Management" focuses on the critical analysis on discussing how carbon emission policies including carbon taxes may be implemented to effectively reduce its costs in the maritime shipping industry.... ... ... ... The extent and impact of global climate change have become a big issue for policymakers and implementers across the world....
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The United Kingdom Derivative Markets
8 pages (2865 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The paper "The United Kingdom Derivative Markets" discusses that research of works from different authors like Davies, Give, Gorham, Thomas, Shah, Kanter, Kaur, Meier, Remolona, Tett, Westrup etc.... will be conducted to understand the basics of the markets better.... ... ... ... Sending out questionnaires to a random sample in the UK will not give correct results keeping in mind the factors like response rate and the number of respondents....
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Leadership Skills in 21st Century Health Care
2 pages (500 words) , Download 5 , Research Proposal
Research Objectives: A comparison of marketing management in present hospital services indicates a need for leadership to interact more with staff and consumers.... In addition, the increasing cost of health care is escalating beyond a leader's ability to find an economic balance.... ... ... ... One specific question that arises is whether or not it is feasible to consider an increase in public health care for all....
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Link between Conflicts and the Distribution of Economic Resources for Effective Conflict Resolution
8 pages (2422 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The "Link between Conflicts and the Distribution of Economic Resources for Effective Conflict Resolution" paper contains a research proposal in an attempt to establish the linkage between natural economic resources and conflicts and presents a succinct literature review and research methodology.... ....
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Trends in Participation and Attainment of Chinese Students in the UK Higher Education
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The following research proposal under the title "Trends in Participation and Attainment of Chinese Students in the UK Higher Education" explores the factors influencing Chinese student's choice of the UK as a destination for overseas higher education.... ... ... ... The research proposed here aims to investigate what factors influence Chinese student's choice of the UK as a destination for the attainment of higher education....
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Women Business Suits
10 pages (3031 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
In addition to this, the research enables the marketers to gather vital information with respect to the consumers' needs and their potential expectations about the concerned products.... ... ... The paper "Women Business Suits" is a great example of a gender and sexual studies research proposal.... The aim of market research is to examine and analyse the present competitive environment....
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The Anatomy of Romance: Preliminary Research Plan
5 pages (1464 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The proposal "The Anatomy of Romance: Preliminary Research Plan" focuses on utilizing numerous techniques recognized for useful approaches in a qualitative study attempting to create a metaphorical framework that explains the experiences of the participants.... ... ... ... Several case studies are designed based on interviews and observation with participants that fit into parameters to best construct a foundation for the approach to the topic....
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The Impact of Privacy and Security in E-Commerce
4 pages (1316 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
This paper ''The Impact of Privacy and Security in E-Commerce'' tells that the brick-and-mortar presence of organizations has felt a setback.... From financial to legal and healthcare to education, all kinds of information exchange and transactions are now being carried out through electronic means of communication....
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Qualitative and Quantitative Research Review in Psychology
19 pages (6548 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
This research proposal 'Qualitative and Quantitative Research Review in Psychology' discusses two common approaches to research using qualitative and quantitative methodology.... for substance abuse disorder syndrome.... ... ... ... Discuss, compare and contrast these two approaches to research as they might be applied to the investigation of a topic of your choice (for example, substance abuse, post-traumatic stress disorder, and so one)....
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