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Blame is something that in recent years I have come to practice quite often. I was born in Saudi Arabia. Although alien and distressful to many, yet, I have always perceived it as home. Luckily I had the great fortune of being born in, what is considered to be part of a liberal and open-minded family, in Saudi Arabia.
It is essential to state that the fact that the activities that we normally categorize as mental, such as thinking, making decisions, wishing, imagining, and experiencing pains and pleasures, are activities that we directly engage in as we go about our everyday lives and should make the nature of the mind obvious to us.
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The paper seeks to tell the reader that there is no such thing as perfection, especially in terms of finding the right woman or right partner in life, or in terms of finding the right kind of love relationship. Donne uses fantastical imagery in order to illustrate his point, and this imagery is often even unrelated to love or relationships.
Citing the example of the negation with regards to the existence of devil-loving demonic witches has strictly been observed by the modern scientific evidence, eliminative materialism claims that the non-existence of the state of mind will also be proved by modern science with the passage of time (Mind as Myth, 145-46).
Rawls and Nozick talk about natural gifts and talents and if people deserve them and the gifts derived from them. They also explore the impact of government equality policies on liberty and justice. Rawls and Nozick have different conceptions of justice and liberty because of their divergences on deserts, the government’s role in ensuring justice, and whether justice or liberty is more important than the other.
In the article: Business and the environment, Jane Shaw depicts some issues that people have misinterpreted as environmental issues in connection with business. One of the issues that she points out is the establishment of the air pollution act 1970. In this article Jane states that the air pollution has started going down long before the establishment of the Act in the year 1970.
“What Makes You Happy?” Concerning the Evolution of Happiness and the Ways to Respond to It Meaningfully We hear it often from people that they want to be happy. We have also seen surveys conducted around the world determining the happiest people on earth.
A train is coming; its current course is going to kill four hapless workers. You, the utilitarian, have the power to flick a switch that will save the four men, but you will as a result kill some other work as the train will be diverted to his track. Most utilitarian thinkers would not have a problem with doing this.
As the society develops, people become alienated and estranged from his work, his being, and his society. In his essay “Estranged Labor” from the Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844, Marx saw how the whole society must falls apart into two classes — property owners and propertyless workers.
A hero is somebody who would jump into a crowd of bullies to save the life of a girl. A hero would shoot all rascals and yet would survive with a hundred bullets in his stomach. This tells that a hero has traditionally been perceived as a physically strong person, but physical strength is much smaller a virtue than emotional strength. A true hero is characterized by his emotional strength.
It is also in democracy that government pledges to guarantee liberty and justice for everyone, regardless of race, religious creed, and even political persuasion. However, it is also this universality of rights that prompts the emergence of another problem, the conflicts in rights.
The author states that Peter Singer is of the view that the lower or poor stratum of the advanced nations, including pensioners and workers, observes the problem of limited income, which cannot be compared with the thick magnitude of poverty prevailing in the third world, which deprives the overwhelming proportion of the entire population.
7 pages (1869 words)
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, Research Paper
Aristotle suggested that happiness is the supreme good upon which the purpose and value measures of all aspects of human activity are centred. The role of human interrelationships in this supreme good that informs all our activities is also a subject of much investigation (Kipfer 179). The world has experienced human strife and unhappiness to extreme levels in the past and in modern times.
Rufus in this dialogue tries to portray that thinking by a human being cannot be a preserve of the intellect, and that something in potency may be considered to attain its actuality through a process, which makes this potency into actuality in attaining its end or actual form.
These advancements have led to various options in gaming, especially in mode, type, and style of playing. Undoubtedly, issues on the playing of these games, especially the violent ones have been brought forward. While some users declare that these violent computer games are not morally wrong, others insist that they encourage violent and immoral behaviour among gamers.
Singer also points out that equality does not necessarily mean that everyone should be treated identically, but it does mean that everyone should be treated with the same consideration. In other words, although humans may not be equal in their capacities, it doesn’t mean that just because someone is a woman or black that they are therefore less intelligent or less capable than a white male.
5 pages (1250 words)
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, Research Paper
In the textbooks of various disciplines of science, the history of science was described mainly as a linear development with gradual accumulation of knowledge about the universe. The current state of affairs in science is presented as a culmination of this development.
Confucius was astounded on the idea that how people believed in an afterlife, heaven, and day of judgment, but still ignores the magnitude of prudence and relationship needed among fellowmen. Thus, he claims that people who do not have the ability to adapt to the right path even after confirmation, then they are better off praying to ancestors who cannot do anything for themself now.
There are many different perspectives on poverty. The two that will be discussed in the paper are that of Bill Gates and that of Thomas Pogge. It is very interesting to study the perspective of Bill Gates on poverty. He has emerged as a very successful person in the field of business and technology and now his success as a social responsibility champion has made him a figure to be considered for his views on poverty.
In conclusion, both Taoism and Confucianism have been in China for a long time and have influenced the lives of people not only in China but the world as large. As such, despite the disagreements that the two have, they have served as a guide in the way of life of the different people that ascribe to them.
3 pages (840 words)
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, Literature review
Theism is the view that God is beyond the world. He created the world, and he is infinite. God acts in this world as a supernatural being, and he does what he chooses. God is beyond the universe and in the universe. Theism is represented by ancient Islam, Judaism, and Christianity (Clement, 15-20).
This was after President Bush gave Saddam an ultimatum of 24 hours to leave the country or face the full military conflict. In 2002, when the United Nations Security Council adopted resolution 1441 giving Iraq the final opportunity to comply with the disarmament obligations or face full consequences, the U.S. military buildup was intensified at the Persian Gulf.
Sciences, whether pure such as in Chemistry and Botany or descriptive, such as those studying human behaviours and societal development are experiencing the largest intake of students and scholars ever experienced in time. In this research, philosophy has come to play a very critical role in the understanding of human life. It finds its applicability from simple life questions.
Philosophy is a complex term and also a concept complicated in nature for explaining, understanding and conceiving. Some of the philosophical ideas are determinism, compatibilism and libertarianism. These are certain concepts which are largely connected to human lives and the way they contemplate life.
6 pages (1565 words)
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, Book Report/Review
Moreover, her actions when applied in the real world would lead to the chaos which is not justified by Kant’s theory. The theories of these philosophers in most cases contradict each other as seen in the first example of Dorothea and Casaubon. Meanwhile, in the second example, they contradict each other except for Mill and Aristotle’s theories which to some extent justify the actions of Catherine.
The research philosophy explains the collection of data, the implementation of analysis and tests and finally the type of analysis. Interpretivism extends the philosophy of research and state that the reality of any matter or research can only be described by conducting thorough analysis which requires subjective interpretation of the researcher.
What Is Buddhism? Is It A Philosophy Or Religion?
In the modern society, Buddhism is seen as a religion and more so as a way of life that is characterised by following the teachings of Buddha. With its origins in ancient India, Buddhism spread throughout Asia and is practiced the world over.
Name: Instructor: Course: Date: Bartleby the Scrivener' by Melville Introduction Bartleby, the Scrivener" is a story about the physical and mental degeneration of a man, an alienation of an individual from his own humanity (Bergmann, 2). From this description, it is very clear that everybody gives special attention to time because it is non-refundable.
According to the findings of this research, it is evident that knowledge has a foundation. However, it is how different individuals acquire knowledge determines the authenticity of the knowledge. Basically, knowledge comprises of beliefs and truth. The ability of individuals to acquire knowledge is based on what those individuals believe or what they know.
A good society must not threat it’s inhabitant in any way and should enable them to live in harmony with each other. A good society must also give opportunity to its members to flourish and develop personally and professionally. They should be provided with a healthy environment to sustain and should be given freedom to participate in political processes.
Rene Descartes who lived from 1596 till 1650 was the French physiologist, philosopher and mathematician. He was the first one to initiate the debate about the mind’s and the body’s interaction with each other. Descartes proposed that human mind is a non-bodily entity, so it can work independent of the body.
Referring to it as the principle of utility, Mill believes that the highest normative principle is that actions are moral as they tend to promote happiness and immoral as they tend to produce sadness or dissatisfaction. Although Mill was a utilitarian, he argued that not all forms of pleasure are of equal value, using his famous saying "It is better to be Socrates dissatisfied, than a fool satisfied." In this regard, John Stuart Mill rejects the classical virtue theory.
Critics and some philosophers have continually written and stated that only human being species have rights and know what is right or wrong. In his paper ‘The Case for Animal Rights’, Tom Reagan has been able to evaluate the arguments for the lack of need for animal rights and to theoretically criticize these views.
Most philosophers have linked the definition of emotions to the master-slave metaphor. Currently, the metaphor exhibits two features that verify the philosophical perspectives of emotions. Aristotle and other Athenians assert that emotions play an inferior role, that emotion is primitive, less intelligent, inhuman, and riskier than reason.
According to the paper morality is one of the main philosophical issues that Immanuel Kant covered in his extensive coverage of various philosophical subjects. In his work ‘The Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals’, Kant asserts that only certain features make something or someone to be considered right or moral.
The importance of Socrates’s dialogues represent that branch of philosophy that recognizes the universal aspect of philosophy and while the universality of any tenet may have been in dispute for quite a while now, the effect of Socrates’s views on modern philosophy cannot be disputed.
This essay attempts to explain Paley’s arguments regarding the examination of the watch. The discovery of the watch may seemingly be an innocent and simple activity, but Paley gets one to think much deeper than the surface. Section 1 Paley mainly argues that although we invest all our time and effort in scrutinizing life’s mysteries, we will never fully comprehend everything, and that there is still a bit of truth or more that will be kept hidden from us due to our human limitations.
Two of the most powerful theories that have affected and are still affecting how people shape their mindset, goals, and life would be Universalist and Impartialist theories. Universalism is a theory that hinges on a central belief that all people are saved.
Descartes work was centered on the issues that challenge one’s ability to be certain about something. His path to establish certainty begins a state of doubt. It is this doubt that prompts him to choose to demolish all the knowledge he had in the past (Descartes 87). He will then start afresh through testing the validity of things.
The author states that from the Christian philosophical perspective, self interest aspect is viewed as self love or duty to self or saving one’s soul or other aspects but this does not necessarily mean that people should refuse to share with others. Sharing is one way of fulfilling self interest since it can help in saving other people.
Rousseau’s general will advocates for what is good for the whole community and not just the people who are concerned. Mill’s greatest happiness principle advocates that people are not obliged to consider their actions with respect to the benefit of all. People should only bear in mind those persons who are affected and leave out the rest.
For a profit-making organization, the main aim is to earn a profit (Tribe, 2011). The trade-off position between profit and ethical values is referred to as short-run profit (Kirton, 2004). This kind of profitability cannot sustain for long. Besides, long-run profit is mainly dependent on ethical behavior, which brings the company’s goodwill among its stakeholders.
First, I will consider Graff's compelling argument for same-sex marriage by asking what marriage is for. Next, I will consider an objection to that argument, and finally, I will argue that Graff's original argument is immune to society’s objection. It is true that same-sex couples are becoming the legal part of our society.
The basic elements of utilitarianism, run as follows: it is supposed that the goal of all individuals is the fulfillment of their own particular happiness. Second, an ideal society would be one where all individuals are allowed to pursue their own happiness so long as this does not infringe or impede the happiness of others – or, the pursuit of happiness by others.
We realize several things depending on the argument raised by the philosophers, some of which were of great interest.Richard Taylor (19 ) describes the meaning of life as a regard to what one is willing to pursue.
A society can be measured in various ways. One which is most commonly used is the quality; it mainly describes the value of a society. In order to identify the skills and knowledge of leader it is essential to know qualities of a person. So, society and leaders can be measured on same parameters.
To understand the development of his concept of morality, one must first look into why he was nihilistic to declare that God died because he was killed by men. Nietzsche believed that the age of nihilism was coming due to Western civilization and thought being too focused on the ideology of the Christian church.
An action is therefore originated if it is within the control of agent it does not have to be an agent of certain causal gents. Incompatibilists argue that one aspect of fundamental propositions that there is one common one idea, which is a free action of which an agent may be held morally responsible.
Socrates suggests that Euthyphro should be his teacher not he thinks he will anything from him but to use him as a scapegoat in his trial so that should he be found of any wrong doing, he insist that he learnt from Euthyphro. Euthyphro quickly accepts not knowing the intentions of Socrates (Plato 22).
How James distinguishes between human emotions and their religious forms Interestingly. William’s “circumscription of the topic” is not focusing on creating an outline for the subject rather it opens the minds of natural theology students to the vastness of the subject and disadvantageous of attempting to define it.