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Kant - Three Propositions from Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals Philosophy Essay
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Immanuel Kant in his work Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals seeks to develop a philosophy of morals contingent on rationality and pure reason. He attempts to do this by extrapolating the principles of morality from his three propositions, which in Kants terms serve to demonstrate how goodwill is formulated within a prescribed action.
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What Is Epistemology Philosophy Essay
6 pages (1780 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Is this justification external or internal to one’s own mind? Broadly comprehend epistemology deals with issues of dissemination and creation of knowledge in specific areas of question. This paper talks about what epistemology is, how it relates to justified belief, what is justified belief and explains the project of Descartes. (Audi, 1993)
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How Do Emotions Function in Plato, Aristotle and the Stoics' Conceptions of the Good Life Philosophy Essay
4 pages (1179 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Plato values the concept of emotion but regards beings as not acting out of emotions. He argues that one should utilize reasoning and logic to channel emotions to create a constructive thing that enhances true facts. He gives an example of art that often creates an emotional response in the reader but fails to cause effective reasoning.
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Are We Free to Choose Or, Are Our Actions Determined by Outside Forces Philosophy Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 5 , Essay
In this case study of Kenneth and Emily, we see them making some strange decisions due to what happened in the past. The decisions they make may be out of free will or not depending on the psychological impact they have on them. Free will tags along a problem for philosophy of mind and ethics because the repercussions have ethical importance and extends to the pure conception of ourselves.
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Kantian Philosophy Philosophy Term Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
Immanuel Kant, born in 1724, said that moral necessities were a function of rationality. He emphasized on the fact that immorality takes into account the breach of Categorical Imperative (CI) and is therefore not rational. Many other philosophers such as Hobbes and Locke also said that moral requirements were a result of the rationality standards.
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Aspects of happiness Philosophy Essay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The premise of experimentation further got results to indicate that people prefer sad situations that take long but get less sad with time than to experience sad moments that end abruptly but leave behind a mark.
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Aristotle on the weakness of the will Philosophy Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
What are the weaknesses of the will? If we talk about the views of Aristotle on the weaknesses of the will, we should recognize that in his outstanding philosophy he followed Plato and Socrates considering acquiring virtues to be the top priority in the life of all of us.
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Philosophy of Justice Philosophy Research Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Various thinkers and philosophers have defined justice as per their viewpoints. The present article compares the philosophy of justice given by Socrates with the philosophy of justice specified by Adolf Hitler.
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What do any of us really know about love Philosophy Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Raymond Carver’s ‘What We Talk About, When We Talk about Love’ is the titular story of his 1980s short story collection that had great influence on a generation of short story writers. The collection and the story specifically consider the extent that in contemporary society if it’s accurate to even speak of a concept of love.
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Pragmatism in Car Repair Philosophy Essay
9 pages (2371 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Again, even this simple experience of looking at what some would see as a barren wasteland is telling a story. The workmanship and detail that were involved in making this frame and body are like nothing else still seen today. It seems we are too busy to give something the love and compassion that went into this bare body.
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Human Cloning and Its Consequences Philosophy Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
e pool. In order to eliminate various parts of the human genome, we might very well make some species extinct. Not only that, but genetic engineering is not a perfect science. Therefore we must be very careful as to how we trod this issue. Macklin definitely has a point when she says that we are simply not smart enough to perform genetic engineering correctly, and that it is a mistake to continue with such research.
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Explain Plato's Method of Finding True Knowledge in Meno Philosophy Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The objective is not to learn new information but to know the process of recalling and eliciting awareness that we already have. Plato emphasizes that true knowledge of virtue is attainable through appropriate ways and methods. Plato states that true belief coupled with rationality is knowledge and a true belief not motivated by a rational account is not knowledge.
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Major Depression Disorder Philosophy Research Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 5 , Research Paper
Continuing to uphold the sensitivity of matters behind healthcare, this paper will discuss various issues surrounding major depression disorder and wind down with a conclusion elaborating reasons behind the increased cases of major depression in the US despite the elaborate health care plans.
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Character of Socrates Philosophy Essay
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Character of Socrates. The character of Socrates at the court and during his conversation with Crito is worth discussing and shedding light. This paper aims to compare and contrast in essence the problems of Socrates as discovered by Nietzsche, as seen in the court and as revealed in talks with Crito.
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Atheism: Defending its Basic Principles Philosophy Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In this essay, I wish to defend atheism on two basic principles: firstly, the problem on the concept of God; and secondly, the morality of existentialistic thinking. Through these principles, I intend to come up with a synthesis of my arguments that will set forth the value of atheism in upholding truth and freedom in society.
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Virtue and Utility Philosophy Essay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle and the 19th century British philosopher John Stuart Mill, through their masterpieces the Nicomachean Ethics and Utilitarianism respectively, both have different answers to these perplexing questions, but the most important thing is what we can learn from both philosophers.
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Creationism Philosophy Research Paper
8 pages (2121 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Further, this debate has led to different opinions that to some extend seem confusing. The other available option is to teach evolution theory as the explanation of origins in science classes. For some time in the past, evolution did not appear in the curriculum after its scrapping by court orders after a debate on its eligibility (Ryan and Cooper, 2012).
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Libertarian Use of Punishment to Show Free Will Philosophy Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The second premise is to argue that majority of libertarians deem that we should hold individuals morally responsible. This paper will have two sections. The first will express libertarians’ view to punishment and the second will be to find the most probable objection to this believes.
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Answers to Prompt Questions Philosophy Essay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Plato’s point of view was developed as it contradicted the idea of another philosopher, Socrates. As further explained, “Plato recognizes that the demand for a single account of virtue is not as uncontroversial as it is made to appear in the Socratic dialogues” (Irwin, 148-9).
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The Invisible Chain of Man Philosophy Essay
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
“Man is born free and everywhere he is in chains” (Rousseau 141) is one of the famous lines of Jean Jacques Rousseau. Jean Jacques Rousseau is known as one of the most influential Genevan philosophers. His political and sociological ideas had been pivotal and influential of the French Revolution, the cultivation of Socialist theory, and music (Dent).
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Utilitarian, Virtue and Libertarian Approaches to Conjoined Twins Philosophy Essay
6 pages (1808 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The present essay will explore the meaning and different concepts of ethical practice. Focusing on a case scenario, different theories of ethics will be outlined. The first section will expose the chosen ethical dilemma and describe the moral complexity of decision-making. Later sections will focus on the utilitarian and libertarian points of view in chosen case, its positives and negatives.
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Morality and God Philosophy Essay
6 pages (1657 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Hence the need to ask, “Does God exists?” And is proof for the existence of God necessary? There have emerged various arguments to support the existence of God. First is the ontological argument that invokes the belief of the existence of a being that is all perfect, omniscient, and powerful. It asserts that God is “that than which no greater can be conceived.”
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The Good Life: Views of Plato and Aristotle Philosophy Essay
9 pages (2400 words) , Download 3 , Essay
As with all opinions, does not mean that one is right, or one is wrong. Aristotle’s views, while not necessarily congruent with Plato’s views, do show a strong influence as a result of what Plato taught. Plato’s discourses are heavily influenced by the Pre-Socratics and Sophists, and none too little influenced by Socrates himself.
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Church and State Interplay Philosophy Essay
4 pages (1143 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This is simply because one may have been exposed to some form of religion and subsequently religion may have found root in his or her way of arguing and even speaking. This is why there is a natural inclination for people to refer to religion words when people are in pain or angry.
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The Meaning of Life Philosophy Essay
8 pages (2108 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The problem of defining the meaning of life is further compounded by the fact that it is difficult to pin-point the referent of the term life; what does the term life refer to? (Solomon, 44). While contemplating the meaning of life in his confessions, Leo Tolstoy concluded that life is evil and meaningless (28-29).
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Marry Wollstonecraft Womens Right Philosophy Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The author explains that “A Vindication of the rights of Women” was published in the year 1792. This book of philosophy is based on the rights of women in society. In Western Europe, married women lost their individual legal identity and single women had minimal protection under the law during the eighteenth century.
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THX 1138: passive culture and individuality Philosophy Personal Statement
3 pages (750 words) , Download 6 , Personal Statement
This film portrays control and surveillance over the people in the society, having no idea who really is in control. In this film, Lucas depicts a society where all tasks are controlled by a computer and psychological reactions to conformity leaving many people wondering about their place in the society.
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Environmental Issues of Hooker Chemicals and Plastic Company Philosophy Essay
5 pages (1464 words) , Download 3 , Essay
It was raised several years ago for causing damage to the area because of chemical contamination. The question is to figure out who was responsible for the contamination of Love canal, a neighborhood in Niagara Falls, New York. In this survey, we will try to answer the relevant questions and we will sort out how much damage was done by the company.
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William James. Psychology Philosophy Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
William James believed that the truth is found in experiences and not in judgments about the world. He gave his most distinctive and resonating lecture, “The Will to Believe” in 1896. It aimed for “a justification of faith, a defense of our right to adopt a believing attitude in religious matters, in spite of the fact that our merely logical intellect may not have been coerced" (Axtell).
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A Piece of Wax by Descartes Philosophy Essay
7 pages (1844 words) , Download 2 , Essay
What a person perceives is mainly due to their knowledge of their surroundings which can be either known or unknown. Without the understanding of the human mind, it is hard to know the body. Descartes, during his meditation on a piece of wax, said “it is now manifest to me that bodies themselves are not properly perceived by the senses nor by the faculty of imagination, but by the intellect alone.”
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Karl Heinrich Marx Philosophy Essay
5 pages (1580 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Karl Max published a number of books, for example, ‘The Communist Manifesto in 1848’ and ‘Capital’ in 1867.  The philosophical work influenced by materials written by Karl Max is known as Marxist theory or Marxist philosophy. This paper seeks to elaborate on how Marxism tackles various fields including politics, economics, and society at large.
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Criticism of Elizabeth Andersons Claim Philosophy Essay
6 pages (1734 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The woman acts as a replacement or surrogate mother for another woman who cannot carry the pregnancy until birth or is unable to produce fertile eggs. Surrogate mothering would be classified into two. The first one involves the implantation of the husband’s sperm in the surrogate mother through a process referred to as Artificial Insemination.
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Philosopher Report: Ayn Rand Philosophy Essay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Perhaps the most important contribution to the body of knowledge has been the subject of philosophy. Various philosophers have presented their views about a wide range of issues that trouble the society. Increasingly, this knowledge has enabled the human generation to understand and appreciate their origin as well as the nature of their interactions.
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Death Penalty, Kantian Ethics, and Utilitarianism Philosophy Essay
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 6 , Essay
Capital punishment or Death Penalty is still retained extensively around the world, especially in the Muslim nations and United States. According to the most recent statistics, 58 countries still retain it while 97 have completely abolished it. Human rights organizations and activists all over the world have been protesting against this punishment and are in favor of abolishing it globally.
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The Problem of Relativism and Morality Philosophy Essay
6 pages (1570 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Morality and relativism are problems that philosophers have grappled with for a very long time now. For centuries, man has been confounded with the problem as to whether he needs a universal moral standard or not. These questions have been tied up with the subjectivity of man and how the interpretations of modern realities take shape.
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What do you think comprises reality Philosophy Term Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
What do you think comprises reality? Locke argues that ideas of substances are derived by sensation and reflection. The substances are purely assumed to exist through the sensation of the pattern and qualities of the ideas. Substance, mode and relation, are complex ideas of sensations (Tully 39).
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How is the Enlightenment connected to the Scientific Revolution Philosophy Essay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Scientific revolution was a period in history when mathematics, physics, astronomy and biology transformed the nature and social perceptions. This paper seeks to look into the impact of enlightenment on the scientific revolution. The middle ages saw the emergence of scholars who questioned the ideas that had always been accepted.
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Principle of Utilitarianism Philosophy Essay
7 pages (1905 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Woody Allen’s Crimes and Misdemeanors features interesting and highly philosophical situations in which the characters are able to represent ordinary humans’ susceptibility to make realistic choices that are either inherently good or bad. Allen is successful and effective in leaving the audience reflecting on their own lives and the choices they made that are based on a personal understanding and belief of goodness and badness.
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The Moral Question Regarding the Issue of Abortion Using Utilitarianism Philosophy Essay
5 pages (1558 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Both, people who support abortion and those who oppose it are quite rigid in their support and opposition. The right to take life is that of God and therefore many argue that abortion is immoral. Others argue that abortion does not involve taking a human life and it is morally permissible to abort a child. 
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4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
When the divorce adversely affected a child, then it would be immoral. Otherwise, if the divorce ended problems like family violence, then divorce is a moral solution and, therefore, legitimate. Warburton, however, exhorted that we must think long-term.
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Peter Singer and Immanuel Kant Philosophy Essay
4 pages (1172 words) , Download 6 , Essay
The major interests in human beings are those that satisfy the basic need for food and shelter, develop one’s abilities, avoid pain, and enjoy warm personal relationships and those that allow a person to pursue his or her project without interference. These major interests entitle a person to equal consideration in the capacity for happiness and suffering.
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There Is an Ultimate Control of the Entire Universe Philosophy Research Paper
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
These disputes have led to the emergence of some schools of thought challenging the supreme nature of God. Such schools want to challenge the authority of God as the creator of the world and the fact that God has the authority over His creation.
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Analysis of Freewill by Sam Harris Philosophy Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 4 , Essay
In conclusion, the intriguing questions and explanations brought about, by Sam Harris, are quite evident enough for dismissing freewill as a determinant in human life, and everything happens because they had to happen. In other words, an action happens solely because of the preconditions and predetermining factors. 
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Epistemology, Reality, Freedom, Self, and Ethics Philosophy Essay
3 pages (925 words) , Download 5 , Essay
Those individuals who love to pursue wisdom by means in an intellectual manner are regarded as philosophers. On the other hand, philosophy entails academic discipline that concerns the rational investigation of the structure of reality and nature. This essay demonstrates the five categories of philosophy namely epistemology, reality, freedom, self, and ethics. 
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Passage Identification and Explication Philosophy Essay
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In “Civil Disobedience”, David Thoreau’s line, ‘Unjust laws exist, shall we be content to obey them, or shall we endeavor to amend them, and obey them until we have succeeded, or shall we transgress them at once?’ cries the naked truth about the existence of laws that were made to protect the people but somehow abused them.
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Albert Camus and the Myth of Sisyphus Philosophy Essay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This is what Camus refers to as absurd. According to Camus, people will never find what they are looking forward to finding in life in terms of meaning to it, order, or reasons to it. It can only happen that they can try to seek refuge in the leap of faith through placing hopes in God who is beyond the world or simply conclude that there is no meaning to life.
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Human Conduct and Value Final exam Philosophy Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
There are two reasons that James Rachels believes we should be vegetarians. First, the production of meat protein is inefficient and results in the waste of enough protein-rich grain to solve the world’s hunger problems, because the process of turning the grain to meat is 87.5 percent wasteful (184-5).
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American Indian and Western Europe on the History, Culture and Environmental Crisis Philosophy Essay
9 pages (2392 words) , Download 2 , Essay
From what we know of the history of Native Americans in America, simply reinforces the thought patterns that whites had of Native peoples during that time period—including the habits they had while living in their environment. The major forces which characterize the stereotype of First Nations people include sorrow, defeat, and broken treaties along the way—which characterize several of the stories of various native peoples.
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Dostoyevskys Underground Man Philosophy Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Are these people interested in the questions “Who is to be blamed?” or “What is to be done”? The answer to these questions is much more complex. Dostoyevsky’s Underground is full of bitterness. The author is upset and he is critical. In any case, his voice sounds like an alarm for the society of the nineteenth century.
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Descartes Belief in the Self and His Consciousness, Hobbes and Kants Views Philosophy Essay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
I strongly agree with Hobbes that there is no free will. But I disagree with him that there is a free man. If our choices are always influenced by different factors, then there is nothing free with that. I agree that we are only free in choosing to act upon our choices, as our choices will forever be affected by different things.
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