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Short answers for the communication class - Essay Example

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Name Instructor Class 30 October 2012 1 .What are your top three topic ideas for the upcoming Informative Presentation? Which topics are expository and which are process? Where do you plan to get your research information? What will you use for a visual aid?…
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Short answers for the communication class
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I will also use information from winemaking books. For the second and third essays, I will use Google Scholar and online library databases. I will use academic articles for “What Happens to the Brain When It Is in Love” because it involves credible evidence. For my visual aids, I will use pictures of materials needed and the stages of making wine for the first topic. For the second topic, I will use pictures of the brain and illustration tables or diagrams. For the third topic, I will use tables or diagrams. 2. How would you rate your Informative Presentation?

What were things you did well? What were things you would improve? Be specific in your responses. I would rate my Informative Presentation based on the effectiveness of my hook in the introduction, the sensibility of the conclusion, the clarity of explanation for steps/stages, good grammar, spelling, and other writing mechanics, good transition sentences, proper delivery with the right use of voice and gestures, and a strong thesis. I did well in the content of my presentation, as well as my paralanguage.

I explained the steps well, in a way that is engaging and helped my audience understand the steps. I also used good language that will be comprehensible to my audience. I employed proper grammar and word choices. I made to sure to have a topic and content that will keep my audience interested. Furthermore, my paralanguage did not distract my audience from my speech. I used proper pauses and other voice effects that will keep my audience on track on what I am saying and what I plan to say next. 3. What is meant by the term "paralanguage?

" Is it important in delivering an effective speech? Why or why not? Paralanguage involves vocal communication that does not include actual words (Wood 137). It is made of sounds such as murmurs and pauses, as well as vocal qualities, such as volume, rhythm, pitch, and inflection (Wood 137). Paralanguage refer to the vocal cues that help the audience understand what we mean when we say something. It includes feelings that layer another meaning on vocal words. Paralanguage is important in an effective speech because it helps others interpret what speakers are saying.

For example, a sentence can seem like a joke or a threat, depending on how I said it. In addition, effective speakers are experts in modulating their volume, rhythm, pitch, and inflection to engage their audiences and to keep them interested in the entire speech (Wood 137). Furthermore, paralanguage can exhibit the identity of the speaker. It can say something about their gender and culture, which are important aspects of ethos, when discussing a topic that is relevant to their sexual orientation or culture. 4. What are your top three topic ideas for the upcoming Persuasive Presentation?

Are they questions of fact, value, or policy? Which method of organization do you intend to use? Where do you plan to get your research information? What will you use for a visual aid? My top three topic ideas for the upcoming Persuasive Presentation are: 1) “Our children Are Overmedicated,” 2) “We Would Benefit from Learning a Third Language,” and 3) “High School Students Should Volunteer as Part of Their

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