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Locus of Control, Optimism Levels, and Perseverance during a Frustration Task
10 pages (3122 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper "Locus of Control, Optimism Levels, and Perseverance during a Frustration Task" measured perseverance during a Frustration Task in relation to the Locus of Control.... Two sets of five puzzles were randomly assigned.... One set included five solvable puzzles and the Non-Frustration task....
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Managing Front Office Operations in the Front Office of a Hotel
11 pages (2785 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Managing Front Office Operations in the Front Office of a Hotel" states that technological advancement has tried to make the practices simpler through the provision of computerized systems, although many of the procedures and practices still remain complex.... ... ... ... The practices and procedures of posting keep the billing up to date....
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Managerial Accounting for Decision Making
11 pages (3006 words) , Download 5 , Essay
The paper "Managerial Accounting for Decision Making" states that Cleanalot Limited has spare capacity and our production facility is underutilized due to a reduction in consumer spending.... Further, there are no chances for the business to revive in the next two years.... .... ... ... 'The process of identification, measurement, accumulation, analysis, preparation, interpretation and communication of information that assists executives in fulfilling organizational objectives....
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Equity Premium Puzzle
11 pages (3129 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Equity Premium Puzzle" states that the puzzle is due to the fact that most investors still prefer government bonds to stocks.... Investors prefer spreading their risks over a long time.... They invest in government bonds which usually mature over a long time.... ... ... ... According to Siegel and Thaler (1997, p....
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The Importance of International Law to International Traders
9 pages (2695 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
The paper "The Importance of International Law to International Traders" describes that every country in the progressive stage is upgrading and closely monitoring the trade policies to make the working procedures of commercial activities across international boundaries easy and comfortable.... ... ...
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Family Systems Therapy: The Adlerian Approach
9 pages (2636 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The author of the paper "Family Systems Therapy: The Adlerian Approach" argues in a well-organized manner that many times the family may be the source of the family member's anxiety or disorder.... Other times they act as enablers that perpetuate and nurture the individual's problem.... ... ... ... When an individual suffers from a mental or behavioral disorder it takes place within the family environment....
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Elite Sports Performance
10 pages (3116 words) , Download 1 , Report
This report "Elite Sports Performance" discusses the profiling process of the performance of a central defender in Manchester United.... He has been playing in this position for a while but it has become evident that his performance seems to be weaker than what is expected of him.... ... ... ... The profiling process is based on Butler and Hardy's 1992 discrepancies model....
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Sports Tourism
11 pages (3286 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
This work called "Sports Tourism" describes the impacts of sports tourism, the players in this sector and their roles, and also the impacts of the games as a tourism venture.... The author outlines that most of the countries have developed due to the emphasis they put on the games.... ... ... ... The sports industry has been attributed by most of the scholars in the world as one of the most influential sectors of the economy....
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Community Safety Strategies
10 pages (2726 words) , Download 0 , Report
This paper ''Community Safety Strategies'' tells that Effective management of fire is one of the major objectives of any Fire and Rescue services.... It entails coming up with a plan that will direct the resources towards assisting those who are highly vulnerable to fire.... ... ... ... It is believed that fire can seriously harm the community if not well controlled....
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Developing Performance Appraisal Processes
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The essay "Developing Performance Appraisal Processes" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in developing performance appraisal processes.... The senior management team needs to conduct performance appraisals based on its actual company standard.... ... ... ... The whole system of performance appraisal is to be viewed as fair and just by its employees....
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Global Financial Crisis on International Business
12 pages (3421 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper "Global Financial Crisis on International Business" discusses that even though there is a slight downfall in some areas, the monetary policies can't withhold the changes in activities, which were dependent on a different system and infrastructure within society.... ... ... ... The changing context in the economy is one that fluctuates depending on the alterations from dependent variables....
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What the Popes Could Have Done Differently to Avoid the Reformation
13 pages (3406 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
The paper "What the Popes Could Have Done Differently to Avoid the Reformation" states that the protestant reformation was one of the most remarkable events in the history of religion.... Its outcome is the division of the Roman Catholic Church into Protestants and Catholics.... ... ... ... The Protestant reformation started in Wittenberg, Germany in 1517, when Martin Luther posted his Ninety-five Theses....
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European Court of Justice
9 pages (2613 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "European Court of Justice" tells that the notion of direct effect which is rights conferred on individuals by the Community law to be enforced in national courts has not been openly contained in the EC Treaties.... This idea was formulated first in the European Court of Justices.... ... ...
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Shareholder Structure and Risk Profile of British Petroleum
10 pages (2776 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Shareholder Structure and Risk Profile of British Petroleum" states that the WACC had been 6.... 7% and 8.... 1% for the years 2009 and 2005 respectively.... In the year 2008, due to the financial downturn, market return went down to a negative value of -36.... 0 %.... .... ... ... The estimation has been done with a standard error value of 9....
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Health and Illness in Britain Society
13 pages (3716 words) , Download 5 , Essay
The paper "Health and Illness in Britain Society" highlights that the policies taken to reduce health issues and illness as well as diabetes have not been fully effective.... The effectiveness of any policy depends in the long run.... So we need to take sufficient time to judge those policies.... ...
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The Advantages and Disadvantages of Fair-Value Accounting
12 pages (3534 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
From the paper "The Advantages and Disadvantages of Fair-Value Accounting" it is clear that if both historical and fair value accounting methods can be used to give reliable information to the market, both of them should be adopted by firms in their financial statements.... ... ... ... The International Accounting Standards Board adopted the IFRS 13, fair value measurement on May 2011 (Duff & Phelps, 2012)....
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Understanding Youth Violence
12 pages (3240 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The essay "Understanding Youth Violence" focuses on the critical analysis of the guide for teachers to understand this behavioral disability.... The history of youth violence, its cause, statistics, and symptoms will be discussed.... The strategies to manage this disability will be discussed.... ...
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The Intercontinental Group
10 pages (2761 words) , Download 0 , Essay
This paper ''The Intercontinental Group '' tells that The intercontinental group is a brand for luxury hotels and guest accommodations.... The Intercontinental hotel group is an international hotel company with seven different hotel brands to serve diverse markets.... The companies' risk factors would be reduced considerably....
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The Sarbanes-Oxley Act and Its Implications
12 pages (3440 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The objective of this study "The Sarbanes-Oxley Act and Its Implications" is to analyze the importance of the SOX Act and diversification theory.... The SOX Act provides guidelines and standards with the aim of ascertaining that organizations are able to conduct operations sustainably.... ... ... ...
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Recovery for Psychiatric Damage
12 pages (3144 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Recovery for Psychiatric Damage" argues that the Alcock v Chief Constable of the South Yorkshire Police raised fundamental issues on the law in terms of how to handle psychiatric damage.... The realization that the law had some drawbacks prompted Lord Oliver to criticize the law.... ... ...
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Bailing Out Corporate America
9 pages (2726 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
From the paper "Bailing Out Corporate America" it is clear that our government would take our dream and give it to others.... This makes us distrustful and angry and we lose more than money because, in America, we expect to be able to earn our piece of the American dream.... .... ... ... The media hype makes it difficult to understand just exactly what is happening and why the money is being used in this way....
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The Discourse on the Ban of Pornography
10 pages (2731 words) , Download 2 , Essay
From the paper "The Discourse on the Ban of Pornography" it is clear that generally, most of the arguments pertaining to the ban of pornography do not sufficiently take account of the internal diversities and complexities of pornography as a genre of art.... .... ... ... Pornography is not a homogeneous genre of art....
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The Principle of Parliamentary Supremacy within the Canadian Constitutional System
11 pages (2965 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper "The Principle of Parliamentary Supremacy within the Canadian Constitutional System " discusses that supremacy is a principle within the Canadian constitutional system that is absolutely essential and significant and that the results that are caused by this principle are positive.... ... ...
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High Altitude Physiology
12 pages (3279 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "High Altitude Physiology" states that everyone who intends to climb, even if in normal health, should be assessed for response to the challenges of high altitudes, through simulated experiments at sea level.... They can perform better during actual climbs if they gain height gradually....
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A 2001 Danis Tanovic Movie
9 pages (2599 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay "A 2001 Danis Tanovic Movie" focuses on the story of No man's land which is about an incident when two soldiers are trapped in a trench between the frontlines of Bosnian and Serb forces.... Initially, the Bosnian Ciki and Serb Nino (Rene Bitorajac) are caught in an unusual situation.... ...
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The Possible Use of Ethanol as a Replacement for Petrol
12 pages (3294 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper "The Possible Use of Ethanol as a Replacement for Petrol" discusses that there are various ways to achieve that so it is prudent to distinguish where subsidization may occur between the various stages in the production and marketing process.... ... ... ... The conversion of beets or corn into ethanol is touted by scientists today as an economically and environmentally sound solution to pressing national and global concerns....
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Consent and Learning Disability
12 pages (3229 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper "Consent and Learning Disability" highlights that taking a cue from community learning disability nurses and the problems they face in consent from people with learning disabilities, it can be seen that health care staff require more support to address the difficulties that they face.... ...
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Ethical Dilemma and Scenario of Ethical Dilemma to Teachers
12 pages (3418 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
"Ethical Dilemma and Scenario of Ethical Dilemma to Teachers" paper explains solutions to the ethical dilemma, teacher's professional code of ethics, teaching as a moral profession, theories of ethics.... The paper also describes the education system in Saudi Arabia.... ... ... ... The virtue ethics approach describes a blend of good character and the way people act in relation to natural laws....
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Management Ethics and Corporate Governance
11 pages (2898 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The "Management Ethics and Corporate Governance" paper examines the effects of predatory lending on individuals, the effects of predatory lending on financial institutions, the National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009, and the government interference with the market in terms of market efficiency....
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Ethical Dilemma: John in the Car
12 pages (3359 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
"Ethical Dilemma: John in the Car" paper uses Carol Gilligan's theory of ethics in the ethical dilemma created by John in his car.... Carol Gilligan proposes that traditional moral theories, "are deficient to the degree they lack or demonize values and virtues that are culturally associated with women"....
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Causes of the Decline of the Devshirme System in the Ottoman Empire
11 pages (3098 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
"Causes of the Decline of the Devshirme System in the Ottoman Empire" focuses on the devshirme system which was a system that the ottoman rule used to serve their empire.... The system involved the enslaving of the non-Muslims to be used in the military while others were educated to join the harem....
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Nelson Mandela and the Downfall of Apartheid
11 pages (3294 words) , Download 0 , Essay
From the paper "Nelson Mandela and the Downfall of Apartheid" it is clear that Nelson Mandela has been recognized as one of the major African leaders and the first African president of South Africa.... Ultimately he is also among the longest-detained political prisoners in the world.... ... ... ... Apartheid can be considered as the system which was characterized by legalized racial segregation which the government of the National Party in South Africa enforced from 1948 to 1994....
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Destruction of Kuomintang China by the Armies of the Chinese Communist Party
15 pages (3862 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "Destruction of Kuomintang China by the Armies of the Chinese Communist Party" discusses that although Kuomintang was advantaged in many aspects it conceded defeat to the Communist Party.... This was attributed to factors ranging from military to social.... .... ... ... Generally speaking, in the history of China, there arose national leaders each with their own mission but the most notable ones were Dr....
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The Cost-to-Benefit Index Cost Method
8 pages (3025 words) , Download 3 , Essay
"The Cost-to-Benefit Index Cost Method" paper analizes the use of two forms of costing systems namely; activity-based costing and traditional costing.... The traditional costing method relies on the volume of a cost driver including direct materials and labor time consumed in producing an item.... ....
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How Likely is a Future Hegemonic War between US and China
12 pages (3245 words) , Download 0 , Essay
This paper ''How Likely is a Future Hegemonic War between the US and China'' tells that hegemony is a type of imperialism in which a state indirectly rules over other states using implied power and threat rather than military force.... That state that practices hegemony is called a hegemon.... ....
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How Did the French Support the Colonies during the American Revolution
14 pages (3795 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
The author of "How Did the French Support the Colonies during the American Revolution" paper argues that the French lost valuable territories to Great Britain in the land of what is now America, cementing a dislike that would not easily be forgotten.... ... ... ... The Founding Fathers of the nation considered an alliance with France largely because they too disliked Great Britain, and with good reason....
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Pure Word Deafness and Indicators on Speech Perception
12 pages (3346 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Pure Word Deafness and Indicators on Speech Perception" discusses that Word-Deaf Patients have issues with the processes whereby people cannot process words and information.... This provides a lot of information about the speech perception process of human beings.... ... ... ... It is essential to state that linguistics traditionally provides a framework and system through which people's perception of spoken words and languages is studied for improved and enhanced comprehension....
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The Frye Standard and the Daubert Standard
10 pages (2668 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
The paper "The Frye Standard and the Daubert Standard" states that both cases were based on scientific evidence.... While Daubert has outdone Fyre, Daubert's standard does not extensively vary with Fyre Standard's issues.... While stress put on review and further research has considerably dwindled....
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Are Private Entrepreneurs of Punishment More Efficient than Government Ones
12 pages (3310 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Are Private Entrepreneurs of Punishment More Efficient than Government Ones?... supposes the problem with the privatization of correctional systems comes from differences between their opponents and proponents.... The latter believe privatization would promote the provision of better services....
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The Lens as a Model for Fibrotic Disease
10 pages (2967 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The essay "The Lens as a Model for Fibrotic Disease" focuses on the critical, and multifaceted analysis of the claim that the lens is such an excellent model for studying fibrosis.... It discusses it with the sole purpose of providing evidence that supports this statement.... ... ... ... Fibrosis is associated with contraction, cell transdifferentiation, matrix modification, and hyperproliferation....
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Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy of Hennes and Mauritz
11 pages (3050 words) , Download 5 , Coursework
This coursework "Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy of Hennes and Mauritz" focuses on one of the biggest retail shops in the world which has established itself to a near-monopoly status in the society dealing in cloths.... It has spread its reach and tentacles around the globe.... ... ... ... The paper has articulated the concept and general notion of corporate social responsibility as conducted by H&M....
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Why Public Reason Is Incapable of Satisfactorily Resolving the Issue of Same-Sex Marriage
13 pages (3416 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Why Public Reason Is Incapable of Satisfactorily Resolving the Issue of Same-Sex Marriage" concludes public reason as conceived by John Rawls is incapable of resolving the issue of same-sex marriage.... Any refusal of the right to Gay-Marriage appears to be against the Public Reason.... ...
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Central Problem in the 1925 Property Legislation
11 pages (3213 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Central Problem in the 1925 Property Legislation" defines land as constituted by 'the surface, building, or parts of buildings' and everything else that is linked to the said land and as such becomes part of that land with respect to the Latin maxim of quicquid plantatur solo, solo cedit....
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The Fabric of Characterization, Theme, and Setting in A Good Man Is Hard to Find
10 pages (2791 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The paper "The Fabric of Characterization, Theme, and Setting in A Good Man Is Hard to Find" demonstrates the author's skill to combine the comic and the simple with an all-pervasive psychologically depressive development of her creative energy won her the title of the master of Southern Gothic.... ...
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Shirley Jackson's The Lottery
10 pages (2678 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
The author of the paper under the title "Shirley Jackson's The Lottery" is an analysis of 'The Lottery' focusing on literary devices used in the development of the short story such as irony, foreshadowing, juxtaposition, and figurative language.... ... ... ... Plot Summary intended to clarify and introduce the points that the critic is presenting....
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The Passionate Shepherd to His Love by Christopher Marlowe
13 pages (3434 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The author of the paper "The Passionate Shepherd to His Love by Christopher Marlowe" will begin with the statement that the wise saying goes, 'Love is like the bird with colorful wings that remains in the heart of the lover.... It moves there with tantalizing speed and makes the lover a bard'.... ....
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Disability in Two Movies
10 pages (2648 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay "Disability in Two Movies" discusses life-related realties or fiction, film has presented disability situations either as they happen in reality or in different perceptions.... The essay analyses evaluation with regard to the movies 'My Left Foot' and 'Born on the Fourth of July'.... ... ...
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In Search of Lost Time by Marcel Proust
15 pages (3880 words) , Download 2 , Essay
From the paper "In Search of Lost Time by Marcel Proust " it is clear that generally speaking, In Search of Lost Time is an eclectic mix of a variety of different themes amongst which one is jealousy though it appears as a dominant theme in some volumes.... ... ... ... Proust's claim to fame stems from his novel In Search of Lost Time that spans around seven volumes and contains reflections from the author's own life....
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Donald Trump Administration Policy
12 pages (3161 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
This paper "Donald Trump Administration Policy" attempts to explore how Trump's administration policies have singularly affected black women in America.... The paper inspects Trump's policies on key areas such as healthcare, women's rights, and more concerning black women.... ... ... ... Through an extensive range of concerns and issues, Donald Trump's administration policies are bound to have devastating consequences on the majority of Americans....
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Comparison of Official Corruption in the Japan and Bangladesh
9 pages (2698 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
"Comparison of Official Corruption in the Japan and Bangladesh" paper basically compares and contrasts the official corruption in Bangladesh and Japan along with examining the government role and laws that are prevailing to curb corruption.... The strategy has also been recommended to impede corruption....
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