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The Great Depression vs The Great Recession
16 pages (4471 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The essay "The Great Depression vs The Great Recession" focuses on the critical analysis of the discussion of the major points raised by the analysis of both phenomena: The Great Depression and The Great Recession.... The 2008-2009 recessions awakened a great debate.... ... ... ... The great depression that began in 1929 and led to the stock market crash and, on the other hand, the great recession that lead to the global crisis that began in 2007 was the biggest economic crisis that the world has ever experienced (Navarro, 64)....
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International Trade and Contract Law
19 pages (5248 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The paper "International Trade and Contract Law" explains a contract between two parties as the ultimate arbitrator in disputes, insofar as its function is not just the coordination of economic interests between parties but the articulation of buyer and seller rights, responsibilities, and duties....
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Social Work - Community Work
16 pages (4111 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The paper " Social Work - Community Work" tells us about social action.... Social action is applicable to a variety of social issues that inappropriately affect certain groups in the community e.... .... drug and substance abuse among the youths, issues of health and sanitation, environmental issues etc....
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Treasury Department Improvement in Islamic Banks
17 pages (4763 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The essay "Treasury Department Improvement in Islamic Banks" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the improvement of treasury department in Islamic banks.... A bank is defined as a financial institution which does all or any of the defined activities.... ... ... ... Professor Geoffrey Crowther defined the bank as follows: 'A bank is an institution which takes the debts of other people to offer its own in exchange, and thereby to create money....
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Stem Cell Research: The Importance In-behind Maintaining Funding
16 pages (4161 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Stem Cell Research: The Importance In-behind Maintaining Funding" states that the positive influence to guarantee federal funding in stem cell research is the hope that it is given to those who are suffering from severe heart defects that normal medical treatment can not help.... ... ... ...
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Analysis of the Principles of Third World Feminism
16 pages (4319 words) , Download 3 , Essay
"Analysis of the Principles of Third World Feminism" focuses on the critical, and thorough analysis of the major issues in the principles of third world feminism.... The concept of feminism has changed throughout history and with specific social movements.... .... ... ... The approach has varied depending on the needs of women as well as the inequalities they have faced in society....
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The Failed International Intervention in Somalia
14 pages (4031 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The paper "The Failed International Intervention in Somalia" states that the recent incidence of 200000 men leaving the country is due to the fight between the Al-Shabab which is believed to have ties with Al-Qaeda and the African Union Peacemaking force.... ... ... ... The strategy of revenge backfired on the American Rangers as they were experiencing failure and hence they again moved on to the exit Strategy....
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Comparison of Welfare Models in Sweden and UK about Child Poverty
15 pages (4288 words) , Download 3 , Essay
"Comparison of Welfare Models in Sweden and UK about Child Poverty" paper look at these two welfare systems regarding childhood poverty.... The UK represents a liberal system of welfare.... In Sweden however, the opposite has occurred, there is greater gender equality in their system.... .... ... ...
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Tltos Tradition in Hungary
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay "Táltos Tradition in Hungary" focuses on one of the earliest practiced religious faith or tradition that has been perceived in historical records of human civilization.... the Hungarian form of shamanism had strong links with the Asian shamanism.... ... ... There has been a revival of the shamanistic cultural traditions in the form of neo-shamanists, partly as a form of nationalistic movement of Hungary that wishes to trace back its own roots, and partly owing to some individual efforts that wish to continue with this age-old cultural heritage of the ancient human civilization....
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US History and the New World of Europe
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The author of the paper 'US History and the New World of Europe' examines the US history (the PuritansDeclaration of Independence, the Stamp Act, The Intolerable Act, Articles of Confederation) and describes what motivated Europeans to establish settlements in the New World and what made it possible for them to undertake those settlements....
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The New Negro and the Harlem Renaissance
17 pages (4931 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "The New Negro and the Harlem Renaissance" discusses that the Harlem Renaissance can perhaps best be summed up as the emergence of voices, including of course the major ones of Locke and Hughes, from a group who had been silenced for far too long.... ... ... ... The Harlem Renaissance has been described as a blossoming which was ' Never dominated by a particular school of thought but rather characterized by intense debate, the movement laid the groundwork for all later African American literature and had an enormous impact on subsequent black literature and consciousness worldwide....
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Business Law and Ethics - Mobile World Communication Ltd
16 pages (4197 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
From the paper "Business Law and Ethics - Mobile World Communication Ltd" it is clear that the contract entered by Joseph and Ms Jones is different from that one between Ms Jones and FAL, the obligation abiding between Ms Jones and FAL is not tied with that one between Ms Jones and Joseph.... ... ...
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Fundamental Rationales for Derogation of GATT Obligations
18 pages (4867 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "Fundamental Rationales for Derogation of GATT Obligations" will begin with the statement that the reasons for which some developed countries (most especially the United States) seek to invoke the Exception Clauses in GATT's article XX may be interpreted as disguised protectionism.... ... ...
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The Role of Consumer Protection Authorities during Crises and Disasters
19 pages (5129 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
The paper "The Role of Consumer Protection Authorities during Crises and Disasters" is a wonderful example of a term paper on the law.... The consumer protection laws are statutes that govern credit and sales practices that involve consumer products.... ... ... ... As such, during emergencies, these authorities play an important role in ensuring that the highly vulnerable victims of disasters, who are also consumers are placed on par with individuals who are not affected by a disaster in terms of accessibility of resources....
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Cryptography and Information Assurance
16 pages (4334 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper "Cryptography and Information Assurance" paper encrypts the message 'MEET ME TONIGHT' using each of the following methods of encryption: Rail Fence cipher, Route Cipher, Caesar cipher, Atbash cipher, a monoalphabetic substitution cipher, Vigenere cipher, and Playfair cipher.... ... ... ...
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Immoral and Degrading Face of Imperialism in Heart of the Darkness
17 pages (4489 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The author of the paper "Immoral and Degrading Face of Imperialism in Heart of the Darkness" is of the view that Joseph Conrad's ability to reach into exotic lives and landscapes has no parallels in world literature, it becomes most evident in his short novel 'Heart of the Darkness'.... ... ... ... Conrad tries to portray the disparagingly immoral and degrading face of imperialism....
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Overseas Student Health Cover in Australia
21 pages (5078 words) , Research Paper
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From the paper "Overseas Student Health Cover in Australia" it is clear that students have to spend their own money on health issues such as teeth cavities or getting their eyes examined by an optometrist.... The cost of non-emergency ambulance services is also not included.... ... ... ... International education contributed 11....
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Marketing plan for the healthcare entity (smoking campaign)
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
The research hopes to address the issue on cigarette smoking and spread awareness of its risks to human health.... The negative effect of cigarette smoking excuses no one; thus, it has to be stopped for the sake of the majority.... .... ... ... The paper will target to study young adults, adults, and adolescents....
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Causes of the Financial Crisis and Do Credit Derivatives Increase Bank Risk
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
From the paper "Causes of the Financial Crisis and Do Credit Derivatives Increase Bank Risk" it is clear that the financial crisis was undoubtedly an outcome of the integration of market and credit risks and banks engagement in capital market activities.... ... ... ... The capital requirements for setting standards for international banking system were found to be inappropriate....
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Workplace-related stress in UK
18 pages (4500 words) , Download 6 , Essay
This paper aims to discuss the workplace related stress in UK, factors leading to stress will be assessed, what consequences are faced as a result of stress, how stress inducing factors can be addressed and culminated, what type of laws, policies, or guidance services are available in UK to tackle workplace-related stress....
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Juvenile justice system- harsh punishments vs. lighter punishments
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
In America, separate justice systems exist for juveniles, however most citizens are not aware of how this system operates and how important it is in helping to shape the behavior of the juveniles.... Some people hold views that are not true and are far from reality concerning the juvenile justice system....
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Critical Analysis of the Relationship of Poverty and Elderly in the United Kingdom
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Generally, social policy is defined as the study of social services and the welfare state where it looks at the idea of social welfare and its relationship to politics and society.... It deals with specific issues that concern policy and administration of social services that includes health, housing, income, maintenance, education and social work....
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Principal barrier to nurseconsumer partnerships
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
You walk into a care facility for older persons to commence your shift.... Once in the lounge area you notice May in the corner.... May is 79 years of age and has had a severe stroke that has left her with a profound right sided weakness; she is also dysphasic.... May is quite but obviously distressed....
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Concussions in Sports and Return to Play Guidlines
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Concussion is a common though dangerous occurrence in contact sport.... According to American Academy of Neurology, Concussion is a "trauma-induced alteration in mental status that may or may not involve loss of consciousness.... Confusion and amnesia are the hallmarks of concussion.... [AAN, 1997] In sports, concussion is just another term for mild head injury....
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Organisational Changes within NHS
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 5 , Essay
The role of health care provision in the UK has continued to evolve from its humble developments to a highly organized structure.... In this regard the role of NHS has been pivotal in giving basic as well as advanced health care needs, and assuring quality standards among the health care providers....
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The Doctrine Of Insurable Interest
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Insurable interest" is one of the basic concepts of insurance law.... It refers to an insured's interest or concern in the non-occurrence of the event insured against.... What it precisely entails is not clear and there is indeed widespread uncertainty as to the necessity and import of insurable interest especially in the context of assurance on the life of another. ...
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Canon Law & 8th Amendment
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Canon Law is the body of officially established rules governing the faith and practice of the members of a Christian church.... Any church's or religion's laws, rules, and regulations; more commonly, the written policies that guide the administration and religious ceremonies of the Roman Catholic Church is the Canon Law. ...
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Theory of Justice
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
One of the many things in a person's life that may be taken and considered as part of what makes him a person, of who he is and where he is going, is being a member of a particular society.... This truism of "already being a part of society" more or less makes human beings accept the inception of society as something given....
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Management of hypoglycemia
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Diabetes is increasingly common throughout the world.... ts prevalence is well over 5% in many developed countries and is rising in the United Kingdom.... hile talking about its prevalence,it is to be remembered that diabetes is caused by our genes and our personal environment,which is created by our lifestyles....
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What Is NGO's The role in raising HIV/AIDS awareness in East Africa
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The Non – Governmental organisations are important parts of the society and have a dominant role in shaping the society as well as the development of the international scenario.... The function of the NGOs is on two aspects.... ... ... ... On one hand they provide services to people or communities of people who are vulnerable from the point of view of the society....
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The Efficient Market Hypothesis
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Efficient market hypothesis is a theory that was established by Professor Eugene Fama at the University Of Chicago, Booth School of Business.... It was established in the 1960s.... The theory deals with issues that relate to getting answers on queries that rose about the reasons why there are price changes in the security markets and how these changes took place within a financial period of a company....
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Business law help needed
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In a brief filed in Lea's suit against Mica in a state court, Neil, Lea's attorney, cites, Ole!... Cafe v.... Pan Foods Corp.... an unpublished opinion.... With respect to the persuasiveness of unpublished opinions, most states ... ... apital Credit Company files a suit against Downtown Developers, Inc....
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Poverty and Food Insecurity Issue and the SNAP Program
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The author examines the issue of food insecurity in America which is closely tied to the problem of housing.... High costs of housing have left many American families unable to afford healthy food.... In response to food insecurity, the government has created the SNAP program.... ... ... This has been caused by theft that these programs are designed to act as government welfare as opposed to helping the beneficiaries to be independent....
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Personality and Behavior in the Workplace
15 pages (4497 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
As the paper "Personality and Behavior in the Workplace" tells, personality refers to a person's unique feelings and behavior which persist over time.... Many individuals use the term personality to highlight the persistent qualities of an individual or to specify an individual's skills.... .... ...
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Have the policy tensions between free trade and environmental protection been adequately resolved
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This paper also takes a look at how these tensions have been resolved in numerous occasions in which they appeared.... The bodies that have been established to deal with the issues arising have been analyzed, and their approaches noted.... .... ... ... This study takes a look on the existing tensions, and issues of contravention between free trade and environment protection....
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Financial analysis of BMW and Kraft Foods
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The report is aims to analyze two major corporations from two different industries which are BMW and Kraft Foods.... BMW is renowned as one of the biggest vehicle and motorbike producing organizations internationally and Kraft Foods is one of the biggest food corporations globally.... .... ... ... The objective of this report is to analyse the financial structure of both companies with respect to corresponding industry where they operate....
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Paraphilic Infantilism
18 pages (4500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
This paper “Paraphilic Infantilism” will discuss the causes of the condition of a disease, its prevalence, assessment as well as treatment.... Paraphilic infantilism is the propensity characterized by the wish to dress up like a child in diapers and playing out body fantasies.... ... ... ... The author states that the desire of adults wanting to get treatment as young kids is perhaps a spectrum condition that manifests itself mostly in men, heterosexuals, homosexuals and women....
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Ethics and HealthSouth
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The study aims at highlighting the key issues associated with the accounting fraud along with analysing key ethical issues involved in an analytical manner.... The discussion over ethics and its value and importance in the social and business environment has been discussed in an illustrative and analytical manner....
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16 pages (4000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The research paper will concentrate on evaluating social policy, its alternatives, budget deficits and budget cuts with an aim of assessing how the federal process budget is affecting social security, deficit, and budget cuts.... ... ... ... The paper describes federal budget as the enacted budget, which is because of laws put in place to govern the assortment and utilization of funds....
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Colon Cleansing: A consumer health issue
19 pages (4750 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
In this paper “Colon Cleansing: A consumer health issue” the author analyzes how much, and up to what extent, colon cleansing is misunderstood by consumers as well as some medical practitioners.... He also seeks to inquire for the co-sequences resulted out of myths about colon cleansing.... ....
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Drug Shortages Continue To Effect Patient Care
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Drug shortage in the United States has grown in prevalence and magnitude over the recent decade due to numerous factors.... One of the most important factors is the quality control problems confronted by generic drug manufacturers.... ... ... ... Drug shortages may lead to substandard patient care....
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Global Business Cultural Analysis: Bangladesh
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
This research paper concerns about the cultural perspectives of doing business in another nation.... The paper has a detailed analysis of cultural elements and dimension of Bangladesh.... .... ... ... Global Business Cultural Analysis: Bangladesh Introduction This research paper concerns about the cultural perspectives of doing business in another nation....
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Critical Analysis of the problems facing manners Europe
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
Critical Analysis on the problems facing Manners Europe Name: Institution: Instructor: Course Code: Critical Analysis on the problems facing Manners Europe Introduction Effective management of the human resource in organisations require that both the external and internal environments be well understood....
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Decision to Prosecute
21 pages (5250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This research essay will investigate the role played by the prosecuting attorney in helping the Department of Justice in Hong Kong's legal setup and safeguarding the basic human privileges of individuals impacted by the application of the criminal verdict.... ... ... ... This research essay will analyse how “Basic Law of Hong Kong” especially its Article 63 and how the Department of Justice is managing the prosecution of criminals which is “free from any interference” and how decision to prosecute is being taken in Hong Kong in detail with specific references to these tensions....
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Immigration: Extended Introduction to the Social Problem
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
Duy Do (Tony) Sabeen Sandhu SOCI 33 14 July 2012 Immigration Part 1: Extended Introduction to the Social Problem My research concentrates on the subject of immigration and it will develop the study with the attempt to explain how immigration is a social problem.... ... ... ... The paradigm of symbolic interactionism would be the best theory for this topic....
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The Entry into Practice for the Family Nurse Practitioner
18 pages (4500 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The family nursing practitioner field is one of the fields of advanced practice nursing.... It mostly focuses on the family and on the role of the nurse practitioner within the family set-up.... This paper shall serve as a discussion of the entry into practice for the family nurse practitioner.... ...
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The Impact of Living in a Long-stay Institution on Learning Difficulties
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This paper "The Impact of Living in a Long-stay Institution on Learning Difficulties" tells that Mabel Cooper lives most of her childhood and adolescence living in a children's home and a long-stay hospital.... As an individual, she did not have the comfort of living with her family.... .... ... ...
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Understanding of Balance Exercises
18 pages (4650 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The paper "Understanding of Balance Exercises" highlights that in general, methods are essential by which to encourage multi-modal activities, as well as balance exercise in isolation, if there is to be any major impact on falls and injury prevention.... ... ... ... Generally speaking, 'health classes' advocating health promotion could be encouraged with monthly topics using the foyer or café areas for posters/information boards....
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Pain Management in Cancer Patients
7 pages (4290 words) , Download 1 , Essay
This essay "Pain Management in Cancer Patients" focuses on the importance of CBT in reducing cancer-related pain in cancer patients.... Specifically, this essay seeks to present some evidence on the effectiveness of this intervention in providing positive effects on patients experiencing cancer-induced pain....
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To what extent does the work of Jaques Louis David change during the French Revolution
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Being artistic means experiencing change: there is no such thing as stasis in the lives or works of those who conceived and created the body of European art from the Renaissance to the present.... With Jacques Louis David, French painter (1748-1825), however, change meant much more.... ... ... Change for David meant political and social change1, and its effect can be seen in his works....
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