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Going by the large scale loss of life and property in the Syrian civil war, the war does not seem to end decisively in the near future. If on the one side the Syrian regime is well-armed and is supported by a significant chunk of its loyal army, the opposition forces are also well-motivated and committed to the cause.
16 pages (4317 words)
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, Research Paper
It takes into consideration various aspects of the directive principles from Western democracy as well as the pros and cons of a people’s choice government. It examines the way an organizational structure proves to be an important factor in examining a government’s policy and provides important information as to where a keen criticism might lay.
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The remarkable speech, “I've Been to the Mountain Top” was delivered by Martin Luther King in Memphis, Tennessee, on April 3, 1968, the day before his assassination. King’s speech represented his long-term mission and dream for the African-Americans, who were struggling with inequalities and other problems.
From the above discussion, it is evident that the disadvantages of FDI or MNCs to developing countries are often brought about by two factors—resource exploitation as the primary goal of FDI and the weak host government. To gain the optimum benefits from MNCs a healthy conducive setting for business is vital, which promotes local as well as FDI.
The border issues were mainly discussed throughout the lessons and helped me to analyze and perfect describe the crime rates, drug use, and gender trafficking between the two nations. The study session exposed me to many painful moments the participants in “The Way North”, and had an impact on my life.
Education in the USA has the capability of undergoing amendments to make it better. In the past few years, we have had issues with a number of institutions that are producing sub-standard students to the world. The education system is supposed to be reviewed so that it becomes cheap and available to everybody.
8 pages (2307 words)
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, Research Paper
Since 1934, Brazil has followed a system of mandatory voting in which every literate Brazilian aged between eighteen and seventy years is required to vote at general elections. Failure to do so leads to the government imposing a multitude of sanctions on the concerned voter. These include the refusal to be issued with a passport.
6 pages (1653 words)
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, Research Paper
The Living Wage Campaign in New York City (NYC) is one of such policies, which has been determined with the intention to ensure the welfare of the taxpayers of the nation i.e. the United States (US). Notably, the policy was brought into practice by the US Senator, Tom Harkin, and his representative George Miller in the year 2012.
In the contemporary international system, the Russian Federation is the cause of constant trouble and concern. The issue of Putin’s leadership style is one of current scientific interest. The previous reprisals of Chechnya, Georgia, and Russian internal opposition are analyzed as a sequence with this new Ukrainian example of enormous Putin’s ambitions.
Understanding the realm of international relations inherently incorporates a variety of different theories. Over the decades, analysts and scholars have promoted many different theories as a means of explaining the global order and defining the means by which certain nation-states, groups, or individuals behave in the way they do.
Ultimately, with no way of understanding that sectarian conflicts have come to an end and leaders had mutually agreed to the fact that parliamentary democracy was in their best interests, the nation is still under the impression that a level of sectarian strife and ongoing conflict is the norm that should be expected.
The impact of domestic political institutions on tariffs and trading policies cannot be understated enough. One only needs to look at the difference between developed and less developed countries to understand the contribution of domestic political institutions to trade development across the world.
He fought tirelessly to influence the way people thought about Liberty in the 18th century. Research has shown that in the 1700s, America was known for its slave trade. Slave trade was common in the South, where the Whites who regarded the Blacks as inferior, made the Black American’s to be their slaves.
Ferguson explores the eminent cultural barriers that tended to affect the project’s success. As such, he provides an astropolitics view. Whereas the project administrators believed that the local people due to traditions did not treat their livestock as commodities for sale, Ferguson researched and thus succinctly explained their behaviours.
5 pages (1563 words)
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, Literature review
After an eight-year process to promote greater democracy, transparency, and efficiency in the European Union, the Lisbon Treaty was adopted as a law in 2009 (BBC, 2014). Subsequently, the treaty became the basis of the European Union constitution throwing out the previous constitution.
5 pages (1331 words)
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, Literature review
Political groups from the central institutions of modern politics and democracy whether they are in power due to free and fair election or not. Party leaders who are recognized in most states always govern the parties, and it is unlikely that social movements and governance networks can replace political parties’ many roles.
10 pages (2723 words)
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, Research Proposal
Strengthening the EU and Azerbaijan cooperation will be based on the EU’s contribution to resolving the Nagorno – Karabakh conflict solution. EU’s “wait and see” stratagem over the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict will only destabilize its relations with Azerbaijan. If the EU wants to enhance its relations with Azerbaijan, it should stop issuing.
13 pages (3421 words)
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, Research Paper
With a population of around 1.25 billion and an electorate of 815 million, India is currently the largest democracy in the world. Despite various flaws and faults, the democratic system of India is going strong unlike the democratic failures of Bangladesh and Pakistan, which were parts of India until 1947 (A short guide 2014).
Only one man cannot achieve everything in his life by himself without help from fellow man. A man has necessities like foodstuffs, outfits, a roof over his head and armory for his own, his family, and dependent relatives’ protection. Everything mentioned here technically matters and to become skilled at them; a man needs to do it by himself.
16 pages (4366 words)
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, Research Proposal
We argue from Putnam’s theory of social capital that it is one important element of change in democratic states and that mass publics played a key role in South Korea’s transition to a democratic state. Korea’s democratic transition is continual and sustained. How has civic participation affected the process of democratization that led to the present independent and prosperous Korea?
6 pages (1686 words)
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, Personal Statement
Citizens of a certain country can travel guaranteed of reaching their destinies in good condition. The main threat in the transportation sector more do in the United States of America is terrorism. Over the past decade, the terrorist has shown that they don't attack public places only, but they can attack the transport system too.
9 pages (2617 words)
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, Research Paper
International law terms the state as the primary subject. For a state to be recognized it sets forth a number of requirements and conditions. While approximately a total of over 193 states are recognized and are in existence under the United Nations umbrella, there are certain nations whose status is relatively unclear and undefined owing to the political and global dynamics.
In concept, the NSC should be the body called upon to mediate civil-military violence. Nevertheless, its structure of half military, half citizens, and accountabilities have formed pressure, rather than citizen-armed forces accord. The Aylwin government started with a high rate of hesitation about citizen-armed forces association and involvement in an enduring progression of "learning by doing."
Besides international peace and security, IOC disrupts free markets because mafias are involved in the supply of massive volumes of legal and illicit goods alike, raking in colossal profits(Arlacchi, 1986) besides extortion (Konrad & Skaperdas, 1998). Indeed, IOC threatens some governments, especially the weak ones that lack the power to contain mafias.
28 pages (7401 words)
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, Research Paper
Iran has historically found itself in the center of heated debates surrounding international conflicts and its approach to global terrorism and weapons of war. In the 1980s, the overwhelming political talk concerning Iran was that the state-supported terrorism against the USA and its associates.
Governments in Asia, Africa, and Europe which are often considered fragile are being weakened by civil wars. On the other hand, stable governments everywhere turn a blind eye to brutality against groups identified by religion, race, poverty, sexuality, or ethnicity.
Democracy is a requirement for modern governance. To stay true to it and its people, governments must respect the very foundations of its institutions such as; the Judiciary, press, and public policy. Countries such as Egypt and others have found themselves being victims of an Arab uprising, which demands change and progress.
7 pages (1867 words)
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, Research Paper
Party control indeed has an effect on legislation. For example, in the spring of 1928, there was formed the Texas Constitutional democrats by the dry progressive democrats who had the sole intention of gaining control of the machinery of the state party. They also intended to work for a presidential ticket that would reflect their views.
Poland needs to strategize on the most effective foreign policy that it can adopt towards Belarus and Ukraine. At the moment, Poland lies in a tricky position because it has been locked in a permanent situation that does not allow for easy decision-making. Therefore, the current situation challenges the Polish foreign policy.
Most of the citizens of the US support the death penalty for the people who have been found guilty of murder, however, support for the death penalty currently at its lowest point in forty years. research that was conducted by the Pew Research Center revealed that fifty-six percent of people in American prefer the death penalty for people found guilty of murder.
In the recent past, it has been a fashionable trend that conventional American political parties seem to lose their identity in US politics. Many observers are of the opinion that these political parties are on a declining trend and that their role has been relegated to that of flag bearer in major elections including the major congressional and presidential elections.
The present research has identified that over the years, UK has seen a significant change in the way investigations are carried out. These reforms have been introduced to tackle poor investigation procedures at crimes scene, the collection of information, communication with the victim’s family and dealing with forensic evidence.
Terrorism has become a point of primary concern over the last decades, and there is no country in the world that has not felt its terrible consequences on itself. In this regard, the thing to struggle with is the threat of terrorist groups which, as the live shows, can develop in powerful enough structures and torture not only certain individuals but also countries and entire regions.
The policies may limit the conduct of free trade between the EU and Russian on a long-term basis. The possible solution is to devise mediated talks that will incorporate the Western interests on Ukrainian-Russian relationship, instead of imposing sanctions. Imposing sanctions create liabilities, some of which are reflected in the Eurozone crisis.
Subcultures, Cleavage Patterns, and Governmental Effectiveness: polyarchy is most likely to be found in comparatively homogenous countries than in countries with a great amount of sub-cultural pluralism. Polyarchy in ethnically fractured societies calls for incorporating the diverse groups into the regime.
According to Yarger, the strategy seeks to control the environment rather than reacting to it and is achieved through the identification of an appropriate balance between the objectives sought, the means to be used, and the resources available to pursue those objectives.
It is easy to assume that registered voters make a trip to the polls on election day to decide the outcome of the next American president when in fact the process is long and complex. This past election was perhaps an excellent example of the process at work as America watched the outcome of individual state primaries.
Both sides seem to present convincing arguments for their respective cases; however, some of these arguments are meaningless beneath their face appeal to the self-interests of native citizens who come to see immigrants as threats to the perceived scarcity of resources.
A Parliamentary Cabinet System is a process in which manifestoes work as guidelines for political parties. The system gives an opportunity to the party that wins an election, and with a majority in parliament, to form the cabinet which is entrusted with the duty to implement the policies in the manifesto, and with the assistance of bureaucrats.
The US has an exceptionally high influence on the global platform with regard to the economy and military. The policy has been strong in manipulating the political and socio-economic landscape of the Middle East. The efforts towards realizing a fair world has had success and shortcomings at the same time.
A Super PAC is an independent - expenditure-only committee that has the legal power to raise unlimited sums of money in campaign contributions from individuals, corporations, unions, and other (lobbyist) groups. The committee was the result of a landmark Supreme Court Decision (Citizens United vs. Federal Election Committee) that dictated that campaign contributions to third-party groups cannot be limited.
The earliest documentation of an election can be traced back to Athens, Greece. Conferring to the Encyclopedialike Britannica (2012), the election is noted as a formal and systematic process of selecting officers who will be put into public office. In elections, the voters remain anonymous and will not be known unless they become vocal about who they have chosen for the position.
The Greater Middle East (GME) region is beneficial due to its rich economic resources and strategic location that provides a link between Europe, Africa, and Asia. The GME has an outstanding geo-economic importance as well as geostrategic value hence; the region is considered the heart of global politics in the present times.
Cambodia is the second highest producer of textile products globally. Over the years, the industry has been growing significantly in terms of income. The industry has also grown significantly in terms of the labour base. There have been several concerns about the labour conditions in Cambodian textile factories by the International Labor Organization.
The continent of Europe comprises of different nations, sharing similar values. History itself is evident that national interests and benefits induced nations to unite themselves on a single platform. During World War, the rise of fascism was a major dilemma for the European nation, therefore, different nations were united under two major blocks.
Syria is a country in the Middle East which borders Turkey, Lebanon, Iraq and Israel. Revolution is the change in power in a nation which can be enhanced by political indifferences, the pressure of the opposition or internal and external conflict. The revolution in Syria was known as the Syrian uprising.
The current economic situation that is accompanied by the adoption of new technologies, a huge educated population, and faster growth of industries may promote the businesses in future. There is the likeliness of future growth of the Indian industries due to the good infrastructural programs that tend to enhance the running of businesses.
6 pages (1626 words)
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, Book Report/Review
Aristotle sets out to investigate between the two common political regimes/systems, i.e. Oligarchy, and Democracy, he sought to know which system guarantees justice to its citizens. The main aim of this investigation was to find out, ultimately, the best political system that ensures that there is justice in the state and that the citizens of the state live happily.
This assertion is on the basis that the federal drug ban only exists as a collaboration between the national government and states. That the national government depends on the infrastructure, assistance, and know-how of the states is supported, as an example, the fact that 99% of drug-related arrests and cases are carried out by state agents
Marxism leaves all the means of production to the state for regulation and for ensuring that private citizens and groups are not conducting production outside the confines of the government. This gives the government absolute control over everything, yet Marxism offers no mechanisms by which the government is to be checked against the danger of engaging in excesses.