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Asian Nations Push Ideas for Trade Politics Article
5 pages (1278 words) , Download 0 , Article
However, the region has recovered early and was not severely hurt, unlike their Western counterparts.  Inspired by the triumph over the recession, the member nations wanted to create a trade bloc in the future to respond to future economic threats and sustain the region’s economic environment.
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Levels of War and Just War Theory Politics Essay
5 pages (1262 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Each level has different things to say about the outbreak of war, but what they have to say is not necessarily contradicted by the other two levels.  To get a truly complete understanding of why war happens, the best method would be to explore it from the individual level, the state level, and the international level all at once.
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The Rule of Law and Democracy in the Political Regime of China Politics Coursework
5 pages (1551 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
Political democracy is portrayed in India where all political leaders are elected into office. The institution that governs electoral politics is democratic as well. It is reinforced by two constitutional features. First is an independent electoral commission whose function is to organize political elections.
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Analysis of American Government in Different Situations Politics Assignment
5 pages (1473 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
It must be said that the President of the United States has many roles and functions to perform; however, some of the President’s roles or functions are more important than others.  Five of the principal roles include the American President’s power to create and issue executive orders, the power to serve as Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces.
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Obama's Online Road to Victory Politics Report
6 pages (1529 words) , Download 0 , Report
November 4th has come and gone, and with the victory of Senator Barack Obama, we can see at last how to correct Harris and Halperin were. Obama’s use of the Internet was vastly superior to his opponent, John McCain, and proved to be a significant reason for his electoral success.  Part of this success can be traced to the enthusiasm Obama inspired among Internet-savvy young people.
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The American President as a Leader Politics Report
5 pages (1575 words) , Download 0 , Report
On the contrary, people desire to find the President as the primary political figure to American society's development. People detest several of the decisions and actions of recent Presidents and dread that perhaps there is something intrinsic in the constitution and its extra-constitutional powers that show the way to such exploitations and abuses.
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The Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union Politics Essay
5 pages (1373 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The author states that the collapse of the Soviet Union communism is one of the most striking stories of the 20th century. The collapse of communism in the Soviet Union Republic caused the global economic and political environment to change radically. This process of collapse began with the Cold War post World War II.
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The Main Purpose of Great Muslim Leaders Politics Essay
5 pages (1394 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The Muslim world is in a clash with the West. Since the September 11th attack on the American and America invasion of the Muslim world in such of terrorist, there is much tension that has developed in the air. Ever since the attack, Muslims became discriminated against in the west since they were all tagged as a terrorist.
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The Middle East Region and the Global Community Politics Essay
5 pages (1334 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Middle East Will Continue Be On the United States Foreign Policy Agenda. Certainly, the Middle East region has and will always be the number one agenda of the United States foreign policies. The United States has arguably taken the role of the global “brother’s keeper.” This has been seen by its continued intervention.
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Are Land Rights or Special Rights in Australia Politics Assignment
5 pages (1600 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The National Native Title Tribunal, which was set up to streamline the enacting of the law, has met mixed success. Again, it goes to show, that social justice in a predominantly capitalist society is not straightforward. So far, the whole issue of land rights has followed the maxim of “might is right”.
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The Effects of Orientalism as a Postcolonial Theory Politics Essay
6 pages (1615 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The original sin about Israel lies in the Zionist nature, which involves the refusal to mingle in peace with the Palestinians and the failure to strategize and manage its hegemony without resort to colonial and racist practices. The Zionist ideologies are helped by the Holocaust and Anti-Semitic persecution.
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The Development and Improvements of Professional Policing Politics Essay
6 pages (1560 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The police unit managed to overcome many problems that affected the unit leading to better services to the public. Throughout the period in development, the roles of the police became more defined through specialization in various fields. The police also became a political free unit with the reforms undertaken.
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The War on Terrorism in the United States of America Politics Report
5 pages (1206 words) , Download 0 , Report
What transformed on 9/11, despite the overwhelming losses, was Americans’ perception of the level and significance of this war. The leaders also gained better determination and the capacity to assign the resources needed to fight it most efficiently.The war that began on Sept. 11, 2001, is still being fought eight.     
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Muslim Political Interests: Winning Special Privileges for Islam Politics Essay
56 pages (10403 words) , Essay
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A microcosm of the Muslim world, with multiple nationalities present as well as elements of Islam's entire cultural, racial, and sectarian diversity. Thrown together, these peoples discover the differences that lie below the surface of their common faith. Much of this is due to differences in custom.
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American Government and Politics Politics Assignment
5 pages (1370 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
People get their opinions about politics through socialization. This socialization is facilitated by various agents. First, people get their opinions from the media as political events are reported (Jillson, 2009). For instance, when the media reports about the latest actions of Congress, people can form their opinions about these actions.
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Counter-Terrorism Organization: The British S.A.S Politics Report
5 pages (1532 words) , Download 0 , Report
The British S.A.S (Special Air Service) is a division of the United Kingdom constituted in 1950 and is considered by many people as the best anti-terrorism squad in the world. It is part of the British Special Forces, which have worked for special operations forces of various nations in the world. The S.A.S initially originated in 1941 during the height of the Second World War.
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International Politics on the World Stage Politics Report
7 pages (2148 words) , Download 0 , Report
As one analyst has said that Western countries have been disinclined to prepare for military action that was considered uncivilized. Civilized or not, states may be required to engage in such actions if the threat of transnational terrorism—with its current predisposition for mass casualties—is to be contained or averted.
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International Negotiation and Impasse Politics Essay
6 pages (1674 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Additionally, the five states should initiate efforts to promote regional integration among member citizens and bilateral trade relationships.  Through such a relationship, conflicting parties will easily agree to forfeit certain interests while gaining proportional benefits from the negotiation process.
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Has British Aid Policy over the Past 20 Years Been Effective Politics Case Study
5 pages (1617 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Being “the first G7 nation to hit the international target for the aid of 0.7% of national income” (Barder 2015), Britain has gone a long way in an attempt to eradicate global poverty with its aid policy over the last 20 years. This paper reviews the major accomplishments of British aid policy and its outcomes in this period. 
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The US and the Destruction of Democracy in Nigeria Politics Essay
6 pages (1601 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The US has been at the forefront of championing and supporting democratic governance throughout the world. However, Professor Amechi Okolo believes the US is not as democratic as perceived. Democracy calls for the rule of the majority for the benefit of the majority, this rule spearheaded by the majority.
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Hitler's Table Talk - if a Man Has Little Money, He Has a Lot of Common Sense Politics Book Report/Review
5 pages (1398 words) , Download 0 , Book Report/Review
Hitler’s Table Talk is a collection of wartime monologues and conversations given by then German Chancellor Adolf Hitler. These were recorded between 1941 and 1944, with most of the recording done at the Wolfsschanze and Werewolf. The remarks made by Hitler and recorded in this book were transcribed by Martin Bormann, Henry Picker, and Heinrich Heim.
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Occupation of the Three United Arab Emirates Islands Politics Essay
5 pages (1353 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The main issue involves Iran’s occupation over three islands in the Greater and Lesser Tunbs and Abu Mousa. Throughout the 20th century, these islands have been a point of political contention. From the early 20th century onwards Iran had contested the United Arab Emirate’s occupation of these islands.
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The Behavior of the Presidential Candidates in the White House Politics Literature review
12 pages (3085 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
After his graduation, he completed his master's in Political Science from there. After that, he did his Ph.D. at Yale. His excellence in the subject earned him a place at Duke University as the chairperson. In addition to this designation, he also held the position of the chairperson of the Board of Directors in Amnesty International.
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Nietzsche and Obama Politics Essay
6 pages (1682 words) , Download 0 , Essay
What would Friedrich Nietzsche think of the man Americans recently elected to be their new president? The question is an intriguing one, especially because Barack Obama is in a way a New Man, a politician unlike any other in American history. Nietzsche, seen as a conservative, would probably be of two minds about Obama.
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George Washington's Most Prominent Precedents Politics Essay
5 pages (1342 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Perhaps because of its relatively short period of existence, more than most developed nations the US has a small handful of past leaders. Referred to as the founding forefathers for their crucial contributions to the development of the nation in its formative period, among these individuals include Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, and James Madison.
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Team Effectiveness in Politics Politics Essay
6 pages (1638 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The planning committee of Chelmsford borough council that is concerned with planning issues is usually responsible for receiving applications for planning within the council. The planning committee is situated in Britain and is composed of the elected councilors in the area and one chairperson. 
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1984 by George Orwell Politics Report
6 pages (1652 words) , Download 0 , Report
It was sheer apprehension towards the government and towards the policies of Big Brother that made the party follow him in the first place. It was dread of the consequences if they were caught doing something against the totalitarian regime's laws that made the people follow Big Brother and regard him with reverence.
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Technology Functioning Under the Department of Homeland Security Politics Essay
5 pages (1467 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Radiological weapons are “weapons consisting of radiological material”. These are the most destructive of all kinds of WMDs and can affect generations as was witnessed in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the aftermath of the atom bomb attack. Nuclear plant accidents could produce the same catastrophic effect of a radiological weapon.
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Controversial Issue: Cannabis Legalization Politics Essay
5 pages (1350 words) , Download 0 , Essay
On one hand, there are those who support legalization stating that it is essential for society to adopt less prohibitive policies as a means of bringing cannabis use under control. The other side has taken a stance declaring that legalization is immoral because it will increase cannabis usage, which might lead to a public health crisis.
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Guidelines and Rules of the Senate Committee Politics Essay
6 pages (1596 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The committee makes it possible for a legislator to attain specialized knowledge of the legislative agenda. This is made possible since senate committees are in constant monitoring of the operation of the government, identifying issues that need to be reviewed, collecting and evaluating information, and recommending of course of action to the senate.
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The Needs of Future Generations are Being Met by Current Policies of Sustainable Development Politics Essay
5 pages (1578 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Ranked 12th place amongst 176 participating nations – as provided in the 2013 Global Sustainable Competitive Index – Japan is the only Asian nation to make it to the ranking, in the top 20 thresholds. Such a feat is not without its sacrifices, perseverance, and great human input; of which this Island nation is famed for.
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We Choose To Go Moon Politics Essay
5 pages (1459 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Russia as of late propelled various satellites into space, the most point of interest of which was Sputnik, adequately pulling ahead in the space race. Kennedy talked at a stadium at about 10 a.m. on September 12th. Rice Centennial Historian Melissa Kean lamented while approaching vibrant young recruits who were on the grounds for the introduction, however huge numbers of the assessed 40,000 onlookers were Houston school kids.
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Obama as a President Politics Essay
6 pages (1737 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Their numbers may not be enough to compel the White-dominated Congress to introduce policies that reflect their interests. Hopefully, an African American president can bring about social change that will be in their favor.  However, such expectations are primarily based not on Obama’s platform of governance or the intrinsic characteristics of the Democratic Party. 
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Source of Profit Politics Article
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Article
Karl Marx, the greatest living exponent of the economical theory of Modern Socialism. Surplus value is a concept created by Karl Marx in his critique of political economy, where its ultimate source is claimed to be unpaid surplus labour performed by the worker for the capitalist, serving as a basis for capital accumulation.
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Increasing Intervention of Labour in Socio-Political Issues Politics Coursework
5 pages (1394 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
There has been a paradigm shift of the term labour in the past one and half-decade. With the emergence of technology as a major tool in the industrialization, labour relation is also changing substantially. Globalisation, Liberalisation and Privatisation have played a major role in redefining the perception of labour.
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Intersection of Politics and Religion Politics Coursework
7 pages (2094 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
Endless arguments and counter-arguments can follow on this topic, with no concrete answers in sight. Understanding of human beings as for these two issues has reached abysmal levels. The answer stands engulfed in confusion and misunderstanding. Both areas are dotted with the self-interest of the individuals and the concerned sections of the society.
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Explanation for Aung San Suu Kyis Arrest Politics Assignment
6 pages (1502 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Had the reason for Suu Kyi's arrest being ethnic minorities then it would have been repeated in 1997 when even the militants of different ethnicities wrote to her assuring their support. Burma exemplifies injustice around the world (Pilger, p.1). The Burmese nation has been living in fear for more than a decade now. 
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Self-Determination as a Human Right Politics Essay
5 pages (1354 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Consider the case of the conflict between China and the Tibetan government-in-exile. Both have been at loggerheads for over5 decades now and there is no end in sight to the conflict. Similarly, the recent war between Russia and Georgia over South Ossetia and Abkhazia involved a high involvement of the Americans. 
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Can the Study of Politics Be Scientific Politics Essay
5 pages (1395 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Politics is a science that works on scientific principles most of the time. Without power politics is meaningless. Power is decided by either the public or the party depends on which political ideologies rule the country. Country and Nation are different entities. The country may have people of different culture whereas nation may have people with the same characteristics.  
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The British Rule and Judicial Systems: Great and Tremendous Power Politics Essay
5 pages (1273 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The average British citizen is one of the essential components in the analysis that we want to analyze. These are the people who have a basic understanding of the current political set up of the country. They also have historical knowledge about the UK’s political system. The information must be gathered from an average British citizen's needs.
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A Financial Crisis in the East Asian Economies Politics Essay
5 pages (1568 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The event was indeed quite effective in teaching a few but significant lessons to the global economies to avoid a financial and currency crisis. A key lesson learned from this event was that overexposure to the currency rate fluctuations through ineffective monetary policies will increase the volatility of the stock market.
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Public Administration and Democratic Society Politics Essay
5 pages (1506 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The question of the existence of public administration has long been answered and various concepts towards the improvement of the facets of the science are in practice to provide for its betterment. This fast-evolving characteristic of the public administration has provided for innovations that are at play in many administrative systems in the world.
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Republican and Democratic Differences on National Security Politics Essay
5 pages (1366 words) , Download 0 , Essay
There has emerged a great debate between the Democratic and the Republican Parties concerning national security policies, which would best guarantee US security. Some believe that the policies, which have been put in place so far, are in fact eroding the freedoms that have been guaranteed to all the citizens and foreigners on American soil.
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Democracy vs Communism Politics Essay
5 pages (1312 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Monarchy, dictatorship, the aristocracy are some of the systems commons across the world, democracy and Communism are two of these systems. These two have been in place for a long time. The roots of communism can be stretched to the 19th century while democracy is relatively older in concept and existence.  
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The Political Views of James Madison Politics Essay
7 pages (1866 words) , Download 0 , Essay
James Madison (1751-1836) served as the 4th President of America and is considered as the “Father of the American Constitution.” Like his close friend Thomas Jefferson, James Madison came from a prosperous family of Virginia planters, received an excellent education, and quickly found himself drawn into the debates over independence.  
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Humanitarian Intervention Politics Essay
5 pages (1550 words) , Download 0 , Essay
International law restricts any intervention in the internal affairs of nations. As such, non – intervention is the primary objective of international law. Non – intervention is necessary for countries because it enables them to act independently. Thus every nation gives primary importance to this concept (Jackson).
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Civil Servants in Cyprus and the United Kingdom: An Evaluation Politics Thesis Proposal
9 pages (2593 words) , Download 0 , Thesis Proposal
Though both Cyprus and the UK are members of the European Union, they have quite different histories. Cyprus's past has been more turbulent in the past several hundred years than the UK. Great Britain was, of course, the most far-reaching empire in the world – as such it developed an extensive civil service during the Victorian era.
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Law and Justice: Mr. King, Socrates, and Plato Politics Coursework
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
Law and justice must be equal to all irrespective of class, culture, or race. Most of the laws were formulated by humans for the well-being of the society and hence the involvement of all the people is required while formulating the law. Only an unintelligent and uncivilized society will prevent some people from the law-making process. 
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Historical Expansion of Federal Government Politics Coursework
5 pages (1597 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
The systems of checks and balances as contemplated in a federal government would be impaired if the government is intent on its expansion at the cost of states losing their powers over the welfare of the people, promotion of their legitimate interests and the like. However, it is equally true that increased spending is necessary for social security, particularly in the healthcare sector.
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Bush's War and Clash of Civilization Politics Coursework
6 pages (1596 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
“Over the next three months, some professional military officers voiced reservations about the US plans to attack Iraq. Although it was not unusual for military professionals to disagree with White House decisions, it was unusual for their concerns to be voiced so openly to the press”.  The case basically outlines exactly how and why the US was able to wage a preemptive war on Iraq.
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