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Future Cyber Security Crimes Law Research Paper
8 pages (2455 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
The nature of effective criminal investigations today has been a beneficiary of numerous breakthroughs in different aspects of criminal profiling. In the early phase of criminal investigations, authorities were restricted to a few elements of determining real culprits until the formulation of DNA profiling and the use of fingerprints to nab criminals (O’Neill, 1940).
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Human Trafficking Law Literature review
6 pages (1725 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
The imperative is the role of policy in managing the three types of trafficking, especially managing the effects of such acts on the public. Background The development of the world today generates more demand for human labor. Demand for labor is more pronounced in developed countries as opposed to developing countries. Moreover, there is much global interdependence influencing the increased human migration to the more productive regions.
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The USA and Australia: the Process of Gaining Citizenship Law Essay
8 pages (2427 words) , Download 0 , Essay
United States of America (USA) and Australia are two of the most powerful and richest countries around the globe. These two countries both belong to the so-called first world nations. This is the very reason why both of these two countries have become the target for thousands of immigrants wanting to live a better life.
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Needs of Persons with Disabilities Law Term Paper
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
In most ethnic societies disabilities are viewed as a form of misfortune or sometimes curses. For instance in Africa disabilities are considered to be caused by the sins of the mother or the family (Ferrini A; & Ferrini, 2000). It can, therefore, be said that living with persons with disabilities is a challenge to their families and to their carers this is mainly because they are sometimes discriminated against.
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Do We Have a Right to Disobey an Unjust Law Law Literature review
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Henry David Thoreau gave further impetus to this viewpoint in his book “Civil Disobedience” which was a reaction to the passage of the Fugitive Slave Act and the American involvement in the Mexican War which he believed were both immoral and wrong. He argued that if the law makes one an agent of injustice to another then it is right to break the law.
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Human Rights - Freedom of Speech Law Literature review
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Human rights can also be defined as the inbuilt rights of all human beings regardless of their ethnicity, religion, color, language, sex, residential place, and nationality but they are universal meaning that they are similar to all human beings as argued by Jeremy (1991, pp. 64). It is the work of international human rights law to reinforce the universality of the rights which is done through treaties, and general principles.
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Human Rights Enforcement Law Literature review
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The people of the United Nations have in the Charter reaffirmed their faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, and in the equal rights of men and women and have determined to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom, Whereas the Member States have pledged themselves to achieve, in co-operation with the United Nations.
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Ethical Decision Making Law Literature review
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Determining the competing ethical dimensions or principles inherent in the case According to McAuliffe and Chenoweth (2008), offering human services is not an easy task and has been marred by risk. To carry this title, one has to be fully aware of the set code of ethics, the laid down policies, the standards, the laws and regulations that govern this institution, as well as the procedures that must be followed.
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The Effectiveness of Community Policing Strategy Law Literature review
6 pages (1655 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The rationale for this essay is, therefore, to bring out both the positive and negative issues that the policing communities face in different regions. Noting the substantial development in the community policing process, challenges in terms of regional distinction and vastness are also pointed out as a major stumbling block to the advancement of the community policing process.
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Protection of Intellectual Property Law Research Proposal
6 pages (1858 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
There are four main components of the law used in protecting intellectual property and they are patent law, copyright law, trademark law, and trade secret law. The purpose of the essay is to critically discuss and examine how effective copyrights are in the protection of intellectual property. With an ever-growing global economy, there is a rising need to establish stronger terms of international copyright laws.
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Planning and Environmental Law ( Urban Design and Planning) Law Essay
7 pages (1779 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Planning and Environmental Law (urban design and planning). The developer appealed to the Land and Environment Court and as a result the Court became the consent authority. The developer lodged the appeal within six months on the objection.
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Right to Life - Definition Law Term Paper
6 pages (2056 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
Criminal sanctions against assault and battery are seen to protect this right (Brett, Wailer & Williams 1997). It also protects against civil actions available for battery and assault. Active killing is forbidden, but so are omissions adversely affecting someone whose welfare is one's responsibility. Legally significant features in the Original Version of the scenario.
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Medical Legal and Ethical Issues Law Term Paper
8 pages (2172 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
However, in most cases, the ultimate goal is to cure but in some cases, it may improve the quality of life, avoid premature death or relieve suffering. The patient and his or her family, however, need to be guided as they make such a decision. The medical team needs to offer them information that will enable them to make informed decisions. Once they have adequate information, they will set treatment goals according to their personal values.
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Analysis of Health Policy Document: Assisted Reproductive Treatment Act Law Term Paper
9 pages (2623 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
In nursing, social and health policy shapes and impacts the nursing profession and more so the context that the nurse's practice. In this paper, an analysis of the Assisted Reproductive Treatment Act of 1988 is undertaken based on socio-political perspectives. Main health area of the policy The Assisted Reproductive Treatment Act 1988 is mainly focused on women's health issues and specifically on women’s reproductive health.
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Safety and Risk Management Law Literature review
9 pages (2516 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The organizational demands for the protection of employees’ safety, as well as health, have led to the development of OHS legislation. Moreover, the inadequacy in the ability to control hazards, alongside risks in the environment has led to the introduction of various systems that compensate the workers who encounter an injury that is related to the work they do.
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Asylum Seekers in Australia Law Literature review
9 pages (2664 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
The human rights groups which include both local and international organizations and people and the stakeholders in the public health sector who form part of the stakeholders in the issue of mandatory detainment are more keen and concerned with matters pertaining the safety, basic human rights, and living conditions and standards of asylum seekers.
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Prisons and Punishment in the United States Law Literature review
7 pages (2219 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
In reaction to the remarkable rise in United States imprisonment rates and more modest rises in numerous other countries, social scientists have increasingly united with criminologists in an effort to explain the increase in this criminal strategy. Identifying that rates of crime alone can't explain the increase in imprisonments in several nations.
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The Benefits and Dangers of Participating in Restorative Justice Law Literature review
9 pages (2602 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Restorative justice embraces the results of a crime to both the victim and the offender and goes ahead in trying to improve the relationship between them. However, the process is not always appropriate but those who make the decision of participating in it experience positive outcomes. This paper is going to discuss the benefits and dangers of participating in restorative justice.
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Advocacy and Exercising Moral Judgement Law Literature review
10 pages (2867 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Consequently, as a central concept in the practice of international nursing dominated extensively by nursing concepts and theories from western countries, advocacy has gained elevated eminence in Europe, America, and the Asian-Pacific region with the rights of clients being underpinned in both legislations as well as healthcare reform policies.
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Analysis of International Legal Enforcement Procedures Law Literature review
8 pages (2343 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The IHL and the IHR have developed specific procedures that are aimed at imposing specified types of obligations on individuals and non-state actors (United Nations Human Rights, 2011). This is because of the fact that individuals can be responsible for human violations hence the need to hold them accountable.
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Strategic Policing Law Literature review
10 pages (2423 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Savage particularly emphasizes the impact that neighbourhood policing would have on the role of constables. His basic premise on neighbourhood policing and its impact on the office of the constable is that it re-invents, empowers, and enriches the role of the constable to a community leader or an advanced constable whose main role includes.
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Death Penalty has a Supreme Boost Influence than Incarceration in Australia Law Research Proposal
8 pages (2306 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
Other ethical issues in social research may include breach of confidentiality, misleading the participants regarding the aim of the research, invasion of privacy, psychological difficulties that may affect the participants, and collective risks (Firebaugh, 2008). All of these ethical issues are pertinent in the current research.
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Conditions for Lay Time to Commence Law Term Paper
8 pages (2051 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
This determination gives a reflection of the essence of laytime although it does not completely reflect its content and importance. Conditions on laytime impose obligations to both the owner of the ship and also the charterer. The conditions guarantee the interests of these two parties. The owner of the ship is obligated to present his ship for loading and discharge for a certain period of time without any additional payments.
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Community Crime Prevention Law Literature review
7 pages (2136 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Community policing on the other hand ensures that organized crimes are reported and hence its prevention. Initiating the people in income-generating activities also has positive impacts on the prevention of crime. However, poverty and lack of resources are among the challenges that hinder the prevention of crime by the communities.
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Drught Mngmnt of nbrr Law Term Paper
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
It has been observed that the city before the 1900s the city had a very vibrant management team that always ensured that environmental issues were observed without ado. After 1911 the new leadership of the city was seen to be very reluctant on issues pertaining to environmental conservation. This was seen as a very big challenge to the city in as far as environmental conservation is concerned (American Water Works Association 2002).
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How can Australia Balance its National Security Concerns with a Human Rights Agenda Law Literature review
10 pages (2967 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
After the Bali bombings, Australia became a signatory of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). According to Ramraj (2005), the Act provides that, “in times of public emergency which threatens the life of the nation and the existence of which is officially proclaimed.
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Registration and Association of Radiology and Radiography Law Literature review
9 pages (2750 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The essay will also review the impact of these agencies on the workplace and the practice of radiographers (Australian Institute of Radiography, 2014) finally; the essay will discuss inter-agencies relationships. The registration bodies especially those under National registration and accreditation must meet the registration standards for the board for them to include in the system (Herdman and, Roger, 2012).
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The Concept of Graffiti Law Research Proposal
8 pages (2447 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
In this regard, research was commissioned by the Ministry of Youth Development (MYD) about the appropriate use of ‘space’. The report is divided into three sections. The first section will entail the literature review where existing research will be discussed how graffiti is regarded as “out of place”. The second section will entail methodology; in this section newspaper articles on the issues were analyzed as well as online sources.
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Mass Imprisonment is Ineffective as Deterrence to Crime Law Literature review
8 pages (2408 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The sheer number occurs when the rate of imprisonment has risen above the average historical rate of imprisonment for that country – best exemplified by the US case. On the other hand, the social concentration of imprisonment effects, according to Garland (2001), refers to the transition of the system from individual-centric to becoming a system of imprisonment of whole groups of the population.
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Justiciability of Minority Socio-Economic and Cultural Rights Law Research Proposal
8 pages (2869 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The fundamental question thus arising from this is if judicial protection is an essential component for the successful realization and protection of the economic, social, and cultural rights of minorities. It also begs the question of whether judicial protection can bridge the gap between international and state-level jurisdictions.
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The Justiciability Significance of CES-Rights Law Research Proposal
11 pages (3135 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The United Nations (UN) plays a vital role in not only protecting human rights but also overseeing the global implementation of the same rights. It recognizes that all human rights are universal, inseparable as well as interdependent, and interconnected. Therefore, each country under the UN jurisdiction has the obligation to accord equal consideration for all human rights as a plan to realize equity within the respective jurisdictions.
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Health and Safety Regulations Law Term Paper
7 pages (2769 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
This compliance report provides basic information that is needed to help prepare good and safe practices acceptable in the workplace. Every manager has the responsibility to manage all affairs of their business. They include financial aspects, health, and safety affairs for themselves as well as for the employees who work for them. This could be on a part-time, or full-time, contractor, volunteer, or customer while within the business premises.
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The Doha Declaration on Public Health Law Term Paper
12 pages (3337 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
Article 31 (f) of TRIPS mandated that exports of products that have been manufactured under the auspices of compulsory license should account for less than 50% of domestic production. This provision under Article 31 (f) was supposed to ensure that there was a global standard pertaining to the protection of intellectual rights and patents. This paper discusses the TRIPS agreement and the Doha declaration and its implications.
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The Impact of Marriage Inequality on People in Same-Sex Relationships in Tasmania Law Research Proposal
12 pages (3723 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
Same-sex relationships in Australia have been treated as de facto relationships and for a long time, the Australian Federal Law has been opposing this type of relationship. Failing to recognize these relationships has raised many questions of marriage inequality. Marriage inequalities to people in these relationships have impacted them negatively.
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Human Rights Abuse in the Democratic Republic of Congo Law Research Paper
10 pages (3227 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
Human rights refer to the minimum procedural rules or standards to which the people in power must or should uphold the whole dealing with other people. Human rights concern the state authorities like the armed forces, governments as well as the sections in the society that wield non-governmental power.
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Crime and Punishment in USA Today - Breaking Out of the Prison Cycle, The Politics of Death Row Law Literature review
6 pages (1828 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The Silent Alarm-The article talks of the alarming expenditure of up to $74 billion that is used to run prisons with particular reference to ten specific states that spend more on prisons than higher education. Marginalization upon release- The article talks of the problems that an ex-convict faces upon release among them the challenge of finding employment.
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Universal Individual Human Rights: Cultural and Moral Pluralism Law Literature review
10 pages (2843 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
The UDHR provides a guideline for what the global society needs to attain to ensure individual human rights for all. This has not yet been achieved and is unlikely to be attained. This is mainly because while it requires a truly universal character, it cannot do so. The human rights movement faces challenges relating to the lack of pluralism.
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Gender and Culture Analysis: Intersex Activism Law Literature review
9 pages (2480 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Medical approaches to the intersex condition mainly meant an individual who possessed congenital ambiguous genitalia would undergo non-consensual genital surgeries as a baby at a point in life when the baby is not in a position to make a personal choice. According to Chase (1998, pg. 189), almost all cities in the United States had hospitals with medical experts.
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Manner in which FDI Is Being Impacted in Nigeria due to International Laws Law Research Proposal
8 pages (2343 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "Manner in which FDI Is Being Impacted in Nigeria due to International Laws" is a good example of a law research proposal. The manner in which international laws are being developed and governed undermines the business management strategies which are being pursued by organizations. Nigeria which has a population of around 150 million provides an avenue for cheap labour as a cheap business environment will provide an impetus for growth.
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OSforensics Tool and Recovered Forensic Artifacts Law Speech or Presentation
11 pages (2716 words) , Download 0 , Speech or Presentation
The paper “OSforensics Tool and Recovered Forensic Artifacts” is an impressive example of a law presentation. OSforensic is meant to help in retrieving information from the certain disk that most of the information is destroyed or deleted. In this case, a small disk has been provided for analysis using the program.
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The Prevalence and Type of Serial Killings in the United States and Australia Law Literature review
10 pages (3547 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "The Prevalence and Type of Serial Killings in the United States and Australia" is an outstanding example of a law literature review. There are an alarming fascination and a growing interest in the occurrence of serial murders. In spite of this, there has been a dearth of Australian generated research.
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Restorative Justice Agency Law Research Paper
20 pages (5774 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
The paper "Restorative Justice Agency " is a perfect example of a law research paper. This paper describes the provision and development of a community-based restorative justice agency with a suitable response to crime and anti-social behavior. The restorative justice agency that is to be established revolves around a community that has a high number of traditional Aboriginals people from more than two groups.
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Alcohol-Based Legislation Law Research Paper
8 pages (2367 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
The paper “Alcohol-Based Legislation” is an affecting variant of the research paper on law. In the early 1980s, Australia as an English – Speaking commonwealth country was faced with heavy bans imposed on the tobacco industry. This legislative move was because of the massive negative effects of tobacco at the time. 
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Should Hard Law or Soft Law Take the Primary Role Law Literature review
8 pages (2322 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "Should Hard Law or Soft Law Take the Primary Role" is an outstanding example of a law literature review. The institutional interplay study within international environmental governance has become more and more pervasive. Hitherto, however, the attention focussed on the interaction between hard law or soft law has been very little.
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Exporting Australian Quality and Safety Healthcare Standards to China Law Research Proposal
10 pages (2654 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "Exporting Australian Quality and Safety Healthcare Standards to China" is an outstanding example of a law research proposal. There is predicted a shortage of nurses in the world which has put the provision of healthcare to be a concern to many. When taking a close look at China, we find out that there are concerns about how to have a sufficient number of nurses that are going to give sufficient nursing support system.
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Consumer Protection, Federal and State Consumer Protection Law Law Literature review
8 pages (2136 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "Consumer Protection, Federal and State Consumer Protection Law" is an outstanding example of a law literature review. The law governs the conduct of the people ensuring the observance of rights as provided in the constitution. It is the law that structures the legal system providing the citizens with a channel to air their grievances against unfair conduct.
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Gun Violence Issues Law Research Paper
9 pages (2301 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
Law enforcement professionals have discovered that the criminal justice system needs to closely coordinate with community organizations and relentlessly enforce the existing laws to decrease violent domestic homicide. Practitioners, scholars, and experts were hosted by the Justice Department on 2016, October 7 to talk about this critical intervention.
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Comparing the Two Primary Crime Data Sources Used in the US Law Term Paper
12 pages (3027 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
The two primary sources of crime data in the United States are Uniform Crime Reports and the National Incident-Based Reporting System. The UCR provides crime data source that is being utilized by the FBI to record and make a decision regarding crime. The NIBRS represents 20 of the entire population of the United States.
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The Basics of Public Administration Genome Project Law Term Paper
11 pages (3062 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
Public administration structures have always been pictured as comprising of diverse ‘topics’ that are closely linked and functioning in close relationship with each other. Public administration has attracted much attention with more and more analogies brought forth by different analysts trying to give a description of its composition.
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Overview of the Australian Legal System Law Term Paper
10 pages (2194 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
The laws of Australia are made up of many forms of codified and uncodified laws. These include the federal legislations from the federal parliaments and the states and territories parliament, the Australian constitution, the laws that the executive promulgates, and the common Australian laws which arise from the judgments made by the judges.
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