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Leadership Management Education Term Paper
7 pages (1954 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
Aside from all the described meaning culture is part of us as it shapes the way we reason, behave and relate with others around us, it also gives us an explanation as to why things should be conducted in a done in particular way. Gender, on the other hand, represents the expected attributes and behaviors of the male and female being, this is culture, thus culture and gender are clearly related since these expectations are beliefs.
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Educational Assessment of Deafblind Learners Education Report
14 pages (4581 words) , Download 2 , Report
On the basis of the study of literature on the subject on hand, as well as personal observations, it can be safely stated that the children with multisensory impairments have highly complex needs and experiences, owing to various physical and cognitive developmental issues faced by them. Such complexities result in delayed responses in children with regard to learning.
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Educational Problems in South Africa Education Report
6 pages (1635 words) , Download 1 , Report
Although speculated by some that it is still relatively better as compared to the other African nations, there still needs to be some serious revamping done; especially in the sense that there need to be proactive public debates and proper progressive dialogs in order to refurbish the system. The poor people are not left with any option but to enroll themselves in inferior governmental schools.
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Educational Enquiry Education Report
6 pages (1802 words) , Download 3 , Report
The value of qualitative research has currently become questionable. This has been stirred by external criticism of educational research because it does not serve evidence based well practice. In this paper will be analyzing the conceptual significance of different methods of research learning based on Hargreaves teaching as a research-based profession, possibilities, prospects and Hamersley educational research to evidence-based practice.
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Social Studies Unit Plan Education Assignment
7 pages (1950 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
This will further extend to identification of the causes of Hispanic Immigration to U.S., the characteristic of this Immigration, and the Impact of Immigration. The unit will end with presentation of research results by students on research conducted with regard to ancestral and families’ origin and their causes of being part of American population, as well as assigned group topics.
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Educational Enquiry Education Report
8 pages (2210 words) , Download 2 , Report
The report tends to examine what would be the implication of these students being given active roles in research and how teachers would work with them to ensure that they are actively involved in research. The journal looks into the impact of having these children involved in the research process and in areas in which these students are involved is it in a genuine motive.
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Effective Development of Faculty Members at the College of Education at Ha'il University Education Research Proposal
13 pages (3750 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
Validity and reliability are the main pieces of evidence for determining the effectiveness of any research outcome. In educational research, researchers should analyse whether or not the results are based on an accurate theory. However, achieving validity and reliability is difficult, especially when data comes from people who change their opinions depending on the situation and circumstance.
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Causes of Absenteeism or Lateness to University Classes Education Research Proposal
8 pages (2269 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
In fact in most universities, as a measure towards mitigating the impact of this problem, a threshold for the minimum number of classes that a student is meant to attend for a particular course has been set. There is a class attendance list where students are supposed to sign against their names to ascertain that they have attended class. This research question leads to a series of other questions that are inevitably conjoined with it.
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All Children with Hearing Aids should be Given Special Attention Education Term Paper
9 pages (2387 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
He always asks me to repeat the things that I say to him, and when I call his name away from him, he searches around trying to figure out where the voice came from. He rarely participates in the class and is always dull and withdrawn to himself. I asked his parents about his condition, and they said they were aware of it, and they wanted me to assist them in helping the little boy.
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Design and Develop a Project for a Group of Children 3-5yrs Old Education Research Proposal
6 pages (1978 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
This Project will enable find better ways to be put in place in order to improve the children’s ability to calculate (Nature Action Collaborative for Children, 2006). Most of the parents lay out a foundation of teaching children in numbering leading to them developing the interest of mathematics. They are taught on counting fingers, people for example family members which has an influence in calculating sector setting up a foundation to children.
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Female Genital Mutilation in the Somali Community in London and How It Affects Girls in Education Education Research Proposal
8 pages (2461 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
Although it is illegal to carry out the practice, individuals in the Somali community still carry out the practice. According to statistics from the World Health organization, medical personnel even offer individuals from the Somali community to carry out the practice. It is estimated that approximately 6,000 girls in London undergo a painful procedure (Sharp 2009).
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Childhood, Youth, and Education Education Report
8 pages (2083 words) , Download 3 , Report
It is not an accident for educationists to develop an interest in childhood theories which was hitherto the prerogative of sociologists and anthropologists. Because of the effect of childhood development on the cognitive nature of children, the study of childhood development becomes a categorical imperative.
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Critical Issue in Mathematics Education Education Report
6 pages (1708 words) , Download 1 , Report
Projectors and public address systems facilitate the sharing of the limited resources among students in lecture halls. This facilitates the audibility and access to information by students during lectures. Cellular phones aid in quick dissemination of information to students as well as improve communication within the learning institution.
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How Educational Inequality Affect Social Class Mobility in the UK Education Report
8 pages (2567 words) , Download 4 , Report
Students from rich families access higher education more easily than those from poor families resulting in a broad gap between the two classes. This leads to a fall in social class mobility. The population of the United Kingdom holds more qualifications in education, this is because of the perception that higher education enhances the productivity of individuals and generates a wage pay off.
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Alternative Augmentative Communication Used in Cases of Autism Education Report
8 pages (2245 words) , Download 1 , Report
The children with autism may find it difficult to develop their speech and the consequences show that some children may remain silent for the rest of their lives, while some find it easier to communicate in other ways apart from oral speech including the usage of images, sign language, typing, visual graphics, symbols, and other possible ways.
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The Impact of Effective Teaching on Pupil's Writing Achievement Education Research Proposal
7 pages (2770 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The teachers perform very crucial duties that help the pupils, and from the research data, one can draw inferences to the effect that girls perform better in both reading and writing as compared to boys. The teacher should also focus on this in the classroom so as to ensure parity is restored and no pupil is left behind.
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Creativity and Play Education Report
7 pages (2068 words) , Download 2 , Report
Children use varied literacy skills, concepts, and behaviors in their play. Play encourages speaking, reading, listening, and writing and provides context for meaningful literacy practices. When engaging in playful literacy, children are acting as readers and writers as opposed to just pretending to read and write. Some scholars argue that they are behaving ahead of their level of development.
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Introduction to Child Development Education Report
12 pages (3360 words) , Download 1 , Report
Interaction at the family level may be complicated at the well-doing family as the parents are busy all day long busy with the family business. If the other siblings go to work, they spend less time with their younger siblings. This may cause sibling rivalry, as the children might not understand each of their sibling's likes and dislikes.
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Promoting Childrens Learning from Birth to Five Education Report
12 pages (3281 words) , Download 1 , Report
Responsibility in some of the children may be noted in children who are used to struggle when they are young while children raised from wealthy families find it hard to attend to simple responsibilities, which might be required to be done as employees who attend to them every day of their life do everything to them.
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Special Educational Needs Policy and Practice Education Report
9 pages (2474 words) , Download 2 , Report
The existing barriers have therefore played a noticeable role in diminishing the efficiency of inclusion education. Therefore, to realize the best outcome from the programme, it is the responsibly of all players to ensure that all identified barriers are eliminated at the right time and in the most cost-effective manner.
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What Is Communication Pedagogy Education Report
6 pages (1671 words) , Download 1 , Report
Second language tasks are essential in developing and maintaining the process of language acquisition. They simplify the process for new learners in an effort to make comprehension of a language as easy and successful as it possibly can. This way many people can acquire second languages and communication can be developed and established conventionally.
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Effects for Expressing Respects for Others Ideas at Workplace: Asocial Intelligence Approach Education Research Proposal
8 pages (2312 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The world has been under persistent transformation. Indeed, such transformations have been felt across most sectors, regardless of whether social, economic, or political. Even so, the interrelatedness of the political, economic, and social environments has made it possible for the transformations to appear conspicuous.
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Diversity and Difference in Early Childhood Education Education Report
10 pages (2617 words) , Download 2 , Report
The cultural acculturation theory explains the issue of cultural identity. In addition to that, it also indicates how ethnic communities are affected once they lose their cultural identity (Robinson & Diaz). The theory focuses on how different cultures must change to accommodate each other. However, minority groups normally experience challenges in the process.
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TETA 1055 Certificate in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector Education Report
6 pages (1766 words) , Download 1 , Report
The course schedule looks complete and incorporates almost everything necessary. The only concern is the execution of the course plus the instructor’s skills level and teaching methodology. How well the teacher is trained in delivering the concepts is of major concern. “The ‘positive authority’ and credibility the teacher has with the students, the stronger the learning.” (Jensen, 2000, p. 105).
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Early Years Education in England Compared with Scotland Education Report
8 pages (2241 words) , Download 1 , Report
The England curriculum the system is integrated with effective teaching, learning, and assessment. The curriculum is at the heart of school strategies to raise achievement and improve outcomes for all their learners. Scottish curriculum is implemented by partner organizations namely the education Scotland, Scottish qualifications authority, and the Scottish government.
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Inclusive Education: Supporting Diversity in the Classroom Education Report
8 pages (2028 words) , Download 2 , Report
Through this program, it will be appreciated that it has just been the question of the proper channel to follow in dealing with the disabled student. With the right curriculum and system that recognizes their disability and knowing how the disability should be handled in an academic environment, remarkable improvement will be realized to most people astonishment.
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Models of Instruction for Children with Severe Behavior Disorders Education Report
6 pages (1864 words) , Download 2 , Report
Behavioral problems mostly affect the learning process of the children as they fail to remain focused for long. Therefore, the focus needs to be provided to deal with the deviant behavior of the children in order to create an appropriate learning environment and instruct them towards betterment. As revealed through the study, it is with the same intention that corrective techniques.
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Education and Training in Developmental Disabilities Education Report
6 pages (1948 words) , Download 1 , Report
In order to ensure that schools avoid the wrath of scoring undesirable scores in tests, teachers must monitor student progress and then develop an effective IEP. The IEP must be adjusted periodically to suit the needs of learner as the subject undergoes gradual developments. This is solely possible if teachers adopt reliable progress monitoring tools.
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Perceptions of Part-Time Faculty at Community Colleges Education Research Paper
37 pages (9276 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
A 2013 report by the Democracy Collaborative Center at the University of Maryland at College Park highlighted the impact of globalization and America’s increased need for an educated workforce; and general improvement in lower-income communities. The report stated the job market exhibits more jobs requiring postsecondary education than ever before.
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Early Years in Childcare Education Case Study
15 pages (3843 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The experiences of teaching practice involve taking the role of creating a resourceful learning environment (Cox 2000 pg.9). In other words, whoever takes the role should make sure that they are able to construct a learning experience that would be understood by their students. When a teacher is able to utilize the best practices, the students learn with ease.
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The Role of Technology in Music Education Education Report
11 pages (3043 words) , Download 2 , Report
It is clear that music impacts the development of perceptual skills that in turn influence learning, language, and reading abilities. Further, clarifies that the introduction of technology into music opens up an opportunity to enhanced rhythmic co-ordination in music. Skills acquired while using music technology help in building self-esteem, confidence, self-efficacy, and achieving personal goals.
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Brain-Based Education Education Research Proposal
7 pages (2364 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This research will be conducted using both qualitative and quantitative research methods, meaning that the researcher will combine both qualitative and quantitative research approaches (Berthold & Hand, 2007). The researcher will apply quantitative tactics in collecting data relating to the effectiveness of brain-based education compared to the traditional curriculums or education systems.
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A Systems Approach to the Exploration of Challenges of Online Distance Education - Saudi Arabia Education Research Proposal
6 pages (2208 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The major relevance of this study is that it will contribute to the field of education theoretically, through enhancing the social constructivism-based learning process in ODE. Further, this study will contribute to the theory of social constructivism by adding new factors (environmental) as component challenges facing ODE, which will be established from the fieldwork.
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Barriers to Provision of Childrens Services Education Report
9 pages (2733 words) , Download 1 , Report
There are various challenges that have been cited to prevent parents from dealing with children with regard to certain aspects of children's services. These challenges basically prevent parents from providing proper environments for children’s mental and physical development. One of the challenges that have been cited as most common is ascribed to Early Childhood Development Services.
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What Type of Environment Best Support Childrens Learning Education Report
7 pages (2264 words) , Download 1 , Report
While setting up supportive materials while learning, one needs to set up toys based on age. The aim of toys is to create a practice aspect while learning with the focus being on the outcome of each individual child's learning progress. Supportive materials to be included in the learning environment include magazines illustration charts and pictures (Simpson, 2010).
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Understanding Early Years Policy Education Report
15 pages (4380 words) , Download 3 , Report
Research clearly shows the Early Years policy is effective. The Reggio Emilio Approach shows the importance of the early year's policy. Reggio was able to set up 80 centers within the Reggio Region. Reggio is known as one of the best early years learning system in the world. Reggio successfully brings out the best in young children (Reggio, 2014).
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Time Management Skills in the Curriculum Design Project Education Report
9 pages (2422 words) , Download 1 , Report
In learning institutions, students are advised to give priority to what is relevant to the classwork or studies and they can even postpone irrelevant activities. This will enable the students to accomplish their studies and meet the highest standards of qualifications in the final exams. Time management is a factor that is considered in departments like those of management and labor.
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Implementation of the Early Years Foundation Stage Education Report
6 pages (1649 words) , Download 2 , Report
EYFS has clearly assisted to improve the outcomes in children’s development and thus making it popular with both professionals and parents who fully support the framework that enables them to understand the development of children. However, this is far from being perfect since the current Early Years Foundation Stage seems to be cumbersome, unnecessarily bureaucratic, and repetitive.
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American Educational Curriculum Education Report
10 pages (2995 words) , Download 2 , Report
The expectation of the curriculum is to ensure the desired output is achieved by focusing on learners' personal goals and integrating them with procedures that give guidelines to the educator. The assessment process of the curriculum provides the society with the much-needed output. The curriculum identifies stimuli that promote the process and provides room for innovation among educators.
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Correlation between the Parenting Style and Academic Performance Education Research Paper
8 pages (2064 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
Vygotsky’s theory supports the correlation between academic performance and parenting style. Parenting style is a big contributor to the behavior of a child. Those parents that are described by effectiveness and support their children, they tend to encourage their kids to perform well academically and explain the importance of education. 
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Using Podcast in Language Learning Education Research Proposal
6 pages (1728 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
According to the respondents in Anusiene and Kavaliauskiene’s study, 76% of them registered a positive attitude towards the utilizing of podcasts in good listening skills. King and Kim conducted a case study on three ESOL teacher candidates. The findings show that they all had a positive response, attitude, actions, and perceptions towards the use of podcasts in a core assignment.
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Early Childhood and Special Needs Education Research Proposal
13 pages (3681 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The main benefits of this research are that it will augment the understanding of the effects of Down syndrome on the individual, family, and society in general. The other benefit of the research is that it will give an understanding of the strategies that can be taken to improve the situation of families caring for a child suffering from Down syndrome.
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Middle-Class Secondary School Pupils Achieve More Academically Than Lower Class Students Education Research Proposal
16 pages (4814 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The research will be based on understanding the relationship existing between social class and academic accomplishment of students. It will provide valuable understanding to the educators and educational policymakers about how different social factors influence the educational performance of the pupils. It is often stated that low social class pupils have low academic performance than middle-class ones.
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The Comparison of Dialogic Teaching with Non-Dialogic Teaching Education Research Proposal
8 pages (2417 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The tests and the experiments to be conducted should be kept confidential with the aim of ensuring that the proposed research study conducted without biasness. The name of the school should be kept confidential so that negative implications in relation to the outcomes of the proposed research can be mitigated.
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Roles and Responsibilities of Stakeholders in Curriculum Education Report
8 pages (2382 words) , Download 1 , Report
Stakeholders of the curriculum refer to people, organizations or even agencies who have invested or rather have a ‘stake’ in the education system. This, therefore, includes all persons who have any participation in the delivery of services in schools as well as those likely to benefit from the same (National Association of County and City health officials).
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Effective School Systems Employed within a School Behaviour Management Policy Education Research Proposal
7 pages (2077 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
Schools should adopt Effective School Systems with the aim of promoting positive behaviour. Additionally, the Effective School Systems also ensures that common behavior prevails in the environment of a school. The teachers with the assistance of Effective School Systems are facilitated in managing students depicting inappropriate behavior.
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Development of a Primary Research Instrument Education Report
7 pages (2672 words) , Download 1 , Report
The topic chosen was the effectiveness of different strategies with regard to integrating Down Syndrome children into mainstream schooling, as I am currently on placement in a Special School. Given the current move toward inclusion (Nind et al, 2003), but with the concerns over how well certain groups of children socially and educationally cope within the mainstream (Bennett, 2010).
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Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages - Spelling, Vocabulary, Grammar and Composition Education Research Proposal
15 pages (4097 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
Research highlights the reality of the existence of such a gap between theory and practice that needs to be bridged. Cultural aspects of the speakers of other languages need to be considered to help the students to overpower their deficiencies that come in the way of mastering the English language skills of grammar, vocabulary, spelling and composition.
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Technology in the Classroom Education Report
12 pages (3233 words) , Download 1 , Report
My vision is to use this technology in our schools. The reasons behind this vision is that for nearly 8 years The Ministry of education has adopted a continuous assessment system for students in Saudi schools.Overtime, the system was applied in all the subjects hence, it replaced the quarterly tests. This system has, however, faced challenges such as the huge gap between the number of students in the classroom, time limitations and content.
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School Safety Center Toolkits Education Report
7 pages (2000 words) , Download 1 , Report
There exists a special hierarchy and a specialized procedure to rely on them. A systematic procedure is defined for deployment and employment of these measures which is now fast becoming essential in schools. For the sake of understanding adverse situations that might confront, can be divided into two main categories as natural calamities and man-made calamities.
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