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due: Globalization Introduction There are various issues and concerns especially related with the Western Muslims. These are Muslims, who have been educated in the west and probably living and working there. They follow a different approach to life as compared to their counterparts who have never stepped out of their native Islamic states (1:30b). In the interview videos between Dr. Nazir Khaja and a Muslim scholar by the name Sheikh Hamza Yusuf, globalization has been brought out as a very important issue, affecting the society at large.
Benefits Globalization has been discussed as an issue mainly originating from the west and spreading outwards to the rest of the world. Yusuf describes it as westernization. The globalization has been elaborated well by the media, which disseminates information to the entire world, making the world appear as just a small global village (2:41a). Globalization has therefore enabled people to gain education from abroad especially from the west. The beneficiaries of this high-quality education and intellect can then travel back to their countries and develop them, thus benefitting the society at large (33:10a).
Yusuf argues that the best intellect originated from the West, a reason majority of scholars will fly there to gain it, he gives the example of the reporter Dr. Khaja who is from India but now working in the West (4:31b). Although there has never been an ideal government that existed, Yusuf points out that Islamic governance has existed for long enough and can, therefore, be regarded as a good form of government.ConclusionThe globalization discussed can, therefore, bring brotherhood in the sense that those who gain the intellect from other countries can use the intellect to assist their country people, which is a virtue of good action.
The democracy which has come with the globalization can then be used to solve problems which could otherwise bring harm to the civilians.ReferencesShakirshuvo (2008, May 31). Western Muslims: Issues & Concerns - Hamza Yusuf (1/6). Retrieved February 26, 2015, from (2008, May 31). Western Muslims: Issues & Concerns - Hamza Yusuf (3/6). Retrieved February 26, 2015, from
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