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Sigmund Freuds Personality Theory and the Self Congruence Model - Case Study Example

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The paper “ISigmund Freuds Personality Theory and the Self Congruence Model" is a motivating version of a case study on marketing. The purpose of this report is to analyze the importance of the Self-congruence models and Freud’s theory of personality and how they have been used to enhance the sales made by the Sensodyne Toothpaste Company…
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Self-Congruence models A Report on the Importance of Self Congruence model and Freud’s personality theory in boosting the sales of the Sensodyne toothpaste Executive summary This report tackles Sigmund Freud’s Personality theory and the Self-congruence model and their implications on marketers. The point of reference is the Sensodyne Toothpaste and how the principles of these two theories have been used to increase the sales as well as maintain the clientele of this product. The self-congruence model works on the principle that research has indicated that the consumers purchase products as a result of the congruence between their self concept and product image. Basically, consumers make their choices as a result of their sore patronage based on their image congruence between their self-concepts and the image of the seller they prefer purchasing a product from. On the other hand, the Sigmund Freud’s theory is divided into three constituent parts, The Id, the Ego and Superego. The Id basically looks at the individual’s aim to attain his or her needs. The Ego as a component of personality plays the role of attempting to deal with the society and its reality while Superego looks at our internalized moral standards that have been instilled by our guardians as well as the society. These two work hand-in hand to determine the consumers purchasing rate. Sometimes purchasing of a product comes naturally as a result of the need to satisfy one’s needs. The company should uphold proper standards of advertisements and pricing so as all members of the society can achieve their desired goals. Table of contents Executive Summary…………………………………………………………………………....3 1.0 Introduction………………………………………………………………………………..4 1.1. Company Background…………………………………………………………………………..4 2.0 Explanation of theory………………………………………………………………….…...6 2.1. Self- Image Congruence model………………………………………………………….6 2.2. Freudian personality theory……………………………………………………………...7 2.2.1. The Id……………………………………………………………………………….7 2.2.2. Ego…………………………………………………………………………………..7 2.2.3. Superego……………………………………………………………………………..8 3.0. Application of theory……………………………………………….………………………..8 4.0. Relationship between self image congruence and Freudian personality theories with marketing strategies........................................................................................................…………9 5.0. Review of marketing activities…………………………………………………...................10 6.0. Recommendations on marketing strategies for Sensodyne toothpaste………………..…….11 7.0. Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………………..12 8.0. References…………………………………………………………………………………..13 1. Introduction The purpose of this report is to analyze and discuss the importance of the Self-congruence models and Freud’s theory of personality and how they have been used to enhance the sales made by the Sensodyne Toothpaste Company. This paper will also aim to discuss the role played by some of these theories in the quest to attract more customers to buy a particular product and how the marketers use the same theories to their advantage. Do they contribute to the increase of sales and implementation of the company’s policies? Lastly, has this been going on for a while, and if so, can we record the benefits of the same theories in relation to the company chosen? 1.1. Brief company background Sensodyne toothpaste manufacturing company is one of the toothpaste companies that has been struggling to win a wide range of clientele. It is a registered trademark of the GlaxoSmithKline which it acquired in 2001 (British Dental Association, 2010).This toothpaste targets the individuals with sensitive teeth-exposed to Gum recession- commonly known as gingivitis. These people with this problem cannot consume hot or cold foods as their nerve endings are too sensitive which causes a lot of pain. As a result, the proponents of the Sensodyne Toothpaste Company realized that there is a growing need of the company to introduce a product that will cater to a wide range of people who have this common problem. This product works by blocking the pain transmission with the help of the potassium ions and fluoride that penetrate the dental tubules and depolarize them. (British Dental Association, 2010). This company has championed the need to purchase this product which works exemplarily after two weeks continuous use. Once you stop there is relapse and the process has to be repeated all over again. 2. Explanation of theory 2.1 The self-congruence model Research has indicated that the self- congruence models advocate that consumers purchase products as a result of the congruence between their self concept and product image (Carducci, 2009). Basically, consumers make their choices as a result of their sore patronage based on their image congruence between their self-concepts and the image of the seller; they prefer purchasing a product from. It is therefore mandatory that the sellers put into consideration the image of their stores or rather shops. If the right image is set on the consumers mind, he or she will no doubt purchase the product a company produces. In attempt to define the term, self-concept, various scholars, have come up with various definitions of the term. According to Dacko, (2008), self-concept has been defined as the totality of an individual’s thoughts and feelings in relation to him or her as an object. Self-concept determines the thoughts and images the individuals create as a result of what they see. It simply is an attitude formed by the customers of a product created from images the consumers have on a particular product. Their perception on the external objects- products in the market- determines if they purchase a product or not. This type of perception is peculiar in that it is totally differs from any other because it is shaped by the consumer in relation to a brand name or the type of product. (Dacko, 2008). Foxall, Ronald, and Brown, (1998), argue that it is in the process of shaping the individuals self image that they struggle to perk up to improve their self-esteem. A consumer’s purchasing ability of a particular product is as a result of the images they create in their minds. Consumers will always aim to consume products that are directly interconnected with the already formed images and that will advance their self-esteem by consuming products that progress their self-concepts to the desired levels. 2.2. The Sigmund Freud theory of personality Sigmund Freud argues that adult personality is as a result of human beings trying to satisfy their needs physically and the need to carry themselves out as responsible members of the society. According to Carducci (2009), Sigmund Freud’s theory comprises of three major elements: Id, the Ego and the Super ego. These three work hand-in hand to craft human behaviors. 2.2.1. The Id The Id, a component of personality, is present in human beings right from the birth of a child. This concept is unconscious in human beings and leads them to carry out quite a number of physical activities. All the inherent and primordial behaviors depend entirely on the Id. It is the pleasure principle that governs the Id (Carducci 2009). Human beings tend to strive by all means to satisfy their needs. If these needs are not satisfied, feelings of fretfulness and nervousness are inculcated in the individuals. For instance, if one is very thirsty and cannot hold it any more, there is need to buy a bottle of water or drink to quench the thirst. Failure to this one cannot be comfortable at all. The Id therefore allows for the satisfaction of human needs by simply forming a mental image of the ideal object as a method of satisfying the want. Most individuals rely on the Id while satisfying their needs. This means that there is no reasoning applied or logic used, while purchasing or using products but only aim at satisfying a particular need. 2.2.2. Ego The Ego as a component of personality plays the role of attempting to deal with the society and its reality. The Ego is a development of the Id that guarantees satisfaction of human needs in a way that is acceptable to the societal expectations. It is mandatory to note that the Ego deals with the unconscious self, conscious and also pre-conscious (Carducci 2009). The reality principle is clearly emphasized and the human needs and desires are satisfied in a socially as well as realistic manner. The benefits and drawbacks of an action are closely monitored before a final decision is made on what is appropriate for the individual. The process of need satisfaction is as a result delayed which is later to be gratified after proper consultations are made and at the right time and occasion. Ego simply attempts to find an object in the factual world that goes hand in hand with the mental image shaped by Id’s primary processes. 2.2.3. Superego This is the third component of Freud’s personality theory. This aspect puts to check our internalized moral standards that have been instilled into us by our guardians as well as the society. What is our perception of wrong and right? This component enables us distinguish between right and wrong and how to make proper judgments in our day-to- day lives. This component enables the individual observe the rules and principles of noble behaviors as prescribed by the ego ideal and avoidance of the consequences of improper behaviors- guilt, punishments- in the society. According to Carducci (2009), the individuals act in accordance to their conscience that suppresses the unacceptable urges of the Id and attempts to make ego act in accordance to the standards of the society in reality. 3.0 Application of the theories 3.1. The self-congruence model In relation to the self-congruence and the Sigmund Freud’s personality theory, many consumers end up purchasing products that attract their attention and at times are not able to account for the reasons that led them to doing the same. Many purchased the Sensodyne toothpaste. This product to a great extent seemed the best that can solve their problems in terms of sensitive teeth and the cavities that advanced by day. Their teeth started developing cavities, plaque and tartar. In relation to the self-congruence model, the product purchase was as a result of their self-perception. They have had continuous warning from dentists earlier to avoid sugary foodstuffs. With this, they would be in a position to counter the cropping damage that may result into a worse situation. Various medicines and pastes have been prescribed by various doctors which unfortunately they did not use because they felt that they were not good enough. At one moment, they started using these pastes and medicines but never even completed a quarter of the dose. This changed when they were introduced to this Sensodyne toothpaste which many people praised and recommended that they use. This product at one moment attained the status of only being used by the rich and of class. It was not just like any toothpaste but a very unique and exemplary too. They bought this product as a result of the perception they had placed on it. They hold the notion that I have a place in the society which has to be maintained at all times. Worse still, they cannot hold their smiles back just because of a few more dollars. The prescriptions from the dentists seemed all futile and opted to get try this new product, that already had a label of the ‘best around’. These people have had problems of not being in a position to abstain from the sugary foods. They have to keep up with the new trends in town especially going to the best ice cream joints after school and work. This means that there was an urgent need to solve their dental health concerns. The ice creams lead to acid erosion of the teeth. Minerals in the teeth are destroyed making the enamel soft and susceptible to wearing out. Being such kind of a people, their actual self-perception led to them purchasing this product that would work miracles in just a short while. 3.2. The Freudian personality model In relation to the Freudian personality theory, the purchase of the Sensodyne toothpaste is as a result of the compromise between my Superego and Id. At first, the Sensodyne toothpaste was to simply satisfy the need of having appropriate dental care but still retain the continued habit of constantly consuming sugary food stuffs. The need to satisfy this need was not at all realistic especially considering the fact that several warnings had been given on the amount of sugar intake as well as the inconsistency of completion of previous doses. According to Paul, (2010), this is the pleasure principle that overrules the ability to discern the best solutions to uphold in such a situation. There is no way that the Sensodyne toothpaste would have worked, if the intake of sugars doubles the number of times the toothpaste is used by the consumer. These behaviors turn out to be socially unacceptable and bring about maladjusted individuals. In this case, selfish desires take the toll in the society. If there was a great need to avoid dental cavities, the first step would have been by training the self to avoid the sugary foods completely and treat the problem. Id has made this individual look at herself first not considering the implications on society. The superego has not been put into consideration because this person’s conscience does not lead her into making a tangible decision that will in turn create a long term solution. In short, she is making more problems in the name of trying to solve the problem. The purchase of this toothpaste therefore has not satisfied the theory of personality and the social norms of the society of trying to save a situation before it is too late to mend it. 4.0. Relationship between self image congruence and Freudian personality theories with marketing strategies The self-image congruence model and the Freudian personality theories are greatly intertwined in the context of marketing strategies. The endless advertisements of the various types of The Sensodyne toothpaste that suits various consumers needs display the perception that this is the best toothpaste that can ever be produced. The company has opted to use beautiful women with brilliant smiles to simply capture the attention of many people in the society whose need is to have such smiles. The pricing of this toothpaste is slightly higher but affordable to a great majority in the society. Since the problem of dental cavities is on the increase, these prices will not hinder the purchase this product by the consumers. Their self-congruence aspect, lead to their purchasing the same to satisfy their need. The Freudian personality theory comes in here because it assists in achieving the consumer needs. The marketers exploit the consumers by use of pricing strategies that attract the consumers. For instance, the price of the New Sensodyne iso-active™ is $7.99, while the Sensodyne Tartar Control costs $4.89. From the above examples, we can deduce that the consumer is being attracted to purchasing the toothpaste by ending the prices with a nine-digit. The consumers find it cheap but in real sense it is a way of attracting customers. Conclusively, these two theories are related in that, the self congruence portrays a need to be satisfied while the Freudian theory on the other hand, drives the consumer to attain a product or service that will satisfy their need. 5.0. Review of the market activities The marketers have undertaken the use of advertisements to exploit the Freud’s personality theory. Advertisements are basically forms of impersonal presentation of a product made through mass communication media. They are persuasive and aim at winning customers to buy the product being advertised (Monroe, 2003). These advertisements create awareness of the firm’s products to potential customers especially when a firm is entering into new market or when a product is being introduced. These advertisements attract the pleasurable principle of the consumers that are part of the Id component of the Freud’s personality theory. Consumers will continually strive to gratify their desires and needs. The consumers in our consumers in our case have the need to solve their cavity problems and maintain fresh breath throughout the day. The advertisements manipulate them and are left with no option but to buy the product under any conditions. Another marketing activity that has taken place is the Pricing strategy. The producers and marketers of the Sensodyne toothpaste have undertaken psychological pricing. This makes the customer react to a price increase emotionally rather than rationally (Nagle and Holden 2002). They sell most of these products one dollar less ($99 instead of $100). Most of the customers will not shift their attention to other products because of a mere dollar. With this, they are able to maintain their clientele by the virtue of fooling around with the consumers’ psychology. They also undertake promotional pricing of Buy One Get One Free (BOGOF) which wins back the customers who may have deviated due to an increase in prices. With this in place, the consumer will not hesitate to ensure that their needs and desires come true. The Id component of Sigmund Freud’s theory creates the urge to satisfy the need despite the consequence on the society or the people around. The societal need of handling issue critically and creatively is not achieved because consumer are in a rush to purchase the products and hide their failures in the trusting the product will work miracles. The pricing strategies and the advertisements meet the suppositions of Sigmund’s theory of personality and the self-congruence model. 6.0. Recommendations on marketing strategies for Sensodyne toothpaste The manufactures of the Sensodyne toothpaste should attempt to come up with advertisements that are detailed enough to enlighten the consumer the do’s and don’ts of the consumer in order to attain maximum benefits from the product. If the advertisements are comprehensive enough, the self-congruence model will enable majority of the consumers get attracted to the product in the market (Klopper,2006). They should include brief sessions on the need of consistency while using the product otherwise their effort to satisfy their needs and desires will be rendered useless. The pricing strategies need to be put under close check by the marketers of the Sensodyne Company. The prices should be set on the basis of the income earned by a particular people. The Id and Superego of the Sigmund’s personality theory can only be reconciled if the pricing are manageable by the clients. If the product ought to be successful and maintain its clientele, the only way out is by adjusting its prices and ensuring that the Freud’s theory’s basics are not breached. 7.0 Conclusion The Self-congruence model and the Freud’s personality theory are the core principles that are used to attract clients and maintain the large clientele of the Sensodyne toothpaste. The marketers focus on the consumer needs and how they ought to be met. It is evident that if the needs of clients are not met, there is a likelihood of creation of a crisis in the consumer. The market should therefore be in a position to satisfy the consumer needs at all times. Bibliography British Dental Association, 2010. British Dental journal, Volume 182;. Northwestern University Digitized Publishers: London. Carducci, B. 2009. The Psychology of Personality: Viewpoints, Research, and Applications.-Blackwell Publishers: London. Dacko, S. 2008. The advanced dictionary of marketing: putting theory to use. Oxford University Press: Oxford. Foxall, R., Ronald, G. and Brown, S. 1998. Consumer psychology for marketing, Volume 1 .Cengage Learning EMEA: USA. Hoyer, W. and Macinnis, D. 2009. Consumer Behavior. Cengage Learning: U.S.A. Klopper, B. 2006. Marketing: fresh perspectives. Pearson Publishers: South Africa. Monroe, K. B. 2003. The Pricing Strategy Audit. Cambridge Strategy Publications: New York. Mowen, J. 2000. The 3M model of motivation and personality: theory and empirical applications to consumer behavior. Springer Publishers: New York. Nagle, T. and Holden, R. 2002. The Strategy and Tactics of Pricing. Prentice Hall: New York. Paul, G. 2010. Consumer Behavior in Action: Real-Life Applications for Marketing Managers. M.E. Sharpe publishers: New York. Read More
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