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The Impact of Work Life Balance - Essay Example

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This paper 'The Impact of Work Life Balance' tells us that new motivations have emerged due to the development of society, some, which have an impact on job satisfaction amongst employees of a foreign company in the UK. The distinctive employee’s motivation and job satisfaction helps to create unique competencies levels…
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The Impact of Work Life Balance
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THE IMPACT OF WORK-LIFE BALANCE AS A MOTIVATION ON EMPLOYEE’S JOB SATISFACTION OF UK COMPANY al Affiliations INTRODUCTION New motivations have emerged the due to the development of society, some, which have an impact on job satisfaction amongst employees of a foreign company in UK. The distinctive employee’s motivation and job satisfaction helps to create unique and dynamic competencies level to drive competitiveness for organizations. The introduction will highlight a general overview of work-life balance as a factor of motivation with respect to job satisfaction among employees in the UK Tsingtao company. The process of creating a balance between work and family will be explored in detail to assess the level of satisfaction among workers in the foreign UK Company. Work-life balance is as essential as employee loyalty in any human resource management process. The connection between work-life and employee loyalty and satisfaction in the workplace is dependent on the HR policies put in effect. 1.1 Background Human resource practices in foreign and local companies have evolved over the years in response to the needs, desires, and preferences of employees. Administrators are charged with providing basic personnel services within the limits of administrative policies related to the employee. The level of employee satisfaction has been a critical factor of production. Firms are faced with the challenge of improving the effectiveness of human capital to sustain competitive advantage. Employees have continued to demand HR practices that increase workplace flexibility to allow them pursue life interests. Job satisfaction is an important factor in people management because employees are the primary sources of productivity. The loyalty and satisfaction of employees depend on how they feel about their jobs and the extent they want to pursue life interests. Companies are charged with managing the multi-generational workforce and motivating all groups of employees is a real challenge. The corporate landscape has become diverse and feature traditionalists, baby boomers, generation X and Y. Human resource managers must come to terms with the attitudes, expectations, and values that relate to each generation of employees to cultivate motivation and overall job satisfaction. The need for a quality life and the changing family landscape has given rise to a workforce that demands work-life balance in virtually every part of the globe. The duty of foreign companies is to define the aspects of work-life balance and the extent they affect the overall job satisfaction among employees. Employees have responsibilities and lives outside workplace and a firm that implements relevant programs and policies to help them assume all responsibilities reduce work-life conflict. The level of productivity, morale and motivation depend on the ability of employees to oversee activities both at home and work. Organizations are now dealing with programs such as flexitime, telecommuting, childcare, eldercare benefits and family and medical leave because people management has changed in the last two decades. 1.2 Statement of the problem Employee job satisfaction is essential in people management processes. Additionally, job satisfaction and work-life balance cannot be treated in isolation in an era with multi-generation workforce. The height of satisfaction is dependent on the extent an organization can fulfil work-life balance expectations. Flexitime, childcare, eldercare and travel are some of the factors that firms should not ignore. The aspects of work-life balance are dynamic due to the changing landscape of employee demands. Subsequently, organizations are guaranteed loyalty, low turnover rates and commitment if they integrate motivational practices that meet the needs of every employee. Work-life balance should be fostered because it impacts productivity, loyalty, commitment and overall job satisfaction. Employee demands have indispensable in a corporate environment destined to sustain competitive advantage in local and global environments. 2. CONTEXT AND RESEARCH QUESTIONS 2.1 Objectives Thecentral objective of this research study is to explore work-life balance as a primary factor of motivation and its influence on job satisfaction amongst employees of UK Company. The aim is further broken down into the following objectives: a. To find out the sole relationship between work-life and job satisfaction b. To determine the common factors of the impact of work-life balance towards the employees job satisfaction. c. To determine the work-life balance programs and policies and their impact on employees job satisfaction. d. To analyze the way to advance job satisfaction by using and examining new factors within and outside workplace 2.2 Research Questions Thequalitative study targets at tackling the following questions to highlight the work-life and its impact on job satisfaction: i. What is the outstanding relationship between work-life and job satisfaction? ii. What determine the impact of motivation towards the employees job satisfaction? (Which are common factors and the new factors?) iii. Which new factors of motivation have great and crucial impact on the employees job satisfaction? 2.3 Significance/Justification Motivating employees leads to increased level of job satisfaction and overall productivity in extension. Organizations with employees who are contented with their jobs achieve high levels of output, commitment, and loyalty. Motivation energizes, sustains, and controls the behaviour of employees that grants them a chance to fulfil their potential. The work-life balance enables employees to strike a balance between personal responsibilities and work and increase the level of productivity and loyalty. 3. LITERATURE REVIEW The following literature review will focus on the definition of work-life balance in the context and employee job satisfaction. The review will also highlight the link between WLB and employee loyalty. The definition will be based on the previous studies that have researched on motivational factors that enhance employee job satisfaction. The theoretical perspectives that relate to work-life balance and loyalty will be explored in detail. Highlighting the current situation at Tsingtao Company is essential to understand the HRM practices related to loyalty and work-life balance. Definition of work-life balance and worker’s loyalty in the perspective of workplace Work-life balance refers to a concept where workers prioritize on creating a balance between career and ambitions and lifestyle (De Vos and Meganck, 2008). Lifestyle includes health, pleasure, spiritual growth, leisure, and family. On the other hand, Employee loyalty entails the level of dedication or devotion given by employees to ensure the success of their organizations (Beauregard and Henry, 2009). Employees remain and seek opportunities for their best interests of their firms. Mazerolle, Goodman and Pitney (2014) point out that work-life balance concept is critical because it influences the stability and balance between the work and family or personal life of employees. The work-life balance determines if employees are to remain in their organizations with or without affect the overall productivity of the organization. Therefore, work-life balance has a positive relationship with the loyalty of employees (Direnzo, Greenhaus and Weer, 2015). Additionally, the balance influences productivity and overall job satisfaction. Theoretical Perspectives According to Beauregard and Henry (2009), employees are looking for HR policies in family settings where there are dual income earners that can enhance both work and their roles in their families. The commitment of such employees in an organization is based on how well they can meet the challenges of work and raising children (Deery and Jago, 2015). Workers have concerns regarding the quality of life in relation to the workplace and personal or family responsibilities and activities. Gronlund and Oun (2010) integrated the theoretical perspectives on the role of conflict and work. The study found out that work-life conflict upsets the level of life and job satisfaction and the psychological wellbeing of all employees. The quality of life is an integral factor of a developmental human resource that affects the outcomes and practices among employees (Kuvaas, 2007). Kuvaas (2007) further focused on Norway savings banks and found an increased intention to quit for employees who lack the perceived work-life balance. Drivers of work-life balance The recruitment process is one of the key drivers of employee work-life balance (Hughes and Bozionelos, 2007). The practice helps to reduce the work-family or life conflict among employees. The balance also requires managerial support to allow employee execute their roles as expected. Failure to offer relevant support creates room for job dissatisfaction and development of withdrawal attitudes. Reiter (2007) focused on a comparative analysis for unearth technology and fair and flexible responsibilities and schedules as the top management practices that enhance work-life balance. Carless and Wintle (2007) reiterated on the notion of work-life balance but focused on the perception of job seekers. Conversely, Abendroth and den Dulk (2011) propose HR policies that enhance positive perceptions among workers increase loyalty and overall satisfaction with their roles. Practices for achieving employee loyalty and work-life balance Sturges and Guest (2004) carried out research using new career recruits and found out that flexible or favourable working hours enhance commitment and satisfactory working life. Moen (2015) outlined the organization policies that enhance the gender quality. According to Moen, (2015) norms and expectations among male and female workers have changed, and HR practices should change too. Darcy et al. (2012) explored work-life balance from the context of one approach that fits all HR practices. HR managers should focus on career stages that enhance work-life balance as organizations continue to focus on the quality of life of employees. A cultural practice that fosters valuable progression is critical for employee retention, loyalty, and job satisfaction. Challenges facing the implementation process Organizational productivity process must put into consideration the caregiving and lifestyle concerns among employees (McDonald, Townsend, and Wharton, 2013). Communication the roles and executing a schedule that addresses all personal and individual choices among employees is difficult. Job satisfaction is not entirely limited to work-life balance and loyalty but also the remuneration and developmental strategies. Yeandle and Joynes (2012) argue that companies must also overcome the challenge of work-group cultures in women. The existence of time allocation challenges and dual career households influences the achievement of work-life balance and overall satisfaction (Harniss, Samant-Raja, and Matter, 2015). Wheatley (2012) indicates that actors such as travel, family conflicts, and desire for career progression must come into play. Current Situation at Tsingtao Company Institutions of reforms with autocratic, inbred and averseness to risks define the objective of Tsingtao human resource strategies (Zhiguo, 2012). Employees are engaged in outdoor activities right from the first year of operation in the brewing industry. Holding the high standards of employees has been sustained but not without incorporating the Western practices of managing work. There has been an increasing campaign for an environment where the Chinese company the workers focus on consumer wellbeing despite having personal or family needs. A company that is facing reduced productivity levels requires winning strategies that can create a robust and motivated workforce (Bloomberg, 2015). Methodological Issues The researcher avoids the repetition of key areas that have been studied in the process of carrying out the literature review. The feasibility of the study will depend on the ability of the researcher to understand trade-offs and make a choice among the variables to be reviewed. Conceptual framework The following is a conceptual framework that shows the relationship between work-life balance, loyalty and overall life and job satisfaction. Figure 1: Conceptual Framework, Researcher, 2015 4. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 4.1 Theoretical framework for research methodology Putting the research objectives into perspective will call for an approach that describes relationships between the primary variables work-life and job satisfaction. Therefore, the research will utilize a quantitative method to understand the context of the employee behaviour in the workplace. A description of study design, data collection process, questionnaire and interview protocol design, sampling and framework for data analysis will be critical if a relationship between variables is to be established. 4.2 Data collection process A qualitative data collection approach will be used to comprehend the impact of new motivations on employee job satisfaction. The data collection procedures will utilize questionnaires and interviews to collection valuable information from the target field of study. The collected data will be analyzed that will form the basis for the conclusions and recommendations. 4.3 Questionnaire and Interview protocol design The study will utilize self-administered questionnaires with structured, unstructured contingent and matrix questions. The questionnaires will be based on the objectives set for the study. Semi-structured interviews will be used for the study to address specific questions regarding work-life and employee job satisfaction in Tsingtao Company in UK. The semi-structured interview will allow the respondents to focus their replies on the research topic. 4.4 Sampling Procedures A purposive sampling will be used to obtain a reliable sample size from the Tsingtao Company. A plain random sampling technique will be used to select the sample size, which will be used for interviews and answering or filling in the questionnaires. 4.5 Reliability and Validity The data collected from the field of study will be obtained from questionnaires and interviews protocols. The data collection procedures collected firsthand data that is highly reliable and valid. 4.4 Research Design The study will utilize qualitative and quantitative research designs. Qualitative research will be used to complement quantitative approach and create a reliable study. A multi-strategy research design will give rise to the in-depth knowledge that can be used for structuring interviews and questionnaires. Quantitative research will be used to prepare the platform for qualitative research and allow the generation of a reliable representative sample. 4.5 Framework for Data Analysis The data collected will be analysed using set instruments. The analysis will be aim at returning to terms of reference, objectives, research questions, and the conceptual framework. The procedure will entail sorting, evaluating information gathered with respect to the questions posed, and the concepts identified. 5. DATA ANALYSIS 5.1 Qualitative Analysis The researcher will seek universal explanations on new motivations within the context of work-life balance and employee job satisfaction by way of data collection. The data collection process will provide information to solve inconsistencies within phenomenon under study. 5.2 Profile of Questionnaires Respondents The research will focus on both male and female respondents. Additionally, work groups, all departmental levels, and age groups will be used to fill or respond to the questionnaires prepared for the study. 5.3 Quantitative analysis Numerical data will be collected and analysed through set methods to explain the phenomena under scrutiny. The analysis will form be used to explain categories and theories regarding employee management. The process will outline explanations and cause influences for the research question. 6. POSSIBLE PROBLEMS AND LIMITATIONS The compensation management system has been changing at different times within different enterprises. In order to complete the research, it will take much time and effort. The limitations of the study include: i. Time limits in which some participants do not have adequate time for the questionnaire ii. Some answers will not be suitable. iii. Possibility of no-reply to the questioner that will be asked by the research team iv. The survey may not be comprehensive, the survey scope is limited, and thus the results might have errors. 7. PROPOSED RESEARCH SCHEDULE Tasks Start Date End Date Duration(weeks) A: First major sections completed to final draft stage June, 2015 June, 2015 2-3 B: Data Collection June, 2015 July, 2015 2-3 C: Data Analysis July, 2015 July, 2015 2-3 D: Writing up of draft and submit draft to supervisor July, 2015 Aug, 2015 1-2 E: Receive feedback and do rewrites. Aug, 2015 Sep, 2015 2-3 F: Prepare final copies and submit final copies Sep, 2015 Sep, 2015 1 8. Conclusion New motivations have emerged which have an impact on job satisfaction among employees in UK Company. The literature review has established that employees in all departments, workgroups and age brackets have different perceptions and attitudes towards practices that relate to job satisfaction and retaining loyalty. The work-life balance has become the new motivation, and it positively affects employee loyalty and job satisfaction in extension. HRM practices should focus on practices that help workers create a balance between the responsibilities at home and in the workplace. References List Abendroth, A. and den Dulk, L. (2011). Support for the work-life balance in Europe: the impact of state, workplace and family support on work-life balance satisfaction. Work, Employment & Society, 25(2), pp.234-256. Beauregard, T. and Henry, L. (2009).Making the link between work-life balance practices and organizational performance.Human Resource Management Review, 19(1), pp.9-22. Bloomberg, (2015).TSINGTAO BREWERY CO LTD-A (600600:Shanghai): Stock Quote & Company Profile - Businessweek. [online] Available at: Carless, S. and Wintle, J. (2007).Applicant Attraction: The role of recruiter function, work–life balance policies and career salience.International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 15(4), pp.394-404. Darcy, C., McCarthy, A., Hill, J. and Grady, G. (2012).Work–life balance: One size fits all? An exploratory analysis of the differential effects of career stage.European Management Journal, 30(2), pp.111-120. De Vos, A. and Meganck, A. (2008). What HR managers do versus what employees value. Personnel Review, 38(1), pp.45-60. Deery, M. and Jago, L. (2015). Revisiting talent management, work-life balance and retention strategies. Int J Contemp Hospitality Mngt, 27(3), pp.453-472. Direnzo, M., Greenhaus, J. and Weer, C. (2015).Relationship between protean career orientation and work-life balance: A resource perspective.J. Organiz. Behav., 36(4), pp.538-560. Gronlund, A. and Oun, I. (2010). 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(2012).Challenges in combining work and care: Evidence from investigating womens work in Leeds.Local Economy, 27(8), pp.816-830. Zhiguo, J. (2012). Tsingtao’s Chairman on Jump-Starting a Sluggish Company. [online] Harvard Business Review. Available at: Read More
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