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Christianity and the Secular Point of View of Gun Violence Religion and Theology Essay
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In the past few years, certain issues have been contentious in the US; school shootings and gun violence. The mass shootings are bringing into limelight the problem of gun violence. An event is classified as a mass shooting if more than four people are killed. According to the police department, more than 283 million guns are in the hands of civilians.
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Analysis of the Cartesian Proof for the Existence of God Religion and Theology Essay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Regarded as the father of modern philosophy, Descartes’ proof for God’s existence is characterized by a rational inquiry, purporting to prove through the faculty of reason that God must necessarily exist. The author then argues that while the contribution of Descartes’ philosophy is without doubt undeniably significant, there are important problems that become evident upon the examination of his thoughts.
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Pro-Choice Versus Pro-Life Religion and Theology Research Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
 There appears to be no end to the argument, with public opinion swaying depending on events that occur. On one side is the Church with its conservative supporters and on the other side are the women’s right protagonists with their liberal supporters. In April this year, the Supreme Court upheld the Federal Abortion Ban case.
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On Job: God-Talk and the Suffering of the Innocent by Gustavo Gutirrez Religion and Theology Book Report/Review
7 pages (1981 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
If this is true, then why are there so many people suffering in the world today? If God does exist, then why is he letting many people suffer from poverty, hunger, disease, and untimely death? Since these events do occur and are increasingly being aggravated, then there is no God and thus there is no basis in religion as well.
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Reading commentary Religion and Theology Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Robert Barron his book poses several questions about the ways of the church. First and foremost he seeks to know how strange people strongly believe in the church1. He further goes on to justify these comments by giving some views that are
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Religion - Mysticism Religion and Theology Essay
5 pages (1396 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Mysticism is a broad concept that refers to myriad features including discourses, texts, and traditions among many others in relation to understanding human transformation. Scholars of theology face myriad problems in their quest to understand mysticism key among which is the definition and application of the term.
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Critical Thinking Assignment Religion and Theology Assignment
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
The question of origin: The Quran records that every living thing was created from the water by Allah. A verse in the Quran describes this “Allah has created every animal from water…” (24:45). Consequently, this world view tends to conform
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Origin of Life in Atheism and Christianity Religion and Theology Research Paper
9 pages (2486 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
One concern for people at every stage of their existence is finding the origin, the creator. It is this feeling of loneliness, not belonging anywhere. To satisfy the curiosity on a subject means to make a belief some ideal creatures are responsible for our existence. Primeval people believed they were originated from a particular animal.
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Analysis paper on christianity and buddism Religion and Theology Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Christianity believers accept the teaching that the Jesus was born to Mary who was a virgin. Her pregnancy was through immaculate conception with God being the father. This dogma suggests that Jesus was the
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Judaism as a Religion for Adults Religion and Theology Essay
9 pages (2480 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In a world where many question the very existence of God and the need for religion, Levinas challenges these atheistic notions by showing that the God of the Torah is not a simplistic one. If an all-powerful God existed that only rewarded good behavior and punished man for committing wrongs, then he may be perceived as a God for children.
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Answer question youtube video Religion and Theology Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Dr. Jill proclaims meditation practice as one of the scientific instrument to use in defining what life one would wish to live. She gets to reach inner peace where she identifies positive aspects of life. On the same point, the monks, priests and those who
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Good Samaritan as a Biblical Character Religion and Theology Essay
1 pages (281 words) , Download 3 , Essay
It was rather interesting to review a paper by my peer. Thus, I decided to find a Biblical character that would use hierarchy questions correctly. I think that the Good Samaritan is a great example. Thus, the original dilemma for this character can be characterized in the following way: should he walk by just like other people did or help the person who was robbed?
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The Contemporary Theology of Creation and Eschatology Religion and Theology Essay
8 pages (2330 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In the same manner, God intended to guide the universe into realizing His purpose and this is bringing about eschatology. Creation is not only about deism that is the belief in God based on reason without any revelation. It is rather about theism where there is the belief in God as the creator and the sharing of God with His creation by revelation.
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The significance of Jerusalem to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam Religion and Theology Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
A religion’s existence or extinction from its origin always depends on the strength of its carriers -- political, socio-cultural, or economical. The one
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Pauls Prison Epistles Religion and Theology Research Paper
8 pages (2218 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The epistle of Ephesians was written in Rome in A.D 60 (Walvoord & Zuck 434). This is well explained by the opening of the revelation of John of Patmos. The revelation shows that John was aware of Paul’s letters to seven centers of Christianity in which Ephesus was one of them. Another evidence is the letter known as  ‘I Clement’ written in A.D 96  by Clement, Bishop of Rome to the church at Corinthian.
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The relationship between the people and their spiritualists Religion and Theology Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The mutual choice of Latin asserts that priests share a distinct vision of the Church. While it is often easy to condemn or approve the decisions made by priests in the conduct of their duties, it is paramount to evaluate the strategies they employ in their relationships with and responsibilities to the Church or congregation.
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Ritualism in Confucian Thought Religion and Theology Essay
5 pages (1314 words) , Download 2 , Essay
A very significant portion of Confucius’s teachings has been studied in the form of analects. In these analects, Confucius is often found to be talking to his disciples directly and solving their problems. This happens all along with the continuity of Confucius’s personal viewpoints as well as the deductions obtained by his students at different stages of learning.
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The Role and Value of a Church Minister of Education Religion and Theology Research Paper
8 pages (2169 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
According to Ephesians 4:11-13, some people were given as apostles, others prophets while others as evangelists. The book also asserts that other people became pastors as well as teachers. All these spiritual leaders had one goal in common; to unite all people via faith and knowledge of Jesus the Son of God. From these verses, one can deduce that there exist diverse offices of the ministerial work of God aimed at equipping saints.
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Ethical and social ethical Religion and Theology Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Therefore, as a current moral issue, social justice serves as a turning point in which a given society morally distribute or corrects its wealth, privileges and opportunities through social roles. Conversely, the
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Faith in Religion Religion and Theology Essay
1 pages (304 words) , Download 4 , Essay
There were challenges that I faced and biblical knowledge that I developed. I chose to believe in God for an idea that lead to my financial freedom. I prayed about it before considering possible ideas. I then chose online marketing ideas, of attracting and directing people to websites and I believed in God for a successful venture.
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Description of My Faith Religion and Theology Essay
4 pages (1169 words) , Download 2 , Essay
I believe that Prophet Mohammad was a true messenger of Allah; I believe that prophet Mohammad was the final and the last prophet of Allah. The main reason why I believe that Prophet Mohammad was the final prophet of Allah was that Allah revealed to Mohammad the truth about himself; Mohammad was the messenger of Allah. 
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The Holy Bible and Mormon Theology Religion and Theology Essay
1 pages (320 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Mormons are not considered Christians by mainline Christian groups because Mormon theology contradicts the doctrines and teachings of Christianity.   Christianity has essential doctrines recognized by Christians, among them, the belief that there is only one God and that God the father is in spirit.
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Martin Luthers Ideology and Life Facts Religion and Theology Essay
1 pages (302 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Martin Luther is perhaps history’s most significant liberal reformer. In 1517, this German monk started to find fault in the dishonesty of the Catholic Church. He insisted modification of its practices and doctrines. The selling of indulgences was one of them. Selling indulgences was big business in the Roman Catholic Church during that time. 
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Monasticism in the Medieval World Religion and Theology Essay
4 pages (1231 words) , Download 3 , Essay
How would you feel if you had to answer someone and live under a rigorous schedule every day for the rest of your life? As I read “The Rule of St. Benedict,” I reflected on what it would be like to live such as life and pondered how the ideas expressed in “The Rule of St. Benedict” reflect the values of the medieval world. During the Middle Ages, Monasticism was a prominent religion that had great influence.
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Reflection on christianity Religion and Theology Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
When Jesus said these, He was referring to the Ten Commandments which was given to Moses and the Israelites which in turn became the basis of the prophets who came after him. Examining the Ten Commandments further, one can notice that the first four commandments
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Theories of Inspiration Religion and Theology Essay
4 pages (1132 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Prophets are used to convey the messages of God, through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. On this basis, Christians believe that the cultural, social, and political background of Biblical writers did not affect the manner in which these people wrote the bible. This is because the Holy Spirit was there to guide them through the whole process.
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Analysis of the Generation to Generation Book Religion and Theology Book Report/Review
5 pages (1276 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
Friedman’s (1985) work is essential in explaining the dimensions of society that run based on the relationships between the individual and the family. The book is a valuable resource for developing leadership skills that Friedman (1985) proposes: directed and goal-centred along with an un-anxious attitude.
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Synopsis of the Last Supper Accounts Religion and Theology Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It binds them in fellowship of love, trust and mutual acceptance. Sharing of the last supper is one of the orders that Jesus gave to his church. Inherently, the last supper helps Christian to remember Jesus, accept his presence, reminds
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Not All Groups Formed May Become Effective Religion and Theology Research Paper
6 pages (1854 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
A group could be defined as two or more people who interact with one another, possess similar characteristics, and collectively have a sense of unity (Argyris, 2010). There are two types of groups: primary and secondary groups. A primary group is a small group of people sharing personal and lasting relationships.
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John Lockes Letter on Toleration Religion and Theology Research Paper
8 pages (2170 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The first reason he argued is that the care for men’s souls has not been committed to the magistrate by either God or the consent of men. With this, he argued from the perspective of man’s natural freedom and equality. For instance, he argued that there is no command in the bible that is urging magistrates to bring people to true religion.
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Reading response Religion and Theology Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Luckily such religious intolerance has diluted with time. This article shows as to how the written word was used to demonize any particular religious sect. The Awful
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Moral Development According to Confucianism Religion and Theology Essay
2 pages (664 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Modern China feels the influence of several philosophies among which Confucianism is important since it has served as a ground for state ideology. In particular, it appears to be a foundational source of the Chinese belief system and a determinant of people’s life. One way or another, Confucianism has become a headstone of traditional Chinese culture even without advocacy for comprehensive love for God.
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The Making of the Working Class Religion and Theology Book Report/Review
1 pages (250 words) , Download 1 , Book Report/Review
On the first page, it explains what happens – a general confession of sin followed by a dialogue with God. On page 399 power is seen as coming from God. All had sinned, but all could receive Grace. There is a description of how doctrines were formulated. Page 402 describes it as a religion of the heart, of emotions and enthusiasm.
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Thessalonians, New Testament of the Bible Religion and Theology Essay
2 pages (633 words) , Download 3 , Essay
It is essential to state that the Book of 1 Thessalonians can be found in the New Testament of the bible. The book was written by the apostle Paul around 51 A.D. The theme of the book 1 Thessalonians is to encourage the Thessalonians to stay on the right track and to encourage them to live a spiritual life.
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What does the bible mean to me Religion and Theology Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Those who study Bible with belief repeatedly make sure that all the things that have been described in deep past times correspond to their lives. And there is absolutely no doubt that God
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Convincing of Theories of Human Sciences and Natural Sciences Religion and Theology Essay
5 pages (1406 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Human sciences and natural sciences are two fields of science, which have readily expanded in knowledge over the past few centuries. Knowledge expands with theories. People make guesses, in scientific terms “hypotheses”, which are tested for their validity. Different theories of human sciences and natural sciences keep surfacing from time to time, some of which are refuted while others are accepted.
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Islamic Tolerance to Music Religion and Theology Essay
6 pages (2052 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Even in Muslim communities music is a constant environmental accompaniment in restaurants, department stores, homes, and cars. There is practically no environment in the modern world where music is not available through some means. The availability of music in almost any format makes music a mainstay of today’s society and culture.
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How did Paul universalize Christ Religion and Theology Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Paul was a Pharisee who fervently followed the Law of Moses. During his 30s Paul sees a vision of the Christ which transforms him into a new individual blessed with a spirit of wisdom and revelation that finally lead to a
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Critical Terms for Religious Studies Religion and Theology Essay
1 pages (464 words) , Download 2 , Essay
According to the Hebrew Scriptures, Jesus met all their expectations from the lineage, place of birth, time, and lifestyle that He led. Question three: It was the then bishop of Alexandria, Athanasius, who made the first recommendation of what became the official twenty-seven books of the New Testament. This was in 367 CE in his Easter letter.
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Shiva and Vishnu Religion and Theology Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
A description of some of the important symbols that depict Lord Shiva is as follows: 1.Unclad body covered with ashes: Shiva’s body smeared with ash points to the philosophy of life and death and the fact that death is the ultimate reality of life. 2.Tiger skin: the tiger is the vehicle of Shakti, the goddess of power and force.
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History of Religion on Planet Earth Religion and Theology Report
6 pages (1711 words) , Download 2 , Report
This means re-legging what the great spiritual leaders have discovered and taught (Religions of the World, 2002). Religion is the association of belief held by human beings about the supernatural power and activities, involving rituals and code of ethics. Many such beliefs developed naturally and many were influenced by the extraterritorial influences.
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Goddesses in World Religions and Cultures Religion and Theology Case Study
8 pages (2096 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Modern day religions may differ radically from the forms of worship of the ancient civilizations but the purpose is always the same; to reach the Divine. Now what constitutes the divine is a topic for a research of an entirely different sort.  
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The Case for the Existence of God Religion and Theology Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
St. Patrick, St Augustine, and St. Anthony believed in God and worshipped Him alone. They lived their lives according to the stipulations of the Bible. The phenomenon of religious experience expresses the existence of God. People experience God in their daily lives therefore, He must exist. It can, therefore, be concluded that God exists.
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The Church as Seen Through Romero Religion and Theology Assignment
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
As the discussion, The Church as Seen Through Romero, stresses collegiality is the unity expressed by a group of people for a common cause. The bishops showed this when they met to discuss the decision of Bishop Romero in officiating a single mass for the burial of the murdered Father Grande and his two other civilians.
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A Look into Calvinism and Arminianism Religion and Theology Research Paper
9 pages (2364 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The imperfections of humans and their chance to sin, along with the ability of rational thinking, enable them to understand the depth of God’s love and closeness. Thus, as far as the power of prayer and free will perfectly fit in the great plan of God, the contradiction between Calvinism and Arminianism, or determinism and libertarianism, disappears.
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The Role of Food in Islam Religion and Theology Coursework
6 pages (1682 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
There are sections of religion that stay away from or are restricted from consuming specific foods and beverages, while others forbid certain foods during their holy days while other link diets and the preparation of food to rituals of their faiths. Practices like fasting for specific periods of time are labeled as doctrines of the faith by various religions.
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Father Teilhard de Chardin, a Jesuit priest Religion and Theology Research Paper
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This paper examines Teilhard’s thoughts and contribution toward getting the Catholic Church to embrace science. As a paleontologist, Teilhard took part in the discovery of the “Peking Man”. They also had the concept of the “Omega Point”, the highest degree of complexity and awareness they believed the universes was evolving toward.
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Increasing the Number of People Downsizing In Social Housing Religion and Theology Essay
8 pages (2088 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It enhances the importance of housing and the fact that governments have played a big role in the so-called “downsizing’. It, therefore, delegates itself the duty of bringing the solution to this societal problem that has been highlighted by the emergence of slums while at the same time posh estates of the rich exist.
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Reflection on Sikh text Religion and Theology Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Additionally, the readings advocate for complete devotion to God- a basic of Sikhism- and resistance from the cruelty of the world. Through his hymn, it is
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Anslem, Meditation on Human Redemption Religion and Theology Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
He talks about how Christ suffered and was crucified with thieves just to earn the redemption of souls crucified with demons. He talks about truth. He says hat truth does not deceive anyone and that someone
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