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Factors Influencing Effective Communication in Singapore Tourism Industry
11 pages (2767 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper " Factors Influencing Effective communication in Singapore Tourism Industry" highlights that cultural diversity is an essential factor that influences effective communication in the tourism industry and should be analyzed and proper recommendations provided to solve the problem.... Creating growth within the firm is challenging, and internal communication is essential in the business world today.... According to Corey Moseley, internal communication involves promoting effective communications and facilitating a dialog within the organization....
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Cyber and Traditional Bullying Among School Children
7 pages (1500 words) , Download 5 , Research Paper
However, cyberbullying continues all the time: information and communication technologies are an integral part of the lives of modern teenagers, and it is impossible to hide from cyber-attacks.... he most hurtful situations increasingly occur in the form of a number of unfortunate incidents taking place in both personal communication and cyberspace.... Average bullying is a confrontation in interpersonal communication and often face-to-face, with the use of threats and physical violence....
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Legal Research Pathfinder
2 pages (500 words) , Download 10 , Research Paper
42 USC 13032 – Reporting of child pornography by electronic communication service providersNeedless to say, every state has its own set of child sexual abuse laws and a person who has been impeached with child sexual abuse at the federal level, may still face serious consequences at the state level....
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To what extent do advertisements reinforce female gender stereotypes
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Journalism & Mass communication Quarterly, 76, 7-20.... journalism Quarterly, 7, 247-64.... This essay describes how the advertisement portrays women.... In the field of marketing, these genders are used to promote products and services.... In order to gain the attention of consumers, it is important to recognize what attracts the targeted group the most....
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The Freedom of the Press
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
An evaluation of Press Freedom Indicators: International communication Gazette, vol.... This essay 'The Freedom of the Press' will focus on whether the public should support the freedom of the press.... The freedom of the press entails the right to publish or to print information without any restrictions from the government....
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MIS Research and Disciplinary Development by Alavi and Carlson
2 pages (648 words) , Download 2 , Article
In the paper 'MIS Research and Disciplinary Development by Alavi and Carlson' the author discusses one of the most essential researches on the development of MIS, which focuses on the growth of MIS as a field of research and inquiry and examine its intellectual evolution.... ... ... ... The author concludes that the popular research topics comprise IS management, information systems types and characteristics, and development and operation of systems....
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The Benefits of the Transcontinental Railroad
11 pages (2853 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
The railroad initiated a new series of trade and communication that triggered the economic growth in the USA.... The First Transcontinental Railroad railroad is said to be the first communication revolution of America.... This railroad is said to be the first communication revolution of America.... It accelerated trade in the country and helped increase the overall rate of employment, it created opportunities for business and it strengthened the communication within the country....
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4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Although the conventional mix model of the 4Ps – product, price, place, and promotion (Kotler and Armstrong 2012) – are commonly used due to their familiarity, the company should adopt the 4Cs model with a focus on Customer, Cost, Convenience, communication (Hughes and Fill 2008).... The latter model focuses on direct communication with the customer as opposed to the 4Ps, which considers the product as the primary focus in marketing (Ashcroft 2002; Cheverton 2004)....
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Media Communication of Scientific and Environmental Information
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Name Professor Module Date Media communication of Scientific and Environmental Information Information is vital for the running of day-to-day lives as it forms the basis to all reasonable decision making.... Media is the main channel for communication to the public, decision makers and other stakeholders....
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The effects of TV Advertising on older consumer behaviour over 50 years in the United Kingdom
60 pages (15000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The research examines the phenomenon of television advertising within the 21st century, specifically within the context of market segmentation, with the segment in this case being the ‘third agers' or those above 50 within the United Kingdom.... .... ... ... The discussion will aim to investigate the impact of TV advertising, specifically upon those consumers above the age of 50 within the United Kingdom....
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The Success of an Organization: Master of Business Administration
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
An MBA working at a leadership position plays a supervisory role in the organization and makes major decisions relating to management style, communication, downsizing or upsizing, geographical expanding, and the like.... An MBA working at a leadership position plays a supervisory role in the organization and makes major decisions relating to management style, communication, downsizing or upsizing, geographical expanding, and the like....
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Success of Capitalism through Mass Media
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Canadian communication thought: ten foundational writers.... This paper 'Success of Capitalism through Mass Media' discusses the broader implications of the relationship between the two concepts in the light of the evidence presented.... The paper will conclude on probable chances of success or failure of capitalism in the foreseeable future....
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Is Russia Still Committed to Glasnost
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
In the report 'Is Russia Still Committed to Glasnost?... the author shows a doubt about the future of glasnost in Russia.... The presidents who ruled Russia after the Gorbachev era has formulated contradictory policies.... For example, Vladimir Putin wants the former Soviet Union back.... ... ... ...
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How ICT Is Applied To The Tourism And Hospitality Industries
18 pages (4500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The essay "How ICT Is Applied To The Tourism And Hospitality Industries" describes in today's business environment, companies operating in the global and domestic markets need to develop effective strategies to increase their sustainability over a longer period of time.... ... ... ... Contextually, it would be to mention that organizations operating in the tourism and hospitality industries also face immense competition amid themselves owing to the increasing numbers of entrants and established brands offering similar products and services....
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Opening up a tavern at NDNU
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
The Tavern was a snack bar but the school administration closed it and used the space for more offices instead.... However, new plans are.... ... ... drawn up for re-opening the Tavern but this time in a different location, according to Suzan Mamlock, the cafeteria manager of Bonjur which is the food company under contract with NDNU....
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Affect of Internet on Print Media
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
?Nevertheless, a highly interesting observation put forwarded by some thinkers it that the internet is not economically viable mode of publishing and communication (Ha and Fang, 2012).... Nevertheless, a highly interesting observation put forwarded by some thinkers it that the internet is not economically viable mode of publishing and communication.... Replacement Role There is a perspective amongst the theorists that emergence of newer communication media supplement previous media rather than replace them....
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Integrated Marketing Communications - British Airways
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
Advertising Campaign Strategy: A Guide to Marketing communication Plans.... This paper "Integrated Marketing Communications - British Airways" focuses on the fact that marketing is an integral management function mandated with the identification, anticipation, and satisfaction of the customer requirements....
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Purpose, Scope and Context of Interprofessional Collaboration
9 pages (3513 words) , Download 3 , Essay
onsideration of the nature of communication within health & social care teams.... communication is fundamental interaction and in nurturing understanding between the management, health providers, and with the patients (Hena & Dickinson, 2005, pp.... It's only through communication that positive relationships with service users can be developed and their needs are completely understood.... communication also strengthens positive relation with co-workers and with management, especially in managing changes and health reform program (Meads & Ashcroft, 2005, p....
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The Loss of Newspaper
12 pages (3013 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Consequently, it was to be get into through expert communication software.... Instead, it will be very difficult to express individual's communication and views.... ne developing proposal on how to ensure that, objective journalism endures, is to decouple press from the newsprint....
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Agenda for a Business Meeting, a Telesales and Regional Delivery Plans, Introduction of Speakers, Jonathan Segal and Christine O'Donnells Interviews
7 pages (1932 words) , Assignment
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The paper 'Agenda for a Business Meeting, a Telesales and Regional Delivery Plans, Introduction of Speakers, Jonathan Segal and Christine O'Donnell's Interviews' is an exciting example of an assignment on the journalism & communication.... The paper 'Agenda for a Business Meeting, a Telesales and Regional Delivery Plans, Introduction of Speakers, Jonathan Segal and Christine O'Donnell's Interviews' is an exciting example of an assignment on the journalism & communication....
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Ethical Analysis of Snowdengate
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
NSA surveillance is a clear threat to journalism in America.... om/nsa-surveillance-is-a-clear-threat-to-journalism-in-america-3006318.... On June 6th, 2013, The Guardian, a British newspaper famous for sponsoring WikiLeaks throughout 2010 and 2011, brought the spotlight back onto the United States (U....
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Critical Review on Mcnair chapter 2 from his An Introduction to Political Commun
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
There is no single definition of political communication that could fully explain this term.... However, it has been described broadly as the art of communication that involves dealing with public and discussion of politicians in order to achieve certain aims (Fraser, 1996).... Brian McNair (2005) highlights the significance of political communication in his book by showing its relationship with media and democracy.... Lastly, the book highlights the role of media in the process of political communication....
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Organizational Behavior and Workforce Diversity
12 pages (3129 words) , Download 0
The important requirement associated with diversity is creating a safe place for the employee association and communication.... In an organization a group of same culture has the tendency to communicate more with each other rather than communication with everyone (Chadha 79).... The high level of heterogeneity in cultural, communication, social contacts involves members of different races, genders and groups which help in maintaining flexible organizational behavior....
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Why Media Ownership and Diversity Matters
6 pages (1651 words) , Download 0 , Essay
y name is (Full Name), and I am Journalism, mass media and communication student from (institution).... On the other hand, framing involves the communication of content by a media or broadcasting house to the public.... This essay "Why Media Ownership and Diversity Matters" discusses media that is robust and diverse in order to ensure the civic engagement of all people and ensure that people directly played a role in influencing policy and the country's politics....
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Argument For The Dumbest Generation by Mark Bauerlein
7 pages (1961 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
Exploring Writing Proficiency and Assessment Measures in journalism and Mass Communication Programs.... Among numerous advantages of this digital revolution, some of the great advents of this digital revolution are technologies such as computers, the Internet, mobile communication, etc.... Mainly, the Internet and mobile communication have made it easy to communicate.... Some of the great advents of this digital revolution are technologies such as computers, internet, mobile communication, etc....
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Law of International Sales and Finance
13 pages (3667 words) , Download 2 , Essay
"Law of International Sales and Finance" paper argues that Since the methods of communication in e-commerce are unique and possess characteristics of both instantaneous and non-instantaneous communications, it calls for the formulation of new laws that can take into account its unique character.... Under the Vienna Convention, however, its rules of acceptance should be applicable to internet communication under Art 24 because the rules do not discriminate between the methods of communication....
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Moodle as a communication tool in CULC
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
t is sometimes referred to as course management system or learning management system (LMS) which provides the basis for communication and learning tools which is created for the sole purpose of facilitating e-learning .... Although many advantages are there of Moodle, it has been subjected to criticism as a communication tool in CULC ?... ritically evaluate Moodle as a communication tool in CULC.... It is sometimes referred to as course management system or learning management system (LMS) which provides the basis for communication and learning tools which is created for the sole purpose of facilitating e-learning (Moodle, 2006)....
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Popular War Themes in the Pre WWI Literature
34 pages (9294 words) , Download 2 , Dissertation
This dissertation "Popular War Themes in the Pre-WWI Literature" examines the transformations in the war literature that took place for almost over a century, starting with the 19th era of romanticism and hero-worship, to the modern 21st-century wars that speak of death and gory.... ... ... ... With the coming of the twentieth century, however, there appeared a wave of modernism that removed all ideologies of romanticism from the realms of war literature....
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The Purpose,Scope and Context of Interprofessional Collaboration
9 pages (2000 words) , Download 4 , Essay
onsideration of the nature of communication within health & social care teams.... communication is fundamental interaction and in nurturing understanding between the management, health providers, and with the patients (Hena & Dickinson, 2005, pp.... It's only through communication that positive relationships with service users can be developed and their needs are completely understood.... communication also strengthens positive relation with co-workers and with management, especially in managing changes and health reform program (Meads & Ashcroft, 2005, p....
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Pathology of Motivation and Genetic Hopefulness
9 pages (3147 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
he problem of sensationalism, according to Dougherty (2009) results from differences in the styles of communication in journalism and in science.... It also helps people to improve communication through enhanced understanding of how the mind processes thoughts.... Science communication, 30 (4): 453-74. ...
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Media Globalization
6 pages (1889 words) , Download 0 , Essay
ean O' Siochru, and Sasha Costanza-Chock, Global Governance of Information and communication Technologies: Implications for Transnational Civil Society Networking, New York: Social Science Research Council Program on Information Technology and International Cooperation, 2004. ... The role of the media is to facilitate networked communication.... Through this communication, the media becomes an instrument for social control that influences the economic, political, and cultural development of many parts of the world....
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Media Censorship in an Age of Freedom
8 pages (2178 words) , Download 4 , Essay
However, media professionals do extend their freedom of speech and communication by over reacting to specific situations in their respective fields.... This is a classical set up of the freedom of speech and communication.... There are printing communication approaches, as used by journals, periodicals and magazines.... There are mass communication platforms like Televisions and radio.... There are printing communication approaches, as used by journals, periodicals and magazines....
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Investigate the possible implications of inclusivity and exclusivity of ICT within UK schools
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
ICT (Information and communication Technology) is generic terms which refer to technologies used to collect, store, edit and pass on information in various forms.... Depending on how ICT is used in the schools, there are a wide variety of impacts that are both negative and.... ... ...
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Money, Power, and Wall Street
2 pages (679 words) , Download 7 , Essay
CNN effect is where communication technology is used to evoke responses from the public on issues (Robinson, 1999).... In the paper 'Money, Power, and Wall Street' the author describes Wall Street, the largest and most productive financial sector of the American economy.... It doubles the size of America's manufacturing sector....
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How Literary Practices Enhance Understanding of the Text
6 pages (1757 words) , Download 3 , Essay
More emphasis should be placed on factors that are more than the text in order to ensure an effective understanding of the communication message.... More emphasis should be placed on factors that are more than the text in order to ensure effective understanding of the communication message.... English is also the official communication language during large scale commerce nationally or internationally.... One instance of ordinary writing involves the act of sending postcards, which is significant in terms of communication....
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Why Media Ownership and Diversity Matters
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Why Media Ownership and Diversity Matters The Honorable (Full (Room (House) Office Building United States House of Representatives Washington, DC 20515 for House Re: The Importance of Media Ownership and Diversity Dear Congresswoman/man My name is (Full Name), and I am Journalism, mass media and communication student from (institution).... On the other hand, framing involves the communication of content by a media or broadcasting house to the public....
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Cultural Diversity in the Media
4 pages (1325 words) , Download 0 , Article
To what degree depends on the variables considered as the effects of mass communication are many and diverse and may be short or long-term, obvious or concealed, intense or ineffectual.... They may derive from any number of aspects of the communication content.... Southern Connecticut State University journalism Department....
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Communication Strategies During a Crisis
22 pages (5759 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
This paper ''communication Strategies During a Crisis'' tells us that the success of any organization in the 21st century is defined by its ability to communicate effectively with its employees, and society.... communication plays a crucial role in an organization at all times as it provides a platform for all stakeholders.... Organizational communication is defined as processes that involve the collection of organizational activities to enable it to achieve its goals within the set timeframe....
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The importance of innovation along with evaluating the same in the growth and development of Fairfax Media Limited
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
As per Greg Hywood; CEO Fairfax Media; the organsiation has a clear and transparent vision of creating high value premium journalism and content for print, online and mobile in a significant manner.... Internal and External communication 13 5.... The organisation aims at achieving all this by investing in quality and independent journalism that will differentiate it from its competitors in the long run....
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Improving Leadership Skills and Academic Performance
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 4 , Assignment
communication skills are critical in a team in order to convince all team members about their value and talents when working in groups (Wilcox, Winn and Fyvie-Gauld 2005).... The communication coach says to “give yourself permission to not be perfect” in order to reduce anxiety and nervousness (p.... I also attended an English course where role playing was fundamental to improving English communication skills and improving the quality of engagement between individuals who are anxious about their English proficiency and performance, which is common with ESL students....
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Law Enforcement in the Organizational Culture
4 pages (1203 words) , Download 2 , Essay
A better communication will lead to understanding among the people and the policing agencies.... Technology Developments In this Era there is a development in the technology system like the invention of emails which makes it possible for the transmission of information to various places and many people, communication system like the mobile phones which are used by most of the people....
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Social Media Strategies for Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign
11 pages (2964 words) , Download 3 , Essay
A content analysis of media framing studies in the worls leading communication journals 1990-2005, journalism and Mass Communication Quaterly, pp.... later, MD 2007, Reinforcing Spirals: The Mutual Influence of Media Selectivity and Media Effects and Their Impact on Individual Behavior and Social Identity, communication Theory, vol 17, no....
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The CNN Effect - Fact or Fiction
6 pages (1671 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Politicians discovered that the power to sway public opinion and coerce government action was through mass communication.... Politicians quickly discovered that the power to sway public opinion and coerce government action was through mass communication.... journalism Studies 3....
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Short answers for the communication class
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Paralanguage involves vocal communication that does not include actual words (Wood 137).... Name Instructor Class 30 October 2012 1 .... hat are your top three topic ideas for the upcoming Informative Presentation?... Which topics are expository and which are process?... Where do you plan to get your research information?...
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Spiral of Silence and Politics
8 pages (2357 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
This paper ''Spiral of Silence and Politics'' tells that The spiral of silence theory is one of the Mass communication ideas, and Elizabeth Noelle-Neumann formulated it in 1974.... Spiral of Silence and Politics Spiral of Silence and Politics Introduction The spiral of silence theory is one of the theories of mass communication, and it was formulated by Elizabeth Noelle-Neumann in 1974.... For instance, Campus (2010) determined if spiral of silence could still explain the individual willingness to speak out in online and offline communication....
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Unit Outline: Information Communication Technology and Research
2 pages (543 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
"Unit Outline: Information communication Technology and Research" paper contains a plan for a unit that is aimed at introducing the learner to the need of using ICT in their research work and subject area of which is Scientific Public Health Research.... .... ... ... Key concepts are ways of searching for information using the internet, accessing primary and secondary resource materials relevant to studies i....
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Media Globalization
5 pages (1439 words) , Download 1 , Essay
rom the definitions above it can therefore be said that globalization is a sum total of the processes through which cultures and economies of various peoples have been merged together through a global system of political ideas by trade, transport and communication.... For example it has opened up previously closed economies, broken systems of authoritarian rule as well as language and communication barriers.... Globalisation according to Stieglitz (2002) is the process by which countries and peoples of the world have been integrated as a result of reduced costs of communication....
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Blog - how pop culture can change language
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
55, ¶ 3)Blogging has added another space to the means of communication.... 355, ¶ 1) Most of the other Medias of communication are not giving such freedom in expressing the personal views.... 55, ¶ 4)In conclusion, blogging is one of the rapidly developing means of communication which provides absolute freedom in expressing personal opinions about any topic any time without censoring....
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Social Networking
4 pages (1266 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
This paper ''Social Networking'' tells that The emergence of the internet as a communication means dynamically altered the concept of marketing.... Literature Review The emergence of internet as a communication means dynamically altered the concept of marketing.... communication World: January-February 2007, p10. ...
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How Are You a Change Maker
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Admission/Application Essay
To master communication skills has always been my strong ambition.... One day, I meet a gentleman in a party, whose style of communication in English is impressive.... That is the day of my enlightenment, and my efforts to master communication skills in English language attain new dimensions....
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