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How to Improve and Reactivate the Latest Data Mining Technology in UAE Municipality - Research Proposal Example

The paper “How to Improve and Reactivate the Latest Data Mining Technology in UAE Municipality” is a forceful example of the management research proposal. Data mining is a key area to be considered by any organization dealing with important data that may help it to prosper in its operations…
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Extract of sample "How to Improve and Reactivate the Latest Data Mining Technology in UAE Municipality"

The Task: The preparation of a detailed project proposal as covered in M04 EKM. You may use the information generated in your logbook to help you with the assignment. Your proposal MUST include a minimum of 5 references including books and Journals. In the following pages you will find the project proposal templates. The pink areas of the template expand and are for you to fill in. The clears areas detail how marks will be awarded. Student Name: Student ID Project Title: HOW TO IMPROVE & REACTIVATE THE LEATEST DATA MINING TECHNOLOGY IN UAE MUNICIPALITY Feed Back Excellent Good Average Poor Does the title use Masters level language? Refer to Bloom’s Taxonomy Has the student thought about the breadth of work required? Is there enough for a Masters project without being too broad / narrow? General English and style of language (no acronyms) Does the title use Masters level language? Refer to Bloom’s Taxonomy Abstract/ Summary: Please provide some background about the project, company, situation and overall summary as to the nature of problem and what is required (500 words) Data mining is a key area to be considered by any organisation dealing with an important data that may help it to prosper in its operations. The document presents a data mining proposal aimed at improving the data mining technology used by the UAE municipality. Data mining technology is evolving and better technologies and techniques are taking place now and then. For UAE municipality to serve its citizens well and efficient, it has to embrace new techniques of data mining. This project is proposing a new technique of data mining that can be adapted by the UAE municipality. The current database is huge and it is growing day in day out, therefore there is need to update the current data mining algorithms. With an updated technology, the UAE municipality will be able to acquire the relevant knowledge that will help them make strategic decisions which will allow the municipality to succeed in their services. An improved version of data mining technology will be in a position to handle and analyse large enormous set of data and give the municipality officials hidden, unknown and useful knowledge and information. For the municipality to see the vitality of this project, the proposal is presented with detailed sections as to why there is a need to replace the current technology of data mining with a new one. The first section of the proposal indicates the objectives of the project which shows why this project is a must do. This section is followed by a list of key outcomes of the conducted project or rather the project deliverables. This is a list of what will be presented in the report when the projected is over. Benefits of the project are clearly stated as well as the reasons why the student decided to take this project. How the student and UAE municipality will benefit from the project is well discussed in this section showing why the researcher was interested in the project. Quantitative and qualitative research methods to be used in this project are discussed and reasons given as to why the researcher has chosen to use particular research methods. The primary and secondary data sources intended to be used in this research are clearly stated. A project schedule showing all the phases of the project and the activities to undertake is also presented. Given the essentiality of this project, the UAE municipality should support it as it will benefit them a lot. A good data mining technology is necessary within the municipality as they have a huge data to attend to. This means they require a sophisticated data mining algorithms to retrieve information they are interested in. The proposed data mining technology will ensure scalability and performance over the huge volumes of data contained in the Municipality databases. Furthermore, no one would refuse a technology that is more robust than the one you are using provided its benefits outweigh its limitations. Therefore, UAE municipality do not have a chance but to accept the new data mining technology because it will help them a lot. Feed Back Excellent Good Average Poor Is there some background to the project? Does it describe the nature of the problem to be investigated? Does it include an AIM for the project? Is this aim detailed enough for the reader to understand what the project is? Are there at least 2 good references correctly referenced? Objectives These should be measurable and will be used in part in determining the level of achievement of the project. The points listed below have been formed based on the aim of the study. These listed points will support the author in drawing valid conclusions to the outcome expected from this research. A critical evaluation and examination of relevant literature concentrating on the underling concept and issues surround the subject field. To identify the key problem associated with implementation of data mining To calculate the benefits and boundaries of the electronic data mining system. To analyse the drivers and barriers of adopting data mining system in the UAE government. To make recommendations and present frameworks on how the process of adopting data mining activities in the state of UAE can be improved. Feed Back Excellent Good Average Poor Are each of the objectives clear and of Masters level (Critically evaluation/analysis)? Are each of the objectives SMART (Specific, Measurable. Achievable, Time based)? Are the objectives comprehensive – when looked at together do they encompass the overall aim of the project? Project Deliverables: Provide a list of key outcomes of the conducted project (can be for each of the above objectives/ stages) these can be studies, reports, recommendations etc From the above objectives, the results are expected to be justified. These justifications are presented in forms of deliverable which are listed below. To produce reports showing how modification in the government and non-government organisations can be managed effectively when adopting data mining. To produce reports presenting benefits and limitations of data mining. To produce reports highlighting the drivers and barriers of adopting data mining in UAE. To prepare reports highlighting the possibility of implementing the integrated system in UAE. Feed Back Excellent Good Average Poor Are each of the deliverables clearly described and link to an objective? Are each of the deliverables SMART (Specific, Measurable. Achievable, Time based)? Are the deliverables comprehensive – when looked at together do they encompass the overall aim of the project? Are each of the deliverables clearly described and link to an objective? Why are you interested in the project? Provide a reason for your interest, what greater general interest it serves (In Industry or as part of Research) and who it could benefit (the target audience(s) that this project would be beneficial to) This should indicate why the student is interested but also should cover the broader issues of the interest of others. The reason why I am interested in this project is to apply the knowledge learned in class concerning data mining in a real life situation. It will assist me in improving my investigative skills, decision making, problem solving and reflection that will include my supervisor facilitation, although I am the one to decide on which direction to take with my project. Data mining technology is evolving and there is need to try new techniques[Jia11]. Its evolvement is directly proportional to Moore’s law which states that computer processing power will be doubling every 18 months[Joh03]. Due to this fact, UAE Government should try to keep in pace with new data mining technologies. That is one of the major reasons why I am proposing an improvement of the current data mining technology used by the UAE municipality. The current technology should be replaced with the latest one to improve the services offered by UAE municipality. The current database is huge and it is growing day in day out, therefore there is need to update the current data mining algorithms. With an updated technology, the UAE municipality will be able to acquire the relevant knowledge that will help them make strategic decisions which will allow the municipality to succeed in their services. An improved version of data mining technology will be in a position to handle and analyse large enormous set of data and give the municipality officials hidden, unknown and useful knowledge and information. The proposed data mining technology will ensure scalability and performance over the huge volumes of data contained in the Municipality databases[Gra06]. Another great benefit of the proposed data mining technology to the municipality is that it would be accompanied by a portfolio of customizable and reusable data mining components[Sou09]. This means that, the municipality officials will have the capability of customizing the data mining technology in accordance to the information they require. Feed Back Excellent Good Average Poor This should indicate why the student is interested but also should cover the broader issues of the interest of others. What research methods do you intend to use? There are various methods and approaches which are used in carrying out researches[Muk08]. This study will apply design methods which will assist in arriving into a valid and justifiable solution. This research is drawn from the fact that the current technology can be weighed up and a new technology be proposed after evaluating its limitations and benefits. Therefore, the study will involve qualitative and quantitative research methods. Data collection Both qualitative and quantitative data collections methods will be applied in this research. The qualitative data for this research will be collected by studying the amount of data that UAE municipality stores as well as the data mining technology they are currently using to retrieve information from their databases. I also intend to the interview method of qualitative data collection and also the review of related literature and any other relevant material that will assist in accomplishing the research. Studying the amount of data that UAE municipality stores and the current data mining technology they are using to retrieve information will set the background of the research. This step will give a clear picture of what the research is intended to achieve. It will also set the direction of the research as the technology which is supposed to be replaced will be well analysed. The interview method will be employed as a backup of what will be collected from the first step. This method will also assist in gathering first-hand information from someone who has a hand experience on the current data mining technology. This will also help in getting all the shortcomings of the technology in use. The people who will be interviewed will include those who deal directly with the UAE municipality databases. Anyone who stores or retrieve information from their databases will give credential information. Quantitative data Questionnaire method of data collection will be the quantitative data technique that will be used in this research. The advantage of this method is that, the researcher gets various responses on the same issue from different correspondents/participants[Mar071]. This helps the researcher to identify biting issue easily on the subject he/she is researching about. The reason why I have chosen this method of data collection is that it has succeeded in many researches and I believe it will not fail on this one[Isa98]. The questions which will be included in the questionnaire form will address the interest of this research and nothing outside the boundaries of this research will be asked. Data analysis Data analysis assists in emphasizing useful information as well as suggesting convincing conclusions[Rob031]. The quantitative data of this research will be analysed using numerical and statistical analysis. SPSS and MS-Excel programs will be used to represents the data using graphical methods such as histograms, pie charts, tables etc[Ala02]. These programs will also assist in carrying out validity tests so that a concise conclusion can be drawn. The qualitative data will be analysed through an extensive review of literature. This will help in understanding what others have done concerning in areas related to the research. This will give me as researcher an insight and knowledge required to make necessary decisions during data collection. The interview qualitative data will be analysed using the discourse analysis. According to Talja (2000), discourse analysis studies practices of producing knowledge and meanings in concrete contexts and institutions. Discourse analysis helps someone to identify the reliable answers and unreliable ones. This is normally done by selecting some of the participants’ discourse that are providing satisfactory answers and ignoring participants’’ discourse that seem to be unimportant[Isa98]. Feed Back Excellent Good Average Poor Is there an indication of an understanding of the difference between qualitative and quantitative research? Do the students acknowledge a range of research methods to be used? Are the research methods suggested appropriate to the project? Would they be able to collect the data in the methods suggested? Do they acknowledge any problems with their research methods? What primary and/or secondary data sources do you intend to use? From the analysis made above, the data collected and analysed can be segmented into secondary and primary. For primary data, data will be collected from interviews, questionnaires and while the secondary data will be collected from case studies, literature both academic and non-academic. Feed Back Excellent Good Average Poor Basic understanding of what primary and secondary data is? Several reasoned examples of each of these? Detail on what information is being looked for and why? Please provide draft chapter headings for your report CHAPTER ONE 1.0 INTRODUCTION AND IMPORTANCE OF DATA MINING 1.1 DATA MINING EVOLVEMENT 1.2 INTRODUCTION TO DATA MINING TECHNIQUES AND ALGORITHMS 1.4 OVERVIEW OF UAE MUNICIPALITY AND ITS DATA MINING TECHNOLOGY 1.4.1 VOLUME OF DATA IN UAE MUNICIPALITY 1.4.2 DATA MINING TECHNOLOGY IN USE 1.5 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM 1.6 RESEARCH QUESTIONS 1.7 RESEARCH AIM AND OBJECTIVES 1.8 RESEARCH LIMITATIONS 1.9 ORGANIZATION OF THESIS CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 2.0 INTRODUCTION 2.1 OVERVIEW 2.2 DATA MINING 2.2.3 DATA MINING TECHNOLOGY EVOLVEMENT 2.2.4 BENEFITS OF DATA MINING 2.2.5 LIMITATIONS OF DATA MINING 2.2.6 CHALLENGES FACING CURRENT UAE DATA MINING TECHNOLOGY 2.2.7 FACTORS AFFECTING DATA MINING ADVANCEMENT 2.3 DATA MINING AND DATABASE ADMINSTRATION 2.4 IMPORTANCE OF A NEW DATA MINING TECHNOLOGY IN UAE MUNICIPALITY CHAPTER THREE RESEARCH METHODS 3.0 INTRODUCTION 3.1 THE RESEARCH APPROACH 3.2 THE RESEARCH DESIGN 3.3 RESEARCH STRATEGY AND SAMPLING AND STUDY POPULATION 3.4 RESEARCH METHOD 3.4.1 DATA COLLECTION PRIMARY DATA SOURCE THE INTERVIEW INTERVIEW DESIGN AND INTERVIEWEES THE QUESTIONNAIRE QUESTIONNAIRE DESIGN SECONDARY DATA SOURCE OTHER SECONDARY SOURCES OF DATA COLLECTION 3.4.2 DATA ANALYSIS 3.5 DATA INTEGRATION 3.6 ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS 3.7 SUMMARY CHAPTER FOUR FINDINGS AND ANALYSIS 4.0 INTRODUCTION SECTION A QUESTIONNAIRE ANALYSIS AND STATISTICAL COMPUTATIONS SECTION B INTERVIEW DISCOURSE ANALYSIS CHAPTER FIVE DISCUSSION, RECOMMENDATIONS, & CONCLUSION 5.0 INTRODUCTION 5.1 DISCUSSIONS 5.2 RECOMMENDATIONS 5.2.1 WHICH IS THE BEST DATA MINING TECHNOLOGY TO USE IN UAE MUNICIPALITY? 5.2.2 OTHER RECOMMENDATIONS 5.3 REALISATION OF OBJECTIVES 5.4 RESEARCH CONCLUSION CHAPTER SIX PROJECT MANAGEMENT 6.0 INTRODUCTION 6.1 PROJECT MANAGEMENT 6.2 PROJECT PLANNING 6.3 TIME LINE OF THE PROJECT 6.4 RISK ASSESSMENT 6.5 CHANGE MANAGEMENT 6.6 GANTT CHART 6.7 PROJECT APPRAISAL AND CONCLUSION REFERENCE APPENDIX Feed Back Excellent Good Average Poor If they only have the basics If some areas have a little detail If detailed drafts Please attach or outline a project schedule (Gantt chart) which incorporates the phases of your project and activities to undertake, duration, start and end dates, any milestones/ deliverables and major dependencies. S/NO. Task Duration Start Finish Predecessor 1 Research proposal preparation 5 days 02/05/2012 07/05/2012 2 Searching the literature 6 days 02/05/2012 08/05/2012 3 Reviewing the literature 12 days 02/05/2012 14/05/2012 4 Drafting research methods 8 days 15/05/2012 23/05/2012 3 5 Drafting questionnaires 2 days 24/05/2012 26/05/2012 4 6 Meeting with the supervisor 3 days 27/05/2012 30/05/2012 5 7 Distributing questionnaires 4 days 25/05/2012 29/05/2012 8 Scheduling interviews 6 days 31/05/2012 06/06/2012 6 9 Collecting data 4 days 07/06/2012 11/06/2012 8 10 Analysing data 7 days 12/06/2012 19/06/2012 9 11 Data evaluation and discussion 8days 20/06/2012 28/06/2012 10 12 Final draft preparation 10 days 29/06/2012 08/07/2012 11 13 2nd meeting with the supervisor for approval 3 days 09/07/2012 12/07/2012 12 14 Proofreading and correcting grammatical errors 2 days 13/07/2012 15/07/2012 13 15 Printing and binding 1 day 16/07/2012 17/07/2012 14 16 Submitting the final copies 1 day 18/07/2012 15 Feed Back Excellent Good Average Poor Is there some form of project plan? Is it systematic, structured and does it cover the schedule of work? Is there an acknowledgement of the resources required? Does it acknowledge any potential problems that they may encounter? Is there a detailed, understandable comprehensive Gantt chart? References You will have needed to refer to articles, journals and books in order to have researched your project proposal. You must supply a minimum of 5 references (at least one book, one journal, one website and one e journal) these must be correctly cited, numbered and presented. Jia11: , (Kamber, 2011), Joh03: , (Wang, 2003), Gra06: , (Simoff, 2006), Sou09: , (Chakrabarti, 2009), Muk08: , (Gupta, 2008), Mar071: , (Denscombe, 2007), Isa98: , (Newman, 1998), Rob031: , (Thomas, 2003), Ala02: , (Agresti, 2002), Feed Back Excellent Good Average Poor Are there references throughout the work? Are they of a Masters standard? Correctly presented? Presentation of work and use of English and Grammar Feed Back Excellent Good Average Poor General English? Grammar? Punctuation? Can the reader understand the work? Read More

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