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Culture Industry Critique of T. Adorno and M. Horkheimer
5 pages (1620 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Martin-Barbero, J 1993, ‘The culture industry' (Chapter 3), in communication, Culture and Hegemony, London: Sage.... The essay "Culture Industry Critique of T.... Adorno and M.... Horkheimer" focuses on the culture industry of T.... Adorno and M.... Horkheimer.... Culture industry refers to the production of culture in an industrial setting....
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Significance of Globalization to Challenges of Development
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The process of globalization presumes opening up of world trade, internationalization of financial markets, development of advanced means of communication, growing importance of MNCs, population migration and the increased mobility of goods, capital, data, ideas and people (Ritzer, 2010)....
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Literacy and Mathematical Content Area Instruction
5 pages (1335 words) , Download 2 , Essay
6) indicates, “writing supports mathematical reasoning and problem solving and helps students internalize the characteristics of effective communication.... This essay "Literacy and Mathematical Content Area Instruction" examines the notion of literacy and argues that literacy is highly important to students' comprehension of mathematics....
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The comparison between Renren and Facebook
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
The fight for a significant presence in China's digital landscape can be attributed to the emerging economy, rises in population dominated by younger generation and increasing need for socializing and communication with the entire world (Cheong, Kim and Zheng, 2010).... It has been recognized for its tremendous communication potential and the ability to build online communities.... Asian Journal of communication, 19(1), pp.... Journal of Computer-Mediated communication, 13(1), pp....
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The Comparison between Renren and Facebook
9 pages (2806 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The fight for a significant presence in China's digital landscape can be attributed to the emerging economy, rises in population dominated by younger generation and increasing need for socializing and communication with the entire world (Cheong, Kim and Zheng, 2010).... It has been recognized for its tremendous communication potential and the ability to build online communities.... Asian Journal of communication, 19(1), pp.... Journal of Computer-Mediated communication, 13(1), pp....
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Considerations for a Successful Acquisition
46 pages (10185 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
This work "Considerations for a Successful Acquisition" describes the acquisition turned out to be a success primarily due to the identification of proper synergies from acquisition for both the acquired and the acquiring company.... This work is an ideal approach for making a successful acquisition for ?...
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The Factors That Affect Apple Brand Strategy
29 pages (7250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
he globalization of world in the 1990s after the advent of internet followed by advancements and developments in Information and communication Technology (ICT) has created unlimited business opportunities for people across the globe.... Indeed, the trade among nations has increased drastically in last two decades because of availability of better communication and networking infrastructure that in turn facilitates profit-maximizing enterprises to initiate new ventures in domestic and foreign markets....
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Evaluation of Chinese Digital Outdoor Media in 2007
45 pages (11250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This research 'Evaluation of Chinese Digital Outdoor Media in 2007' defines the appropriate Digital Outdoor Medial Model for the PRC, the result of communication to ad practices in the PRC, digital outdoor media's effect on the Chinese society, the effectiveness of the advertising networks etc....
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Teenagers Inurement Enhancement of the Subject of Counselling
6 pages (1751 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
The paper "Teenagers Inurement Enhancement of the Subject of Counselling" presents information, that according to this article, reflection is a kind of individual reaction to circumstances, knowledge, and information that has been acquired out of experiences.... ... ... ... This part combines both implications of the subject matter to counseling practice and the practical application of the subject....
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Tourism as One of Haitis Promising Industries
6 pages (1670 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In fact, the disaster have brought in many humanitarian aid workers, journalists, medical personnel and volunteers all in need of a place to rest, a clean water to drink and to take a bath, and a reliable WiFi for speedy communication, filling all the hotels in Port-au-Prince that had survived the disaster (Schmall, par....
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The Interrelations Between Engineering and Philosophy
5 pages (1667 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
?? Developing new ways of learning that will contribute to developing the deeper understanding of skills for the critical engineer such professional communication. ... This assignment "The Interrelations Between Engineering and Philosophy" focuses on a good understanding of moral decision-making and human values is expected to impact heavily in the technology industry....
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Business Dining Issues
6 pages (1720 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Any form of mass communication will be wasteful.... The essay "Business Dining Issues" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in business dining.... Business dining enjoys profitable and growing demand.... Even cash-strapped corporations must entertain key clients.... Fusion cuisine uses organic ingredients....
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Enhancing Internal Marketing
59 pages (9573 words) , Download 4 , Dissertation
From the paper "Enhancing Internal Marketing" it is clear that reasons for conflict were found to centre on poor communications, distrust and a lack of understanding of marketing on the part of engineers.... Several ideas were given as a means of reducing the conflict.... ... ... ... The selection of participants to take part in the study seemed lopsided and as a consequence created a lot of biasness in itself....
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Cross-Culture Marketing - Difference between the Asian and Western Countries
56 pages (9834 words) , Download 6 , Essay
ifferent parts of the world have different ideas, likes, and historical backgrounds due to which their needs, ways of communication, and other cultural variables differ greatly.... The paper "Cross-Culture Marketing - Difference between the Asian and Western Countries" highlights that role of media is very important....
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Corporate Code of Conduct
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Aside from offering a comprehensive workplace safety program, Hewlett Packard's risk-reduction activities includes personal communication and follow-up with employees.... TOPIC: Analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of an existing company's Corporate Code of Conduct and identification of the ethical risks to which the company is subject....
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Holistic - Concept Analysis
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 10 , Essay
Nursing HOLISTIC: Concept Analysis Introduction The term ‘holistic' is derived from the Greek word holos meaning ‘whole' or complete.... “Holistic health views the physical, intellectual, sociocultural, psychological and spiritual aspects of a person's life as an integrated whole” (White, 2005, p....
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Nursing Roles in a Diverse Culture
5 pages (1612 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Conducting quizzing sessions on different cultural and ethnic backgrounds and on culturally relevant care and communication develops a stronger foundation in culture based health care and greater confidence in the students.... The author of the paper "Nursing Roles in a Diverse Culture" is of the view that culture is a set of beliefs and values that mold a person's behavior....
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Agenda-Setting in an Australian Newspaper and how Hegemony is at Work
6 pages (1569 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The labor party has promised to construct a fiber optic broad band to facilitate communication for the Australian person that is, estimated to cost about 4.... This essay "Agenda-Setting in an Australian Newspaper and how Hegemony is at Work" analyses the role of national development....
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The Persuasive Power of the Media
6 pages (1782 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
For instance, the convergence through the non-verbal and verbal convergence communication between the media and the audience enhances the extent to which the media can persuade the audience on a certain issue (Morris 715). ... The author of the paper "The Persuasive Power of the Media" will begin with the statement that the power of the media is generally persuasive and symbolic (Bartels 117)....
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Diglossia of the Arabic Language
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
However, an important trend under the influence of mass communication and the broadening of literacy is an increasing inclusion of classicisms, neologisms, and journalese in peoples' everyday conversations.... The paper "Diglossia of the Arabic Language" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues of diglossia of the Arabic language....
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Problems with Cosmetic Surgery
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The aim of this work is to perform a clear research on the problems, which now exist in the cosmetic surgery but are often made invisible for usual consumers with the aim of getting higher profits and not loosing the face of the cosmetic surgery industry as it is.... ... ... ... The main conclusion of the work is that cosmetic surgery hides vast amount of problems, which should be understood by those who considers the possibility of going through such operation. ...
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Analysis of the Various Options Open to Marketers When Launching Products in a Different Culture
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
Marketing communication: principles and practice.... The paper makes an analysis of the cultural differences between nations and how they influence the marketing strategies of the companies launching products in those countries.... It discusses how a particular marketing strategy impacts on its consumers....
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Background of the Hotel Industry in Macau
33 pages (9812 words) , Download 4 , Dissertation
Due to the role of the internet and other factors, hotels are now making strategies relating to marketing and communication through internet technology (Jalilvand and Samiei, 2012).... The paper "Background of the Hotel Industry in Macau" discusses that the internet has played a vital role in every industry since its emergence....
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Conducting a Market
19 pages (4750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Presently, the corporation is engaged with its subsidiaries in the development, designing, creation and marketing of media and mobile communication devices, portable digital music players, peripherals, hardware and software, networking solutions, personal computers, and third-party digital applications and content (Mickalowski, Mark and Jaciel, 285).... According to Apple, iPhone is the combination of an iPod, a mobile phone and an excellent Internet communication device (30)....
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Proposal Draft-Terence
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Coursework
A study by Remler and Van in (2011), shows that to achieve such accuracy, the sample must be relatively small and simple methods of analysis.... The data.... ... ... Moreover, errors due to complex data are significantly minimized that might lead to false information leading to inaccurate recommendations (In Gil, 2013)....
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How Window Displays Affect the Parents Shopping Decision in Children Clothing
22 pages (5500 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The research paper in question "How Window Displays Affect The Parents' Shopping Decision In Children Clothing?... reflects the impact of window displays in governing the decision making activities of the consumers while going for the purchase of garments and merchandises for kids.... .... ... ...
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Key Points in Global Consumer Culture
10 pages (2879 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Key Points in Global Consumer Culture" discusses that marketing is not a completely separate function of the management but a whole business as viewed from the perspective of the consumer.... Thus marketing strategies are greatly influenced by the culture of the place it operates.... ... ...
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Mother Tongue by Demetria Martinez
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Through it all, however, the culture and communication gap cause problems in the relationship, and, ultimately, the relationship does not survive because of it.... Through it all, however, the culture and communication gap cause problems in the relationship, and, ultimately, the relationship does not survive because of it.... Because of this, there is going to be a language gap between the protectors and the protectees, such as the language and communication gap experienced by Maria and Jose Luis in this novel....
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Career of Advertising and Marketing Managers
10 pages (2881 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Promotion is the last P and it entails marketing communication.... The marketing department may use all or some of the communication channels to deliver information to the customers (Silk 10).... In addition, the manager should have knowledge in communication and media relations.... Managers need to have basic communication skills including the use of the right language and the dissemination of information using different modes of communication (Careerinfonet para 2)....
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History and Progress of Industrial Revolution
11 pages (3272 words) , Download 0 , Essay
As the population grew, there was need for an improvement in transport and communication.... This is through the development of the steam and electricity which led to major transformations in manufacturing, transport, communication and agricultural industries.... The new communication systems also made it easy to connect among the population.... rom Voigtländer & Voth (2006), the discovery of electricity helped a lot in improving mass communication....
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Career Management and Employability in the Beauty and Personal Care Sector
11 pages (3172 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper "Career Management and Employability in the Beauty and Personal Care Sector" is a wonderful example of an assignment on human resources.... For analysis of one of the sectors/industries, I have chosen the beauty and personal care industry in the UK as it is the business segment that I feel passionate about and would like to develop my career in this field in the future....
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Recruitment and Selection Strategy in Alqased Elevator Company
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The sales Managers are responsible for good and satisfying communication between employees and customers.... From the paper "Recruitment and Selection Strategy in Alqased Elevator Company" it is clear that the way of attracting applicants from the sales field will be through associations meetings that are held every six months to reciprocation the ideas and problems solving in various parts of the country....
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Personal Response Journal
11 pages (2910 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The first two weeks of classes posed many challenges.... I had encounters with students who tried to test my patience; they talked and did things to get under my skin but I am wise enough to be affected by these behaviours.... I am tasked to deal with young adolescents and I expected to meet many difficulties along the way....
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Experience of UK Multiculturalism
12 pages (3499 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
One of the first strategy focuses on the communication and interaction that are held between different types of diversified culture.... The paper "Experience of UK Multiculturalism " presents that cultural diversification of different communities within society along with the promotion of policies is known as multiculturalism....
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The Competencies That Are Required By Consultants In Order To Ensure an Efficient Consulting Practice
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Management must have effective communication skills and provide a clear idea about their own needs.... This research is being carried out to evaluate and present the issues of competence of the consultant and the organizational characteristics to measure the impacts that these factors have on the consulting performance of the organization....
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Leadership Development
42 pages (10500 words) , Download 8 , Dissertation
The present dissertation deals with the peculiarities of leadership development.... Thus, it is mentioned that leadership development needs organization managers.... according to Kotter, management is about coping with complexity and change.... ... ... ... Within the context of the hypothesis being discussed in this paper, we will review the literature relating to management, leadership, and Leadership Development as they relate to the corporate environment....
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Introduction to Modern Theatre
8 pages (2370 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The rise f journalism and the new status f the man f letters contributed to the creation f new middlebrow audiences, whilst the emergence f a mass market leisure industry helped to provide a solid framework for the gentrification f the acting profession. ... The essay "Introduction to Modern Theatre" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the introduction to modern theatre....
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John Kennedy and Martin Luther King
8 pages (2261 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Becoming JFK: A Profile in communication.... After the war, Kennedy's main career objective was to join journalism profession where his first assignment was at the United Nations Conference in San Francisco as well as covering Potsdam Conference.... This paper ''John Kennedy and Martin Luther King'' tells us that John F....
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Images That Mobilized Popular Opinion in Support of War
7 pages (2265 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
The Handbook of Global communication and Media Ethics.... The Pulitzer Prize archive: a history and anthology of award-winning materials in journalism, letters, and arts.... The paper "Images That Mobilized Popular Opinion in Support of War" discusses that photographs have been instrumental in keeping the past alive and in taking decisions that have influenced the world, for they are the frozen relics of reality....
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Effects of Video Games Upon Children and Their Behavior in the Real Life in the USA
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Journalism, Mass Media and communication 31 October Effects of Video Games upon Children and their Behavior in the Real Life in the USA 1.... This paper talks that video games are very popular among children, teenagers and adults.... They can be played on cell phones, handheld devices, game consoles and computers....
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The Media and the Privacy of Public Figures
8 pages (2174 words) , Download 1 , Essay
udience has a very important role in media communication.... journalism that endangers the career and life of any person can never be allowed.... "The Media and the Privacy of Public Figures" paper argues that although spying public figures is not the remedy for any issue, it is being employed by the organized media in several ways....
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Globalization of Economy
9 pages (2515 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
journalism and Globalization.... Technology as also made communication and service delivery easier since you are able to deliver the information quickly as compared to the old days whereby you could take long by sending a message through the postal mail (Reese).... The author of this coursework "Globalization of Economy " describes the notion of globalization and economy, benefits of globalization of the economy in different fields, for example, the economy of the country, healthcare, business, international trade, etc....
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The Nature of Self-justification of the Authoritarian Personality
8 pages (2266 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly 87.... The paper "The Nature of Self-justification of the Authoritarian Personality" presents a specific form of human personality.... The self-righteousness and the nature of self-justification of the authoritarian personality would most likely lead to a lot of tolerance blames that is highly unlikely....
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Bullying in the Workplace and Its Effects on a Company
7 pages (2071 words) , Download 0 , Essay
utgen, P (2007) Workplace Bullying Causes, Consequences and Interventions: Department of communication and Journalism, University of New Mexico, Retrieved on 11 November 2014, from http://ombudsfac.... The paper "Bullying in the Workplace and Its Effects on a Company" is a perfect example of a management essay....
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The Playboy of the Western World
9 pages (2389 words) , Download 2 , Essay
ccording to them, women, imperialism, realism, journalism, drama, art, psychology, science, communication, education, democracy, politics, and meaning and expression of sex were all changing, at the turn of century.... The paper "The Playboy of the Western World" states that play also is based on a new imperialism, where everything imperialistic, judiciary, law and order, criminal conviction, the order in society, almost everything that was represented by imperialism was either questioned or opposed....
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Mitigating the Effects of Oil, Trade Policies, and International Relationships on Kazakhstan
52 pages (10268 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper "Mitigating the Effects of Oil, Trade Policies, and International Relationships on Kazakhstan" states that becoming more democratic would increase transparency in government and decrease corruption, which would better allow businesses in Kazakhstan to flourish.... .... ... ... Empirical evidence was gathered from the Statistics Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan, ILO reports and CIA World Factbook....
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The Influence of Information Technology upon Globalization
11 pages (2791 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
The paper "The Influence of Information Technology upon Globalization" focuses on the critical analysis of the main influence of information technology upon globalization.... The amalgamation of the cultures and economies of this world have been described as globalization.... ... ... ... The reason behind this merger has been attributed to technological breakthroughs in transportation and information technology....
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The Stereotyping of Native Americans within Commerce
8 pages (2248 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
As media and communication theorists have agued, media message receivers, or consumers, bring their own set of beliefs to every ad, image or implied association they come across.... journalism Quarterly, 14(4), 3337339.... The case study "The Stereotyping of Native Americans within Commerce" states that Popular perceptions of what it means to be Indian, or Native American, has been shaped and reinforced by a variety of strategies, some of which have relied on the written word and others on imagery....
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Introduction to Modern Theatre
8 pages (2370 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
The rise οf journalism and the new status οf the man οf letters contributed to the creation οf new middlebrow audiences, whilst the emergence οf a mass market leisure industry helped to provide a solid framework for the gentrification οf the acting profession.... The author examines evolutionist historiography that is fond of οf landmarks....
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Definition of Science
5 pages (1842 words) , Download 0 , Essay
(2008) Handbook of Public communication of Science and Technology, London, Routledge, p111-130. ... (1988) “How use of mass media affects views on solutions to environmental problems,” journalism Quarterly 51, no.... The paper "Definition of Science" discusses that science is the study of behaviour, nature and measurement of reactivity and the processes connected to their transformations....
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