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The gothic literature is distinct because it depicts the proto-psychological intricacies and the complex interiority of the middle class’ psychological and social well-being (Kehler 437). It enunciates the anxiety of the middle class in an industrial age as he or she struggles for her place in a society that does not yet fully understand the psychology of the self.
The theme of time is a common thread in Elizabethan sonnet cycles. In an examination of William Shakespeare’s (1564-1616) sonnets, the use of the theme of time can be reviewed for both thematic and functional purposes. Sonnet 1 creates a picture of how time can be personified for savage behavior towards nature, and Sonnet 12 creates animal imagery.
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The writer has given much attention to developing characters in the novel. The novel primarily revolves around the character of Deborah which is very close to reality. The reader feels that the novel is narrating a real-life story. Although in day to day life people do not come across issues related to mentally ill people.
Hwang has used the play to reveal to the readers and viewers the ongoing rift between the Eastern and the Western world after the French revolution, which took place several years ago. In the given excerpt of the play, he has portrayed to the readers feminism, racism, and oriental stereotyping in the Middle East and France.
This paper tells that the play is named after Antigone, and not after the other main characters such as Creon, who is the king and the one in a position of power. A close analysis of the play reveals, however, that in fact, Antigone is a coward, because she cannot face up to the contradictions in her own position, and she simply gives up rather than fighting for what she believes in.
Success is oftentimes measured through material wealth or material possessions, as well as the attainment of a college education and a reliable career or business. Eugene O’Neill examines the veracity of the American Dream for an Irish family in his popular play, Long Day's Journey into Night (hereinafter, Journey into Night).
This essay discusses that the theme or meaning that a particular poem expresses is often interwoven in the structure, diction, and words used. Whereas in some poems it easy to single out the theme, some require deep and extensive analysis that goes beyond the superficial meaning of words and figures of speech used.
One of the issues tackled in the poem subtly is love. After the love’s first tremor, the heart and mind of the lover will never remain the same forever. Prufrock is interested in seeing and showing things as they are. With no hurried approach to life, he says, there is a long way to go, but there is a long time also!
‘Where are You Going Where Have you been?’ is a short story by Joyce Carol Oates that was first published in 1966. The setting of the story is the 1960’s American society which was a time when many social conventions were being challenged.
The paper tells that “The Briefcase,” and “The Bullet in the Brain,” are largely focused on the exploration of the identities of their respective protagonists. The strongest thematic link between “The Briefcase,” and “The Bullet in the Brain,” is the exploration of identity. Both the stories are grounded on the exploration of the identities of their protagonists.
Literature Review (Modern and Classic) In Ragtime, Doctorow makes reference to recognizable historical figures and events. However, he changes certain details that entirely fabricate the real circumstances. The novel takes on a building block of fantasy as well as addressing the subjectivity of these historical moments.
As time goes, a lot of people argue that the genre of love stories has been exhausted and it is very difficult to find something new to create a unique piece of writing. However, the theme of love in Classical literature is abundant. Love stories are seen as a part of any writing as they are the reality- love is there in war and at peace.
9 pages (2482 words)
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, Research Paper
According to the findings of the paper, it can be said that greed and envy rule society today and have taken over the concepts of justice and fairness. Society adores the achievers, no matter what the process of achieving is—the non-achiever, the one who suffers losses, is being destroyed by the inner conviction of uselessness.
7 pages (1771 words)
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, Research Paper
Initially, the inception of arts in Japan came through China. The literary aspect of the Japanese civilization was because of the efforts done by the Chinese scholars and think-tanks. Most of the prior arts and designing of Japan had Chinese touch in them. The evident differentiation started from the 17th and 19th centuries.
William Shakespeare’s Macbeth is his darkest tragedy set in Scotland and dramatizes the political and psychological effects, which Lord Macbeth portends when he selects evil means in realizing power. To become king, Lord Macbeth commits regicide and undertakes a murderous terror in order to retain power, which eventually leads his country to civil war. However, he lost everything eventually.
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, Research Paper
After a careful scrutiny of Hamlet’s, it can be inferred that Hamlet is Hamlet is not coward, but nobly indecisive. He appears to be a noble and considerate personality who thinks much about the consequences of his actions. He wants to take revenge on Claudius who is supposed to be the murderer of his father, King Hamlet.
Though the story revolves a round a single man, its core intention is to cover a majority of people through different characters and particular ideas, on the other hand the book is written I proverbial form to trigger critical thinking for those who will be reading it.
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, Literature review
Since times immemorial, human consciousness has been deeply influenced and troubled by the primordial battle of the good against the evil. It goes without saying that almost every extinct and existent culture and civilization has its stories of creation in the backdrop of which are waging the battles of the light against the darkness.
But the difference between them is that when Desiree chooses to comply with her husband’s order to leave the house without any question, Daisy refuses to conform to the patriarchal society’s expectation about a woman’s role. Desiree could have inquired into the racial origin of her husband. But she has not done so.
5 pages (1250 words)
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, Book Report/Review
An archetype is a representation or symbol that is widely understood and recognized through terms, patterns of behavior and statements from people throughout history. These traits are copied from one generation to another and are mostly used and deducted from literary texts and modern motion picture films derived or translated from texts.
Over the years, women have progressively gained equal rights as men. In the days gone, gender discrimination was common. One of the ways of enlightening society on the fate of the gullible in society is through literary works. This is what is portrayed in Dangarembga’s story titled Nervous Conditions.
Life and Death in Longfellow’s “The Tide Rises, The Tide Falls” Many people do not like to be reminded of their mortality, but it is not always wise to ignore the briefness of human existence. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s “The Tide Rises, The Tide Falls” shows people that death is unavoidable, so people should not fear it.
8 pages (2209 words)
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, Research Paper
Although introduced late in the story, the character Gatsby in Francis Scott Fitzgerald’s novel The Great Gatsby has made a lot of contributions and the story tends to revolve around him. The character Gatsby has made every effort to impact situations in society by his actions and led him to achieve so much popularity among people.
The literature was initially captured in “Putnam's Monthly” in the mid-nineteenth century shortly before its publication in Melville's “The Piazza Tales”. The work is presumably a story of the challenges facing slaves and their resentment against the draconian treatment they were subjected to by their masters.
6 pages (1500 words)
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, Research Paper
Title: Women after Industrial Revolution Introduction: Industrial revolution was one significant event that changed the entire outlook of the world. Not just did it bring along the development and new outer look to the world in coming times, it allowed for the gender equality and participation by enabling women to come out of the long caged four walls within.
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, Book Report/Review
The prince depicted in the story is not a living prince but just a statue which is decorated with gold leaves and precious stones. He is known as a happy Prince because there is a smile on his lips; however, the smile fades slowly giving way to tears of the miseries he sees amongst the poor people (Wilde 5-11).
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, Book Report/Review
He explains the reason for the fall of man and its impact on man. He justifies the fact that, although man experienced a fall, the fall was fortunate ‘felix culpa’. One theme that reverberates in the poem pertains to the fate of man and his free will: Nor had they yet among the Sons of EVE Got them new Names, till wandering ore the Earth.
The study leads to the conclusion that McMurphy plays the role of a con man as well as that of a community builder. As a con man, he pretends to be a mental case and is transferred to the hospital for the mentally ill. Once there, he pulls the strings together as a sober competent gambler to take advantage of the patients.
From this research it is clear that overall the poet has defined life in many different ways and has showed the bad and good experiences of life. His dependable moods, activities his great and worst feelings he felt and the different people he met throughout his life. The poet has been thinking deep about life, his perspectives in all the four poems was the same but described in a different way in all four of them.
The narration is given by a nine year old who takes us back using flash back to the time of the event and develops the story by connecting the past, present and future. Personal responsibility in the story is revealed by several scenes and actions including the desperation of Nancy.
Psychoanalytic analysis of the madness of Shahrayar. King Shahryar’s actions in the book, “A Thousand and One Nights” shows evidence of what many psychoanalytic experts describe as human attitudes, mannerisms, experiences, and thoughts largely driven by irrational drives.
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, Book Report/Review
Introduction Novels sometimes reflect society, and often they reflect society not how it is traditionally portrayed, but, rather, how society really was. Sometimes the traditional portray is also the realistic one. Regardless, collective society has certain stereotypes about certain eras, which may or may not be true.
The movement of Christianity from Europe to North America was an immensely complex migration, beginning from the 1620s, and extending over centuries. It was one of the most important transformations in the entire history of Christianity (Noll 1). This exodus of Europeans began as a result of religious ostracism and fear for personal safetyю
Anapestic meters on the other hand are formed by three syllables with two unstressed syllables followed by a stressed syllable which is shown in the first line as stated ‘your tattoos/in complete’ where the syllables ‘your tat-’ and ‘in com-’ are unstressed and ‘-toos’ and ‘-plete’ are stressed syllables, thus completes two anapestic meters.
The institutions of marriage and family in Australia are undergoing rapid change. Not to say that the available statistics well corroborate this fact. Contemporary Australia has had the lowest birth rate in the last hundred years. Astonishingly, modern Australia also has the lowest marriage rate for the hundred years.
Personal Statement It has always been my aim to get associated with a good institute all over my life. In order to achieve this aim, I have always been a studious but a practical person. Knowing the importance of business and its scope in the practical working environment I aim to pursue a Masters degree of Business Administration.
Interpreting the constitution in the light of political ideology is extremely harmful to the country. If the appointments of the Judges are based on nepotism, incompetent people may reach the top of the apex judiciary. An occasion the Judges face political pressure is when they make death sentences.
It is not an unusual issue that parents push their children to do something they don’t want to do. Some parents force their children to choose a very good career path. Sometimes they push their children to be with people they don’t want to be with. These are the issues that we cannot avoid as children.
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, Research Paper
Racism and prejudice are included in the issues in society through the ages. Ever since the period of slavery, people had been judged, based on skin color. Even the concept of beauty is based on the color of skin, specifically in women. Morrison created a great impact due to the use of rape and incest to teach lessons on the issues related to skin color.
It merely shows us the sad consequences of the subordination of a married woman to the control of her husband. The play focuses the reader’s attention on the conjugal life of a middle-class couple and delineates the relationship existing between the husband and the wife and the possible consequences of that particular kind of relationship.
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, Book Report/Review
In Carlyle’s Book III Chapter XI of Past and Present, the author imparts his view of the English society during the mid-eighteenth century in a sermon-like manner to implicate the negative observations he has of the social system during his time. In addition, Carlyle provides readers with some insights about the value of working, which every person, whether blue or white-collared, should ponder on.
The Future of Fish In APA Format Abstract Innovation is the need of the hour, the future of fish is largely dependent on innovation, and it is high time for the sea food industry to bring down their level of wastes. The inventory tracking system which is in place is quite flawed, the system is unable to detect inventory and the waste which takes place on a daily basis, there are several endangered fish which need to be saved otherwise it is all doom and gloom for human beings.
This story speaks of boundless love; as the lover travels an infinite distance from heaven to earth and pays an infinite price to win humanly love. An angel decides that love is more important than eternal peace and answers the question in an explicitly clear manner in the skilfully made romantic movie, "City of Angels.
6 pages (1618 words)
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, Book Report/Review
“Tartuffe” explores the superficiality of religiousness, while “Journey to the West” examines the ambiguities of disguise and real intentions. This essay studies the unreliability of appearances, re-surfacing of truth, vision of justice, and interplay between essence and appearance, reality and falsehood, truth and disguise.
12 pages (3184 words)
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, Research Paper
Louise dies as a married woman and lives again as a free widow. In both stories, marriage acted as a chain around these women's necks, because they worked for their families, particularly their husbands. The main difference between these characters is that Louise died to preserve her new life, while Mathilde lived on to suffer a miserable one.
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, Book Report/Review
The narrative observed occurs as if the beginning entails adventures that yield to a typically blissful fairy-tale ending. The tragic fate reveals that the good little boy’s account serves as a fiction whose concrete analogy lies in the common encounter of good people who earn unfortunate returns in exchange for kind deeds.
The short story begins on a note of domestic and marital bonhomie and slowly but steadily degenerates into a disturbing scenario aptly highlighting the gradual but fast deterioration of the central character in the story, who happens to be a woman, to a state of abject mental instability, which is both liberating and shattering at one and the same time.
Being the most vulnerable section in the society, children deserve the first analysis. The work by Joy looked into the variation in fear levels in children after the September 11 attack in order to asses the way the attack impacted the children in the US. The study revealed that nearly half a year after the attack, about 25% of the children in New York had anxiety and emotional problems as a result of the terrorist attack.
Name: Instructor: Course: Date: “Young Goodman Brown”: Moral Ambiguity “Young Goodman Brown,” like most of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s work, deals with the theme of good and evil. Hawthorne weaves a tale, dealing with morality and human frailty, and then seems to leave it to the reader to interpret it in his own way.
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, Book Report/Review
Screwtape advises Wormwood to misdirect the Patient from the object of worship (God) itself to prevent the Enemy from victory. He talks about the patient’s mother by saying that he should imagine the form of an ideal mother because only she will be able to make him understand the need for healing himself from the sins of temptation that he had committed.