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Gender and Culture Importance in Disability Gender & Sexual Studies Essay
7 pages (2020 words) , Download 1 , Essay
In normal circumstances, the disabled in society are expected to behave in such a way to express how different they are to the rest of society. There is a difference in a way in which disabled men and women behave in the society with men showing that they are more superior to men though they are all disabled.
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Social and Political Discrimination of Women in the UAE Gender & Sexual Studies Case Study
7 pages (2054 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The Emirates leader gathering is another platform that has been used to help women participate actively by improving their skills and training. With the help of professionals, women are equipped with specific hands-on skills that will help them be at par with their male counterparts.  (Dubai Women Establishment)
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Does Gender Influence Cognition Gender & Sexual Studies Essay
6 pages (1564 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The role of gender constancy in the development of gender type of cognitive behavior beyond doubt influences the overall view of life in relation to femininity and masculinity. Gender schema presents the early cognitive processes that underlay the children’s ability to label themselves as either boys or girls that play key roles in gender development.
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The Issue of Violence Against Women Gender & Sexual Studies Essay
6 pages (1869 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Christine was a victim of rape at the age of thirteen. She came from a single-parent home and lived with her father since her mother had run off due to her alcohol addiction. Christine’s father constantly beat her and coerced her into having sex with him and threatened to do even worse if she said a word to anybody.
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The Male Gaze and the Rear Window by Alfred Hitchcock Gender & Sexual Studies Movie Review
9 pages (2389 words) , Download 1 , Movie Review
The women that were earlier portrayed as helpless characters in the eyes of viewers soon become the heroines when they are required to go to the apartment and take action. However, viewers soon realize that it is in the Jeffries apartment where there is action when Thorwold goes to his apartment to confront him.
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Binaries in Sex Experience Gender & Sexual Studies Essay
8 pages (2147 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Gender identity falls onto a range simply like sexuality, and neuroscience demonstrates it. The latest examination was driven by the Medical University of Vienna, and Huffington Post reported their discoveries this past January, demonstrating the cerebrum holds a wide mixed bag of sex contrasts from individual to individual, not only divvied out by organic sex.
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The History of Gender Role Analysis Gender & Sexual Studies Essay
8 pages (2153 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Many reasons are given by employers and the human resource managers in the corporate world as to why the post is always given to the ladies. The image of an organization is crucial and women tend to have the qualities for marketing a good image at the front office. The men are never considered for a secretarial post and also the personal assistant positions.
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Perceptions of Gender Equity in the Classroom Gender & Sexual Studies Coursework
7 pages (1938 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
Racialization takes place when those immigrants are cooperatively disparaged with indication to an amalgamation of cultural, societal, and/or genetic traits. Here once more, I do not get the crude racial discrimination of epithets, smears, and insults; instead of, racialization is wrapped up as innuendo, as well as inference.
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How Gender Roles have changed over time Gender & Sexual Studies Essay
6 pages (1714 words) , Download 1 , Essay
These influences are formed during the socialization that takes place throughout our lives starting from childhood to adolescence. Parents are known to be the first and foremost influence that has an impact on the gender role of a person. Since parents are the first teachers who teach the basics of talking and walking and more importantly the attitudes and behaviors.
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Examining Gender Issues on Three Sociological Levels Gender & Sexual Studies Essay
6 pages (1585 words) , Download 2 , Essay
A number of abilities which are regarded as characteristic ones would not have developed. There may be situations when a part of the population is not able to live life to its fullest as it belongs to the group that is being oppressed. While discrimination is a negative phenomenon, gender-based discrimination is one of the most devastating ones. 
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Gender Roles, Femininity and Masculinity Gender & Sexual Studies Essay
8 pages (2457 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Over the years, the number of women in government has increased whereby more are becoming involved in professions and activities that society used to consider as being in man’s domain. Women are becoming Secretary of State in states like the US and even action movies are increasingly featuring women as the heroes.
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Impact of Gender Segregation on Student Performance Gender & Sexual Studies Coursework
7 pages (2221 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
The gender differences among the engineering students were especially in attitudes towards their education and themselves: in general, women in engineering reported finding their coursework more difficult and less enjoyable than did men. Men judged their laboratory skills and their ability to think through problems higher than women did.
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Gender Differences and Working from Home Gender & Sexual Studies Essay
9 pages (2513 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The emotional stress brought about in several workplaces may have the tendency to prevent women to give her greatest potential and the opportunity to maximize that ability at the comfort of her own home is advantageous. This does not mean that these women have given up, that they admit defeat, but a practical appreciation of its advantages and flexibility.
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Barriers to Successful Prosecution of Sexual Violence Gender & Sexual Studies Essay
6 pages (1724 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Sexual violence takes different forms such as sexual assault, rape, genital mutilation, trafficking, or sexual slavery. Though the majority of victims are women, boys and men can also be victims and women perpetrators. The British Crime Survey shows us that each year in the UK, over one million women suffer domestic abuse, over 300000 women are sexually assaulted and 60000 women are raped.
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The Position of Japanese Women Employees from Post-Bubble to Now Gender & Sexual Studies Report
6 pages (1697 words) , Download 1 , Report
However, today though women are viewed as inferior to men, organizations are learning to treat both genders as equal by allocating them similar duties. Laws that are against the discrimination of women and sexual harassment at work have been enacted to protect the rights of females in the workplace.
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Queer Theory about Ones Self, Sexuality, and Society Gender & Sexual Studies Essay
8 pages (2328 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Thus, it may be said that the awakening of sexual desires is based on non-permanent suppression of instincts, desires. Its underlying fact is that since a person does not like to get himself injured, he suppresses his sense of pain while inflicting pain on others, and this is the basis of sadomasochism.
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Women in Engineering following Economics of Race and Gender Gender & Sexual Studies Assignment
9 pages (2412 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The biggest problem for women officers has forced retirement. With the exception of women recruited in the medical corps, they are forced to retire after 14 years in office. Unlike their male counterparts, they are not entitled to pensions nor ex-army personnel status and the benefits this comes with”)
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Sexual Behaviors Gender & Sexual Studies Article
7 pages (2069 words) , Download 1 , Article
. Sexual health is a ‘positive and respectful approach to sexuality and sexual relationships’ (Sandfort, 2004, p. 183). Freedom of sexual behavior allows the individual a pleasurable experience. It was not previously a subject discussed in public health.
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Learning More About Same-Sex Families Gender & Sexual Studies Assignment
7 pages (2017 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
When a gay man was killed in the World Trade Center, the benefits were awarded to his father whom the gay man had not seen for 20 years rather than awarding the benefits to his partner of 14 years. In yet another tragedy when a lesbian mother is diagnosed with breast cancer, the partner is not permitted to provide insurance or become a legal parent to their child.
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Sexuality in the Servant Gender & Sexual Studies Report
7 pages (1912 words) , Download 1 , Report
More implicit manifestations of the sexual theme are embodied in the character of Tony’s girlfriend, Susan. According to Gardner, Susan considered Barrett as her sexual rival (p. 137). Indeed, there were conscious attempts from her part to subvert actions and behaviors by Barrett to the point that it was all ridiculous especially considering their stations.
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The Sexual Theme in Goldfinger Gender & Sexual Studies Report
7 pages (1825 words) , Download 1 , Report
One of the important elements that had made the Bond films remarkable, so far as Goldfinger is concerned is the music intro of the film. An undulating woman dancing to the theme song is an indispensable part of the Bond formula, setting the ambiance and firing up the anticipation on a story that is sure to be very sensual.
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Why Might We Consider Globalization to be Gendered Gender & Sexual Studies Term Paper
10 pages (2698 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
Globalization has brought some positive impacts and some negative impacts on the world market economy. As with all types of changes, this massive economic revolution has impacted the marginalized people as well, particularly women. Yet it is hard to say whether the impact has been positive or negative.
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Gender Bias in Hospitality Service Gender & Sexual Studies Essay
6 pages (1770 words) , Download 1 , Essay
“The U.S. hospitality and leisure industry is expected to grow by 2.1 million jobs between 2002 and 2012 (17.8 percent) which represents a faster increase than the 14.8 percent job growth for all industries.” (US hospitality industry needs workers. 2006). Women accounted for more than half of all hospitality services in less than a generation and it shows a disproportionate increase in female workers. 
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The Impact of Sexual Cultural Practices on General Health and the Lives of Its Members Gender & Sexual Studies Case Study
13 pages (3814 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
A group of people when coexisting with one another need some defined set of rules and regulations which explain as to how they ought to behave with one another under various circumstances and in different situations and culture defines all these rules and specific regulations for them (Changing Minds 2011). 
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Challenges Faced by Immigrant Women in Canada Gender & Sexual Studies Research Proposal
11 pages (3980 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
For instance, should we consider a Canadian-born woman who refuses to integrate into the Canadian society and adheres to the religious and social customs of the old country a migrant or not? Technically, such an individual might not qualify to be called a migrant but her actions put her in a situation that is not very different from a migrant, and interviewing her might yield more results than a Westernized individual.в
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What Feminism Is Gender & Sexual Studies Essay
9 pages (2316 words) , Download 1 , Essay
People change; values change; attitudes change.  This truth has been demonstrated by the story as it developed from lines of a little to lines of the same girl when she has grown to be an adolescent.  She’s a girl whose life has mostly female characters in it.  And yet, there failed to be unity and solidarity as women even among the female characters in this simple story.  
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Gender Differences in Aggression Gender & Sexual Studies Assignment
11 pages (3057 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
Gender differences in aggression are manifested in children as young as two to three years of age.  Some sociologists believe that little boys and girls usually manifest aggression not so much because of their biological make-up, but because of the way they were raised.  Boys are given toy soldiers and toy guns to play with, while girls are given Barbie dolls.
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Heteronormativity and Phallogocentrism in Jeanette Wintersons Written on Body Gender & Sexual Studies Essay
10 pages (2793 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Phallegocentrism and heteronormativity are the two theories that have made the gender relationship very restricted Jeanette through the uncommon way, has illustrated a very modern concept of keeping love far away from the limited circle of gender. Rather she has brought the love out of this conservative attitude and compels the readers and critics to think over the idea. Whatever criticism she has received due to this bold love theme.
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The Psycho-Emotional Effects of Gender Inequality in the Workplace Gender & Sexual Studies Research Proposal
10 pages (2859 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The results shall determine gender differences in job perceptions and the psychological and emotional effects of such perceptions on the workers’ performance and motivation. Working women are usually faced with a multitude of challenges. On top of balancing their duties and responsibilities as members of their families, they need to be efficient workers and competitive in their chosen professions.
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Globalization Going To Promote Greater Equality Gender & Sexual Studies Essay
7 pages (2167 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Globalization could lead to the triumph of democracy over autocracy. In the end, it is happening now, if not already. The large scope that globalization encompasses makes it an inevitable process. What is ironic is that while protesters fight against globalization efforts in the name of Africans and the world's poor, Africans themselves may well want it to go their way. Thus, I strongly believe that globalization should not be resisted. 
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Eva Duarte de Peron, Evita: Feminist Movement in Argentina Gender & Sexual Studies Essay
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The Argentine society inherited this from Spain which has colonized them until 1861. However, during the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century, the women of Argentina from the upper class began to organize occasions where women and men will be able to interact and have decent informal intellectual discussions.
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The Current Status of the Sexual Strategies Theory Gender & Sexual Studies Essay
8 pages (2212 words) , Download 1 , Essay
One of the main points is that the evolution of human sexuality is connected to evolutionary biology. Charles Darwin’s natural selection is the key to evolutionary theory. Since reproduction is central to the evolutionary process and sexuality is the closest domain to reproduction then sexuality should be the targets of the selection process. 
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British Women's History Gender & Sexual Studies Essay
12 pages (3324 words) , Download 1 , Essay
 Lucie Duff Gordon was buried in Cairo. Anne Blunt was buried in the Catholic section of the Abbasieh Cemetery in Cairo. Hester Stanhope was buried in her garden in Lebanon. In 1989 her remains were removed from Djoun and reburied in the British cemetery not far away in the village of Abey.
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Islamophobia Influencing Muslim Women Gender & Sexual Studies Essay
6 pages (1643 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Factors that enhance Islam phobia include racism, postcolonial guilt and fear, secularism, individualism, nationalist ideologies, and most importantly French norms of sexual conduct taken to be both natural and universal (Scott 10). The representation of Muslim sexuality as unnatural and oppressive, when compared to an imagined French of doing sex, promoted the banning of the veil.
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Ensuring Gender Equality in the EU Gender & Sexual Studies Essay
13 pages (3396 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The roadmap produces excellent prospects for the EU as a region as it will not only improve its image within the world but also will provide it a mechanism to ensure just and equal treatment to all members of the society. The roadmap outlines six priority areas where Commission intends to work on however; still, there are many challenges and obstacles towards the implementation of the roadmap. 
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Gender Differences in Renaissance Gender & Sexual Studies Coursework
6 pages (1585 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
Women and men have been assigned particular roles in the society that prescribed the standard and qualification of society. In the Renaissance, the traditional political and social system altered drastically from the medieval feudal systems. Every woman in the society experienced some changes in their political and social options over men.
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Romantic Relationships Among Undergraduate Students Gender & Sexual Studies Research Proposal
6 pages (1681 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
A number of journals, recent newspapers, books etc. will be surfed to carry out the literature review. This can be done in bits pieces, depending upon the availability of the reference material and time at my disposal, but the primary data collection requires dedicated effort on the part of the researcher.
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A Women's Perspective on Growing Up as a Female Gender & Sexual Studies Coursework
6 pages (1903 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
Each of the responses was unique, however, there was another recurring theme of superficial responses. For example, Subject One said that she would make bathrooms self-cleaning so that women did not have to sit in filth in dirty restaurant bathrooms and similar like. Subject Two mentioned that she would offer a better education so women could get better salaries.
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Sexual Abuse of Women in the US and Saudi Arabia Gender & Sexual Studies Coursework
6 pages (1595 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
Sexual abuse may consist of acts of minimal force that may be frequent over a long time or immediate exertion of force over a small period of time on rare occasions which describes an act of sexual assault. Sexual abuse results in both physical and emotional trauma to the victim not being able to just turn the page on the matter.
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Gender Roles and Identity Gender & Sexual Studies Essay
6 pages (1511 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Men are regarded as the natural leaders and authoritarians of any society as all the societies are manmade.  Our culture gives utmost importance to men and the male gender as a whole. They are regarded as supreme creatures having liberty and strength to do anything they like, while women are deprived of their rights to liberty and freedom.
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Gender and Sexuality in the Younger Generation Gender & Sexual Studies Movie Review
7 pages (1960 words) , Download 1 , Movie Review
The movie includes a high level of satire throughout the course of Juno’s nine months of pregnancy during the movie. Moreover, a good script and well-spoken dialogues help to give weightage to the film’s ‘immature storyline’ and help the characters evolve on the basis of their personal thoughts, emotions, and ideas. 
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Role of Women in Today's Global Division of Labour Gender & Sexual Studies Research Paper
24 pages (6620 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The paper outlines the role of women in today’s arena of the global, labor force, the essay tries to trace the state of women earlier and how the present day’s state was attained. Here the concept of globalization and its effects in the gender-based division of labor is analyzed, followed by the roles played by women in today’s global division of labor and still the difficulties faced by them.
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The Issue of Gender and Cosmetics Gender & Sexual Studies Research Paper
10 pages (3073 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
The different sides, male and female, each have different characteristics that only come to light when keenly observed under the scrutiny of the gender roles of each. An important aspect to note is how society expects women to always look beautiful and to avoid aging while the men on the other hand are discouraged from using cosmetics in enhancing or changing their looks, yet some still do it.
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The Female Genital Cutting Gender & Sexual Studies Research Paper
7 pages (2258 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
The practice of cutting the female genitals is strongly anchored in the cultural beliefs and norms of the societies where it is practiced. Female Genital Cutting is often motivated by what the societies practicing it consider as proper sexual behavior. The procedures are meant to ensure premarital virginity and fidelity in marriage for the women.
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A Comparison of Gender Discourse in the Media Gender & Sexual Studies Term Paper
8 pages (2412 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
The role that gender plays in the subject of language use and relevance have been popular topics in pragmatics, discourse analysis, and sociolinguistics research investigations. A major significance has been accredited to stereotypes that were gender-related that formed gradually and were reinforced by the society and mass media representations (Fairclough, 1995).
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The Liberal Political Tradition Gender & Sexual Studies Term Paper
6 pages (2087 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
The fundamental assumption on which Liberal political ideology is based is borrowed or rather is complementary to the neo-classical economics notion of person as a rational individual. It is conceived as the ‘atomization’ of society. 
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Sexual Discipleship in the Real World Gender & Sexual Studies Assignment
7 pages (1901 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
In the context of sexual discipleship, it should be specially emphasised that married life might be so challenging for those who have chosen to stay faithful with his or her husband or wife. In the same way, it would also be challenging to give forgiveness to those who fell in the trap and walk into the road of unfaithfulness.  
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Constructions of Gender, Sexuality, and the Family in Indian Religions and Cultures Gender & Sexual Studies Assignment
7 pages (2059 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
According to most of the Indian scholars, marriage or any other form of the alliance has acted “as the fulcrum of relatedness and the central institution of kinship relations.” Reddy observed that such development of alliance can be observed in a most conspicuous manner one the societal plain of South India. 
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Racism in America and Issues of National Identity Gender & Sexual Studies Coursework
6 pages (1819 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
The White Americans in order to lay stress on their national identity fled the black communities from different regions. Further, at the cost of a crime, the Black American population was subjected to events like public execution at the hands of the White Americans. The program of cleansing America was taken with respect to the darker-skinned population.
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Craig A Rimmermans The Lesbian and Gay Movements Gender & Sexual Studies Book Report/Review
7 pages (1824 words) , Download 1 , Book Report/Review
Craig A. Rimmerman’s, The Lesbian and Gay movements: Assimilation or Liberation can aptly be regarded as a comprehensive treatise that explores realities concerning the Lesbian and gay movements in America. Analyzing this issue one can see that it has resulted in searing conflicts for the past few years and raising the puzzling question of whether to embrace assimilationist or liberationist strategies.
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